#include "StarImageProcessing.hpp" #include "StarMatrix3.hpp" #include "StarInterpolation.hpp" #include "StarLexicalCast.hpp" #include "StarColor.hpp" #include "StarImage.hpp" #include "StarStringView.hpp" #include "StarEncode.hpp" //#include "StarTime.hpp" //#include "StarLogging.hpp" namespace Star { Image scaleNearest(Image const& srcImage, Vec2F const& scale) { Vec2U srcSize = srcImage.size(); Vec2U destSize = Vec2U::round(vmult(Vec2F(srcSize), scale)); destSize[0] = max(destSize[0], 1u); destSize[1] = max(destSize[1], 1u); Image destImage(destSize, srcImage.pixelFormat()); for (unsigned y = 0; y < destSize[1]; ++y) { for (unsigned x = 0; x < destSize[0]; ++x) destImage.set({x, y}, srcImage.clamp(Vec2I::round(vdiv(Vec2F(x, y), scale)))); } return destImage; } Image scaleBilinear(Image const& srcImage, Vec2F const& scale) { Vec2U srcSize = srcImage.size(); Vec2U destSize = Vec2U::round(vmult(Vec2F(srcSize), scale)); destSize[0] = max(destSize[0], 1u); destSize[1] = max(destSize[1], 1u); Image destImage(destSize, srcImage.pixelFormat()); for (unsigned y = 0; y < destSize[1]; ++y) { for (unsigned x = 0; x < destSize[0]; ++x) { auto pos = vdiv(Vec2F(x, y), scale); auto ipart = Vec2I::floor(pos); auto fpart = pos - Vec2F(ipart); auto result = lerp(fpart[1], lerp(fpart[0], Vec4F(srcImage.clamp(ipart[0], ipart[1])), Vec4F(srcImage.clamp(ipart[0] + 1, ipart[1]))), lerp(fpart[0], Vec4F(srcImage.clamp(ipart[0], ipart[1] + 1)), Vec4F(srcImage.clamp(ipart[0] + 1, ipart[1] + 1)))); destImage.set({x, y}, Vec4B(result)); } } return destImage; } Image scaleBicubic(Image const& srcImage, Vec2F const& scale) { Vec2U srcSize = srcImage.size(); Vec2U destSize = Vec2U::round(vmult(Vec2F(srcSize), scale)); destSize[0] = max(destSize[0], 1u); destSize[1] = max(destSize[1], 1u); Image destImage(destSize, srcImage.pixelFormat()); for (unsigned y = 0; y < destSize[1]; ++y) { for (unsigned x = 0; x < destSize[0]; ++x) { auto pos = vdiv(Vec2F(x, y), scale); auto ipart = Vec2I::floor(pos); auto fpart = pos - Vec2F(ipart); Vec4F a = cubic4(fpart[0], Vec4F(srcImage.clamp(ipart[0], ipart[1])), Vec4F(srcImage.clamp(ipart[0] + 1, ipart[1])), Vec4F(srcImage.clamp(ipart[0] + 2, ipart[1])), Vec4F(srcImage.clamp(ipart[0] + 3, ipart[1]))); Vec4F b = cubic4(fpart[0], Vec4F(srcImage.clamp(ipart[0], ipart[1] + 1)), Vec4F(srcImage.clamp(ipart[0] + 1, ipart[1] + 1)), Vec4F(srcImage.clamp(ipart[0] + 2, ipart[1] + 1)), Vec4F(srcImage.clamp(ipart[0] + 3, ipart[1] + 1))); Vec4F c = cubic4(fpart[0], Vec4F(srcImage.clamp(ipart[0], ipart[1] + 2)), Vec4F(srcImage.clamp(ipart[0] + 1, ipart[1] + 2)), Vec4F(srcImage.clamp(ipart[0] + 2, ipart[1] + 2)), Vec4F(srcImage.clamp(ipart[0] + 3, ipart[1] + 2))); Vec4F d = cubic4(fpart[0], Vec4F(srcImage.clamp(ipart[0], ipart[1] + 3)), Vec4F(srcImage.clamp(ipart[0] + 1, ipart[1] + 3)), Vec4F(srcImage.clamp(ipart[0] + 2, ipart[1] + 3)), Vec4F(srcImage.clamp(ipart[0] + 3, ipart[1] + 3))); auto result = cubic4(fpart[1], a, b, c, d); destImage.set({x, y}, Vec4B( clamp(result[0], 0.0f, 255.0f), clamp(result[1], 0.0f, 255.0f), clamp(result[2], 0.0f, 255.0f), clamp(result[3], 0.0f, 255.0f) )); } } return destImage; } StringList colorDirectivesFromConfig(JsonArray const& directives) { List result; for (auto entry : directives) { if (entry.type() == Json::Type::String) { result.append(entry.toString()); } else if (entry.type() == Json::Type::Object) { result.append(paletteSwapDirectivesFromConfig(entry)); } else { throw StarException("Malformed color directives list."); } } return result; } String paletteSwapDirectivesFromConfig(Json const& swaps) { ColorReplaceImageOperation paletteSwaps; for (auto const& swap : swaps.iterateObject()) paletteSwaps.colorReplaceMap[Color::fromHex(swap.first).toRgba()] = Color::fromHex(swap.second.toString()).toRgba(); return "?" + imageOperationToString(paletteSwaps); } HueShiftImageOperation HueShiftImageOperation::hueShiftDegrees(float degrees) { return HueShiftImageOperation{degrees / 360.0f}; } SaturationShiftImageOperation SaturationShiftImageOperation::saturationShift100(float amount) { return SaturationShiftImageOperation{amount / 100.0f}; } BrightnessMultiplyImageOperation BrightnessMultiplyImageOperation::brightnessMultiply100(float amount) { return BrightnessMultiplyImageOperation{amount / 100.0f + 1.0f}; } FadeToColorImageOperation::FadeToColorImageOperation(Vec3B color, float amount) { this->color = color; this->amount = amount; auto fcl = Color::rgb(color).toLinear(); for (int i = 0; i <= 255; ++i) { auto r = Color::rgb(Vec3B(i, i, i)).toLinear().mix(fcl, amount).toSRGB().toRgb(); rTable[i] = r[0]; gTable[i] = r[1]; bTable[i] = r[2]; } } ImageOperation imageOperationFromString(StringView string) { try { std::string_view view = string.utf8(); //double time = view.size() > 10000 ? Time::monotonicTime() : 0.0; auto firstBitEnd = view.find_first_of("=;"); if (view.substr(0, firstBitEnd).compare("replace") == 0 && (firstBitEnd + 1) != view.size()) { //Perform optimized replace parse ColorReplaceImageOperation operation; std::string_view bits = view.substr(firstBitEnd + 1); operation.colorReplaceMap.reserve(bits.size() / 8); char const* hexPtr = nullptr; unsigned int hexLen = 0; char const* ptr = bits.data(); char const* end = ptr + bits.size(); char a[4]{}, b[4]{}; bool which = true; while (true) { char ch = *ptr; if (ch == '=' || ch == ';' || ptr == end) { char* c = which ? a : b; if (hexLen == 3) { nibbleDecode(hexPtr, 3, c, 4); c[0] |= (c[0] << 4); c[1] |= (c[1] << 4); c[2] |= (c[2] << 4); c[3] = 255; } else if (hexLen == 4) { nibbleDecode(hexPtr, 4, c, 4); c[0] |= (c[0] << 4); c[1] |= (c[1] << 4); c[2] |= (c[2] << 4); c[3] |= (c[3] << 4); } else if (hexLen == 6) { hexDecode(hexPtr, 6, c, 4); c[3] = 255; } else if (hexLen == 8) { hexDecode(hexPtr, 8, c, 4); } else throw ImageOperationException(strf("Improper size for hex string '%s' in imageOperationFromString", StringView(hexPtr, hexLen)), false); if (which = !which) operation.colorReplaceMap[*(Vec4B*)&a] = *(Vec4B*)&b; hexLen = 0; } else if (!hexLen++) hexPtr = ptr; if (ptr++ == end) break; } //if (time != 0.0) // Logger::logf(LogLevel::Debug, "Parsed %u long directives to %u replace operations in %fs", view.size(), operation.colorReplaceMap.size(), Time::monotonicTime() - time); return move(operation); } List bits; string.forEachSplitAnyView("=;", [&](StringView split, size_t, size_t) { if (!split.empty()) bits.emplace_back(split); }); String type = bits.at(0); if (type == "hueshift") { return HueShiftImageOperation::hueShiftDegrees(lexicalCast(bits.at(1))); } else if (type == "saturation") { return SaturationShiftImageOperation::saturationShift100(lexicalCast(bits.at(1))); } else if (type == "brightness") { return BrightnessMultiplyImageOperation::brightnessMultiply100(lexicalCast(bits.at(1))); } else if (type == "fade") { return FadeToColorImageOperation(Color::fromHex(bits.at(1)).toRgb(), lexicalCast(bits.at(2))); } else if (type == "scanlines") { return ScanLinesImageOperation{ FadeToColorImageOperation(Color::fromHex(bits.at(1)).toRgb(), lexicalCast(bits.at(2))), FadeToColorImageOperation(Color::fromHex(bits.at(3)).toRgb(), lexicalCast(bits.at(4)))}; } else if (type == "setcolor") { return SetColorImageOperation{Color::fromHex(bits.at(1)).toRgb()}; } else if (type == "replace") { ColorReplaceImageOperation operation; for (size_t i = 0; i < (bits.size() - 1) / 2; ++i) operation.colorReplaceMap[Color::hexToVec4B(bits[i * 2 + 1])] = Color::hexToVec4B(bits[i * 2 + 2]); return operation; } else if (type == "addmask" || type == "submask") { AlphaMaskImageOperation operation; if (type == "addmask") operation.mode = AlphaMaskImageOperation::Additive; else operation.mode = AlphaMaskImageOperation::Subtractive; operation.maskImages = String(bits.at(1)).split('+'); if (bits.size() > 2) operation.offset[0] = lexicalCast(bits.at(2)); if (bits.size() > 3) operation.offset[1] = lexicalCast(bits.at(3)); return operation; } else if (type == "blendmult" || type == "blendscreen") { BlendImageOperation operation; if (type == "blendmult") operation.mode = BlendImageOperation::Multiply; else operation.mode = BlendImageOperation::Screen; operation.blendImages = String(bits.at(1)).split('+'); if (bits.size() > 2) operation.offset[0] = lexicalCast(bits.at(2)); if (bits.size() > 3) operation.offset[1] = lexicalCast(bits.at(3)); return operation; } else if (type == "multiply") { return MultiplyImageOperation{Color::fromHex(bits.at(1)).toRgba()}; } else if (type == "border" || type == "outline") { BorderImageOperation operation; operation.pixels = lexicalCast(bits.at(1)); operation.startColor = Color::fromHex(bits.at(2)).toRgba(); if (bits.size() > 3) operation.endColor = Color::fromHex(bits.at(3)).toRgba(); else operation.endColor = operation.startColor; operation.outlineOnly = type == "outline"; operation.includeTransparent = false; // Currently just here for anti-aliased fonts return operation; } else if (type == "scalenearest" || type == "scalebilinear" || type == "scalebicubic" || type == "scale") { Vec2F scale; if (bits.size() == 2) scale = Vec2F::filled(lexicalCast(bits.at(1))); else scale = Vec2F(lexicalCast(bits.at(1)), lexicalCast(bits.at(2))); ScaleImageOperation::Mode mode; if (type == "scalenearest") mode = ScaleImageOperation::Nearest; else if (type == "scalebicubic") mode = ScaleImageOperation::Bicubic; else mode = ScaleImageOperation::Bilinear; return ScaleImageOperation{mode, scale}; } else if (type == "crop") { return CropImageOperation{RectI(lexicalCast(bits.at(1)), lexicalCast(bits.at(2)), lexicalCast(bits.at(3)), lexicalCast(bits.at(4)))}; } else if (type == "flipx") { return FlipImageOperation{FlipImageOperation::FlipX}; } else if (type == "flipy") { return FlipImageOperation{FlipImageOperation::FlipY}; } else if (type == "flipxy") { return FlipImageOperation{FlipImageOperation::FlipXY}; } else { throw ImageOperationException(strf("Could not recognize ImageOperation type %s", type), false); } } catch (OutOfRangeException const& e) { throw ImageOperationException("Error reading ImageOperation", e); } catch (BadLexicalCast const& e) { throw ImageOperationException("Error reading ImageOperation", e); } } String imageOperationToString(ImageOperation const& operation) { if (auto op = operation.ptr()) { return strf("hueshift=%s", op->hueShiftAmount * 360.0f); } else if (auto op = operation.ptr()) { return strf("saturation=%s", op->saturationShiftAmount * 100.0f); } else if (auto op = operation.ptr()) { return strf("brightness=%s", (op->brightnessMultiply - 1.0f) * 100.0f); } else if (auto op = operation.ptr()) { return strf("fade=%s=%s", Color::rgb(op->color).toHex(), op->amount); } else if (auto op = operation.ptr()) { return strf("scanlines=%s=%s=%s=%s", Color::rgb(op->fade1.color).toHex(), op->fade1.amount, Color::rgb(op->fade2.color).toHex(), op->fade2.amount); } else if (auto op = operation.ptr()) { return strf("setcolor=%s", Color::rgb(op->color).toHex()); } else if (auto op = operation.ptr()) { String str = "replace"; for (auto const& pair : op->colorReplaceMap) str += strf(";%s=%s", Color::rgba(pair.first).toHex(), Color::rgba(pair.second).toHex()); return str; } else if (auto op = operation.ptr()) { if (op->mode == AlphaMaskImageOperation::Additive) return strf("addmask=%s;%s;%s", op->maskImages.join("+"), op->offset[0], op->offset[1]); else if (op->mode == AlphaMaskImageOperation::Subtractive) return strf("submask=%s;%s;%s", op->maskImages.join("+"), op->offset[0], op->offset[1]); } else if (auto op = operation.ptr()) { if (op->mode == BlendImageOperation::Multiply) return strf("blendmult=%s;%s;%s", op->blendImages.join("+"), op->offset[0], op->offset[1]); else if (op->mode == BlendImageOperation::Screen) return strf("blendscreen=%s;%s;%s", op->blendImages.join("+"), op->offset[0], op->offset[1]); } else if (auto op = operation.ptr()) { return strf("multiply=%s", Color::rgba(op->color).toHex()); } else if (auto op = operation.ptr()) { if (op->outlineOnly) return strf("outline=%d;%s;%s", op->pixels, Color::rgba(op->startColor).toHex(), Color::rgba(op->endColor).toHex()); else return strf("border=%d;%s;%s", op->pixels, Color::rgba(op->startColor).toHex(), Color::rgba(op->endColor).toHex()); } else if (auto op = operation.ptr()) { if (op->mode == ScaleImageOperation::Nearest) return strf("scalenearest=%s", op->scale); else if (op->mode == ScaleImageOperation::Bilinear) return strf("scalebilinear=%s", op->scale); else if (op->mode == ScaleImageOperation::Bicubic) return strf("scalebicubic=%s", op->scale); } else if (auto op = operation.ptr()) { return strf("crop=%s;%s;%s;%s", op->subset.xMin(), op->subset.xMax(), op->subset.yMin(), op->subset.yMax()); } else if (auto op = operation.ptr()) { if (op->mode == FlipImageOperation::FlipX) return "flipx"; else if (op->mode == FlipImageOperation::FlipY) return "flipy"; else if (op->mode == FlipImageOperation::FlipXY) return "flipxy"; } return ""; } void parseImageOperations(StringView params, function outputter) { params.forEachSplitView("?", [&](StringView op, size_t, size_t) { if (!op.empty()) outputter(imageOperationFromString(op)); }); } List parseImageOperations(StringView params) { List operations; params.forEachSplitView("?", [&](StringView op, size_t, size_t) { if (!op.empty()) operations.append(imageOperationFromString(op)); }); return operations; } String printImageOperations(List const& list) { return StringList(list.transformed(imageOperationToString)).join("?"); } void addImageOperationReferences(ImageOperation const& operation, StringList& out) { if (auto op = operation.ptr()) out.appendAll(op->maskImages); else if (auto op = operation.ptr()) out.appendAll(op->blendImages); } StringList imageOperationReferences(List const& operations) { StringList references; for (auto const& operation : operations) addImageOperationReferences(operation, references); return references; } void processImageOperation(ImageOperation const& operation, Image& image, ImageReferenceCallback refCallback) { if (auto op = operation.ptr()) { image.forEachPixel([&op](unsigned, unsigned, Vec4B& pixel) { if (pixel[3] != 0) pixel = Color::hueShiftVec4B(pixel, op->hueShiftAmount); }); } else if (auto op = operation.ptr()) { image.forEachPixel([&op](unsigned, unsigned, Vec4B& pixel) { if (pixel[3] != 0) { Color color = Color::rgba(pixel); color.setSaturation(clamp(color.saturation() + op->saturationShiftAmount, 0.0f, 1.0f)); pixel = color.toRgba(); } }); } else if (auto op = operation.ptr()) { image.forEachPixel([&op](unsigned, unsigned, Vec4B& pixel) { if (pixel[3] != 0) { Color color = Color::rgba(pixel); color.setValue(clamp(color.value() * op->brightnessMultiply, 0.0f, 1.0f)); pixel = color.toRgba(); } }); } else if (auto op = operation.ptr()) { image.forEachPixel([&op](unsigned, unsigned, Vec4B& pixel) { pixel[0] = op->rTable[pixel[0]]; pixel[1] = op->gTable[pixel[1]]; pixel[2] = op->bTable[pixel[2]]; }); } else if (auto op = operation.ptr()) { image.forEachPixel([&op](unsigned, unsigned y, Vec4B& pixel) { if (y % 2 == 0) { pixel[0] = op->fade1.rTable[pixel[0]]; pixel[1] = op->fade1.gTable[pixel[1]]; pixel[2] = op->fade1.bTable[pixel[2]]; } else { pixel[0] = op->fade2.rTable[pixel[0]]; pixel[1] = op->fade2.gTable[pixel[1]]; pixel[2] = op->fade2.bTable[pixel[2]]; } }); } else if (auto op = operation.ptr()) { image.forEachPixel([&op](unsigned, unsigned, Vec4B& pixel) { pixel[0] = op->color[0]; pixel[1] = op->color[1]; pixel[2] = op->color[2]; }); } else if (auto op = operation.ptr()) { image.forEachPixel([&op](unsigned, unsigned, Vec4B& pixel) { if (auto m = op->colorReplaceMap.maybe(pixel)) pixel = *m; }); } else if (auto op = operation.ptr()) { if (op->maskImages.empty()) return; if (!refCallback) throw StarException("Missing image ref callback during AlphaMaskImageOperation in ImageProcessor::process"); List maskImages; for (auto const& reference : op->maskImages) maskImages.append(refCallback(reference)); image.forEachPixel([&op, &maskImages](unsigned x, unsigned y, Vec4B& pixel) { uint8_t maskAlpha = 0; Vec2U pos = Vec2U(Vec2I(x, y) + op->offset); for (auto mask : maskImages) { if (pos[0] < mask->width() && pos[1] < mask->height()) { if (op->mode == AlphaMaskImageOperation::Additive) { // We produce our mask alpha from the maximum alpha of any of // the // mask images. maskAlpha = std::max(maskAlpha, mask->get(pos)[3]); } else if (op->mode == AlphaMaskImageOperation::Subtractive) { // We produce our mask alpha from the minimum alpha of any of // the // mask images. maskAlpha = std::min(maskAlpha, mask->get(pos)[3]); } } } pixel[3] = std::min(pixel[3], maskAlpha); }); } else if (auto op = operation.ptr()) { if (op->blendImages.empty()) return; if (!refCallback) throw StarException("Missing image ref callback during BlendImageOperation in ImageProcessor::process"); List blendImages; for (auto const& reference : op->blendImages) blendImages.append(refCallback(reference)); image.forEachPixel([&op, &blendImages](unsigned x, unsigned y, Vec4B& pixel) { Vec2U pos = Vec2U(Vec2I(x, y) + op->offset); Vec4F fpixel = Color::v4bToFloat(pixel); for (auto blend : blendImages) { if (pos[0] < blend->width() && pos[1] < blend->height()) { Vec4F blendPixel = Color::v4bToFloat(blend->get(pos)); if (op->mode == BlendImageOperation::Multiply) fpixel = fpixel.piecewiseMultiply(blendPixel); else if (op->mode == BlendImageOperation::Screen) fpixel = Vec4F::filled(1.0f) - (Vec4F::filled(1.0f) - fpixel).piecewiseMultiply(Vec4F::filled(1.0f) - blendPixel); } } pixel = Color::v4fToByte(fpixel); }); } else if (auto op = operation.ptr()) { image.forEachPixel([&op](unsigned, unsigned, Vec4B& pixel) { pixel = pixel.combine(op->color, [](uint8_t a, uint8_t b) -> uint8_t { return (uint8_t)(((int)a * (int)b) / 255); }); }); } else if (auto op = operation.ptr()) { Image borderImage(image.size() + Vec2U::filled(op->pixels * 2), PixelFormat::RGBA32); borderImage.copyInto(Vec2U::filled(op->pixels), image); Vec2I borderImageSize = Vec2I(borderImage.size()); borderImage.forEachPixel([&op, &image, &borderImageSize](int x, int y, Vec4B& pixel) { int pixels = op->pixels; bool includeTransparent = op->includeTransparent; if (pixel[3] == 0 || (includeTransparent && pixel[3] != 255)) { int dist = std::numeric_limits::max(); for (int j = -pixels; j < pixels + 1; j++) { for (int i = -pixels; i < pixels + 1; i++) { if (i + x >= pixels && j + y >= pixels && i + x < borderImageSize[0] - pixels && j + y < borderImageSize[1] - pixels) { Vec4B remotePixel = image.get(i + x - pixels, j + y - pixels); if (remotePixel[3] != 0) { dist = std::min(dist, abs(i) + abs(j)); if (dist == 1) // Early out, if dist is 1 it ain't getting shorter break; } } } } if (dist < std::numeric_limits::max()) { float percent = (dist - 1) / (2.0f * pixels - 1); Color color = Color::rgba(op->startColor).mix(Color::rgba(op->endColor), percent); if (pixel[3] != 0) { if (op->outlineOnly) { float pixelA = byteToFloat(pixel[3]); color.setAlphaF((1.0f - pixelA) * fminf(pixelA, 0.5f) * 2.0f); } else { Color pixelF = Color::rgba(pixel); float pixelA = pixelF.alphaF(), colorA = color.alphaF(); colorA += pixelA * (1.0f - colorA); pixelF.convertToLinear(); //Mix in linear color space as it is more perceptually accurate color.convertToLinear(); color = color.mix(pixelF, pixelA); color.convertToSRGB(); color.setAlphaF(colorA); } } pixel = color.toRgba(); } } else if (op->outlineOnly) { pixel = Vec4B(0, 0, 0, 0); } }); image = borderImage; } else if (auto op = operation.ptr()) { if (op->mode == ScaleImageOperation::Nearest) image = scaleNearest(image, op->scale); else if (op->mode == ScaleImageOperation::Bilinear) image = scaleBilinear(image, op->scale); else if (op->mode == ScaleImageOperation::Bicubic) image = scaleBicubic(image, op->scale); } else if (auto op = operation.ptr()) { image = image.subImage(Vec2U(op->subset.min()), Vec2U(op->subset.size())); } else if (auto op = operation.ptr()) { if (op->mode == FlipImageOperation::FlipX || op->mode == FlipImageOperation::FlipXY) { for (size_t y = 0; y < image.height(); ++y) { for (size_t xLeft = 0; xLeft < image.width() / 2; ++xLeft) { size_t xRight = image.width() - 1 - xLeft; auto left = image.get(xLeft, y); auto right = image.get(xRight, y); image.set(xLeft, y, right); image.set(xRight, y, left); } } } if (op->mode == FlipImageOperation::FlipY || op->mode == FlipImageOperation::FlipXY) { for (size_t x = 0; x < image.width(); ++x) { for (size_t yTop = 0; yTop < image.height() / 2; ++yTop) { size_t yBottom = image.height() - 1 - yTop; auto top = image.get(x, yTop); auto bottom = image.get(x, yBottom); image.set(x, yTop, bottom); image.set(x, yBottom, top); } } } } } Image processImageOperations(List const& operations, Image image, ImageReferenceCallback refCallback) { for (auto const& operation : operations) processImageOperation(operation, image, refCallback); return image; } }