#include "StarSkyParameters.hpp" #include "StarCelestialDatabase.hpp" #include "StarCelestialGraphics.hpp" #include "StarCasting.hpp" #include "StarJsonExtra.hpp" #include "StarDataStreamExtra.hpp" namespace Star { SkyParameters::SkyParameters() : seed(), skyType(SkyType::Barren), skyColoring(makeRight(Color::Black)), settings(JsonObject()) {} SkyParameters::SkyParameters(CelestialCoordinate const& coordinate, CelestialDatabasePtr const& celestialDatabase) : SkyParameters() { if (!coordinate || coordinate.isSystem()) return; auto params = celestialDatabase->parameters(coordinate); if (!params) return; auto systemParams = celestialDatabase->parameters(coordinate.system()); seed = staticRandomU64(params->seed(), "SkySeed"); // Gather up all the CelestialParameters and scales for all the celestial // objects to draw in the sky, we should draw the parent planet if we are a // satellite, as well as all the other satellites. auto selfCoordinate = params->coordinate(); if (selfCoordinate.isSatelliteBody()) { if (auto planet = celestialDatabase->parameters(selfCoordinate.parent())) { Vec2F pos; pos[0] = staticRandomFloat(params->seed(), planet->seed(), "x"); pos[1] = staticRandomFloat(params->seed(), planet->seed(), "y"); // My parent's parent is no one. nearbyPlanet = {{CelestialGraphics::drawWorld(*planet, {}), pos}}; } } for (auto satelliteCoordinate : celestialDatabase->children(selfCoordinate.planet())) { if (satelliteCoordinate != selfCoordinate) { if (auto satellite = celestialDatabase->parameters(satelliteCoordinate)) { Vec2F pos; pos[0] = staticRandomFloat(params->seed(), satellite->seed(), "x"); pos[1] = staticRandomFloat(params->seed(), satellite->seed(), "y"); nearbyMoons.append( {CelestialGraphics::drawWorld(*satellite, celestialDatabase->parameters(satelliteCoordinate.parent())), pos}); } } } horizonImages = CelestialGraphics::worldHorizonImages(*params); readVisitableParameters(params->visitableParameters()); sunType = systemParams->getParameter("typeName").toString(); } SkyParameters::SkyParameters(SkyParameters const& oldSkyParameters, VisitableWorldParametersConstPtr newVisitableParameters) : SkyParameters() { *this = oldSkyParameters; readVisitableParameters(newVisitableParameters); } SkyParameters::SkyParameters(Json const& config) : SkyParameters() { if (config.isNull()) return; seed = config.getUInt("seed"); dayLength = config.optFloat("dayLength"); auto extractLayerData = [](Json const& v, uint64_t selfSeed) -> pair>, Vec2F> { Vec2F pos; if (v.contains("pos")) { pos = jsonToVec2F(v.get("pos")); } else if (v.contains("seed")) { pos[0] = staticRandomFloat(selfSeed, v.getUInt("seed"), "x"); pos[1] = staticRandomFloat(selfSeed, v.getUInt("seed"), "y"); } List> layers; for (auto const& l : v.get("layers").iterateArray()) layers.append({l.getString("image"), l.getFloat("scale")}); return {layers, pos}; }; if (config.contains("planet") && config.get("planet")) nearbyPlanet = extractLayerData(config.get("planet"), seed); if (config.contains("satellites")) nearbyMoons = jsonToList>, Vec2F>>(config.get("satellites"), bind(extractLayerData, _1, seed)); if (config.contains("horizonImages")) { horizonImages = jsonToList>(config.get("horizonImages"), [](Json const& v) -> pair { return {v.getString("left"), v.getString("right")}; }); } horizonClouds = config.getBool("horizonClouds", true); skyType = SkyTypeNames.getLeft(config.getString("skyType", "barren")); if (auto colors = config.opt("skyColoring")) { skyColoring.setLeft(SkyColoring{*colors}); } else if (auto ambientLightLevel = config.opt("ambientLightLevel")) { skyColoring.setRight(jsonToColor(*ambientLightLevel)); } else { skyColoring.setRight(Color::Black); } spaceLevel = config.optFloat("spaceLevel"); surfaceLevel = config.optFloat("surfaceLevel"); sunType = config.getString("sunType", ""); settings = config.get("settings", JsonObject()); } Json SkyParameters::toJson() const { return JsonObject{ {"seed", seed}, {"dayLength", jsonFromMaybe(dayLength)}, {"planet", jsonFromMaybe>, Vec2F>>(nearbyPlanet, [](pair>, Vec2F> p) -> Json { return JsonObject{ {"layers", p.first.transformed([](pair const& p) -> Json { return JsonObject{{"image", p.first}, {"scale", p.second}}; })}, {"pos", jsonFromVec2F(p.second)}, }; })}, {"satellites", jsonFromList>, Vec2F>>(nearbyMoons, [](pair>, Vec2F> const& p) { return JsonObject{ {"layers", p.first.transformed([](pair const& p) -> Json { return JsonObject{{"image", p.first}, {"scale", p.second}}; })}, {"pos", jsonFromVec2F(p.second)}, }; })}, {"horizonImages", jsonFromList>(horizonImages, [](pair p) { return JsonObject{ {"left", p.first}, {"right", p.second}, }; })}, {"horizonClouds", horizonClouds}, {"skyType", SkyTypeNames.getRight(skyType)}, {"skyColoring", jsonFromMaybe(skyColoring.maybeLeft(), [](SkyColoring c) { return c.toJson(); })}, {"ambientLightLevel", jsonFromMaybe(skyColoring.maybeRight(), [](Color c) { return jsonFromColor(c); })}, {"spaceLevel", jsonFromMaybe(spaceLevel)}, {"surfaceLevel", jsonFromMaybe(surfaceLevel)}, {"sunType", sunType}, {"settings", settings} }; } void SkyParameters::read(DataStream& ds) { ds >> seed; ds >> dayLength; ds >> nearbyPlanet; ds >> nearbyMoons; ds >> horizonImages; ds >> horizonClouds; ds >> skyType; ds >> skyColoring; ds >> spaceLevel; ds >> surfaceLevel; ds >> sunType; if (ds.streamCompatibilityVersion() >= 3) ds >> settings; } void SkyParameters::write(DataStream& ds) const { ds << seed; ds << dayLength; ds << nearbyPlanet; ds << nearbyMoons; ds << horizonImages; ds << horizonClouds; ds << skyType; ds << skyColoring; ds << spaceLevel; ds << surfaceLevel; ds << sunType; if (ds.streamCompatibilityVersion() >= 3) ds << settings; } void SkyParameters::readVisitableParameters(VisitableWorldParametersConstPtr visitableParameters) { if (auto terrestrialParameters = as(visitableParameters)) { dayLength = terrestrialParameters->dayLength; if (terrestrialParameters->airless) { skyType = SkyType::Atmosphereless; horizonClouds = false; } else { skyType = SkyType::Atmospheric; horizonClouds = true; } skyColoring.setLeft(terrestrialParameters->skyColoring); spaceLevel = terrestrialParameters->spaceLayer.layerMinHeight; surfaceLevel = terrestrialParameters->atmosphereLayer.layerMinHeight; } else { skyType = SkyType::Barren; horizonClouds = false; if (auto asteroidsParameters = as(visitableParameters)) { skyColoring.setRight(asteroidsParameters->ambientLightLevel); } else if (auto floatingDungeonParameters = as(visitableParameters)) { skyColoring.setRight(floatingDungeonParameters->ambientLightLevel); } else { skyColoring.setRight(Color::Black); } } } DataStream& operator>>(DataStream& ds, SkyParameters& sky) { sky.read(ds); return ds; } DataStream& operator<<(DataStream& ds, SkyParameters const& sky) { sky.write(ds); return ds; } }