The sb table contains miscellaneous utility functions that don't directly relate to any assets or content of the game. --- #### `double` sb.nrand([`double` standardDeviation], [`double` mean]) Returns a randomized value with a normal distribution using the specified standard deviation (default is 1.0) and mean (default is 0). --- #### `String` sb.makeUuid() Returns a `String` representation of a new, randomly-created `Uuid`. --- #### `void` sb.logInfo(`String` formatString, [`LuaValue` formatValues ...]) Logs the specified formatted string, optionally using the formatted replacement values, to the log file and console with the Info log level. --- #### `void` sb.logWarn(`String` formatString, [`LuaValue` formatValues ...]) Logs the specified formatted string, optionally using the formatted replacement values, to the log file and console with the Warn log level. --- #### `void` sb.logError(`String` formatString, [`LuaValue` formatValues ...]) Logs the specified formatted string, optionally using the formatted replacement values, to the log file and console with the Error log level. --- #### `void` sb.setLogMap(`String` key, `String` formatString, [`LuaValue` formatValues ...]) Sets an entry in the debug log map (visible while in debug mode) using the specified format string and optional formatted replacement values. --- #### `String` sb.printJson(`Json` value, [`bool` pretty]) Returns a human-readable string representation of the specified JSON value. If pretty is `true`, objects and arrays will have whitespace added for readability. --- #### `String` sb.print(`LuaValue` value) Returns a human-readable string representation of the specified `LuaValue`. --- #### `Variant<Vec2F, double>` sb.interpolateSinEase(`double` offset, `Variant<Vec2F, double>` value1, `Variant<Vec2F, double>` value2) Returns an interpolated `Vec2F` or `double` between the two specified values using a sin ease function. --- #### `String` sb.replaceTags(`String` string, `Map<String, String>` tags) Replaces all tags in the specified string with the specified tag replacement values. --- #### `Json` sb.jsonMerge(`Json` a, `Json` b) Returns the result of merging the contents of b on top of a. --- #### `Json` sb.jsonQuery(`Json` content, `String` path, `Json` default) Attempts to extract the value in the specified content at the specified path, and returns the found value or the specified default if no such value exists. --- #### `int` sb.staticRandomI32([`LuaValue` hashValues ...]) Returns a statically randomized 32-bit signed integer based on the given list of seed values. --- #### `int` sb.staticRandomI32Range(`int` min, `int` max, [`LuaValue` hashValues ...]) Returns a statically randomized 32-bit signed integer within the specified range based on the given list of seed values. --- #### `double` sb.staticRandomDouble([`LuaValue` hashValues ...]) Returns a statically randomized `double` based on the given list of seed values. --- #### `double` sb.staticRandomDoubleRange(`double` min, `double` max, [`LuaValue` hashValues ...]) Returns a statically randomized `double` within the specified range based on the given list of seed values. --- #### `RandomSource` sb.makeRandomSource([`unsigned` seed]) Creates and returns a Lua UserData value which can be used as a random source, initialized with the specified seed. The `RandomSource` has the following methods: ##### `void` init([`unsigned` seed]) Reinitializes the random source, optionally using the specified seed. ##### `void` addEntropy([`unsigned` seed]) Adds entropy to the random source, optionally using the specified seed. ##### `unsigned` randu32() Returns a random 32-bit unsigned integer value. ##### `unsigned` randu64() Returns a random 64-bit unsigned integer value. ##### `int` randi32() Returns a random 32-bit signed integer value. ##### `int` randi64() Returns a random 64-bit signed integer value. ##### `float` randf([`float` min], [`float` max]) Returns a random `float` value within the specified range, or between 0 and 1 if no range is specified. ##### `double` randf([`double` min], [`double` max]) Returns a random `double` value within the specified range, or between 0 and 1 if no range is specified. ##### `unsigned` randf(`unsigned` minOrMax, [`unsigned` max]) Returns a random unsigned integer value between minOrMax and max, or between 0 and minOrMax if no max is specified. ##### `int` randf([`int` min], [`int` max]) Returns a random signed integer value between minOrMax and max, or between 0 and minOrMax if no max is specified. ##### `bool` randb() Returns a random `bool` value. --- #### `PerlinSource` sb.makePerlinSource(`Json` config) Creates and returns a Lua UserData value which can be used as a Perlin noise source. The configuration for the `PerlinSource` should be a JSON object and can include the following keys: * `unsigned` __seed__ - Seed value used to initialize the source. * `String` __type__ - Type of noise to use. Valid types are "perlin", "billow" or "ridgedMulti". * `int` __octaves__ - Number of octaves of noise to use. Defaults to 1. * `double` __frequency__ - Defaults to 1.0. * `double` __amplitude__ - Defaults to 1.0. * `double` __bias__ - Defaults to 0.0. * `double` __alpha__ - Defaults to 2.0. * `double` __beta__ - Defaults to 2.0. * `double` __offset__ - Defaults to 1.0. * `double` __gain__ - Defaults to 2.0. The `PerlinSource` has only one method: ##### `float` get(`float` x, [`float` y], [`float` z]) Returns a `float` value from the Perlin source using 1, 2, or 3 dimensions of input.