#include "StarCommandProcessor.hpp" #include "StarLexicalCast.hpp" #include "StarJsonExtra.hpp" #include "StarNpc.hpp" #include "StarWorldServer.hpp" #include "StarUniverseServer.hpp" #include "StarUniverseSettings.hpp" #include "StarRoot.hpp" #include "StarItemDatabase.hpp" #include "StarConfiguration.hpp" #include "StarItemDrop.hpp" #include "StarTreasure.hpp" #include "StarLogging.hpp" #include "StarPlayer.hpp" #include "StarMonster.hpp" #include "StarStagehand.hpp" #include "StarVehicleDatabase.hpp" #include "StarStagehandDatabase.hpp" #include "StarLiquidsDatabase.hpp" #include "StarChatProcessor.hpp" #include "StarAssets.hpp" #include "StarWorldLuaBindings.hpp" #include "StarUniverseServerLuaBindings.hpp" namespace Star { CommandProcessor::CommandProcessor(UniverseServer* universe) : m_universe(universe) { auto assets = Root::singleton().assets(); m_scriptComponent.addCallbacks("universe", LuaBindings::makeUniverseServerCallbacks(m_universe)); m_scriptComponent.addCallbacks("CommandProcessor", makeCommandCallbacks()); m_scriptComponent.setScripts(jsonToStringList(assets->json("/universe_server.config:commandProcessorScripts"))); auto luaRoot = make_shared(); luaRoot->luaEngine().setNullTerminated(false); m_scriptComponent.setLuaRoot(luaRoot); m_scriptComponent.init(); } String CommandProcessor::adminCommand(String const& command, String const& argumentString) { MutexLocker locker(m_mutex); return handleCommand(ServerConnectionId, command, argumentString); } String CommandProcessor::userCommand(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& command, String const& argumentString) { MutexLocker locker(m_mutex); if (connectionId == ServerConnectionId) throw StarException("CommandProcessor::userCommand called with ServerConnectionId"); return handleCommand(connectionId, command, argumentString); } String CommandProcessor::help(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) { auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString); auto assets = Root::singleton().assets(); auto basicCommands = assets->json("/help.config:basicCommands"); auto openSbCommands = assets->json("/help.config:openSbCommands"); auto adminCommands = assets->json("/help.config:adminCommands"); auto debugCommands = assets->json("/help.config:debugCommands"); auto openSbDebugCommands = assets->json("/help.config:openSbDebugCommands"); if (arguments.size()) { if (arguments.size() >= 1) { if (auto helpText = basicCommands.optString(arguments[0]).orMaybe(openSbCommands.optString(arguments[0])).orMaybe(adminCommands.optString(arguments[0])).orMaybe(debugCommands.optString(arguments[0])).orMaybe(openSbDebugCommands.optString(arguments[0]))) return *helpText; } } String res = ""; auto commandDescriptions = [&](Json const& commandConfig) { StringList commandList = commandConfig.toObject().keys(); sort(commandList); return "/" + commandList.join(", /"); }; String basicHelpFormat = assets->json("/help.config:basicHelpText").toString(); res = res + strf(basicHelpFormat.utf8Ptr(), commandDescriptions(basicCommands)); String openSbHelpFormat = assets->json("/help.config:openSbHelpText").toString(); res = res + "\n" + strf(openSbHelpFormat.utf8Ptr(), commandDescriptions(openSbCommands)); if (!adminCheck(connectionId, "")) { String adminHelpFormat = assets->json("/help.config:adminHelpText").toString(); res = res + "\n" + strf(adminHelpFormat.utf8Ptr(), commandDescriptions(adminCommands)); String debugHelpFormat = assets->json("/help.config:debugHelpText").toString(); res = res + "\n" + strf(debugHelpFormat.utf8Ptr(), commandDescriptions(debugCommands)); String openSbDebugHelpFormat = assets->json("/help.config:openSbDebugHelpText").toString(); res = res + "\n" + strf(openSbDebugHelpFormat.utf8Ptr(), commandDescriptions(openSbDebugCommands)); } res = res + "\n" + basicCommands.getString("help"); return res; } String CommandProcessor::admin(ConnectionId connectionId, String const&) { auto config = Root::singleton().configuration(); if (m_universe->canBecomeAdmin(connectionId)) { if (connectionId == ServerConnectionId) return "Invalid client state"; if (!config->get("allowAdminCommands").toBool()) return "Admin commands disabled on this server."; bool wasAdmin = m_universe->isAdmin(connectionId); m_universe->setAdmin(connectionId, !wasAdmin); if (!wasAdmin) return strf("Admin privileges now given to player {}", m_universe->clientNick(connectionId)); else return strf("Admin privileges taken away from {}", m_universe->clientNick(connectionId)); } else { return "Insufficient privileges to make self admin."; } } String CommandProcessor::pvp(ConnectionId connectionId, String const&) { if (!m_universe->isPvp(connectionId)) { m_universe->setPvp(connectionId, true); if (m_universe->isPvp(connectionId)) m_universe->adminBroadcast(strf("Player {} is now PVP", m_universe->clientNick(connectionId))); } else { m_universe->setPvp(connectionId, false); if (!m_universe->isPvp(connectionId)) m_universe->adminBroadcast(strf("Player {} is a big wimp and is no longer PVP", m_universe->clientNick(connectionId))); } if (m_universe->isPvp(connectionId)) return "PVP active"; else return "PVP inactive"; } String CommandProcessor::whoami(ConnectionId connectionId, String const&) { return strf("Server: You are {}. You are {}an Admin", m_universe->clientNick(connectionId), m_universe->isAdmin(connectionId) ? "" : "not "); } String CommandProcessor::warp(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "do the space warp again")) return *errorMsg; try { m_universe->clientWarpPlayer(connectionId, parseWarpAction(argumentString)); return "Lets do the space warp again"; } catch (StarException const& e) { Logger::warn("Could not parse warp target: {}", outputException(e, false)); return strf("Could not parse the argument {} as a warp target", argumentString); } } String CommandProcessor::warpRandom(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& typeName) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "warp to random world")) return *errorMsg; Vec2I size = {2, 2}; auto& celestialDatabase = m_universe->celestialDatabase(); Maybe target = {}; auto validPlanet = [&celestialDatabase, &typeName](CelestialCoordinate const& p) { if (auto celestialParams = celestialDatabase.parameters(p)) { if (auto visitableParams = celestialParams->visitableParameters()) { if (visitableParams->typeName == typeName) return true; } } return false; }; while (target.isNothing()) { RectI region = RectI::withSize(Vec2I(Random::randi32(), Random::randi32()), size); while (!celestialDatabase.scanRegionFullyLoaded(region)) { celestialDatabase.scanSystems(region); } auto systems = celestialDatabase.scanSystems(region); for (auto s : systems) { for (auto planet : celestialDatabase.children(s)) { if (validPlanet(planet)) target = planet; if (target.isNothing()) { for (auto moon : celestialDatabase.children(planet)) { if (validPlanet(moon)) { target = moon; break; } } } } } if (size.magnitude() > 1024) return "could not find a matching world"; size *= 2; } m_universe->clientWarpPlayer(connectionId, WarpToWorld(CelestialWorldId(*target))); return strf("warping to {}", *target); } String CommandProcessor::timewarp(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentsString) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "do the time warp again")) return *errorMsg; auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentsString); if (arguments.empty()) return "Not enough arguments to /timewarp"; try { auto time = lexicalCast(arguments.at(0)); if (time == 0.0) return "You suck at time travel."; else if (time < 0.0 && (arguments.size() < 2 || arguments[1] != "please")) return "Great Scott! We can't go back in time!"; m_universe->universeClock()->adjustTime(time); return time > 0.0 ? "It's just a jump to the left..." : "And then a step to the right..."; } catch (BadLexicalCast const&) { return strf("Could not parse the argument {} as a time adjustment", arguments[0]); } } String CommandProcessor::timescale(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentsString) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "mess with time")) return *errorMsg; auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentsString); if (arguments.empty()) return strf("Current timescale is {:6.6f}x", GlobalTimescale); float timescale = clamp(lexicalCast(arguments[0]), 0.001f, 32.0f); m_universe->setTimescale(timescale); return strf("Set timescale to {:6.6f}x", timescale); } String CommandProcessor::tickrate(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentsString) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "change the tick rate")) return *errorMsg; auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentsString); if (arguments.empty()) return strf("Current tick rate is {:4.2f}Hz", 1.0f / ServerGlobalTimestep); float tickRate = clamp(lexicalCast(arguments[0]), 5.f, 500.f); m_universe->setTickRate(tickRate); return strf("Set tick rate to {:4.2f}Hz", tickRate); } String CommandProcessor::setTileProtection(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "modify world properties")) { return *errorMsg; } auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString); if (arguments.size() < 2) return "Not enough arguments to /settileprotection. Use /settileprotection "; try { bool isProtected = lexicalCast(arguments.takeLast()); List dungeonIds; for (auto& banana : arguments) { auto slices = banana.split(".."); auto it = slices.begin(); DungeonId previous = 0; while (it != slices.end()) { DungeonId current = lexicalCast(*it); dungeonIds.append(current); if (it++ != slices.begin() && previous != current) { if (current < previous) swap(previous, current); for (DungeonId id = previous + 1; id != current; ++id) dungeonIds.append(id); } previous = current; } } size_t changed = 0; if (!m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId, [&](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const&) { changed = world->setTileProtection(dungeonIds, isProtected); })) { return "Invalid client state"; } String output = strf("{} {} dungeon IDs", isProtected ? "Protected" : "Unprotected", changed); return changed < dungeonIds.size() ? strf("{} ({} unchanged)", output, dungeonIds.size() - changed) : output; } catch (BadLexicalCast const&) { return strf("Could not parse /settileprotection parameters. Use /settileprotection ", argumentString); } } String CommandProcessor::setDungeonId(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "set dungeon id")) { return *errorMsg; } auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString); if (arguments.size() < 1) return "Not enough arguments to /setdungeonid. Use /setdungeonid "; try { DungeonId dungeonId = lexicalCast(arguments.at(0)); bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId, [dungeonId](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const& player) { world->setDungeonId(RectI::withSize(Vec2I(player->aimPosition()), Vec2I(1, 1)), dungeonId); }); return done ? "" : "Failed to set dungeon id."; } catch (BadLexicalCast const&) { return strf("Could not parse /setdungeonid parameters. Use /setdungeonid !", argumentString); } } String CommandProcessor::setPlayerStart(ConnectionId connectionId, String const&) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "modify world properties")) return *errorMsg; m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId, [](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const& player) { world->setPlayerStart(player->position() + player->feetOffset()); }); return ""; } String CommandProcessor::spawnItem(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "spawn items")) return *errorMsg; auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString); if (arguments.empty()) return "Not enough arguments to /spawnitem"; try { String kind = arguments.at(0); Json parameters = JsonObject(); unsigned amount = 1; Maybe level; Maybe seed; if (arguments.size() >= 2) amount = lexicalCast(arguments.at(1)); if (arguments.size() >= 3) parameters = Json::parse(arguments.at(2)); if (arguments.size() >= 4) level = lexicalCast(arguments.at(3)); if (arguments.size() >= 5) seed = lexicalCast(arguments.at(4)); bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId, [&](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const& player) { auto itemDatabase = Root::singleton().itemDatabase(); world->addEntity(ItemDrop::createRandomizedDrop(itemDatabase->item(ItemDescriptor(kind, amount, parameters), level, seed, true), player->aimPosition())); }); return done ? "" : "Invalid client state"; } catch (JsonParsingException const& exception) { Logger::warn("Error while processing /spawnitem '{}' command. Json parse problem: {}", arguments.at(0), outputException(exception, false)); return "Could not parse item parameters"; } catch (ItemException const& exception) { Logger::warn("Error while processing /spawnitem '{}' command. Item instantiation problem: {}", arguments.at(0), outputException(exception, false)); return strf("Could not load item '{}'", arguments.at(0)); } catch (BadLexicalCast const& exception) { Logger::warn("Error while processing /spawnitem command. Number expected. Got something else: {}", outputException(exception, false)); return strf("Could not load item '{}'", arguments.at(0)); } catch (StarException const& exception) { Logger::warn("Error while processing /spawnitem command '{}', exception caught: {}", argumentString, outputException(exception, false)); return strf("Could not load item '{}'", arguments.at(0)); } } String CommandProcessor::spawnTreasure(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "spawn items")) return *errorMsg; auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString); if (arguments.empty()) return "Not enough arguments to /spawntreasure"; try { String treasurePool = arguments.at(0); unsigned level = 1; if (arguments.size() >= 2) level = lexicalCast(arguments.at(1)); bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId, [&](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const& player) { auto treasureDatabase = Root::singleton().treasureDatabase(); for (auto const& treasureItem : treasureDatabase->createTreasure(treasurePool, level, Random::randu64())) world->addEntity(ItemDrop::createRandomizedDrop(treasureItem, player->aimPosition())); }); return done ? "" : "Invalid client state"; } catch (JsonParsingException const& exception) { Logger::warn("Error while processing /spawntreasure '{}' command. Json parse problem: {}", arguments.at(0), outputException(exception, false)); return "Could not parse item parameters"; } catch (ItemException const& exception) { Logger::warn("Error while processing /spawntreasure '{}' command. Item instantiation problem: {}", arguments.at(0), outputException(exception, false)); return strf("Could not load item '{}'", arguments.at(0)); } catch (BadLexicalCast const& exception) { Logger::warn("Error while processing /spawntreasure command. Number expected. Got something else: {}", outputException(exception, false)); return strf("Could not load item '{}'", arguments.at(0)); } catch (StarException const& exception) { Logger::warn("Error while processing /spawntreasure command '{}', exception caught: {}", argumentString, outputException(exception, false)); return strf("Could not load item '{}'", arguments.at(0)); } } String CommandProcessor::spawnMonster(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "spawn monsters")) return *errorMsg; try { auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString); auto monsterDatabase = Root::singleton().monsterDatabase(); MonsterPtr monster; float level = 1; if (arguments.size() >= 2) level = lexicalCast(arguments.at(1)); Json parameters = JsonObject(); if (arguments.size() >= 3) parameters = parameters.setAll(Json::parse(arguments.at(2)).toObject()); monster = monsterDatabase->createMonster(monsterDatabase->randomMonster(arguments.at(0), parameters.toObject()), level); bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId, [&](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const& player) { monster->setPosition(player->aimPosition()); world->addEntity(monster); }); return done ? "" : "Invalid client state"; } catch (StarException const& exception) { Logger::warn("Could not spawn Monster of type '{}', exception caught: {}", argumentString, outputException(exception, false)); return strf("Could not spawn Monster of type '{}'", argumentString); } } String CommandProcessor::spawnNpc(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "spawn NPCs")) return *errorMsg; auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString); try { auto npcDatabase = Root::singleton().npcDatabase(); float npcLevel = 1; uint64_t seed = Random::randu64(); Json overrides; if (arguments.size() < 2) return "You must specify a species and NPC type to spawn."; if (arguments.size() >= 3) npcLevel = lexicalCast(arguments.at(2)); if (arguments.size() >= 4) seed = lexicalCast(arguments.at(3)); if (arguments.size() >= 5) overrides = Json::parse(arguments.at(4)).toObject(); auto npc = npcDatabase->createNpc(npcDatabase->generateNpcVariant(arguments.at(0), arguments.at(1), npcLevel, seed, overrides)); bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId, [&](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const& player) { npc->setPosition(player->aimPosition()); world->addEntity(npc); }); return done ? "" : "Invalid client state"; } catch (StarException const& exception) { Logger::warn("Could not spawn NPC of species '{}', exception caught: {}", argumentString, outputException(exception, true)); return strf("Could not spawn NPC of species '{}'", argumentString); } } String CommandProcessor::spawnVehicle(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "spawn vehicles")) return *errorMsg; try { auto vehicleDatabase = Root::singleton().vehicleDatabase(); auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString); VehiclePtr vehicle; String name = arguments.at(0); Json parameters = JsonObject(); if (arguments.size() >= 2) parameters = Json::parse(arguments.at(1)).toObject(); vehicle = vehicleDatabase->create(name, parameters); bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId, [&](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const& player) { vehicle->setPosition(player->aimPosition()); world->addEntity(std::move(vehicle)); }); return done ? "" : "Invalid client state"; } catch (StarException const& exception) { Logger::warn("Could not spawn vehicle, exception caught: {}", outputException(exception, false)); return strf("Could not spawn vehicle"); } } String CommandProcessor::spawnStagehand(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "spawn stagehands")) return *errorMsg; try { auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString); auto stagehandDatabase = Root::singleton().stagehandDatabase(); Json parameters = JsonObject(); if (arguments.size() >= 2) parameters = Json::parse(arguments.at(1)).toObject(); auto stagehand = stagehandDatabase->createStagehand(arguments.at(0), parameters); bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId, [&](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr player) { stagehand->setPosition(player->aimPosition()); world->addEntity(stagehand); }); return done ? "" : "Invalid client state"; } catch (StarException const& exception) { Logger::warn("Could not spawn Stagehand of type '{}', exception caught: {}", argumentString, outputException(exception, false)); return strf("Could not spawn Stagehand of type '{}'", argumentString); } } String CommandProcessor::clearStagehand(ConnectionId connectionId, String const&) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "remove stagehands")) return *errorMsg; unsigned removed = 0; bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId, [&](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr player) { auto queryRect = RectF::withCenter(player->aimPosition(), Vec2F{2, 2}); for (auto stagehand : world->query(queryRect)) { world->removeEntity(stagehand->entityId(), true); ++removed; } }); return done ? strf("Removed {} stagehands", removed) : "Invalid client state"; } String CommandProcessor::spawnLiquid(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "spawn liquid")) return *errorMsg; try { auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString); auto liquidsDatabase = Root::singleton().liquidsDatabase(); if (!liquidsDatabase->isLiquidName(arguments.at(0))) return strf("No such liquid {}", arguments.at(0)); LiquidId liquid = liquidsDatabase->liquidId(arguments.at(0)); float quantity = 1.0f; if (arguments.size() > 1) { if (auto maybeQuantity = maybeLexicalCast(arguments.at(1))) quantity = *maybeQuantity; else return strf("Could not parse quantity value '{}'", arguments.at(1)); } bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId, [&](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const& player) { world->modifyTile(Vec2I(player->aimPosition().floor()), PlaceLiquid{liquid, quantity}, true); }); return done ? "" : "Invalid client state"; } catch (StarException const& exception) { Logger::warn( "Could not spawn liquid '{}', exception caught: {}", argumentString, outputException(exception, false)); return "Could not spawn liquid."; } } String CommandProcessor::kick(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "kick a user")) return *errorMsg; auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString); if (arguments.empty()) return "No player specified"; auto toKick = playerCidFromCommand(arguments[0], m_universe); if (!toKick) return strf("No user with specifier {} found.", arguments[0]); // Like IRC, if only the nick is passed then the nick is used as the reason if (arguments.size() == 1) arguments.append(m_universe->clientNick(*toKick)); m_universe->disconnectClient(*toKick, arguments[1]); return strf("Successfully kicked user with specifier {}. ConnectionId: {}. Reason given: {}", arguments[0], toKick, arguments[1]); } String CommandProcessor::ban(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "ban a user")) return *errorMsg; auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString); if (arguments.empty()) return "No player specified"; auto toKick = playerCidFromCommand(arguments[0], m_universe); if (!toKick) return strf("No user with specifier {} found.", arguments[0]); String reason = arguments[0]; if (arguments.size() < 2) reason = m_universe->clientNick(*toKick); else reason = arguments[1]; pair type = {true, true}; if (arguments.size() >= 3) { if (arguments[2] == "ip") { type = {true, false}; } else if (arguments[2] == "uuid") { type = {false, true}; } else if (arguments[2] == "both") { type = {true, true}; } else { return strf("Invalid argument {} passed as ban type to /ban. Options are ip, uuid, or both.", arguments[2]); } } Maybe banTime; if (arguments.size() == 4) { try { banTime = lexicalCast(arguments[3]); } catch (BadLexicalCast const&) { return strf("Invalid argument {} passed as ban time to /ban.", arguments[3]); } } m_universe->banUser(*toKick, reason, type, banTime); return strf("Successfully kicked user with specifier {}. ConnectionId: {}. Reason given: {}", arguments[0], toKick, reason); } String CommandProcessor::unbanIp(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "unban a user")) return *errorMsg; auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString); if (arguments.empty()) return "No IP specified"; bool success = m_universe->unbanIp(arguments[0]); if (success) return strf("Successfully removed IP {} from ban list", arguments[0]); else return strf("'{}' is not a valid IP or was not found in the bans list", arguments[0]); } String CommandProcessor::unbanUuid(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "unban a user")) return *errorMsg; auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString); if (arguments.empty()) return "No UUID specified"; bool success = m_universe->unbanUuid(arguments[0]); if (success) return strf("Successfully removed UUID {} from ban list", arguments[0]); else return strf("'{}' is not a valid UUID or was not found in the bans list", arguments[0]); } String CommandProcessor::list(ConnectionId connectionId, String const&) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "list clients")) return *errorMsg; StringList res; auto assets = Root::singleton().assets(); for (auto cid : m_universe->clientIds()) res.append(strf("${} : {} : $${}", cid, m_universe->clientNick(cid), m_universe->uuidForClient(cid)->hex())); return res.join("\n"); } String CommandProcessor::clientCoordinate(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) { ConnectionId targetClientId = connectionId; String targetLabel = "Your"; auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString); if (!adminCheck(connectionId, "find other players")) { if (arguments.size() > 0) { auto cid = playerCidFromCommand(arguments[0], m_universe); if (!cid) return strf("No user with specifier {} found.", arguments[0]); targetClientId = *cid; targetLabel = strf("Client {}'s", arguments[0]); } } if (targetClientId) { auto worldId = m_universe->clientWorld(targetClientId); return strf("{} current location is {}", targetLabel, worldId); } else { return ""; } } String CommandProcessor::serverReload(ConnectionId connectionId, String const&) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "trigger root reload")) return *errorMsg; auto& root = Root::singleton(); root.reload(); root.fullyLoad(); return ""; } String CommandProcessor::eval(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& lua) { if (auto errorMsg = localCheck(connectionId, "execute server script")) return *errorMsg; if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "execute server script")) return *errorMsg; return toString(m_scriptComponent.context()->eval(lua)); } String CommandProcessor::entityEval(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& lua) { if (auto errorMsg = localCheck(connectionId, "execute server entity script")) return *errorMsg; if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "execute server entity script")) return *errorMsg; String message; bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId, [&lua, &message](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const& player) { auto queryRect = RectF::withCenter(player->aimPosition(), Vec2F{2, 2}); auto entities = world->query(queryRect); if (entities.empty()) { message = "Could not find scripted entity at cursor"; return; } ScriptedEntityPtr targetEntity; for (auto const& entity : entities) { if (!targetEntity || vmagSquared(entity->position() - player->aimPosition()) < vmagSquared(targetEntity->position() - player->aimPosition())) targetEntity = entity; } if (auto res = targetEntity->evalScript(lua)) message = toString(*res); else message = "Error evaluating script in entity context, check log"; }); return done ? message : "failed to do entity eval"; } String CommandProcessor::enableSpawning(ConnectionId connectionId, String const&) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "enable world spawning")) return *errorMsg; bool done = m_universe->executeForClient( connectionId, [](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const&) { world->setSpawningEnabled(true); }); return done ? "enabled monster spawning" : "enabling monster spawning failed"; } String CommandProcessor::disableSpawning(ConnectionId connectionId, String const&) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "disable world spawning")) return *errorMsg; bool done = m_universe->executeForClient( connectionId, [](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const&) { world->setSpawningEnabled(false); }); return done ? "disabled monster spawning" : "disabling monster spawning failed"; } String CommandProcessor::placeDungeon(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "place dungeons")) return *errorMsg; auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString); String dungeonName = arguments.at(0); Maybe targetPosition; if (arguments.size() > 1) { auto pos = arguments.at(1).split(",", 1); targetPosition = Vec2I(lexicalCast(pos.at(0)), lexicalCast(pos.at(1))); } bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId, [dungeonName, targetPosition](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const& player) { world->placeDungeon(dungeonName, targetPosition.value(Vec2I::floor(player->aimPosition())), true); }); return done ? "" : "Unable to place dungeon " + dungeonName; } String CommandProcessor::setUniverseFlag(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "set universe flags")) return *errorMsg; auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString); String flag = arguments.at(0); m_universe->universeSettings()->setFlag(flag); return "set universe flag " + flag; } String CommandProcessor::resetUniverseFlags(ConnectionId connectionId, String const&) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "reset universe flags")) return *errorMsg; m_universe->universeSettings()->resetFlags(); return "universe flags reset!"; } String CommandProcessor::addBiomeRegion(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "add biome regions")) return *errorMsg; auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString); String biomeName = arguments.at(0); int width = lexicalCast(arguments.at(1)); String subBlockSelector = "largeClumps"; if (arguments.size() > 2) subBlockSelector = arguments.at(2); bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId, [biomeName, width, subBlockSelector](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const& player) { world->addBiomeRegion(Vec2I::floor(player->aimPosition()), biomeName, subBlockSelector, width); }); return done ? strf("added region of biome {} with width {}", biomeName, width) : "failed to add biome region"; } String CommandProcessor::expandBiomeRegion(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "expand biome regions")) return *errorMsg; auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString); int newWidth = lexicalCast(arguments.at(0)); bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId, [newWidth](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const& player) { world->expandBiomeRegion(Vec2I::floor(player->aimPosition()), newWidth); }); return done ? strf("expanded region to width {}", newWidth) : "failed to expand biome region"; } String CommandProcessor::updatePlanetType(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "update planet type")) return *errorMsg; auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString); auto coordinate = CelestialCoordinate(arguments.at(0)); auto newType = arguments.at(1); auto weatherBiome = arguments.at(2); bool done = m_universe->updatePlanetType(coordinate, newType, weatherBiome); return done ? strf("set planet at {} to type {} weatherBiome {}", coordinate, newType, weatherBiome) : "failed to update planet type"; } String CommandProcessor::setEnvironmentBiome(ConnectionId connectionId, String const&) { if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "update layer environment biome")) return *errorMsg; bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId, [](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const& player) { world->setLayerEnvironmentBiome(Vec2I::floor(player->aimPosition())); }); return done ? "set environment biome for world layer" : "failed to set environment biome"; } Maybe CommandProcessor::playerCidFromCommand(String const& player, UniverseServer* universe) { char const* const UsernamePrefix = "@"; char const* const CidPrefix = "$"; char const* const UUIDPrefix = "$$"; if (player.beginsWith(UsernamePrefix)) { return universe->findNick(player.substr(strlen(UsernamePrefix))); } else if (player.beginsWith(UUIDPrefix)) { try { auto uuidString = player.substr(strlen(UUIDPrefix)); return universe->clientForUuid(Uuid(uuidString)); } catch (UuidException const&) { // pass to base case } } else if (player.beginsWith(CidPrefix)) { auto cidString = player.substr(strlen(CidPrefix)); auto cid = maybeLexicalCast(cidString).value(ServerConnectionId); if (universe->isConnectedClient(cid)) return cid; } return universe->findNick(player); } //wow, wtf. TODO: replace with hashmap String CommandProcessor::handleCommand(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& command, String const& argumentString) { if (command == "admin") { return admin(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "timewarp") { return timewarp(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "timescale") { return timescale(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "tickrate") { return tickrate(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "settileprotection") { return setTileProtection(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "setdungeonid") { return setDungeonId(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "setspawnpoint") { return setPlayerStart(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "spawnitem") { return spawnItem(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "spawntreasure") { return spawnTreasure(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "spawnmonster") { return spawnMonster(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "spawnnpc") { return spawnNpc(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "spawnstagehand") { return spawnStagehand(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "clearstagehand") { return clearStagehand(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "spawnvehicle") { return spawnVehicle(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "spawnliquid") { return spawnLiquid(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "pvp") { return pvp(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "serverwhoami") { return whoami(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "kick") { return kick(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "ban") { return ban(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "unbanip") { return unbanIp(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "unbanuuid") { return unbanUuid(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "list") { return list(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "help") { return help(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "warp") { return warp(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "warprandom") { return warpRandom(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "whereami") { return clientCoordinate(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "whereis") { return clientCoordinate(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "serverreload") { return serverReload(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "eval") { return eval(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "entityeval") { return entityEval(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "enablespawning") { return enableSpawning(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "disablespawning") { return disableSpawning(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "placedungeon") { return placeDungeon(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "setuniverseflag") { return setUniverseFlag(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "resetuniverseflags") { return resetUniverseFlags(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "addbiomeregion") { return addBiomeRegion(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "expandbiomeregion") { return expandBiomeRegion(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "updateplanettype") { return updatePlanetType(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (command == "setenvironmentbiome") { return setEnvironmentBiome(connectionId, argumentString); } else if (auto res = m_scriptComponent.invoke("command", command, connectionId, jsonFromStringList(m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString)))) { return toString(*res); } else { return strf("No such command {}", command); } } Maybe CommandProcessor::adminCheck(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& commandDescription) const { if (connectionId == ServerConnectionId) return {}; auto config = Root::singleton().configuration(); if (!config->get("allowAdminCommands").toBool()) return {"Admin commands disabled on this server."}; if (!config->get("allowAdminCommandsFromAnyone").toBool()) { if (!m_universe->isAdmin(connectionId)) return {strf("Insufficient privileges to {}.", commandDescription)}; } return {}; } Maybe CommandProcessor::localCheck(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& commandDescription) const { if (connectionId == ServerConnectionId) return {}; if (!m_universe->isLocal(connectionId)) return {strf("The {} command can only be used locally.", commandDescription)}; return {}; } LuaCallbacks CommandProcessor::makeCommandCallbacks() { LuaCallbacks callbacks; callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature, ConnectionId, String>( "adminCheck", bind(&CommandProcessor::adminCheck, this, _1, _2)); return callbacks; } }