#include "StarWorkerPool.hpp" #include "StarIterator.hpp" #include "StarMathCommon.hpp" namespace Star { bool WorkerPoolHandle::done() const { MutexLocker locker(m_impl->mutex); return m_impl->done; } bool WorkerPoolHandle::wait(unsigned millis) const { MutexLocker locker(m_impl->mutex); if (!m_impl->done && millis != 0) m_impl->condition.wait(m_impl->mutex, millis); if (m_impl->exception) std::rethrow_exception(m_impl->exception); return m_impl->done; } bool WorkerPoolHandle::poll() const { return wait(0); } void WorkerPoolHandle::finish() const { MutexLocker locker(m_impl->mutex); if (!m_impl->done) m_impl->condition.wait(m_impl->mutex); if (m_impl->exception) std::rethrow_exception(m_impl->exception); return; } WorkerPoolHandle::Impl::Impl() : done(false) {} WorkerPoolHandle::WorkerPoolHandle(shared_ptr impl) : m_impl(move(impl)) {} WorkerPool::WorkerPool(String name) : m_name(move(name)) {} WorkerPool::WorkerPool(String name, unsigned threadCount) : WorkerPool(move(name)) { start(threadCount); } WorkerPool::~WorkerPool() { stop(); } WorkerPool::WorkerPool(WorkerPool&&) = default; WorkerPool& WorkerPool::operator=(WorkerPool&&) = default; void WorkerPool::start(unsigned threadCount) { MutexLocker threadLock(m_threadMutex); for (auto const& workerThread : m_workerThreads) workerThread->shouldStop = true; m_workCondition.broadcast(); m_workerThreads.clear(); for (size_t i = m_workerThreads.size(); i < threadCount; ++i) m_workerThreads.append(make_unique(this)); } void WorkerPool::stop() { MutexLocker threadLock(m_threadMutex); for (auto const& workerThread : m_workerThreads) workerThread->shouldStop = true; { // Must hold the work lock while broadcasting to ensure that any worker // threads that might wait without stopping actually get the signal. MutexLocker workLock(m_workMutex); m_workCondition.broadcast(); } m_workerThreads.clear(); } void WorkerPool::finish() { // This is kind of a weird way to "wait" until all the pending work is // finished. In order for the currently active worker threads to // cooperatively complete the remaining work, the work lock must not be held // the entire time (then just this thread would be the one finishing the // work). Instead, the calling thread joins in on the action and tries to // finish work while yielding to the other threads after each completed job. MutexLocker workMutex(m_workMutex); while (!m_pendingWork.empty()) { auto firstWork = m_pendingWork.takeFirst(); workMutex.unlock(); firstWork(); Thread::yield(); workMutex.lock(); } workMutex.unlock(); stop(); } WorkerPoolHandle WorkerPool::addWork(function work) { // Construct a worker pool handle and wrap the work to signal the handle when // finished. Set the result to empty string if successful and to the content // of the exception if an exception is thrown. auto workerPoolHandleImpl = make_shared(); queueWork([workerPoolHandleImpl, work]() { try { work(); MutexLocker handleLocker(workerPoolHandleImpl->mutex); workerPoolHandleImpl->done = true; workerPoolHandleImpl->condition.broadcast(); } catch (...) { MutexLocker handleLocker(workerPoolHandleImpl->mutex); workerPoolHandleImpl->done = true; workerPoolHandleImpl->exception = std::current_exception(); workerPoolHandleImpl->condition.broadcast(); } }); return workerPoolHandleImpl; } WorkerPool::WorkerThread::WorkerThread(WorkerPool* parent) : Thread(strf("WorkerThread for WorkerPool '{}'", parent->m_name)), parent(parent), shouldStop(false), waiting(false) { start(); } WorkerPool::WorkerThread::~WorkerThread() { join(); } void WorkerPool::WorkerThread::run() { MutexLocker workLock(parent->m_workMutex); while (true) { if (shouldStop) break; if (parent->m_pendingWork.empty()) { waiting = true; parent->m_workCondition.wait(parent->m_workMutex); waiting = false; } if (!parent->m_pendingWork.empty()) { auto work = parent->m_pendingWork.takeFirst(); workLock.unlock(); work(); workLock.lock(); } } } void WorkerPool::queueWork(function work) { MutexLocker workLock(m_workMutex); m_pendingWork.append(move(work)); m_workCondition.signal(); } }