#include "StarRootLoader.hpp" #include "StarCelestialDatabase.hpp" #include "StarWorldTemplate.hpp" #include "StarWorldServer.hpp" using namespace Star; int main(int argc, char** argv) { try { RootLoader rootLoader({{}, {}, {}, LogLevel::Error, false, {}}); rootLoader.addParameter("coordinate", "coordinate", OptionParser::Optional, "world coordinate to test"); rootLoader.addParameter("regions", "regions", OptionParser::Optional, "number of regions to generate, default 1000"); rootLoader.addParameter("regionsize", "size", OptionParser::Optional, "width / height of each generation region, default 10"); rootLoader.addParameter("reportevery", "report regions", OptionParser::Optional, "number of generation regions before each progress report, default 20"); RootUPtr root; OptionParser::Options options; tie(root, options) = rootLoader.commandInitOrDie(argc, argv); coutf("Fully loading root..."); root->fullyLoad(); coutf(" done\n"); CelestialMasterDatabase celestialDatabase; CelestialCoordinate coordinate; if (auto coordinateOption = options.parameters.maybe("coordinate")) { coordinate = CelestialCoordinate(coordinateOption->first()); } else { coordinate = celestialDatabase.findRandomWorld(100, 50, [&](CelestialCoordinate const& coord) { return celestialDatabase.parameters(coord)->isVisitable(); }).take(); } unsigned regionsToGenerate = 1000; if (auto regionsOption = options.parameters.maybe("regions")) regionsToGenerate = lexicalCast(regionsOption->first()); unsigned regionSize = 10; if (auto regionSizeOption = options.parameters.maybe("regionsize")) regionSize = lexicalCast(regionSizeOption->first()); unsigned reportEvery = 20; if (auto reportEveryOption = options.parameters.maybe("reportevery")) reportEvery = lexicalCast(reportEveryOption->first()); coutf("testing generation on coordinate {}\n", coordinate); auto worldParameters = celestialDatabase.parameters(coordinate).take(); auto worldTemplate = make_shared(worldParameters.visitableParameters(), SkyParameters(), worldParameters.seed()); auto rand = RandomSource(worldTemplate->worldSeed()); WorldServer worldServer(move(worldTemplate), File::ephemeralFile()); Vec2U worldSize = worldServer.geometry().size(); double start = Time::monotonicTime(); double lastReport = Time::monotonicTime(); coutf("Starting world generation for {} regions\n", regionsToGenerate); for (unsigned i = 0; i < regionsToGenerate; ++i) { if (i != 0 && i % reportEvery == 0) { float gps = reportEvery / (Time::monotonicTime() - lastReport); lastReport = Time::monotonicTime(); coutf("[{}] {}s | Generatons Per Second: {}\n", i, Time::monotonicTime() - start, gps); } RectI region = RectI::withCenter(Vec2I(rand.randInt(0, worldSize[0]), rand.randInt(0, worldSize[1])), Vec2I::filled(regionSize)); worldServer.generateRegion(region); } coutf("Finished generating {} regions with size {}x{} in world '{}' in {} seconds", regionsToGenerate, regionSize, regionSize, coordinate, Time::monotonicTime() - start); return 0; } catch (std::exception const& e) { cerrf("Exception caught: {}\n", outputException(e, true)); return 1; } }