#ifndef STAR_THREAD_HPP #define STAR_THREAD_HPP #include "StarException.hpp" #include "StarString.hpp" namespace Star { STAR_STRUCT(ThreadImpl); STAR_STRUCT(ThreadFunctionImpl); STAR_STRUCT(MutexImpl); STAR_STRUCT(ConditionVariableImpl); STAR_STRUCT(RecursiveMutexImpl); template class ThreadFunction; class Thread { public: // Implementations of this method should sleep for at least the given amount // of time, but may sleep for longer due to scheduling. static void sleep(unsigned millis); // Sleep a more precise amount of time, but uses more resources to do so. // Should be less likely to sleep much longer than the given amount of time. static void sleepPrecise(unsigned millis); // Yield this thread, offering the opportunity to reschedule. static void yield(); static unsigned numberOfProcessors(); template static ThreadFunction()(std::declval()...))> invoke(String const& name, Function&& f, Args&&... args); Thread(String const& name); Thread(Thread&&); // Will not automatically join! ALL implementations of this class MUST call // join() in their most derived constructors, or not rely on the destructor // joining. virtual ~Thread(); Thread& operator=(Thread&&); // Start a thread that is currently in the joined state. Returns true if the // thread was joined and is now started, false if the thread was not joined. bool start(); // Wait for a thread to finish and re-join with the thread, on completion // isJoined() will be false. Returns true if the thread was joinable, and is // now joined, false if the thread was already joined. bool join(); // Returns false when this thread been started without being joined. This is // subtlely different than "!isRunning()", in that the thread could have // completed its work, but a thread *must* be joined before being restarted. bool isJoined() const; // Returns false before start() has been called, true immediately after // start() has been called, and false once the run() method returns. bool isRunning() const; String name(); protected: virtual void run() = 0; private: unique_ptr m_impl; }; // Wraps a function call and calls in another thread, very nice lightweight // one-shot alternative to deriving from Thread. Handles exceptions in a // different way from Thread, instead of logging the exception, the exception // is forwarded and re-thrown during the call to finish(). template <> class ThreadFunction { public: ThreadFunction(); ThreadFunction(ThreadFunction&&); // Automatically starts the given function, ThreadFunction can also be // constructed with Thread::invoke, which is a shorthand. ThreadFunction(function function, String const& name); // Automatically calls finish, though BEWARE that often times this is quite // dangerous, and this is here mostly as a fallback. The natural destructor // order for members of a class is often wrong, and if the function throws, // since this destructor calls finish it will throw. ~ThreadFunction(); ThreadFunction& operator=(ThreadFunction&&); // Waits on function finish if function is assigned and started, otherwise // does nothing. If the function threw an exception, it will be re-thrown // here (on the first call to finish() only). void finish(); // Returns whether the ThreadFunction::finish method been called and the // ThreadFunction has stopped. Also returns true when the ThreadFunction has // been default constructed. bool isFinished() const; // Returns false if the thread function has stopped running, whether or not // finish() has been called. bool isRunning() const; // Equivalent to !isFinished() explicit operator bool() const; String name(); private: unique_ptr m_impl; }; template class ThreadFunction { public: ThreadFunction(); ThreadFunction(ThreadFunction&&); ThreadFunction(function function, String const& name); ~ThreadFunction(); ThreadFunction& operator=(ThreadFunction&&); // Finishes the thread, moving and returning the final value of the function. // If the function threw an exception, finish() will rethrow that exception. // May only be called once, otherwise will throw InvalidMaybeAccessException. Return finish(); bool isFinished() const; bool isRunning() const; explicit operator bool() const; String name(); private: ThreadFunction m_function; shared_ptr> m_return; }; // *Non* recursive mutex lock, for use with ConditionVariable class Mutex { public: Mutex(); Mutex(Mutex&&); ~Mutex(); Mutex& operator=(Mutex&&); void lock(); // Attempt to acquire the mutex without blocking. bool tryLock(); void unlock(); private: friend struct ConditionVariableImpl; unique_ptr m_impl; }; class ConditionVariable { public: ConditionVariable(); ConditionVariable(ConditionVariable&&); ~ConditionVariable(); ConditionVariable& operator=(ConditionVariable&&); // Atomically unlocks the mutex argument and waits on the condition. On // acquiring the condition, atomically returns and re-locks the mutex. Must // lock the mutex before calling. If millis is given, waits for a maximum of // the given milliseconds only. void wait(Mutex& mutex, Maybe millis = {}); // Wake one waiting thread. The calling thread for is allowed to either hold // or not hold the mutex that the threads waiting on the condition are using, // both will work and result in slightly different scheduling. void signal(); // Wake all threads, policy for holding the mutex is the same for signal(). void broadcast(); private: unique_ptr m_impl; }; // Recursive mutex lock. lock() may be called many times freely by the same // thread, but unlock() must be called an equal number of times to unlock it. class RecursiveMutex { public: RecursiveMutex(); RecursiveMutex(RecursiveMutex&&); ~RecursiveMutex(); RecursiveMutex& operator=(RecursiveMutex&&); void lock(); // Attempt to acquire the mutex without blocking. bool tryLock(); void unlock(); private: unique_ptr m_impl; }; // RAII for mutexes. Locking and unlocking are always safe, MLocker will never // attempt to lock the held mutex more than once, or unlock more than once, and // destruction will always unlock the mutex *iff* it is actually locked. // (Locked here refers to one specific MLocker *itself* locking the mutex, not // whether the mutex is locked *at all*, so it is sensible to use with // RecursiveMutex) template class MLocker { public: // Pass false to lock to start unlocked MLocker(MutexType& ref, bool lock = true); ~MLocker(); MLocker(MLocker const&) = delete; MLocker& operator=(MLocker const&) = delete; MutexType& mutex(); void unlock(); void lock(); bool tryLock(); private: MutexType& m_mutex; bool m_locked; }; typedef MLocker MutexLocker; typedef MLocker RecursiveMutexLocker; class ReadersWriterMutex { public: ReadersWriterMutex(); void readLock(); bool tryReadLock(); void readUnlock(); void writeLock(); bool tryWriteLock(); void writeUnlock(); private: Mutex m_mutex; ConditionVariable m_readCond; ConditionVariable m_writeCond; unsigned m_readers; unsigned m_writers; unsigned m_readWaiters; unsigned m_writeWaiters; }; class ReadLocker { public: ReadLocker(ReadersWriterMutex& rwlock, bool startLocked = true); ~ReadLocker(); ReadLocker(ReadLocker const&) = delete; ReadLocker& operator=(ReadLocker const&) = delete; void unlock(); void lock(); bool tryLock(); private: ReadersWriterMutex& m_lock; bool m_locked; }; class WriteLocker { public: WriteLocker(ReadersWriterMutex& rwlock, bool startLocked = true); ~WriteLocker(); WriteLocker(WriteLocker const&) = delete; WriteLocker& operator=(WriteLocker const&) = delete; void unlock(); void lock(); bool tryLock(); private: ReadersWriterMutex& m_lock; bool m_locked; }; class SpinLock { public: SpinLock(); void lock(); bool tryLock(); void unlock(); private: atomic_flag m_lock; }; typedef MLocker SpinLocker; template MLocker::MLocker(MutexType& ref, bool l) : m_mutex(ref), m_locked(false) { if (l) lock(); } template MLocker::~MLocker() { unlock(); } template MutexType& MLocker::mutex() { return m_mutex; } template void MLocker::unlock() { if (m_locked) { m_mutex.unlock(); m_locked = false; } } template void MLocker::lock() { if (!m_locked) { m_mutex.lock(); m_locked = true; } } template bool MLocker::tryLock() { if (!m_locked) { if (m_mutex.tryLock()) m_locked = true; } return m_locked; } template ThreadFunction()(std::declval()...))> Thread::invoke(String const& name, Function&& f, Args&&... args) { return {bind(std::forward(f), std::forward(args)...), name}; } template ThreadFunction::ThreadFunction() {} template ThreadFunction::ThreadFunction(ThreadFunction&&) = default; template ThreadFunction::ThreadFunction(function function, String const& name) { m_return = make_shared>(); m_function = ThreadFunction([function = std::move(function), retValue = m_return]() { *retValue = function(); }, name); } template ThreadFunction::~ThreadFunction() { m_function.finish(); } template ThreadFunction& ThreadFunction::operator=(ThreadFunction&&) = default; template Return ThreadFunction::finish() { m_function.finish(); return m_return->take(); } template bool ThreadFunction::isFinished() const { return m_function.isFinished(); } template bool ThreadFunction::isRunning() const { return m_function.isRunning(); } template ThreadFunction::operator bool() const { return !isFinished(); } template String ThreadFunction::name() { return m_function.name(); } inline SpinLock::SpinLock() { m_lock.clear(); } inline void SpinLock::lock() { while (m_lock.test_and_set(std::memory_order_acquire)) ; } inline void SpinLock::unlock() { m_lock.clear(std::memory_order_release); } inline bool SpinLock::tryLock() { return !m_lock.test_and_set(std::memory_order_acquire); } } #endif