#pragma once #include "StarRect.hpp" #include "StarJson.hpp" #include "StarBiMap.hpp" #include "StarMultiArray.hpp" #include "StarGameTypes.hpp" #include "StarTileDamage.hpp" namespace Star { STAR_EXCEPTION(MaterialRenderProfileException, StarException); enum class MaterialJoinType : uint8_t { All, Any }; extern EnumMap const MaterialJoinTypeNames; STAR_STRUCT(MaterialRule); struct MaterialRule { struct RuleEmpty {}; struct RuleConnects {}; struct RuleShadows {}; struct RuleEqualsSelf { bool matchHue; }; struct RuleEqualsId { uint16_t id; }; struct RulePropertyEquals { String propertyName; Json compare; }; struct RuleEntry { MVariant rule; bool inverse; }; MaterialJoinType join; List entries; }; typedef StringMap RuleMap; struct MaterialMatchPoint { Vec2I position; MaterialRuleConstPtr rule; }; STAR_STRUCT(MaterialRenderPiece); struct MaterialRenderPiece { size_t pieceId; String texture; // Maps each MaterialColorVariant to a list of texture coordinates for each // random variant HashMap> variants; }; STAR_STRUCT(MaterialRenderMatch); typedef List MaterialRenderMatchList; struct MaterialRenderMatch { List matchPoints; MaterialJoinType matchJoin; // Positions here are in TilePixels List> resultingPieces; MaterialRenderMatchList subMatches; Maybe requiredLayer; Maybe occlude; bool haltOnMatch; bool haltOnSubMatch; }; typedef StringMap PieceMap; typedef StringMap MatchMap; // This is the maximum distance in either X or Y that material neighbor rules // are limited to. This can be used as a maximum limit on the "sphere of // influence" that a tile can have on other tile's rendering. A value of 1 // here means "1 away", so would be interpreted as a 3x3 block with the // rendered tile in the center. int const MaterialRenderProfileMaxNeighborDistance = 2; STAR_STRUCT(MaterialRenderProfile); struct MaterialRenderProfile { RuleMap rules; PieceMap pieces; MatchMap matches; String representativePiece; MaterialRenderMatchList mainMatchList; List> crackingFrames; List> protectedFrames; Json ruleProperties; bool foregroundLightTransparent; bool backgroundLightTransparent; bool multiColor; bool occludesBehind; uint32_t zLevel; Vec3F radiantLight; // Get a single asset path for just a single piece of a material, with the // image cropped to the piece itself. String pieceImage(String const& pieceName, unsigned variant, MaterialColorVariant colorVariant = DefaultMaterialColorVariant, MaterialHue hueShift = MaterialHue()) const; // Get an overlay image for rendering damaged tiles, as well as the offset // for it in world coordinates. pair const& damageImage(float damageLevel, TileDamageType damageType) const; }; MaterialRenderProfile parseMaterialRenderProfile(Json const& spec, String const& relativePath = ""); }