# npc The `npc` table is for functions relating directly to the current npc. It is available only in NPC scripts. --- #### `Vec2F` npc.toAbsolutePosition(`Vec2F` offset) Returns the specified local position in world space. --- #### `String` npc.species() Returns the species of the npc. --- #### `String` npc.gender() Returns the gender of the npc --- #### `Json` npc.humanoidIdentity() Returns the specific humanoid identity of the npc, containing information such as hair style and idle pose. --- #### `String` npc.npcType() Returns the npc type of the npc. --- #### `uint64_t` npc.seed() Returns the seed used to generate this npc. --- #### `float` npc.level() Returns the level of the npc. --- #### `List<String>` npc.dropPools() Returns the list of treasure pools that will spawn when the npc dies. --- #### `void` npc.setDropPools(`List<String>` pools) Sets the list of treasure pools that will spawn when the npc dies. --- #### `float` npc.energy() Returns the current energy of the npc. Same as `status.resource("energy")` --- #### `float` npc.maxEnergy() Returns the current energy of the npc. Same as `status.maxResource("energy")` --- #### `bool` npc.say(`String` line, [`Map<String,String>` tags], [`Json` config]) Makes the npc say a string. Optionally pass in tags to replace text tags. Optionally give config options for the chat message. Returns whether the chat message was successfully added. Available options: ``` { drawBorder = true, fontSize = 8, color = {255, 255, 255}, sound = "/sfx/humanoid/avian_chatter_male1.ogg" } ``` --- #### `bool` npc.sayPortrait(`String` line, `String` portrait, [`Map<String,String>` tags], [`Json` config]) Makes the npc say a line, with a portrait chat bubble. Optionally pass in tags to replace text tags. Optionally give config options for the chat message. Returns whether the chat message was successfully added. Available options: ``` { drawMoreIndicator = true, sound = "/sfx/humanoid/avian_chatter_male1.ogg" } ``` --- #### `void` npc.emote(`String` emote) Makes the npc show a facial emote. --- #### `void` npc.dance(`String` dance) Sets the current dance for the npc. Dances are defined in .dance files. --- #### `void` npc.setInteractive(`bool` interactive) Sets whether the npc should be interactive. --- #### `bool` npc.setLounging(`EntityId` loungeable, [`size_t` anchorIndex]) Sets the npc to lounge in a loungeable. Optionally specify which anchor (seat) to use. Returns whether the npc successfully lounged. --- #### `void` npc.resetLounging() Makes the npc stop lounging. --- #### `bool` npc.isLounging() Returns whether the npc is currently lounging. --- #### `Maybe<EntityId>` npc.loungingIn() Returns the EntityId of the loungeable the NPC is currently lounging in. Returns nil if not lounging. --- #### `void` npc.setOfferedQuests(`JsonArray` quests) Sets the list of quests the NPC will offer. --- #### `void` npc.setTurnInQuests(`JsonArray` quests) Sets the list of quests the played can turn in at this npc. --- #### `bool` npc.setItemSlot(`String` slot, `ItemDescriptor` item) Sets the specified item slot to contain the specified item. Possible equipment items slots: * head * headCosmetic * chest * chestCosmetic * legs * legsCosmetic * back * backCosmetic * primary * alt --- #### `ItemDescriptor` npc.getItemSlot(`String` slot) Returns the item currently in the specified item slot. --- #### `void` npc.disableWornArmor(`bool` disable) Set whether the npc should not gain status effects from the equipped armor. Armor will still be visually equipped. --- #### `void` npc.beginPrimaryFire() Toggles `on` firing the item equipped in the `primary` item slot. --- #### `void` npc.beginAltFire() Toggles `on` firing the item equipped in the `alt` item slot. --- #### `void` npc.endPrimaryFire() Toggles `off` firing the item equipped in the `primary` item slot. --- #### `void` npc.endAltFire() Toggles `off` firing the item equipped in the `alt` item slot. --- #### `void` npc.setShifting(`bool` shifting) Sets whether tools should be used as though shift is held. --- #### `void` npc.setDamageOnTouch(`bool` enabled) Sets whether damage on touch should be enabled. --- #### `Vec2F` npc.aimPosition() Returns the current aim position in world space. --- #### `void` npc.setAimPosition(`Vec2F` position) Sets the aim position in world space. --- #### `void` npc.setDeathParticleBurst(`String` emitter) Sets a particle emitter to burst when the npc dies. --- #### `void` npc.setStatusText(`String` status) Sets the text to appear above the npc when it first appears on screen. --- #### `void` npc.setDisplayNametag(`bool` display) Sets whether the nametag should be displayed above the NPC. --- #### `void` npc.setPersistent(`bool` persistent) Sets whether this npc should persist after being unloaded. --- #### `void` npc.setKeepAlive(`bool` keepAlive) Sets whether to keep this npc alive. If true, the npc will never be unloaded as long as the world is loaded. --- #### `void` npc.setDamageTeam(`Json` damageTeam) Sets a damage team for the npc in the format: `{type = "enemy", team = 2}` --- #### `void` npc.setAggressive(`bool` aggressive) Sets whether the npc should be flagged as aggressive. --- #### `void` npc.setUniqueId(`String` uniqueId) Sets a unique ID for this npc that can be used to access it. A unique ID has to be unique for the world the npc is on, but not universally unique.