#include "StarStoredFunctions.hpp" #include "StarAssets.hpp" #include "StarRoot.hpp" namespace Star { double const StoredFunction::DefaultSearchTolerance = 0.001; StoredFunction::StoredFunction(ParametricFunction data) { if (data.empty()) throw StoredFunctionException("StoredFunction constructor called on function with no data points"); m_function = move(data); // Determine whether the function is monotonically increasing, monotonically // decreasing, totally flat (technically both monotonically increasing and // decreasing) or neither. m_monotonicity = Monotonicity::Flat; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_function.size() - 1; ++i) { if (m_function.value(i) < m_function.value(i + 1)) { if (m_monotonicity == Monotonicity::Flat) m_monotonicity = Monotonicity::Increasing; else if (m_monotonicity == Monotonicity::Decreasing) m_monotonicity = Monotonicity::None; } else if (m_function.value(i + 1) < m_function.value(i)) { if (m_monotonicity == Monotonicity::Flat) m_monotonicity = Monotonicity::Decreasing; else if (m_monotonicity == Monotonicity::Increasing) m_monotonicity = Monotonicity::None; } if (m_monotonicity == Monotonicity::None) break; } } Monotonicity StoredFunction::monotonicity() const { return m_monotonicity; } double StoredFunction::evaluate(double value) const { return m_function.interpolate(value); } StoredFunction::SearchResult StoredFunction::search(double targetValue, double valueTolerance) const { double minIndex = m_function.index(0); double minValue = m_function.value(0); double maxIndex = m_function.index(m_function.size() - 1); double maxValue = m_function.value(m_function.size() - 1); if (maxValue < minValue) { std::swap(minIndex, maxIndex); std::swap(minValue, maxValue); } double index; double value; if (targetValue < minValue) { index = minIndex; value = minValue; } else if (targetValue > maxValue) { index = maxIndex; value = maxValue; } else { index = (minIndex + maxIndex) / 2; value = m_function.interpolate(index); int searchDepth = 0; while ((std::fabs(targetValue - value) > valueTolerance) && (searchDepth < 64)) { searchDepth++; if (value < targetValue) { minIndex = index; minValue = value; } else if (value > targetValue) { maxIndex = index; maxValue = value; } double newIndex = (minIndex + maxIndex) / 2; double newValue = m_function.interpolate(newIndex); // If at any point we move outside of the established upper and lower // bound // the function is not monotonic increasing or decreasing, and binary // search // can not be used so we have to bail out. if (newValue > maxValue || newValue < minValue) throw StarException("StoredFunction is not monotonic."); index = newIndex; value = newValue; } } SearchResult result; result.targetValue = targetValue; result.searchTolerance = valueTolerance; result.found = std::fabs(targetValue - value) <= valueTolerance; result.solution = index; result.value = value; return result; } StoredFunction2::StoredFunction2(MultiTable2D table) : table(move(table)) {} double StoredFunction2::evaluate(double x, double y) const { return table.interpolate({x, y}); } StoredConfigFunction::StoredConfigFunction(ParametricTable data) { m_data = move(data); } Json StoredConfigFunction::get(double value) const { return m_data.get(value); } FunctionDatabase::FunctionDatabase() { auto assets = Root::singleton().assets(); auto functions = assets->scanExtension("functions"); auto sndFunctions = assets->scanExtension("2functions"); auto configFunctions = assets->scanExtension("configfunctions"); assets->queueJsons(functions); assets->queueJsons(sndFunctions); assets->queueJsons(configFunctions); for (auto file : functions) { for (auto const& functionPair : assets->json(file).iterateObject()) { if (m_functions.contains(functionPair.first)) throw StarException(strf("Named Function '%s' defined twice, second time from %s", functionPair.first, file)); m_functions[functionPair.first] = make_shared(parametricFunctionFromConfig(functionPair.second)); } } for (auto file : sndFunctions) { for (auto const& functionPair : assets->json(file).iterateObject()) { if (m_functions2.contains(functionPair.first)) throw StarException( strf("Named 2-ary Function '%s' defined twice, second time from %s", functionPair.first, file)); m_functions2[functionPair.first] = make_shared(multiTable2DFromConfig(functionPair.second)); } } for (auto file : configFunctions) { for (auto const& tablePair : assets->json(file).iterateObject()) { if (m_configFunctions.contains(tablePair.first)) throw StarException( strf("Named config function '%s' defined twice, second time from %s", tablePair.first, file)); m_configFunctions[tablePair.first] = make_shared(parametricTableFromConfig(tablePair.second)); } } } StringList FunctionDatabase::namedFunctions() const { return m_functions.keys(); } StringList FunctionDatabase::namedFunctions2() const { return m_functions2.keys(); } StringList FunctionDatabase::namedConfigFunctions() const { return m_configFunctions.keys(); } StoredFunctionPtr FunctionDatabase::function(Json const& configOrName) const { if (configOrName.type() == Json::Type::String) return m_functions.get(configOrName.toString()); else return make_shared(parametricFunctionFromConfig(configOrName)); } StoredFunction2Ptr FunctionDatabase::function2(Json const& configOrName) const { if (configOrName.type() == Json::Type::String) return m_functions2.get(configOrName.toString()); else return make_shared(multiTable2DFromConfig(configOrName)); } StoredConfigFunctionPtr FunctionDatabase::configFunction(Json const& configOrName) const { if (configOrName.type() == Json::Type::String) return m_configFunctions.get(configOrName.toString()); else return make_shared(parametricTableFromConfig(configOrName)); } ParametricFunction FunctionDatabase::parametricFunctionFromConfig(Json descriptor) { try { String interpolationModeString = descriptor.getString(0); String boundModeString = descriptor.getString(1); List> points; for (size_t i = 2; i < descriptor.size(); ++i) { auto pointPair = descriptor.get(i); if (pointPair.size() != 2) throw StoredFunctionException("Each point must be a list of size 2"); points.append({pointPair.getDouble(0), pointPair.getDouble(1)}); } InterpolationMode interpolationMode; if (interpolationModeString.equalsIgnoreCase("HalfStep")) { interpolationMode = InterpolationMode::HalfStep; } else if (interpolationModeString.equalsIgnoreCase("Linear")) { interpolationMode = InterpolationMode::Linear; } else if (interpolationModeString.equalsIgnoreCase("Cubic")) { interpolationMode = InterpolationMode::Cubic; } else { throw StoredFunctionException(strf("Unrecognized InterpolationMode '%s'", interpolationModeString)); } BoundMode boundMode; if (boundModeString.equalsIgnoreCase("Clamp")) { boundMode = BoundMode::Clamp; } else if (boundModeString.equalsIgnoreCase("Extrapolate")) { boundMode = BoundMode::Extrapolate; } else if (boundModeString.equalsIgnoreCase("Wrap")) { boundMode = BoundMode::Wrap; } else { throw StoredFunctionException(strf("Unrecognized BoundMode '%s'", boundModeString)); } return ParametricFunction(points, interpolationMode, boundMode); } catch (StarException const& e) { throw StoredFunctionException("Error parsing StoredFunction descriptor", e); } } ParametricTable FunctionDatabase::parametricTableFromConfig(Json descriptor) { try { List> points; for (size_t i = 0; i < descriptor.size(); ++i) { auto pointPair = descriptor.get(i); if (pointPair.size() != 2) throw StoredFunctionException("Each point must be a list of size 2"); points.append({pointPair.getInt(0), pointPair.get(1)}); } return ParametricTable(points); } catch (StarException const& e) { throw StoredFunctionException("Error parsing StoredConfigFunction descriptor", e); } } MultiTable2D FunctionDatabase::multiTable2DFromConfig(Json descriptor) { try { String interpolationModeString = descriptor.getString(0); String boundModeString = descriptor.getString(1); List xaxis; List yaxis; MultiArray2D points; auto grid = descriptor.getArray(2); for (size_t y = 0; y < grid.size(); ++y) { auto row = grid[y].toArray(); if (y == 0) { for (size_t x = 0; x < row.size(); ++x) { if (x > 0) xaxis.append(row[x].toFloat()); } points.resize({row.size() - 1, grid.size() - 1}); } else { yaxis.append(row[0].toFloat()); auto cells = row[1].toArray(); if (cells.size() != xaxis.size()) throw StarException("Number of sample points doesn't match axis size."); for (size_t x = 0; x < cells.size(); x++) points.set({x, y - 1}, cells[x].toFloat()); } } InterpolationMode interpolationMode; if (interpolationModeString.equalsIgnoreCase("HalfStep")) { interpolationMode = InterpolationMode::HalfStep; } else if (interpolationModeString.equalsIgnoreCase("Linear")) { interpolationMode = InterpolationMode::Linear; } else if (interpolationModeString.equalsIgnoreCase("Cubic")) { interpolationMode = InterpolationMode::Cubic; } else { throw StoredFunctionException(strf("Unrecognized InterpolationMode '%s'", interpolationModeString)); } BoundMode boundMode; if (boundModeString.equalsIgnoreCase("Clamp")) { boundMode = BoundMode::Clamp; } else if (boundModeString.equalsIgnoreCase("Extrapolate")) { boundMode = BoundMode::Extrapolate; } else if (boundModeString.equalsIgnoreCase("Wrap")) { boundMode = BoundMode::Wrap; } else { throw StoredFunctionException(strf("Unrecognized BoundMode '%s'", boundModeString)); } MultiTable2D table; table.setRange(0, std::vector(xaxis.begin(), xaxis.end())); table.setRange(1, std::vector(yaxis.begin(), yaxis.end())); table.setInterpolationMode(interpolationMode); table.setBoundMode(boundMode); table.array() = points; return table; } catch (StarException const& e) { throw StoredFunctionException("Error parsing function2 descriptor", e); } } }