#include "StarPlayerInventory.hpp" #include "StarRoot.hpp" #include "StarCurrency.hpp" #include "StarArmors.hpp" #include "StarLiquidItem.hpp" #include "StarMaterialItem.hpp" #include "StarObjectItem.hpp" #include "StarItemDatabase.hpp" #include "StarPointableItem.hpp" #include "StarItemBag.hpp" #include "StarAssets.hpp" #include "StarJsonExtra.hpp" namespace Star { bool PlayerInventory::itemAllowedInBag(ItemPtr const& items, String const& bagType) { // any inventory type can have empty slots if (!items) return true; return checkInventoryFilter(items, bagType); } bool PlayerInventory::itemAllowedAsEquipment(ItemPtr const& item, EquipmentSlot equipmentSlot) { // any equipment slot can be empty if (!item) return true; if (equipmentSlot == EquipmentSlot::Head || equipmentSlot == EquipmentSlot::HeadCosmetic) return is(item); else if (equipmentSlot == EquipmentSlot::Chest || equipmentSlot == EquipmentSlot::ChestCosmetic) return is(item); else if (equipmentSlot == EquipmentSlot::Legs || equipmentSlot == EquipmentSlot::LegsCosmetic) return is(item); else return is(item); } PlayerInventory::PlayerInventory() { auto config = Root::singleton().assets()->json("/player.config:inventory"); auto bags = config.get("itemBags"); auto bagOrder = bags.toObject().keys().sorted([&bags](String const& a, String const& b) { return bags.get(a).getInt("priority", 0) < bags.get(b).getInt("priority", 0); }); for (auto name : bagOrder) { size_t size = bags.get(name).getUInt("size"); m_bags[name] = make_shared(size); m_bagsNetState[name].resize(size); } auto currenciesConfig = Root::singleton().assets()->json("/currencies.config"); for (auto p : currenciesConfig.iterateObject()) m_currencies[p.first] = 0; size_t customBarGroups = config.getUInt("customBarGroups"); size_t customBarIndexes = config.getUInt("customBarIndexes"); m_customBarGroup = 0; m_customBar.resize(customBarGroups, customBarIndexes); addNetElement(&m_equipmentNetState[EquipmentSlot::Head]); addNetElement(&m_equipmentNetState[EquipmentSlot::Chest]); addNetElement(&m_equipmentNetState[EquipmentSlot::Legs]); addNetElement(&m_equipmentNetState[EquipmentSlot::Back]); addNetElement(&m_equipmentNetState[EquipmentSlot::HeadCosmetic]); addNetElement(&m_equipmentNetState[EquipmentSlot::ChestCosmetic]); addNetElement(&m_equipmentNetState[EquipmentSlot::LegsCosmetic]); addNetElement(&m_equipmentNetState[EquipmentSlot::BackCosmetic]); for (auto& p : m_bagsNetState) { for (auto& e : p.second) addNetElement(&e); } addNetElement(&m_swapSlotNetState); addNetElement(&m_trashSlotNetState); addNetElement(&m_currenciesNetState); addNetElement(&m_customBarGroupNetState); m_customBarNetState.resize(customBarGroups, customBarIndexes); m_customBarNetState.forEach([this](Array2S const&, NetElementData& e) { addNetElement(&e); }); addNetElement(&m_selectedActionBarNetState); addNetElement(&m_essentialNetState[EssentialItem::BeamAxe]); addNetElement(&m_essentialNetState[EssentialItem::WireTool]); addNetElement(&m_essentialNetState[EssentialItem::PaintTool]); addNetElement(&m_essentialNetState[EssentialItem::InspectionTool]); } ItemPtr PlayerInventory::itemsAt(InventorySlot const& slot) const { return retrieve(slot); } ItemPtr PlayerInventory::stackWith(InventorySlot const& slot, ItemPtr const& items) { if (!items || items->empty()) return {}; if (auto es = slot.ptr()) { auto& itemSlot = retrieve(slot); if (!itemSlot && itemAllowedAsEquipment(items, *es)) m_equipment[*es] = items->take(1); } else { auto& dest = retrieve(slot); if (dest && dest->stackableWith(items)) dest->stackWith(items); if (!dest) dest = items->take(items->count()); } if (items->empty()) return {}; return items; } ItemPtr PlayerInventory::takeSlot(InventorySlot const& slot) { if (slot.is()) m_swapReturnSlot = {}; return take(retrieve(slot)); } bool PlayerInventory::exchangeItems(InventorySlot const& first, InventorySlot const& second) { auto& firstItems = retrieve(first); auto& secondItems = retrieve(second); if (first.is() && !itemAllowedInBag(secondItems, first.get().first)) return false; if (second.is() && !itemAllowedInBag(firstItems, second.get().first)) return false; if (first.is() && (secondItems->count() > 1 || !itemAllowedAsEquipment(secondItems, first.get()))) return false; if (second.is() && (firstItems->count() > 1 || !itemAllowedAsEquipment(firstItems, second.get()))) return false; swap(firstItems, secondItems); swapCustomBarLinks(first, second); return true; } bool PlayerInventory::setItem(InventorySlot const& slot, ItemPtr const& item) { if (auto currencyItem = as(item)) { m_currencies[currencyItem->currencyType()] += currencyItem->totalValue(); return true; } else if (auto es = slot.ptr()) { if (itemAllowedAsEquipment(item, *es)) { m_equipment[*es] = item; return true; } } else if (slot.is()) { m_swapSlot = item; return true; } else if (slot.is()) { m_trashSlot = item; return true; } else { auto bs = slot.get(); if (itemAllowedInBag(item, bs.first)) { m_bags[bs.first]->setItem(bs.second, item); return true; } } return false; } bool PlayerInventory::consumeSlot(InventorySlot const& slot, uint64_t count) { if (count == 0) return true; auto& item = retrieve(slot); if (!item) return false; bool consumed = item->consume(count); if (item->empty()) item = {}; return consumed; } ItemPtr PlayerInventory::addItems(ItemPtr items) { if (!items || items->empty()) return {}; // First, add coins as monetary value. if (auto currencyItem = as(items)) { addCurrency(currencyItem->currencyType(), currencyItem->totalValue()); return {}; } // Then, try adding equipment to the equipment slots. if (is(items) && !headArmor()) m_equipment[EquipmentSlot::Head] = items->take(1); if (is(items) && !chestArmor()) m_equipment[EquipmentSlot::Chest] = items->take(1); if (is(items) && !legsArmor()) m_equipment[EquipmentSlot::Legs] = items->take(1); if (is(items) && !backArmor()) m_equipment[EquipmentSlot::Back] = items->take(1); // Then, finally the bags return addToBags(move(items)); } ItemPtr PlayerInventory::addToBags(ItemPtr items) { if (!items || items->empty()) return {}; for (auto pair : m_bags) { if (!itemAllowedInBag(items, pair.first)) continue; items = pair.second->stackItems(items); if (!items) break; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < pair.second->size(); ++i) { if (!pair.second->at(i)) { pair.second->setItem(i, take(items)); autoAddToCustomBar(BagSlot(pair.first, i)); break; } } } return items; } uint64_t PlayerInventory::itemsCanFit(ItemPtr const& items) const { if (!items || items->empty()) return 0; if (is(items)) return items->count(); uint64_t canFit = 0; // First, check the equipment slots if (is(items) && !headArmor()) ++canFit; if (is(items) && !chestArmor()) ++canFit; if (is(items) && !legsArmor()) ++canFit; if (is(items) && !backArmor()) ++canFit; // Then add into bags for (auto const& pair : m_bags) { if (itemAllowedInBag(items, pair.first)) canFit += pair.second->itemsCanFit(items); } return min(canFit, items->count()); } bool PlayerInventory::hasItem(ItemDescriptor const& descriptor, bool exactMatch) const { return hasCountOfItem(descriptor, exactMatch) >= descriptor.count(); } uint64_t PlayerInventory::hasCountOfItem(ItemDescriptor const& descriptor, bool exactMatch) const { auto one = descriptor.singular(); uint64_t count = 0; auto countItem = [&](ItemPtr const& ptr) { if (ptr) count += ptr->matches(one, exactMatch) ? ptr->count() : 0; }; countItem(m_swapSlot); countItem(m_trashSlot); for (auto const& p : m_equipment) countItem(p.second); for (auto const& pair : m_bags) count += pair.second->available(one, exactMatch); return count; } bool PlayerInventory::consumeItems(ItemDescriptor const& descriptor, bool exactMatch) { if (descriptor.count() == 0) return true; auto one = descriptor.singular(); Map consumeFromItemBags; for (auto pair : m_bags) consumeFromItemBags[pair.first] = pair.second->available(one); uint64_t consumeFromEquipment = 0; for (auto const& p : m_equipment) { if (p.second) consumeFromEquipment += p.second->matches(one, exactMatch) ? p.second->count() : 0; } uint64_t consumeFromSwap = 0; if (m_swapSlot) consumeFromSwap += m_swapSlot->matches(one, exactMatch) ? m_swapSlot->count() : 0; uint64_t consumeFromTrash = 0; if (m_trashSlot) consumeFromTrash += m_trashSlot->matches(one, exactMatch) ? m_trashSlot->count() : 0; auto totalAvailable = consumeFromEquipment + consumeFromSwap + consumeFromTrash; for (auto pair : consumeFromItemBags) totalAvailable += pair.second; if (totalAvailable < descriptor.count()) return false; uint64_t leftoverCount = descriptor.count(); uint64_t quantity; for (auto pair : m_bags) { quantity = min(leftoverCount, consumeFromItemBags[pair.first]); if (quantity > 0) { auto res = pair.second->consumeItems(one.multiply(quantity), exactMatch); _unused(res); starAssert(res); leftoverCount -= quantity; } } quantity = min(leftoverCount, consumeFromEquipment); if (quantity > 0) { auto leftoverQuantity = quantity; for (auto const& p : m_equipment) { if (p.second && p.second->matches(one, exactMatch)) { auto toConsume = min(p.second->count(), quantity); auto res = p.second->consume(toConsume); _unused(res); starAssert(res); leftoverQuantity -= toConsume; } } starAssert(leftoverQuantity == 0); leftoverCount -= quantity; } quantity = std::min(leftoverCount, consumeFromSwap); if (quantity > 0) { if (m_swapSlot && m_swapSlot->matches(one, exactMatch)) { auto toConsume = std::min(m_swapSlot->count(), quantity); auto res = m_swapSlot->consume(toConsume); _unused(res); starAssert(res); quantity -= toConsume; starAssert(quantity == 0); } leftoverCount -= std::min(leftoverCount, consumeFromSwap); } quantity = std::min(leftoverCount, consumeFromTrash); if (quantity > 0) { if (m_trashSlot && m_trashSlot->matches(one, exactMatch)) { auto toConsume = std::min(m_trashSlot->count(), quantity); auto res = m_trashSlot->consume(toConsume); _unused(res); starAssert(res); quantity -= toConsume; starAssert(quantity == 0); } leftoverCount -= std::min(leftoverCount, consumeFromTrash); } starAssert(leftoverCount == 0); return true; } ItemDescriptor PlayerInventory::takeItems(ItemDescriptor const& descriptor, bool takePartial, bool exactMatch) { uint64_t hasCount = hasCountOfItem(descriptor, exactMatch); if (hasCount >= descriptor.count() || (takePartial && hasCount > 0)) { ItemDescriptor consumeDescriptor = descriptor.withCount(min(descriptor.count(), hasCount)); consumeItems(consumeDescriptor, exactMatch); return consumeDescriptor; } return {}; } HashMap PlayerInventory::availableItems() const { return ItemDatabase::normalizeBag(allItems()); } HeadArmorPtr PlayerInventory::headArmor() const { return as(m_equipment.value(EquipmentSlot::Head)); } ChestArmorPtr PlayerInventory::chestArmor() const { return as(m_equipment.value(EquipmentSlot::Chest)); } LegsArmorPtr PlayerInventory::legsArmor() const { return as(m_equipment.value(EquipmentSlot::Legs)); } BackArmorPtr PlayerInventory::backArmor() const { return as(m_equipment.value(EquipmentSlot::Back)); } HeadArmorPtr PlayerInventory::headCosmetic() const { return as(m_equipment.value(EquipmentSlot::HeadCosmetic)); } ChestArmorPtr PlayerInventory::chestCosmetic() const { return as(m_equipment.value(EquipmentSlot::ChestCosmetic)); } LegsArmorPtr PlayerInventory::legsCosmetic() const { return as(m_equipment.value(EquipmentSlot::LegsCosmetic)); } BackArmorPtr PlayerInventory::backCosmetic() const { return as(m_equipment.value(EquipmentSlot::BackCosmetic)); } ItemBagConstPtr PlayerInventory::bagContents(String const& type) const { return m_bags.get(type); } void PlayerInventory::condenseBagStacks(String const& bagType) {\ auto bag = m_bags[bagType]; bag->condenseStacks(); m_customBar.forEach([&](auto const& index, CustomBarLink& link) { if (link.first) { if (auto bs = link.first->ptr()) { if (bs->first == bagType && !bag->at(bs->second)) link.first = {}; } } if (link.second) { if (auto bs = link.second->ptr()) { if (bs->first == bagType && !bag->at(bs->second)) link.second = {}; } } }); } void PlayerInventory::sortBag(String const& bagType) { auto bag = m_bags[bagType]; // When sorting bags, we need to record where all the action bar links were // pointing if any of them were pointing to the bag we are about to sort. MultiArray, 2> savedCustomBar(m_customBar.size()); m_customBar.forEach([&](auto const& index, CustomBarLink const& link) { if (link.first) { if (auto bs = link.first->ptr()) { if (bs->first == bagType) savedCustomBar(index).first = bag->at(bs->second); } } if (link.second) { if (auto bs = link.second->ptr()) { if (bs->first == bagType) savedCustomBar(index).second = bag->at(bs->second); } } }); auto itemDatabase = Root::singletonPtr()->itemDatabase(); bag->items().sort([itemDatabase](ItemPtr const& a, ItemPtr const& b) { if (a && !b) return true; if (!a) return false; auto aType = itemDatabase->itemType(a->name()); auto bType = itemDatabase->itemType(b->name()); if (aType != bType) return aType < bType; if (a->rarity() != b->rarity()) return a->rarity() > b->rarity(); if (a->name().compare(b->name()) != 0) return a->name().compare(b->name()) < 0; if (a->count() != b->count()) return a->count() > b->count(); return false; }); // Once we are done sorting, we need to restore the potentially action bar // links to point to where the item with the same identity is now residing. Map itemIndexes; for (size_t i = 0; i < bag->size(); ++i) { if (auto item = bag->at(i)) itemIndexes[item] = i; } savedCustomBar.forEach([&](auto const& index, auto const& savedItems) { if (savedItems.first) m_customBar.at(index).first.set(BagSlot(bagType, itemIndexes.get(savedItems.first))); if (savedItems.second) m_customBar.at(index).second.set(BagSlot(bagType, itemIndexes.get(savedItems.second))); }); } void PlayerInventory::shiftSwap(InventorySlot const& slot) { if (auto es = slot.ptr()) { if (itemAllowedAsEquipment(m_swapSlot, *es)) { auto& equipSlot = m_equipment[*es]; if (itemSafeCount(m_swapSlot) <= 1) { swap(m_swapSlot, equipSlot); swapCustomBarLinks(SwapSlot(), slot); } else if (itemSafeCount(equipSlot) == 0) { equipSlot = m_swapSlot->take(1); } } } else if (slot.is()) { swap(m_swapSlot, m_trashSlot); swapCustomBarLinks(SwapSlot(), slot); } else if (auto bs = slot.ptr()) { if (itemAllowedInBag(m_swapSlot, bs->first)) { m_swapSlot = m_bags[bs->first]->swapItems(bs->second, m_swapSlot); swapCustomBarLinks(SwapSlot(), slot); } } if (!m_swapSlot) m_swapReturnSlot = {}; else m_swapReturnSlot = slot; } bool PlayerInventory::clearSwap() { auto trySlot = [&](InventorySlot slot) { if (!m_swapSlot) return; m_swapSlot = stackWith(slot, m_swapSlot); if (!m_swapSlot) swapCustomBarLinks(SwapSlot(), slot); }; auto tryBag = [&](String const& bagType) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < m_bags[bagType]->size(); ++i) { if (!m_swapSlot || !itemAllowedInBag(m_swapSlot, bagType)) break; trySlot(BagSlot(bagType, i)); } }; if (m_swapReturnSlot) trySlot(m_swapReturnSlot.take()); trySlot(EquipmentSlot::Head); trySlot(EquipmentSlot::Chest); trySlot(EquipmentSlot::Legs); trySlot(EquipmentSlot::Back); for (auto bagType : m_bags.keys()) tryBag(bagType); return !m_swapSlot; } ItemPtr PlayerInventory::swapSlotItem() const { return m_swapSlot; } void PlayerInventory::setSwapSlotItem(ItemPtr const& items) { if (auto currencyItem = as(items)) { addCurrency(currencyItem->currencyType(), currencyItem->totalValue()); m_swapSlot = {}; } else { m_swapSlot = items; autoAddToCustomBar(SwapSlot()); } } ItemPtr PlayerInventory::essentialItem(EssentialItem essentialItem) const { return m_essential.value(essentialItem); } void PlayerInventory::setEssentialItem(EssentialItem essentialItem, ItemPtr item) { m_essential[essentialItem] = item; } StringMap PlayerInventory::availableCurrencies() const { return m_currencies; } uint64_t PlayerInventory::currency(String const& currencyType) const { return m_currencies.value(currencyType, 0); } void PlayerInventory::addCurrency(String const& currencyType, uint64_t amount) { uint64_t previousTotal = m_currencies[currencyType]; uint64_t newTotal = previousTotal + amount; if (newTotal < previousTotal) newTotal = highest(); m_currencies[currencyType] = min(Root::singleton().assets()->json("/currencies.config").get(currencyType).getUInt("playerMax", highest()), newTotal); } bool PlayerInventory::consumeCurrency(String const& currencyType, uint64_t amount) { if (m_currencies[currencyType] >= amount) { m_currencies[currencyType] -= amount; return true; } else { return false; } } Maybe PlayerInventory::customBarPrimarySlot(CustomBarIndex customBarIndex) const { return m_customBar.at(m_customBarGroup, customBarIndex).first; } Maybe PlayerInventory::customBarSecondarySlot(CustomBarIndex customBarIndex) const { return m_customBar.at(m_customBarGroup, customBarIndex).second; } void PlayerInventory::setCustomBarPrimarySlot(CustomBarIndex customBarIndex, Maybe slot) { // The primary slot is not allowed to point to an empty item. if (slot) { if (!itemsAt(*slot)) slot = {}; } auto& cbl = m_customBar.at(m_customBarGroup, customBarIndex); if (slot && cbl.second == slot) { // If we match the secondary slot, just swap the slots for primary and // secondary swap(cbl.first, cbl.second); } else { cbl.first = slot; } } void PlayerInventory::setCustomBarSecondarySlot(CustomBarIndex customBarIndex, Maybe slot) { auto& cbl = m_customBar.at(m_customBarGroup, customBarIndex); // The secondary slot is not allowed to point to an empty item or a two // handed item. if (slot) { if (!itemsAt(*slot) || itemSafeTwoHanded(itemsAt(*slot))) slot = {}; } if (cbl.first && cbl.first == slot && !itemSafeTwoHanded(itemsAt(*cbl.first))) { // If we match the primary slot and the primary slot is not a two handed // item, then just swap the two slots. swap(cbl.first, cbl.second); } else { cbl.second = slot; // If the primary slot was two handed, it is no longer valid so clear it. if (cbl.first && itemSafeTwoHanded(itemsAt(*cbl.first))) cbl.first = {}; } } void PlayerInventory::addToCustomBar(InventorySlot slot) { for (size_t j = 0; j < m_customBar.size(1); ++j) { auto& cbl = m_customBar.at(m_customBarGroup, j); if (!cbl.first && !cbl.second) { cbl.first.set(slot); break; } } } uint8_t PlayerInventory::customBarGroup() const { return m_customBarGroup; } void PlayerInventory::setCustomBarGroup(uint8_t group) { m_customBarGroup = group; } uint8_t PlayerInventory::customBarGroups() const { return m_customBar.size(0); } uint8_t PlayerInventory::customBarIndexes() const { return m_customBar.size(1); } SelectedActionBarLocation PlayerInventory::selectedActionBarLocation() const { return m_selectedActionBar; } void PlayerInventory::selectActionBarLocation(SelectedActionBarLocation location) { m_selectedActionBar = location; } ItemPtr PlayerInventory::primaryHeldItem() const { if (m_swapSlot) return m_swapSlot; if (m_selectedActionBar.is()) return m_essential.value(m_selectedActionBar.get()); if (m_selectedActionBar.is()) { if (auto slot = m_customBar.at(m_customBarGroup, m_selectedActionBar.get()).first) return itemsAt(*slot); } return {}; } ItemPtr PlayerInventory::secondaryHeldItem() const { auto pri = primaryHeldItem(); if (itemSafeTwoHanded(pri) || m_swapSlot || !m_selectedActionBar || m_selectedActionBar.is()) return {}; auto const& cbl = m_customBar.at(m_customBarGroup, m_selectedActionBar.get()); if (cbl.first && itemSafeTwoHanded(itemsAt(*cbl.first))) return {}; if (cbl.second) return itemsAt(*cbl.second); return {}; } Maybe PlayerInventory::primaryHeldSlot() const { if (m_swapSlot) return InventorySlot(SwapSlot()); if (m_selectedActionBar.is()) return customBarPrimarySlot(m_selectedActionBar.get()); return {}; } Maybe PlayerInventory::secondaryHeldSlot() const { if (m_swapSlot || itemSafeTwoHanded(primaryHeldItem())) return {}; if (m_selectedActionBar.is()) return customBarSecondarySlot(m_selectedActionBar.get()); return {}; } void PlayerInventory::load(Json const& store) { auto itemDatabase = Root::singleton().itemDatabase(); m_equipment[EquipmentSlot::Head] = itemDatabase->diskLoad(store.get("headSlot")); m_equipment[EquipmentSlot::Chest] = itemDatabase->diskLoad(store.get("chestSlot")); m_equipment[EquipmentSlot::Legs] = itemDatabase->diskLoad(store.get("legsSlot")); m_equipment[EquipmentSlot::Back] = itemDatabase->diskLoad(store.get("backSlot")); m_equipment[EquipmentSlot::HeadCosmetic] = itemDatabase->diskLoad(store.get("headCosmeticSlot")); m_equipment[EquipmentSlot::ChestCosmetic] = itemDatabase->diskLoad(store.get("chestCosmeticSlot")); m_equipment[EquipmentSlot::LegsCosmetic] = itemDatabase->diskLoad(store.get("legsCosmeticSlot")); m_equipment[EquipmentSlot::BackCosmetic] = itemDatabase->diskLoad(store.get("backCosmeticSlot")); //reuse ItemBags so the Inventory pane still works after load()'ing into the same PlayerInventory again (from swap) auto itemBags = store.get("itemBags").toObject(); eraseWhere(m_bags, [&](auto const& p) { return !itemBags.contains(p.first); }); for (auto const& p : itemBags) { auto& bagType = p.first; auto newBag = ItemBag::loadStore(p.second); auto& bagPtr = m_bags[bagType]; if (bagPtr) *bagPtr = move(newBag); else bagPtr = make_shared(move(newBag)); } m_swapSlot = itemDatabase->diskLoad(store.get("swapSlot")); m_trashSlot = itemDatabase->diskLoad(store.get("trashSlot")); m_currencies = jsonToMapV>(store.get("currencies"), mem_fn(&Json::toUInt)); m_customBarGroup = store.getUInt("customBarGroup"); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_customBar.size(0); ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < m_customBar.size(1); ++j) { Json cbl = store.get("customBar").get(i).get(j); m_customBar.at(i, j) = CustomBarLink{ jsonToMaybe(cbl.get(0, {}), jsonToInventorySlot), jsonToMaybe(cbl.get(1, {}), jsonToInventorySlot) }; } } m_selectedActionBar = jsonToSelectedActionBarLocation(store.get("selectedActionBar")); m_essential.clear(); m_essential[EssentialItem::BeamAxe] = itemDatabase->diskLoad(store.get("beamAxe")); m_essential[EssentialItem::WireTool] = itemDatabase->diskLoad(store.get("wireTool")); m_essential[EssentialItem::PaintTool] = itemDatabase->diskLoad(store.get("paintTool")); m_essential[EssentialItem::InspectionTool] = itemDatabase->diskLoad(store.get("inspectionTool")); } Json PlayerInventory::store() const { auto itemDatabase = Root::singleton().itemDatabase(); JsonArray customBar; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_customBar.size(0); ++i) { JsonArray customBarGroup; for (size_t j = 0; j < m_customBar.size(1); ++j) { auto const& cbl = m_customBar.at(i, j); customBarGroup.append(JsonArray{jsonFromMaybe(cbl.first, jsonFromInventorySlot), jsonFromMaybe(cbl.second, jsonFromInventorySlot)}); } customBar.append(take(customBarGroup)); } JsonObject itemBags; for (auto bag : m_bags) itemBags.add(bag.first, bag.second->diskStore()); return JsonObject{ {"headSlot", itemDatabase->diskStore(m_equipment.value(EquipmentSlot::Head))}, {"chestSlot", itemDatabase->diskStore(m_equipment.value(EquipmentSlot::Chest))}, {"legsSlot", itemDatabase->diskStore(m_equipment.value(EquipmentSlot::Legs))}, {"backSlot", itemDatabase->diskStore(m_equipment.value(EquipmentSlot::Back))}, {"headCosmeticSlot", itemDatabase->diskStore(m_equipment.value(EquipmentSlot::HeadCosmetic))}, {"chestCosmeticSlot", itemDatabase->diskStore(m_equipment.value(EquipmentSlot::ChestCosmetic))}, {"legsCosmeticSlot", itemDatabase->diskStore(m_equipment.value(EquipmentSlot::LegsCosmetic))}, {"backCosmeticSlot", itemDatabase->diskStore(m_equipment.value(EquipmentSlot::BackCosmetic))}, {"itemBags", itemBags}, {"swapSlot", itemDatabase->diskStore(m_swapSlot)}, {"trashSlot", itemDatabase->diskStore(m_trashSlot)}, {"currencies", jsonFromMap(m_currencies)}, {"customBarGroup", m_customBarGroup}, {"customBar", move(customBar)}, {"selectedActionBar", jsonFromSelectedActionBarLocation(m_selectedActionBar)}, {"beamAxe", itemDatabase->diskStore(m_essential.value(EssentialItem::BeamAxe))}, {"wireTool", itemDatabase->diskStore(m_essential.value(EssentialItem::WireTool))}, {"paintTool", itemDatabase->diskStore(m_essential.value(EssentialItem::PaintTool))}, {"inspectionTool", itemDatabase->diskStore(m_essential.value(EssentialItem::InspectionTool))} }; } void PlayerInventory::forEveryItem(function function) { auto checkedFunction = [function = move(function)](InventorySlot const& slot, ItemPtr& item) { if (item) function(slot, item); }; for (auto& p : m_equipment) checkedFunction(p.first, p.second); for (auto const& p : m_bags) { for (size_t i = 0; i < p.second->size(); ++i) checkedFunction(BagSlot(p.first, i), p.second->at(i)); } checkedFunction(SwapSlot(), m_swapSlot); checkedFunction(TrashSlot(), m_trashSlot); } void PlayerInventory::forEveryItem(function function) const { return const_cast(this)->forEveryItem([function = move(function)](InventorySlot const& slot, ItemPtr& item) { function(slot, item); }); } List PlayerInventory::allItems() const { List items; forEveryItem([&items](InventorySlot const&, ItemPtr const& item) { items.append(item); }); return items; } Map PlayerInventory::itemSummary() const { Map result; forEveryItem([&result](auto const&, auto const& item) { result[item->name()] += item->count(); }); return result; } void PlayerInventory::cleanup() { for (auto pair : m_bags) pair.second->cleanup(); for (auto& p : m_equipment) if (p.second && p.second->empty()) p.second = ItemPtr(); if (m_swapSlot && m_swapSlot->empty()) m_swapSlot = ItemPtr(); if (m_trashSlot && m_trashSlot->empty()) m_trashSlot = ItemPtr(); m_customBar.forEach([this](Array2S const&, CustomBarLink& p) { ItemPtr primary = p.first ? retrieve(*p.first) : ItemPtr(); ItemPtr secondary = p.second ? retrieve(*p.second) : ItemPtr(); // Reset the primary and secondary action bar link if the item is gone if (!primary) p.first.reset(); if (!secondary) p.second.reset(); // If the primary hand item is two handed, the secondary hand should not be // set if (itemSafeTwoHanded(primary)) p.second.reset(); // Two handed items are not allowed in the secondary slot if (itemSafeTwoHanded(secondary)) p.second.reset(); }); } bool PlayerInventory::checkInventoryFilter(ItemPtr const& items, String const& filterName) { auto config = Root::singleton().assets()->json("/player.config:inventoryFilters"); // filter by item type if an itemTypes filter is set auto itemDatabase = Root::singleton().itemDatabase(); auto filterConfig = config.get(filterName); auto itemTypeName = ItemTypeNames.getRight(itemDatabase->itemType(items->name())); if (filterConfig.contains("typeWhitelist") && !filterConfig.getArray("typeWhitelist").contains(itemTypeName)) return false; if (filterConfig.contains("typeBlacklist") && filterConfig.getArray("typeBlacklist").contains(itemTypeName)) return false; // filter by item tags if an itemTags filter is set // this is an inclusive filter auto itemTags = itemDatabase->itemTags(items->name()); if (filterConfig.contains("tagWhitelist")) { auto whitelistedTags = filterConfig.getArray("tagWhitelist").filtered([itemTags](Json const& tag) { return itemTags.contains(tag.toString()); }); if (whitelistedTags.size() == 0) return false; } if (filterConfig.contains("tagBlacklist")) { auto blacklistedTags = filterConfig.getArray("tagBlacklist").filtered([itemTags](Json const& tag) { return itemTags.contains(tag.toString()); }); if (blacklistedTags.size() > 0) return false; } auto itemCategory = items->category(); if (auto categoryWhitelist = filterConfig.optArray("categoryWhitelist")) { auto categoryWhiteset = jsonToStringSet(*categoryWhitelist); if (!categoryWhiteset.contains(itemCategory)) return false; } if (auto categoryBlacklist = filterConfig.optArray("categoryBlacklist")) { auto categoryBlackset = jsonToStringSet(*categoryBlacklist); if (categoryBlackset.contains(itemCategory)) return false; } return true; } ItemPtr const& PlayerInventory::retrieve(InventorySlot const& slot) const { return const_cast(this)->retrieve(slot); } ItemPtr& PlayerInventory::retrieve(InventorySlot const& slot) { auto guardEmpty = [](ItemPtr& item) -> ItemPtr& { if (item && item->empty()) item = {}; return item; }; if (auto es = slot.ptr()) return guardEmpty(m_equipment[*es]); else if (auto bs = slot.ptr()) return guardEmpty(m_bags[bs->first]->at(bs->second)); else if (slot.is()) return guardEmpty(m_swapSlot); else return guardEmpty(m_trashSlot); } void PlayerInventory::swapCustomBarLinks(InventorySlot a, InventorySlot b) { m_customBar.forEach([&](Array2S const&, CustomBarLink& p) { if (p.first == a) p.first = b; else if (p.first == b) p.first = a; if (p.second == a) p.second = b; else if (p.second == b) p.second = a; }); } void PlayerInventory::autoAddToCustomBar(InventorySlot slot) { if (!Root::singleton().configuration()->getPath("inventory.pickupToActionBar").toBool()) return; auto items = itemsAt(slot); if (items && !items->empty() && checkInventoryFilter(items, "autoAddToCustomBar")) addToCustomBar(slot); } void PlayerInventory::netElementsNeedLoad(bool) { auto itemDatabase = Root::singleton().itemDatabase(); auto deserializeItem = [&itemDatabase](NetElementData& netState, ItemPtr& item) { if (netState.pullUpdated()) itemDatabase->loadItem(netState.get(), item); }; auto deserializeItemList = [&](List>& netStatesList, List& itemList) { for (size_t i = 0; i < netStatesList.size(); ++i) deserializeItem(netStatesList[i], itemList[i]); }; auto deserializeItemMap = [&](auto& netStatesMap, auto& itemMap) { for (auto k : netStatesMap.keys()) deserializeItem(netStatesMap[k], itemMap[k]); }; deserializeItemMap(m_equipmentNetState, m_equipment); for (auto bagType : m_bagsNetState.keys()) deserializeItemList(m_bagsNetState[bagType], m_bags[bagType]->items()); deserializeItem(m_swapSlotNetState, m_swapSlot); deserializeItem(m_trashSlotNetState, m_trashSlot); m_currencies = m_currenciesNetState.get(); m_customBarGroup = m_customBarGroupNetState.get(); m_customBarNetState.forEach([&](auto const& index, auto& ns) { m_customBar.at(index) = ns.get(); }); m_selectedActionBar = m_selectedActionBarNetState.get(); deserializeItemMap(m_essentialNetState, m_essential); cleanup(); } void PlayerInventory::netElementsNeedStore() { cleanup(); auto serializeItem = [](NetElementData& netState, ItemPtr& item) { netState.set(itemSafeDescriptor(item)); }; auto serializeItemList = [&](List>& netStatesList, List& itemList) { for (size_t i = 0; i < netStatesList.size(); ++i) serializeItem(netStatesList[i], itemList[i]); }; auto serializeItemMap = [&](auto& netStatesMap, auto& itemMap) { for (auto k : netStatesMap.keys()) serializeItem(netStatesMap[k], itemMap[k]); }; serializeItemMap(m_equipmentNetState, m_equipment); for (auto bagType : m_bagsNetState.keys()) serializeItemList(m_bagsNetState[bagType], m_bags[bagType]->items()); serializeItem(m_swapSlotNetState, m_swapSlot); serializeItem(m_trashSlotNetState, m_trashSlot); m_currenciesNetState.set(m_currencies); m_customBarGroupNetState.set(m_customBarGroup); m_customBar.forEach([&](auto const& index, auto& cbl) { m_customBarNetState.at(index).set(cbl); }); m_selectedActionBarNetState.set(m_selectedActionBar); serializeItemMap(m_essentialNetState, m_essential); } }