#pragma once #include "StarSet.hpp" #include "StarNetElementSystem.hpp" #include "StarTileEntity.hpp" #include "StarPlantDatabase.hpp" #include "StarInspectableEntity.hpp" #include "StarAssetPath.hpp" namespace Star { STAR_CLASS(RenderCallback); STAR_CLASS(Plant); STAR_EXCEPTION(PlantException, StarException); class Plant : public virtual TileEntity { public: // TODO: For right now the space scan threshold is hard-coded, but should be // configurable in the future static float const PlantScanThreshold; enum RotationType { DontRotate, RotateBranch, RotateLeaves, RotateCrownBranch, RotateCrownLeaves }; static EnumMap const RotationTypeNames; enum PlantPieceKind { None, Stem, Foliage }; struct PlantPiece { PlantPiece(); AssetPath imagePath; String image; Vec2U imageSize; Vec2F offset; int segmentIdx; bool structuralSegment; PlantPieceKind kind; RotationType rotationType; float rotationOffset; Set spaces; bool flip; // no need to serialize float zLevel; }; Plant(TreeVariant const& config, uint64_t seed); Plant(GrassVariant const& config, uint64_t seed); Plant(BushVariant const& config, uint64_t seed); Plant(Json const& diskStore); Plant(ByteArray const& netStore, NetCompatibilityRules rules = {}); Json diskStore() const; ByteArray netStore(NetCompatibilityRules rules = {}) const; EntityType entityType() const override; void init(World* world, EntityId entityId, EntityMode mode) override; virtual String description() const override; pair writeNetState(uint64_t fromVersion = 0, NetCompatibilityRules rules = {}) override; void readNetState(ByteArray data, float interpolationTime = 0.0f, NetCompatibilityRules rules = {}) override; void enableInterpolation(float extrapolationHint) override; void disableInterpolation() override; Vec2F position() const override; RectF metaBoundBox() const override; bool ephemeral() const override; bool shouldDestroy() const override; // Forces the plant to check if it has been invalidly placed in some way, and // should die. shouldDie does not, by default, do this expensive calculation bool checkBroken() override; // Base tile grid position Vec2I tilePosition() const override; void setTilePosition(Vec2I const& tilePosition) override; // Spaces this plant currently occupies List spaces() const override; // Root blocks for this plant. List roots() const override; void update(float dt, uint64_t currentStep) override; void render(RenderCallback* renderCallback) override; bool damageTiles(List const& position, Vec2F const& sourcePosition, TileDamage const& tileDamage) override; // Central root position Vec2I primaryRoot() const; // Plant hangs from the ceiling bool ceiling() const; List pieces() const; RectF interactiveBoundBox() const override; private: Plant(); void breakAtPosition(Vec2I const& position, Vec2F const& sourcePosition); Vec2I baseDamagePosition(List const& positions) const; bool damagable() const; void scanSpacesAndRoots(); List spawnFolliage(String const& key, String const& type); float branchRotation(float xPos, float rotoffset) const; void calcBoundBox(); void readPieces(ByteArray pieces); ByteArray writePieces() const; void readPiecesFromJson(Json const& pieces); Json writePiecesToJson() const; void validatePieces(); void setupNetStates(); void getNetStates(); void setNetStates(); Vec2I m_tilePosition; List m_spaces; List m_roots; RectI m_boundBox; Json m_descriptions; bool m_ephemeral; Json m_stemDropConfig; Json m_foliageDropConfig; Json m_saplingDropConfig; List m_pieces; bool m_piecesUpdated; bool m_ceiling; bool m_broken; bool m_fallsWhenDead; float m_windTime; float m_windLevel; RectF m_metaBoundBox; bool m_piecesScanned; TileDamageParameters m_tileDamageParameters; EntityTileDamageStatus m_tileDamageStatus; float m_tileDamageX; float m_tileDamageY; bool m_tileDamageEventTrigger; bool m_tileDamageEvent; NetElementTopGroup m_netGroup; NetElementBytes m_piecesNetState; NetElementFloat m_tileDamageXNetState; NetElementFloat m_tileDamageYNetState; NetElementEvent m_tileDamageEventNetState; }; }