#include "StarStatistics.hpp" #include "StarStatisticsDatabase.hpp" #include "StarStatisticsService.hpp" #include "StarConfigLuaBindings.hpp" #include "StarJsonExtra.hpp" #include "StarLogging.hpp" namespace Star { Statistics::Statistics(String const& storageDirectory, StatisticsServicePtr service) { m_service = move(service); m_initialized = !m_service; m_storageDirectory = storageDirectory; readStatistics(); auto assets = Root::singleton().assets(); m_luaRoot = make_shared(); } void Statistics::writeStatistics() { auto versioningDatabase = Root::singleton().versioningDatabase(); String filename = File::relativeTo(m_storageDirectory, "statistics"); Json stats = JsonObject::from(m_stats.pairs().transformed([](auto const& entry) { return make_pair(entry.first, entry.second.toJson()); })); JsonObject storage = { { "stats", stats }, { "achievements", jsonFromStringSet(m_achievements) } }; auto versionedStorage = versioningDatabase->makeCurrentVersionedJson("Statistics", storage); VersionedJson::writeFile(versionedStorage, filename); } Json Statistics::stat(String const& name, Json def) const { if (m_stats.contains(name)) return m_stats.get(name).value; return def; } Maybe Statistics::statType(String const& name) const { if (m_stats.contains(name)) return m_stats.get(name).type; return {}; } bool Statistics::achievementUnlocked(String const& name) const { return m_achievements.contains(name); } void Statistics::recordEvent(String const& name, Json const& fields) { m_pendingEvents.append(make_pair(name, fields)); } bool Statistics::reset() { if (m_initialized) { if (!m_service || m_service->reset()) { m_stats = {}; m_achievements = {}; return true; } } return false; } void Statistics::update() { if (m_service) { if (auto error = m_service->error()) { Logger::error("Statistics platform service error: {}", *error); // Service failed. Continue with local stats and achievements only. m_service = {}; m_initialized = true; return; } } if (!m_initialized) { if (m_service->initialized()) { mergeServiceStatistics(); m_initialized = true; } } for (auto event : m_pendingEvents) { processEvent(event.first, event.second); } for (String const& achievement : m_pendingAchievementChecks) { if (checkAchievement(achievement)) unlockAchievement(achievement); } if (m_service && (m_pendingEvents.size() > 0 || m_pendingAchievementChecks.size() > 0)) m_service->flush(); m_pendingEvents = {}; m_pendingAchievementChecks = {}; } Statistics::Stat Statistics::Stat::fromJson(Json const& json) { return Stat { json.getString("type"), json.get("value") }; } Json Statistics::Stat::toJson() const { return JsonObject { {"type", type}, {"value", value} }; } void Statistics::processEvent(String const& name, Json const& fields) { if (m_service) m_service->reportEvent(name, fields); Logger::debug("Event {} {}", name, fields); auto statisticsDatabase = Root::singleton().statisticsDatabase(); if (auto const& event = statisticsDatabase->event(name)) { runStatScript(event->scripts, event->config, "event", name, fields); } } void Statistics::setStat(String const& name, String const& type, Json const& value) { Logger::debug("Stat {} ({}) : {}", name, type, value); m_stats[name] = Stat { type, value }; if (m_service) m_service->setStat(name, type, value); auto statisticsDatabase = Root::singleton().statisticsDatabase(); m_pendingAchievementChecks.addAll(statisticsDatabase->achievementsForStat(name)); } void Statistics::unlockAchievement(String const& name) { if (achievementUnlocked(name)) return; m_achievements.add(name); if (m_service) m_service->unlockAchievement(name); Logger::debug("Achievement get {}", name); } bool Statistics::checkAchievement(String const& achievementName) { auto statisticsDatabase = Root::singleton().statisticsDatabase(); auto achievement = statisticsDatabase->achievement(achievementName); if (achievementUnlocked(achievement->name)) return true; Maybe result = runStatScript(achievement->scripts, achievement->config, "check", achievementName); return result && *result; } void Statistics::readStatistics() { auto versioningDatabase = Root::singleton().versioningDatabase(); try { String filename = File::relativeTo(m_storageDirectory, "statistics"); if (File::exists(filename)) { Json storage = versioningDatabase->loadVersionedJson(VersionedJson::readFile(filename), "Statistics"); m_stats = StringMap::from(storage.getObject("stats", {}).pairs().transformed([](auto const& entry) { return make_pair(entry.first, Stat::fromJson(entry.second)); })); m_achievements = jsonToStringSet(storage.get("achievements", JsonArray{})); } } catch (std::exception const& e) { Logger::warn("Error loading local player statistics file, resetting: {}", outputException(e, false)); } } void Statistics::mergeServiceStatistics() { if (!m_service || !m_service->initialized() || m_service->error()) return; // Publish achievements we unlocked when the platform service was unavailable. StringSet serviceAchievements = m_service->achievementsUnlocked(); for (String const& achievement : m_achievements.difference(serviceAchievements)) { m_service->unlockAchievement(achievement); } // Locally store all the achievements we unlocked in a different install: m_achievements.addAll(serviceAchievements); // Publish our local statistics, in case we made progress while the service // was unavailable. for (auto const& stat : m_stats) { m_service->setStat(stat.first, stat.second.type, stat.second.value); } // However, don't _pull_ stats from the service - not all stats are recorded // so inconsistencies will creep in if we try. For example, if the service // is recording the number of poptop kills but not the total number of kills, // we could end up with a situation like "2 total kills, 8 poptops killed." // The best we can do is let the client be authoritative over its stats and // have the service validate changes it receives to make sure they only // ever increase. m_service->flush(); } LuaCallbacks Statistics::makeStatisticsCallbacks() { LuaCallbacks callbacks; callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature("setStat", bind(&Statistics::setStat, this, _1, _2, _3)); callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature("stat", bind(&Statistics::stat, this, _1, _2)); callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature, String>("statType", bind(&Statistics::statType, this, _1)); callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature("achievementUnlocked", bind(&Statistics::achievementUnlocked, this, _1)); callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature("checkAchievement", bind(&Statistics::checkAchievement, this, _1)); callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature("unlockAchievement", bind(&Statistics::unlockAchievement, this, _1)); return callbacks; } template Maybe Statistics::runStatScript(StringList const& scripts, Json const& config, String const& functionName, V&&... args) { LuaBaseComponent script; script.setLuaRoot(m_luaRoot); script.setScripts(scripts); script.addCallbacks("config", LuaBindings::makeConfigCallbacks([config] (String const& name, Json const& def) { return config.query(name, def); })); script.addCallbacks("statistics", makeStatisticsCallbacks()); script.init(); Maybe result = script.invoke(functionName, args...); script.uninit(); return result; } }