#pragma once #include "StarIterator.hpp" #include "StarEntityMap.hpp" #include "StarWorldTiles.hpp" #include "StarBlocksAlongLine.hpp" #include "StarBiome.hpp" #include "StarSky.hpp" #include "StarWorldTemplate.hpp" #include "StarLiquidsDatabase.hpp" #include "StarCellularLighting.hpp" #include "StarRoot.hpp" #include "StarMaterialDatabase.hpp" #include "StarAssets.hpp" #include "StarJsonExtra.hpp" #include "StarTileModification.hpp" namespace Star { namespace WorldImpl { template bool tileIsOccupied(shared_ptr const& tileSectorArray, EntityMapPtr const& entityMap, Vec2I const& pos, TileLayer layer, bool includeEphemeral, bool checkCollision = false); template CollisionKind tileCollisionKind(shared_ptr const& tileSectorArray, EntityMapPtr const& entityMap, Vec2I const& pos); template bool rectTileCollision(shared_ptr const& tileSectorArray, RectI const& region, bool solidCollision); template bool lineTileCollision(WorldGeometry const& worldGeometry, shared_ptr const& tileSectorArray, Vec2F const& begin, Vec2F const& end, CollisionSet const& collisionSet); template Maybe> lineTileCollisionPoint(WorldGeometry const& worldGeometry, shared_ptr const& tileSectorArray, Vec2F const& begin, Vec2F const& end, CollisionSet const& collisionSet); template List collidingTilesAlongLine(WorldGeometry const& worldGeometry, shared_ptr const& tileSectorArray, Vec2F const& begin, Vec2F const& end, CollisionSet const& collisionSet, size_t maxSize, bool includeEdges); template bool canPlaceMaterial(EntityMapPtr const& entityMap, Vec2I const& pos, TileLayer layer, MaterialId material, bool allowEntityOverlap, bool allowTileOverlap, GetTileFunction& getTile); // returns true if this material could be placed if in the same batch other // tiles can be placed // that connect to it template bool perhapsCanPlaceMaterial(EntityMapPtr const& entityMap, Vec2I const& pos, TileLayer layer, MaterialId material, bool allowEntityOverlap, bool allowTileOverlap, GetTileFunction& getTile); template bool canPlaceMaterialColorVariant(Vec2I const& pos, TileLayer layer, MaterialColorVariant color, GetTileFunction& getTile); template bool canPlaceMod(Vec2I const& pos, TileLayer layer, ModId mod, GetTileFunction& getTile); template pair validateTileModification(EntityMapPtr const& entityMap, Vec2I const& pos, TileModification const& modification, bool allowEntityOverlap, GetTileFunction& getTile); // Split modification list into good and bad template pair splitTileModifications(EntityMapPtr const& entityMap, TileModificationList const& modificationList, bool allowEntityOverlap, GetTileFunction& getTile, function extraCheck = {}); template float windLevel(shared_ptr const& tileSectorArray, Vec2F const& position, float weatherWindLevel); template float temperature(shared_ptr const& tileSectorArray, WorldTemplateConstPtr const& worldTemplate, SkyConstPtr const& sky, Vec2F const& pos); template bool breathable(World const* world, shared_ptr const& tileSectorArray, WorldTemplateConstPtr const& worldTemplate, Vec2F const& pos); template float lightLevel(shared_ptr const& tileSectorArray, EntityMapPtr const& entityMap, WorldGeometry const& worldGeometry, WorldTemplateConstPtr const& worldTemplate, SkyConstPtr const& sky, CellularLightIntensityCalculator& lighting, Vec2F pos); InteractiveEntityPtr getInteractiveInRange(WorldGeometry const& geometry, EntityMapPtr const& entityMap, Vec2F const& targetPosition, Vec2F const& sourcePosition, float maxRange); bool isTileEntityInRange(WorldGeometry const& geometry, EntityMapPtr const& entityMap, EntityId targetEntity, Vec2F const& sourcePosition, float maxRange); template bool canReachEntity(WorldGeometry const& geometry, shared_ptr const& tileSectorArray, EntityMapPtr const& entityMap, Vec2F const& sourcePosition, float maxRange, EntityId targetEntity, bool preferInteractive = true); template bool tileIsOccupied(shared_ptr const& tileSectorArray, EntityMapPtr const& entityMap, Vec2I const& pos, TileLayer layer, bool includeEphemeral, bool checkCollision) { auto& tile = tileSectorArray->tile(pos); if (layer == TileLayer::Foreground) return (checkCollision ? tile.collision >= CollisionKind::Dynamic : tile.foreground != EmptyMaterialId) || entityMap->tileIsOccupied(pos, includeEphemeral); else return tile.background != EmptyMaterialId; } template CollisionKind tileCollisionKind(shared_ptr const& tileSectorArray, EntityMapPtr const& entityMap, Vec2I const& pos) { return tileSectorArray->tile(pos).collision; } template bool rectTileCollision(shared_ptr const& tileSectorArray, RectI const& region, CollisionSet const& collisionSet) { return tileSectorArray->tileSatisfies(region, [&collisionSet](Vec2I const&, typename TileSectorArray::Tile const& tile) { return isColliding(tile.collision, collisionSet); }); } template bool lineTileCollision(WorldGeometry const& worldGeometry, shared_ptr const& tileSectorArray, Vec2F const& begin, Vec2F const& end, CollisionSet const& collisionSet) { return !forBlocksAlongLine(begin, worldGeometry.diff(end, begin), [=](int x, int y) -> bool { return !tileSectorArray->tile({x, y}).isColliding(collisionSet); }); } template Maybe> lineTileCollisionPoint(WorldGeometry const& worldGeometry, shared_ptr const& tileSectorArray, Vec2F const& begin, Vec2F const& end, CollisionSet const& collisionSet) { Maybe collidingBlock; auto clear = forBlocksAlongLine(begin, worldGeometry.diff(end, begin), [=, &collidingBlock](int x, int y) -> bool { if (tileSectorArray->tile({x, y}).isColliding(collisionSet)) { collidingBlock = Vec2I(x, y); return false; } else { return true; } }); if (clear) return {}; // no colliding blocks along the line Vec2F direction = worldGeometry.diff(end, begin).normalized(); Vec2F blockPosition = Vec2F(*collidingBlock); // find the position of intersecting sides if (direction[0] < 0) blockPosition[0] = blockPosition[0] + 1; if (direction[1] < 0) blockPosition[1] = blockPosition[1] + 1; Vec2F blockDistance = worldGeometry.diff(blockPosition, begin); // exclude edges which are in the opposite direction of the line if (direction[0] * blockDistance[0] < 0) blockDistance[0] = 0.0f; if (direction[1] * blockDistance[1] < 0) blockDistance[1] = 0.0f; // line length per block in each axis, don't divide by 0 float deltaDistX = direction[0] == 0 ? 0.0f : 1.0f / abs(direction[0]); float deltaDistY = direction[1] == 0 ? 0.0f : 1.0f / abs(direction[1]); // distance to each edge of the intersect Vec2F intersectDist = Vec2F(abs(blockDistance[0]) * deltaDistX, abs(blockDistance[1]) * deltaDistY); Vec2I normal = Vec2I(intersectDist[0] > intersectDist[1] ? 1 : 0, intersectDist[1] > intersectDist[0] ? 1 : 0); normal[0] *= copysign(1.0f, direction[0]); normal[1] *= copysign(1.0f, direction[1]); Vec2F position = begin + (direction * max(intersectDist[0], intersectDist[1])); // HACK: Keeps the end position from being right on a tile border, making line check // *from* this end position from colliding with the first tile if (intersectDist[0] > intersectDist[1]) position[0] = blockPosition[0] + (normal[0] * -0.0001f); else position[1] = blockPosition[1] + (normal[1] * -0.0001f); return pair(position, normal); } template inline LiquidLevel liquidLevel(shared_ptr const& tileSectorArray, RectF const& region) { if (region.isEmpty()) return LiquidLevel(); RectI sampleRect = RectI::integral(region); // This is not entirely accurate, even though all liquid types in the // region count towards the grand total liquid percentage, only the most // common liquid is reported. float totalSpace = 0; Map totals; tileSectorArray->tileEach(sampleRect, [®ion, &totalSpace, &totals](Vec2I const& pos, typename TileSectorArray::Tile const& tile) { float blockIncidence = RectF(pos[0], pos[1], pos[0] + 1, pos[1] + 1).overlap(region).volume(); totalSpace += blockIncidence; auto liquidLevel = tile.liquid; if (liquidLevel.liquid != EmptyLiquidId) totals[liquidLevel.liquid] += min(1.0f, liquidLevel.level) * blockIncidence; }); float totalLiquidLevel = 0.0f; float maximumLiquidLevel = 0.0f; LiquidId maximumLiquidId = EmptyLiquidId; for (auto const& p : totals) { totalLiquidLevel += p.second; if (p.second > maximumLiquidLevel) { maximumLiquidLevel = p.second; maximumLiquidId = p.first; } } return LiquidLevel(maximumLiquidId, totalLiquidLevel / totalSpace); } template List collidingTilesAlongLine(WorldGeometry const& worldGeometry, shared_ptr const& tileSectorArray, Vec2F const& begin, Vec2F const& end, CollisionSet const& collisionSet, size_t maxSize, bool includeEdges) { List res; forBlocksAlongLine(begin, worldGeometry.diff(end, begin), [&](int x, int y) { if (res.size() >= maxSize) return false; if (tileSectorArray->tile({x, y}).isColliding(collisionSet)) res.append({x, y}); return true; }); if (includeEdges) return res; SMutableIterator> tileIt{res}; while (tileIt.hasNext()) { auto tileRect = RectF::withSize(Vec2F(worldGeometry.xwrap(tileIt.next())), Vec2F::filled(1.0f)); Line2F line{worldGeometry.xwrap(begin), worldGeometry.xwrap(end)}; auto lineSet = worldGeometry.splitLine(line); if (any(lineSet, [&](Line2F const& line) { return tileRect.edgeIntersection(line).glances; })) tileIt.remove(); } return res; } template bool canPlaceMaterial(EntityMapPtr const& entityMap, Vec2I const& pos, TileLayer layer, MaterialId material, bool allowEntityOverlap, bool allowTileOverlap, GetTileFunction& getTile) { auto materialDatabase = Root::singleton().materialDatabase(); if (!isRealMaterial(material)) return false; auto isAdjacentToConnectable = [&](Vec2I const& pos, unsigned distance, bool foreground) { if (pos.y() - distance < 0) return true; int maxY = pos.y() + distance + 1; int maxX = pos.x() + distance + 1; for (int y = pos.y() - distance; y != maxY; ++y) { Vec2I tPos = { 0, y }; for (int x = pos.x() - distance; x != maxX; ++x) { tPos[0] = x; if (tPos != pos) { auto& tile = getTile(tPos); if (isConnectableMaterial(foreground ? tile.foreground : tile.background)) return true; } } } return false; }; if (!materialDatabase->canPlaceInLayer(material, layer)) return false; auto& tile = getTile(pos); if (layer == TileLayer::Background) { if (tile.background != EmptyMaterialId && tile.background != ObjectPlatformMaterialId) return false; // Can attach background blocks to other background blocks, *or* the // foreground block in front of it. if (!isAdjacentToConnectable(pos, 1, false) && !isConnectableMaterial(tile.foreground)) return false; } else { if (tile.foreground != EmptyMaterialId && tile.foreground != ObjectPlatformMaterialId) return false; if (!allowTileOverlap && entityMap->tileIsOccupied(pos)) return false; if (!allowEntityOverlap && entityMap->spaceIsOccupied(RectF::withSize(Vec2F(pos), Vec2F(0.999f, 0.999f)))) return false; if (!isAdjacentToConnectable(pos, 1, true) && !isConnectableMaterial(tile.background)) return false; } return true; } template bool perhapsCanPlaceMaterial(EntityMapPtr const& entityMap, Vec2I const& pos, TileLayer layer, MaterialId material, bool allowEntityOverlap, bool allowTileOverlap, GetTileFunction& getTile) { auto materialDatabase = Root::singleton().materialDatabase(); if (!isRealMaterial(material)) return false; if (!materialDatabase->canPlaceInLayer(material, layer)) return false; auto& tile = getTile(pos); if (layer == TileLayer::Background) { if (tile.background != EmptyMaterialId && tile.background != ObjectPlatformMaterialId) return false; } else { if (tile.foreground != EmptyMaterialId && tile.foreground != ObjectPlatformMaterialId) return false; if (!allowTileOverlap && entityMap->tileIsOccupied(pos)) return false; if (!allowEntityOverlap && entityMap->spaceIsOccupied(RectF::withSize(Vec2F(pos), Vec2F(0.999f, 0.999f)))) return false; } return true; } template bool canPlaceMaterialColorVariant(Vec2I const& pos, TileLayer layer, MaterialColorVariant color, GetTileFunction& getTile) { auto materialDatabase = Root::singleton().materialDatabase(); auto& tile = getTile(pos); auto mat = tile.material(layer); auto existingColor = tile.materialColor(layer); auto existingHue = layer == TileLayer::Foreground ? tile.foregroundHueShift : tile.backgroundHueShift; return existingHue != 0 || (existingColor != color && materialDatabase->isMultiColor(mat)); } template bool canPlaceMod(Vec2I const& pos, TileLayer layer, ModId mod, GetTileFunction& getTile) { if (!isRealMod(mod)) return false; auto materialDatabase = Root::singleton().materialDatabase(); auto mat = getTile(pos).material(layer); auto existingMod = getTile(pos).mod(layer); return existingMod != mod && materialDatabase->supportsMod(mat, mod); } template pair validateTileModification(EntityMapPtr const& entityMap, Vec2I const& pos, TileModification const& modification, bool allowEntityOverlap, GetTileFunction& getTile) { bool good = false; bool perhaps = false; if (auto placeMaterial = modification.ptr()) { bool allowTileOverlap = placeMaterial->collisionOverride != TileCollisionOverride::None && collisionKindFromOverride(placeMaterial->collisionOverride) < CollisionKind::Dynamic; perhaps = WorldImpl::perhapsCanPlaceMaterial(entityMap, pos, placeMaterial->layer, placeMaterial->material, allowEntityOverlap, allowTileOverlap, getTile); if (perhaps) good = WorldImpl::canPlaceMaterial(entityMap, pos, placeMaterial->layer, placeMaterial->material, allowEntityOverlap, allowTileOverlap, getTile); } else if (auto placeMod = modification.ptr()) { good = WorldImpl::canPlaceMod(pos, placeMod->layer, placeMod->mod, getTile); } else if (auto placeMaterialColor = modification.ptr()) { good = WorldImpl::canPlaceMaterialColorVariant(pos, placeMaterialColor->layer, placeMaterialColor->color, getTile); } else if (modification.is()) { good = getTile(pos).collision == CollisionKind::None; } else { good = false; } return { good, perhaps }; } template pair splitTileModifications(EntityMapPtr const& entityMap, TileModificationList const& modificationList, bool allowEntityOverlap, GetTileFunction& getTile, function extraCheck) { TileModificationList success; TileModificationList unknown; TileModificationList failures; for (auto const& pair : modificationList) { bool good = false, perhaps = false; if (!extraCheck || extraCheck(pair.first, pair.second)) std::tie(good, perhaps) = validateTileModification(entityMap, pair.first, pair.second, allowEntityOverlap, getTile); if (good) success.append(pair); else if (perhaps) unknown.append(pair); else failures.append(pair); } if (!success.empty()) success.appendAll(unknown); else failures.appendAll(unknown); return {success, failures}; } template float windLevel(shared_ptr const& tileSectorArray, Vec2F const& position, float weatherWindLevel) { auto const& tile = tileSectorArray->tile(Vec2I::floor(position)); if (tile.material(TileLayer::Background) != EmptyMaterialId) return 0.0f; if (tile.material(TileLayer::Foreground) != EmptyMaterialId) return 0.0f; return weatherWindLevel; } template bool breathable(World const* world, shared_ptr const& tileSectorArray, HashMap const& breathableMap, WorldTemplateConstPtr const& worldTemplate, Vec2F const& pos) { Vec2I ipos = Vec2I::floor(pos); float remainder = pos[1] - ipos[1]; auto materialDatabase = Root::singleton().materialDatabase(); auto liquidsDatabase = Root::singleton().liquidsDatabase(); auto tile = tileSectorArray->tile(ipos); bool environmentBreathable = breathableMap.maybe(tile.dungeonId).value(worldTemplate->breathable(ipos[0], ipos[1])); bool liquidBreathable = remainder >= tile.liquid.level; bool foregroundBreathable = tile.collision != CollisionKind::Block || !world->pointCollision(pos); return environmentBreathable && foregroundBreathable && liquidBreathable; } template float lightLevel(shared_ptr const& tileSectorArray, EntityMapPtr const& entityMap, WorldGeometry const& worldGeometry, WorldTemplateConstPtr const& worldTemplate, SkyConstPtr const& sky, CellularLightIntensityCalculator& lighting, Vec2F pos) { if (pos[1] < 0 || pos[1] >= worldGeometry.height()) return 0; // tileEach can't handle rects that are WAY out of range. pos = worldGeometry.xwrap(pos); Vec3F environmentLight = sky->environmentLight().toRgbF(); float undergroundLevel = worldTemplate->undergroundLevel(); auto materialDatabase = Root::singleton().materialDatabase(); auto liquidsDatabase = Root::singleton().liquidsDatabase(); lighting.begin(pos); // Each column in tileEvalColumns is guaranteed to be no larger than the // sector size. CellularLightIntensityCalculator::Cell lightingCellColumn[WorldSectorSize]; tileSectorArray->tileEvalColumns(lighting.calculationRegion(), [&](Vec2I const& pos, typename TileSectorArray::Tile const* column, size_t ySize) { for (size_t y = 0; y < ySize; ++y) { auto& tile = column[y]; auto& cell = lightingCellColumn[y]; bool backgroundTransparent = materialDatabase->backgroundLightTransparent(tile.background); bool foregroundTransparent = materialDatabase->foregroundLightTransparent(tile.foreground) && tile.collision != CollisionKind::Dynamic; cell = {materialDatabase->radiantLight(tile.foreground, tile.foregroundMod).sum() / 3.0f, !foregroundTransparent}; cell.light += liquidsDatabase->radiantLight(tile.liquid).sum() / 3.0f; if (foregroundTransparent) { cell.light += materialDatabase->radiantLight(tile.background, tile.backgroundMod).sum() / 3.0f; if (backgroundTransparent && pos[1] > undergroundLevel) cell.light += environmentLight.sum() / 3.0f; } } lighting.setCellColumn(pos, lightingCellColumn, ySize); }); for (auto const& entity : entityMap->entityQuery(RectF(lighting.calculationRegion()))) { for (auto const& light : entity->lightSources()) { Vec2F position = worldGeometry.nearestTo(Vec2F(lighting.calculationRegion().min()), light.position); if (light.pointLight) lighting.addPointLight(position, Color::v3bToFloat(light.color).sum() / 3.0f, light.pointBeam, light.beamAngle, light.beamAmbience); else lighting.addSpreadLight(position, Color::v3bToFloat(light.color).sum() / 3.0f); } } return lighting.calculate(); } inline InteractiveEntityPtr getInteractiveInRange(WorldGeometry const& geometry, EntityMapPtr const& entityMap, Vec2F const& targetPosition, Vec2F const& sourcePosition, float maxRange) { if (auto entity = entityMap->interactiveEntityNear(targetPosition, maxRange)) { if (auto tileEntity = as(entity)) { if (isTileEntityInRange(geometry, entityMap, tileEntity->entityId(), sourcePosition, maxRange)) return entity; } else { if (geometry.diffToNearestCoordInBox(entity->interactiveBoundBox().translated(entity->position()), sourcePosition) .magnitude() <= maxRange) return entity; } } return {}; } inline bool isTileEntityInRange(WorldGeometry const& geometry, EntityMapPtr const& entityMap, EntityId targetEntity, Vec2F const& sourcePosition, float maxRange) { if (auto entity = entityMap->get(targetEntity)) { // If any of the entity spaces is within interaction range, then assume the // whole entity is in interaction range for (auto space : entity->spaces()) { if (geometry.diff(entity->position() + centerOfTile(space), sourcePosition).magnitude() <= maxRange) return true; } } return false; } template bool canReachEntity(WorldGeometry const& geometry, shared_ptr const& tileSectorArray, EntityMapPtr const& entityMap, Vec2F const& sourcePosition, float maxRange, EntityId targetEntity, bool preferInteractive) { auto entity = entityMap->entity(targetEntity); if (!entity) return false; // exclude the final tile from the collision check since many targets will be collidable tile entities, e.g. doors auto const canReachTile = [&](Vec2F const& end) -> bool { Vec2I const& endTile = Vec2I::floor(end); return forBlocksAlongLine(sourcePosition, geometry.diff(end, sourcePosition), [=](int x, int y) -> bool { Vec2I diff = geometry.diff(endTile, Vec2I(x, y)); if (diff[0] == 0 && diff[1] == 0) return true; return !tileSectorArray->tile({x, y}).isColliding(DefaultCollisionSet); }); }; if (auto tileEntity = as(entity)) { for (auto space : preferInteractive ? tileEntity->interactiveSpaces() : tileEntity->spaces()) { auto spacePosition = entity->position() + centerOfTile(space); if (geometry.diff(spacePosition, sourcePosition).magnitude() <= maxRange) { if (canReachTile(spacePosition)) return true; } } } else if (preferInteractive && is(entity)) { auto interactiveEntity = as(entity); auto entityBounds = interactiveEntity->interactiveBoundBox().translated(entity->position()); if (geometry.rectContains(entityBounds, sourcePosition)) return true; if (!geometry.rectIntersectsCircle(entityBounds, sourcePosition, maxRange)) return false; return !lineTileCollision(geometry, tileSectorArray, sourcePosition, entityBounds.nearestCoordTo(sourcePosition), DefaultCollisionSet) || !lineTileCollision(geometry, tileSectorArray, sourcePosition, Vec2F(entityBounds.xMin(), entityBounds.yMin()), DefaultCollisionSet) || !lineTileCollision(geometry, tileSectorArray, sourcePosition, Vec2F(entityBounds.xMin(), entityBounds.yMax()), DefaultCollisionSet) || !lineTileCollision(geometry, tileSectorArray, sourcePosition, Vec2F(entityBounds.xMax(), entityBounds.yMax()), DefaultCollisionSet) || !lineTileCollision(geometry, tileSectorArray, sourcePosition, Vec2F(entityBounds.xMax(), entityBounds.yMin()), DefaultCollisionSet); } else { if (geometry.diff(entity->position(), sourcePosition).magnitude() <= maxRange) return !lineTileCollision(geometry, tileSectorArray, sourcePosition, entity->position(), DefaultCollisionSet); } return false; } } }