#include "StarFile.hpp" #include "StarLexicalCast.hpp" #include "StarImage.hpp" #include "StarRootLoader.hpp" #include "StarAssets.hpp" #include "StarItemDatabase.hpp" #include "StarJson.hpp" using namespace Star; int main(int argc, char** argv) { try { RootLoader rootLoader({{}, {}, {}, LogLevel::Error, false, {}}); rootLoader.setSummary("Calculate a (very approximate) word count of user-facing text in assets"); RootUPtr root; OptionParser::Options options; tie(root, options) = rootLoader.commandInitOrDie(argc, argv); StringMap wordCounts; auto assets = Root::singleton().assets(); auto countWordsInType = [&](String const& type, function countFunction, Maybe> filterFunction = {}, Maybe wordCountKey = {}) { auto files = assets->scanExtension(type); if (filterFunction) files.filter(*filterFunction); assets->queueJsons(files); for (auto path : files) { auto json = assets->json(path); if (json.isNull()) continue; String countKey = wordCountKey ? *wordCountKey : strf(".%s files", type); wordCounts[countKey] += countFunction(json); } }; StringList itemFileTypes = { "tech", "item", "liqitem", "matitem", "miningtool", "flashlight", "wiretool", "beamaxe", "tillingtool", "painttool", "harvestingtool", "head", "chest", "legs", "back", "currencyitem", "consumable", "blueprint", "inspectiontool", "instrument", "thrownitem", "unlock", "activeitem", "augment" }; for (auto itemFileType : itemFileTypes) { countWordsInType(itemFileType, [](Json const& json) { int wordCount = 0; wordCount += json.getString("shortdescription", "").split(" ").count(); wordCount += json.getString("description", "").split(" ").count(); return wordCount; }); } countWordsInType("object", [](Json const& json) { int wordCount = 0; wordCount += json.getString("shortdescription", "").split(" ").count(); wordCount += json.getString("description", "").split(" ").count(); wordCount += json.getString("apexDescription", "").split(" ").count(); wordCount += json.getString("avianDescription", "").split(" ").count(); wordCount += json.getString("glitchDescription", "").split(" ").count(); wordCount += json.getString("floranDescription", "").split(" ").count(); wordCount += json.getString("humanDescription", "").split(" ").count(); wordCount += json.getString("hylotlDescription", "").split(" ").count(); wordCount += json.getString("novakidDescription", "").split(" ").count(); return wordCount; }); countWordsInType("codex", [](Json const& json) { int wordCount = 0; wordCount += json.getString("title", "").split(" ").count(); wordCount += json.getString("description", "").split(" ").count(); for (auto contentPage : json.getArray("contentPages", JsonArray())) wordCount += contentPage.toString().split(" ").count(); return wordCount; }); countWordsInType("monstertype", [](Json const& json) { return json.getString("description", "").split(" ").count(); }); countWordsInType("radiomessages", [](Json const& json) { auto wordCount = 0; for (auto messageConfigPair : json.iterateObject()) wordCount += messageConfigPair.second.getString("text", "").split(" ").count(); return wordCount; }); function countOnlyStrings; countOnlyStrings = [&](Json const& json) { int wordCount = 0; if (json.isType(Json::Type::Object)) { for (auto entry : json.iterateObject()) wordCount += countOnlyStrings(entry.second); } else if (json.isType(Json::Type::Array)) { for (auto entry : json.iterateArray()) wordCount += countOnlyStrings(entry); } else if (json.isType(Json::Type::String)) { if (!json.toString().beginsWith("/")) { wordCount += json.toString().split(" ").count(); } } return wordCount; }; function dialogFilter = [](String const& filePath) { return filePath.beginsWith("/dialog/"); }; countWordsInType("config", countOnlyStrings, dialogFilter, String("NPC dialog (.config files)")); countWordsInType("npctype", [&](Json const& json) { if (auto scriptConfig = json.get("scriptConfig", Json())) return countOnlyStrings(scriptConfig.get("dialog", Json())); return 0; }, {}, String("NPC dialog (.npctype files)")); countWordsInType("questtemplate", [&](Json const& json) { int wordCount = 0; wordCount += json.getString("title", "").split(" ").count(); wordCount += json.getString("text", "").split(" ").count(); wordCount += json.getString("completionText", "").split(" ").count(); if (auto scriptConfig = json.get("scriptConfig", Json())) wordCount += countOnlyStrings(scriptConfig.get("generatedText", Json())); return wordCount; }); countWordsInType("collection", [&](Json const& json) { int wordCount = 0; for (auto entry : json.get("collectables", Json()).iterateObject()) wordCount += entry.second.getString("description", "").split(" ").count(); return wordCount; }); countWordsInType("cinematic", [&](Json const& json) { int wordCount = 0; for (auto panel : json.get("panels", Json()).iterateArray()) { auto panelText = panel.optString("text"); // filter on pipes to ignore those long lists of backer names in the credits if (panelText && !panelText->contains("|")) wordCount += panelText->split(" ").count(); } return wordCount; }); countWordsInType("aimission", [&](Json const& json) { int wordCount = 0; for (auto entry : json.get("speciesText", Json()).iterateObject()) { wordCount += entry.second.getString("buttonText", "").split(" ").count(); wordCount += entry.second.getString("repeatButtonText", "").split(" ").count(); if (auto selectSpeech = entry.second.get("selectSpeech")) wordCount += selectSpeech.getString("text", "").split(" ").count(); } return wordCount; }); auto cockpitConfig = assets->json("/interface/cockpit/cockpit.config"); int cockpitWordCount = 0; cockpitWordCount += countOnlyStrings(cockpitConfig.get("visitableTypeDescription")); cockpitWordCount += countOnlyStrings(cockpitConfig.get("worldTypeDescription")); wordCounts["planet descriptions (cockpit.config)"] = cockpitWordCount; int totalWordCount = 0; for (auto countPair : wordCounts) { coutf("%d words in %s\n", countPair.second, countPair.first); totalWordCount += countPair.second; } coutf("approximately %s words total\n", totalWordCount); return 0; } catch (std::exception const& e) { cerrf("exception caught: %s\n", outputException(e, true)); return 1; } }