#ifndef STAR_STAT_CONTROLLER_HPP #define STAR_STAT_CONTROLLER_HPP #include "StarObserverStream.hpp" #include "StarNetElementSystem.hpp" #include "StarStatCollection.hpp" #include "StarStatusEffectDatabase.hpp" #include "StarDamage.hpp" #include "StarLuaComponents.hpp" #include "StarLuaActorMovementComponent.hpp" #include "StarNetworkedAnimator.hpp" #include "StarEntityRenderingTypes.hpp" namespace Star { STAR_CLASS(StatusController); class StatusController : public NetElement { public: StatusController(Json const& config); Json diskStore() const; void diskLoad(Json const& store); Json statusProperty(String const& name, Json const& def = Json()) const; void setStatusProperty(String const& name, Json value); StringList statNames() const; float stat(String const& statName) const; // Returns true if the stat is strictly greater than zero bool statPositive(String const& statName) const; StringList resourceNames() const; bool isResource(String const& resourceName) const; float resource(String const& resourceName) const; // Returns true if the resource is strictly greater than zero bool resourcePositive(String const& resourceName) const; void setResource(String const& resourceName, float value); void modifyResource(String const& resourceName, float amount); float giveResource(String const& resourceName, float amount); bool consumeResource(String const& resourceName, float amount); bool overConsumeResource(String const& resourceName, float amount); bool resourceLocked(String const& resourceName) const; void setResourceLocked(String const& resourceName, bool locked); // Resetting a resource also clears any locked states void resetResource(String const& resourceName); void resetAllResources(); Maybe resourceMax(String const& resourceName) const; Maybe resourcePercentage(String const& resourceName) const; float setResourcePercentage(String const& resourceName, float resourcePercentage); float modifyResourcePercentage(String const& resourceName, float resourcePercentage); List getPersistentEffects(String const& statEffectCategory) const; void addPersistentEffect(String const& statEffectCategory, PersistentStatusEffect const& persistentEffect); void addPersistentEffects(String const& statEffectCategory, List const& persistentEffects); void setPersistentEffects(String const& statEffectCategory, List const& persistentEffects); void clearPersistentEffects(String const& statEffectCategory); void clearAllPersistentEffects(); void addEphemeralEffect(EphemeralStatusEffect const& effect, Maybe sourceEntityId = {}); void addEphemeralEffects(List const& effectList, Maybe sourceEntityId = {}); // Will have no effect if the unique effect is not applied ephemerally bool removeEphemeralEffect(UniqueStatusEffect const& uniqueEffect); void clearEphemeralEffects(); bool appliesEnvironmentStatusEffects() const; void setAppliesEnvironmentStatusEffects(bool appliesEnvironmentStatusEffects); // All unique stat effects, whether applied ephemerally or persistently, and // their remaining durations. ActiveUniqueStatusEffectSummary activeUniqueStatusEffectSummary() const; bool uniqueStatusEffectActive(String const& effectName) const; String primaryDirectives() const; void setPrimaryDirectives(String const& directives); // damage request and notification methods should only be called on the master controller. List applyDamageRequest(DamageRequest const& damageRequest); void hitOther(EntityId targetEntityId, DamageRequest damageRequest); void damagedOther(DamageNotification damageNotification); List pullSelfDamageNotifications(); void applySelfDamageRequest(DamageRequest dr); // Pulls recent incoming and outgoing damage notifications. In order for // multiple viewers keep track of notifications and avoid duplicates, the // damage notifications are indexed by a monotonically increasing 'step' // value. Every call will return the recent damage notifications, along with // another step value to pass into the function on the next call to get // damage notifications SINCE the first call. If since is 0, returns all // recent notifications available. pair, uint64_t> damageTakenSince(uint64_t since = 0) const; pair>, uint64_t> inflictedHitsSince(uint64_t since = 0) const; pair, uint64_t> inflictedDamageSince(uint64_t since = 0) const; void init(Entity* parentEntity, ActorMovementController* movementController); void uninit(); void initNetVersion(NetElementVersion const* version = nullptr) override; void netStore(DataStream& ds) const override; void netLoad(DataStream& ds) override; void enableNetInterpolation(float extrapolationHint = 0.0f) override; void disableNetInterpolation() override; void tickNetInterpolation(float dt) override; bool writeNetDelta(DataStream& ds, uint64_t fromVersion) const override; void readNetDelta(DataStream& ds, float interpolationTime = 0.0) override; void blankNetDelta(float interpolationTime) override; void tickMaster(); void tickSlave(); String parentDirectives() const; List drawables() const; List lightSources() const; List overheadBars(); // new audios and particles will only be generated on the client List pullNewAudios(); List pullNewParticles(); Maybe receiveMessage(String const& message, bool localMessage, JsonArray const& args = {}); private: typedef LuaMessageHandlingComponent>>> StatScript; struct EffectAnimator : public NetElement { EffectAnimator(Maybe animationConfig = {}); void initNetVersion(NetElementVersion const* version = nullptr) override; void netStore(DataStream& ds) const override; void netLoad(DataStream& ds) override; void enableNetInterpolation(float extrapolationHint = 0.0f) override; void disableNetInterpolation() override; void tickNetInterpolation(float dt) override; bool writeNetDelta(DataStream& ds, uint64_t fromVersion) const override; void readNetDelta(DataStream& ds, float interpolationTime = 0.0) override; void blankNetDelta(float interpolationTime) override; Maybe animationConfig; NetworkedAnimator animator; NetworkedAnimator::DynamicTarget dynamicTarget; }; typedef NetElementDynamicGroup EffectAnimatorGroup; struct UniqueEffectMetadata : public NetElementSyncGroup { UniqueEffectMetadata(); UniqueEffectMetadata(UniqueStatusEffect effect, Maybe duration, Maybe sourceEntityId); void netElementsNeedLoad(bool full) override; void netElementsNeedStore() override; UniqueStatusEffect effect; Maybe duration; NetElementFloat durationNetState; NetElementFloat maxDuration; // If the sourceEntityId is not set here, this implies that the cause of // the unique effect was the owning entity. NetElementData> sourceEntityId; }; typedef NetElementDynamicGroup UniqueEffectMetadataGroup; struct PersistentEffectCategory { Maybe modifierEffectsGroupId; List statModifiers; HashSet uniqueEffects; }; struct UniqueEffectInstance { UniqueStatusEffectConfig effectConfig; String parentDirectives; HashSet modifierGroups; StatScript script; UniqueEffectMetadataGroup::ElementId metadataId; EffectAnimatorGroup::ElementId animatorId; }; void updateAnimators(); void updatePersistentUniqueEffects(); float defaultUniqueEffectDuration(UniqueStatusEffect const& name) const; void addUniqueEffect(UniqueStatusEffect const& effect, Maybe duration, Maybe sourceEntityId); void removeUniqueEffect(UniqueStatusEffect const& name); void initPrimaryScript(); void uninitPrimaryScript(); void initUniqueEffectScript(UniqueEffectInstance& uniqueEffect); void uninitUniqueEffectScript(UniqueEffectInstance& uniqueEffect); LuaCallbacks makeUniqueEffectCallbacks(UniqueEffectInstance& uniqueEffect); NetElementGroup m_netGroup; StatCollection m_statCollection; NetElementData m_statusProperties; NetElementString m_parentDirectives; UniqueEffectMetadataGroup m_uniqueEffectMetadata; EffectAnimatorGroup m_effectAnimators; Entity* m_parentEntity; ActorMovementController* m_movementController; // Members below are only valid on the master entity // there are two magic keys used for this map: 'entities' and 'environment' for StatusEffectEntity // and environmentally applied persistent status effects, respectively StringMap m_persistentEffects; StableHashMap m_uniqueEffects; float m_minimumLiquidStatusEffectPercentage; bool m_appliesEnvironmentStatusEffects; bool m_appliesWeatherStatusEffects; GameTimer m_environmentStatusEffectUpdateTimer; Maybe m_primaryAnimationConfig; StatScript m_primaryScript; String m_primaryDirectives; EffectAnimatorGroup::ElementId m_primaryAnimatorId; List m_pendingSelfDamageNotifications; ObserverStream> m_recentHitsGiven; ObserverStream m_recentDamageGiven; ObserverStream m_recentDamageTaken; }; } #endif