// Fixes unused variable warning #define OV_EXCLUDE_STATIC_CALLBACKS #include "vorbis/codec.h" #include "vorbis/vorbisfile.h" #include "StarAudio.hpp" #include "StarBuffer.hpp" #include "StarFile.hpp" #include "StarFormat.hpp" #include "StarLogging.hpp" #include "StarDataStreamDevices.hpp" namespace Star { namespace { struct WaveData { ByteArrayPtr byteArray; unsigned channels; unsigned sampleRate; }; template T readLEType(IODevicePtr const& device) { T t; device->readFull((char*)&t, sizeof(t)); fromByteOrder(ByteOrder::LittleEndian, (char*)&t, sizeof(t)); return t; } bool isUncompressed(IODevicePtr device) { const size_t sigLength = 4; unique_ptr riffSig(new char[sigLength + 1]()); // RIFF\0 unique_ptr waveSig(new char[sigLength + 1]()); // WAVE\0 StreamOffset previousOffset = device->pos(); device->seek(0); device->readFull(riffSig.get(), sigLength); device->seek(4, IOSeek::Relative); device->readFull(waveSig.get(), sigLength); device->seek(previousOffset); if (strcmp(riffSig.get(), "RIFF") == 0 && strcmp(waveSig.get(), "WAVE") == 0) { // bytes are magic return true; } return false; } WaveData parseWav(IODevicePtr device) { const size_t sigLength = 4; unique_ptr riffSig(new char[sigLength + 1]()); // RIFF\0 unique_ptr waveSig(new char[sigLength + 1]()); // WAVE\0 unique_ptr fmtSig(new char[sigLength + 1]()); // fmt \0 unique_ptr dataSig(new char[sigLength + 1]()); // data\0 // RIFF Chunk Descriptor device->seek(0); device->readFull(riffSig.get(), sigLength); uint32_t fileSize = readLEType(device); fileSize += sigLength + sizeof(fileSize); if (fileSize != device->size()) throw AudioException(strf("Wav file is wrong size, reports %d is actually %d", fileSize, device->size())); device->readFull(waveSig.get(), sigLength); if ((strcmp(riffSig.get(), "RIFF") != 0) || (strcmp(waveSig.get(), "WAVE") != 0)) { // bytes are not magic auto p = [](char a) { return isprint(a) ? a : '?'; }; throw AudioException(strf("Wav file has wrong magic bytes, got `%c%c%c%c' and `%c%c%c%c' but expected `RIFF' and `WAVE'", p(riffSig[0]), p(riffSig[1]), p(riffSig[2]), p(riffSig[3]), p(waveSig[0]), p(waveSig[1]), p(waveSig[2]), p(waveSig[3]))); } // fmt subchunk device->readFull(fmtSig.get(), sigLength); if (strcmp(fmtSig.get(), "fmt ") != 0) { // friendship is magic auto p = [](char a) { return isprint(a) ? a : '?'; }; throw AudioException(strf("Wav file fmt subchunk has wrong magic bytes, got `%c%c%c%c' but expected `fmt '", p(fmtSig[0]), p(fmtSig[1]), p(fmtSig[2]), p(fmtSig[3]))); } uint32_t fmtSubchunkSize = readLEType(device); fmtSubchunkSize += sigLength; if (fmtSubchunkSize < 20) throw AudioException(strf("fmt subchunk is sized wrong, expected 20 got %d. Is this wav file not PCM?", fmtSubchunkSize)); uint16_t audioFormat = readLEType(device); if (audioFormat != 1) throw AudioException("audioFormat data indicates that wav file is something other than PCM format. Unsupported."); uint16_t wavChannels = readLEType(device); uint32_t wavSampleRate = readLEType(device); uint32_t wavByteRate = readLEType(device); uint16_t wavBlockAlign = readLEType(device); uint16_t wavBitsPerSample = readLEType(device); if (wavBitsPerSample != 16) throw AudioException("Only 16-bit PCM wavs are supported."); if (wavByteRate * 8 != wavSampleRate * wavChannels * wavBitsPerSample) throw AudioException("Sanity check failed, ByteRate is wrong"); if (wavBlockAlign * 8 != wavChannels * wavBitsPerSample) throw AudioException("Sanity check failed, BlockAlign is wrong"); device->seek(fmtSubchunkSize - 20, IOSeek::Relative); // data subchunk device->readFull(dataSig.get(), sigLength); if (strcmp(dataSig.get(), "data") != 0) { // magic or more magic? auto p = [](char a) { return isprint(a) ? a : '?'; }; throw AudioException(strf("Wav file data subchunk has wrong magic bytes, got `%c%c%c%c' but expected `data'", p(dataSig[0]), p(dataSig[1]), p(dataSig[2]), p(dataSig[3]))); } uint32_t wavDataSize = readLEType(device); size_t wavDataOffset = (size_t)device->pos(); if (wavDataSize + wavDataOffset > (size_t)device->size()) { throw AudioException(strf("Wav file data size reported is inconsistent with file size, got %d but expected %d", device->size(), wavDataSize + wavDataOffset)); } ByteArrayPtr pcmData = make_shared(); pcmData->resize(wavDataSize); // Copy across data and perform and endianess conversion if needed device->readFull(pcmData->ptr(), pcmData->size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < pcmData->size() / 2; ++i) fromByteOrder(ByteOrder::LittleEndian, pcmData->ptr() + i * 2, 2); return WaveData{move(pcmData), wavChannels, wavSampleRate}; } } class CompressedAudioImpl { public: static size_t readFunc(void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void* datasource) { return static_cast(datasource)->read((char*)ptr, size * nmemb) / size; } static int seekFunc(void* datasource, ogg_int64_t offset, int whence) { static_cast(datasource)->seek(offset, (IOSeek)whence); return 0; }; static long int tellFunc(void* datasource) { return (long int)static_cast(datasource)->pos(); }; CompressedAudioImpl(CompressedAudioImpl const& impl) { m_audioData = impl.m_audioData; m_memoryFile.reset(m_audioData->ptr(), m_audioData->size()); m_vorbisInfo = nullptr; } CompressedAudioImpl(IODevicePtr audioData) { audioData->open(IOMode::Read); audioData->seek(0); m_audioData = make_shared(audioData->readBytes((size_t)audioData->size())); m_memoryFile.reset(m_audioData->ptr(), m_audioData->size()); m_vorbisInfo = nullptr; } ~CompressedAudioImpl() { ov_clear(&m_vorbisFile); } bool open() { m_callbacks.read_func = readFunc; m_callbacks.seek_func = seekFunc; m_callbacks.tell_func = tellFunc; m_callbacks.close_func = NULL; if (ov_open_callbacks(&m_memoryFile, &m_vorbisFile, NULL, 0, m_callbacks) < 0) return false; m_vorbisInfo = ov_info(&m_vorbisFile, -1); return true; } unsigned channels() { return m_vorbisInfo->channels; } unsigned sampleRate() { return m_vorbisInfo->rate; } double totalTime() { return ov_time_total(&m_vorbisFile, -1); } uint64_t totalSamples() { return ov_pcm_total(&m_vorbisFile, -1); } void seekTime(double time) { int ret = ov_time_seek(&m_vorbisFile, time); if (ret != 0) throw StarException("Cannot seek ogg stream Audio::seekTime"); } void seekSample(uint64_t pos) { int ret = ov_pcm_seek(&m_vorbisFile, pos); if (ret != 0) throw StarException("Cannot seek ogg stream in Audio::seekSample"); } double currentTime() { return ov_time_tell(&m_vorbisFile); } uint64_t currentSample() { return ov_pcm_tell(&m_vorbisFile); } size_t readPartial(int16_t* buffer, size_t bufferSize) { int bitstream; int read; // ov_read takes int parameter, so do some magic here to make sure we don't // overflow bufferSize *= 2; #if STAR_LITTLE_ENDIAN read = ov_read(&m_vorbisFile, (char*)buffer, bufferSize, 0, 2, 1, &bitstream); #else read = ov_read(&m_vorbisFile, (char*)buffer, bufferSize, 1, 2, 1, &bitstream); #endif if (read < 0) throw AudioException("Error in Audio::read"); // read in bytes, returning number of int16_t samples. return read / 2; } private: ByteArrayConstPtr m_audioData; ExternalBuffer m_memoryFile; ov_callbacks m_callbacks; OggVorbis_File m_vorbisFile; vorbis_info* m_vorbisInfo; }; class UncompressedAudioImpl { public: UncompressedAudioImpl(UncompressedAudioImpl const& impl) { m_channels = impl.m_channels; m_sampleRate = impl.m_sampleRate; m_audioData = impl.m_audioData; m_memoryFile.reset(m_audioData->ptr(), m_audioData->size()); } UncompressedAudioImpl(CompressedAudioImpl& impl) { m_channels = impl.channels(); m_sampleRate = impl.sampleRate(); int16_t buffer[1024]; Buffer uncompressBuffer; while (true) { size_t ramt = impl.readPartial(buffer, 1024); if (ramt == 0) { // End of stream reached break; } else { uncompressBuffer.writeFull((char*)buffer, ramt * 2); } } m_audioData = make_shared(uncompressBuffer.takeData()); m_memoryFile.reset(m_audioData->ptr(), m_audioData->size()); } UncompressedAudioImpl(ByteArrayConstPtr data, unsigned channels, unsigned sampleRate) { m_channels = channels; m_sampleRate = sampleRate; m_audioData = move(data); m_memoryFile.reset(m_audioData->ptr(), m_audioData->size()); } bool open() { return true; } unsigned channels() { return m_channels; } unsigned sampleRate() { return m_sampleRate; } double totalTime() { return (double)totalSamples() / m_sampleRate; } uint64_t totalSamples() { return m_memoryFile.dataSize() / 2 / m_channels; } void seekTime(double time) { seekSample((uint64_t)(time * m_sampleRate)); } void seekSample(uint64_t pos) { m_memoryFile.seek(pos * 2 * m_channels); } double currentTime() { return (double)currentSample() / m_sampleRate; } uint64_t currentSample() { return m_memoryFile.pos() / 2 / m_channels; } size_t readPartial(int16_t* buffer, size_t bufferSize) { if (bufferSize != NPos) bufferSize = bufferSize * 2; return m_memoryFile.read((char*)buffer, bufferSize) / 2; } private: unsigned m_channels; unsigned m_sampleRate; ByteArrayConstPtr m_audioData; ExternalBuffer m_memoryFile; }; Audio::Audio(IODevicePtr device) { if (!device->isOpen()) device->open(IOMode::Read); if (isUncompressed(device)) { WaveData data = parseWav(device); m_uncompressed = make_shared(move(data.byteArray), data.channels, data.sampleRate); } else { m_compressed = make_shared(device); if (!m_compressed->open()) throw AudioException("File does not appear to be a valid ogg bitstream"); } } Audio::Audio(Audio const& audio) { *this = audio; } Audio::Audio(Audio&& audio) { operator=(move(audio)); } Audio& Audio::operator=(Audio const& audio) { if (audio.m_uncompressed) { m_uncompressed = make_shared(*audio.m_uncompressed); m_uncompressed->open(); } else { m_compressed = make_shared(*audio.m_compressed); m_compressed->open(); } seekSample(audio.currentSample()); return *this; } Audio& Audio::operator=(Audio&& audio) { m_compressed = move(audio.m_compressed); m_uncompressed = move(audio.m_uncompressed); return *this; } unsigned Audio::channels() const { if (m_uncompressed) return m_uncompressed->channels(); else return m_compressed->channels(); } unsigned Audio::sampleRate() const { if (m_uncompressed) return m_uncompressed->sampleRate(); else return m_compressed->sampleRate(); } double Audio::totalTime() const { if (m_uncompressed) return m_uncompressed->totalTime(); else return m_compressed->totalTime(); } uint64_t Audio::totalSamples() const { if (m_uncompressed) return m_uncompressed->totalSamples(); else return m_compressed->totalSamples(); } bool Audio::compressed() const { return (bool)m_compressed; } void Audio::uncompress() { if (m_compressed) { m_uncompressed = make_shared(*m_compressed); m_compressed.reset(); } } void Audio::seekTime(double time) { if (m_uncompressed) m_uncompressed->seekTime(time); else m_compressed->seekTime(time); } void Audio::seekSample(uint64_t pos) { if (m_uncompressed) m_uncompressed->seekSample(pos); else m_compressed->seekSample(pos); } double Audio::currentTime() const { if (m_uncompressed) return m_uncompressed->currentTime(); else return m_compressed->currentTime(); } uint64_t Audio::currentSample() const { if (m_uncompressed) return m_uncompressed->currentSample(); else return m_compressed->currentSample(); } size_t Audio::readPartial(int16_t* buffer, size_t bufferSize) { if (bufferSize == 0) return 0; if (m_uncompressed) return m_uncompressed->readPartial(buffer, bufferSize); else return m_compressed->readPartial(buffer, bufferSize); } size_t Audio::read(int16_t* buffer, size_t bufferSize) { if (bufferSize == 0) return 0; size_t readTotal = 0; while (readTotal < bufferSize) { size_t toGo = bufferSize - readTotal; size_t ramt = readPartial(buffer + readTotal, toGo); readTotal += ramt; // End of stream reached if (ramt == 0) break; } return readTotal; } size_t Audio::resample(unsigned destinationChannels, unsigned destinationSampleRate, int16_t* destinationBuffer, size_t destinationBufferSize, double velocity) { unsigned destinationSamples = destinationBufferSize / destinationChannels; if (destinationSamples == 0) return 0; unsigned sourceChannels = channels(); unsigned sourceSampleRate = sampleRate(); if (velocity != 1.0) sourceSampleRate = (unsigned)(sourceSampleRate * velocity); if (destinationChannels == sourceChannels && destinationSampleRate == sourceSampleRate) { // If the destination and source channel count and sample rate are the // same, this is the same as a read. return read(destinationBuffer, destinationBufferSize); } else if (destinationSampleRate == sourceSampleRate) { // If the destination and source sample rate are the same, then we can skip // the super-sampling math. unsigned sourceBufferSize = destinationSamples * sourceChannels; m_workingBuffer.resize(sourceBufferSize * sizeof(int16_t)); int16_t* sourceBuffer = (int16_t*)m_workingBuffer.ptr(); unsigned readSamples = read(sourceBuffer, sourceBufferSize) / sourceChannels; for (unsigned sample = 0; sample < readSamples; ++sample) { unsigned sourceBufferIndex = sample * sourceChannels; unsigned destinationBufferIndex = sample * destinationChannels; for (unsigned destinationChannel = 0; destinationChannel < destinationChannels; ++destinationChannel) { // If the destination channel count is greater than the source // channels, simply copy the last channel unsigned sourceChannel = min(destinationChannel, sourceChannels - 1); destinationBuffer[destinationBufferIndex + destinationChannel] = sourceBuffer[sourceBufferIndex + sourceChannel]; } } return readSamples * destinationChannels; } else { // Otherwise, we have to do a full resample. unsigned sourceSamples = ((uint64_t)sourceSampleRate * destinationSamples + destinationSampleRate - 1) / destinationSampleRate; unsigned sourceBufferSize = sourceSamples * sourceChannels; m_workingBuffer.resize(sourceBufferSize * sizeof(int16_t)); int16_t* sourceBuffer = (int16_t*)m_workingBuffer.ptr(); unsigned readSamples = read(sourceBuffer, sourceBufferSize) / sourceChannels; if (readSamples == 0) return 0; unsigned writtenSamples = 0; for (unsigned destinationSample = 0; destinationSample < destinationSamples; ++destinationSample) { unsigned destinationBufferIndex = destinationSample * destinationChannels; for (unsigned destinationChannel = 0; destinationChannel < destinationChannels; ++destinationChannel) { static int const SuperSampleFactor = 8; // If the destination channel count is greater than the source // channels, simply copy the last channel unsigned sourceChannel = min(destinationChannel, sourceChannels - 1); int sample = 0; int sampleCount = 0; for (int superSample = 0; superSample < SuperSampleFactor; ++superSample) { unsigned sourceSample = (unsigned)((destinationSample * SuperSampleFactor + superSample) * sourceSamples / destinationSamples) / SuperSampleFactor; if (sourceSample < readSamples) { unsigned sourceBufferIndex = sourceSample * sourceChannels; starAssert(sourceBufferIndex + sourceChannel < sourceBufferSize); sample += sourceBuffer[sourceBufferIndex + sourceChannel]; ++sampleCount; } } // If sampleCount is zero, then we are past the end of our read data // completely, and can stop if (sampleCount == 0) return writtenSamples * destinationChannels; sample /= sampleCount; destinationBuffer[destinationBufferIndex + destinationChannel] = (int16_t)sample; writtenSamples = destinationSample + 1; } } return writtenSamples * destinationChannels; } } }