#pragma once #include "StarWorldClientState.hpp" #include "StarNetPackets.hpp" #include "StarWorldRenderData.hpp" #include "StarAmbient.hpp" #include "StarCellularLighting.hpp" #include "StarWeather.hpp" #include "StarInterpolationTracker.hpp" #include "StarWorldStructure.hpp" #include "StarChatAction.hpp" #include "StarWiring.hpp" #include "StarEntityRendering.hpp" #include "StarWorld.hpp" #include "StarGameTimers.hpp" #include "StarLuaRoot.hpp" #include "StarTickRateMonitor.hpp" namespace Star { STAR_STRUCT(Biome); STAR_CLASS(WorldTemplate); STAR_CLASS(Sky); STAR_CLASS(Parallax); STAR_CLASS(LuaRoot); STAR_CLASS(DamageManager); STAR_CLASS(EntityMap); STAR_CLASS(ParticleManager); STAR_CLASS(WorldClient); STAR_CLASS(Player); STAR_CLASS(Item); STAR_CLASS(CelestialLog); STAR_CLASS(ClientContext); STAR_CLASS(PlayerStorage); STAR_STRUCT(OverheadBar); STAR_EXCEPTION(WorldClientException, StarException); class WorldClient : public World { public: WorldClient(PlayerPtr mainPlayer, LuaRootPtr luaRoot); ~WorldClient(); ConnectionId connection() const override; WorldGeometry geometry() const override; uint64_t currentStep() const override; MaterialId material(Vec2I const& position, TileLayer layer) const override; MaterialHue materialHueShift(Vec2I const& position, TileLayer layer) const override; ModId mod(Vec2I const& position, TileLayer layer) const override; MaterialHue modHueShift(Vec2I const& position, TileLayer layer) const override; MaterialColorVariant colorVariant(Vec2I const& position, TileLayer layer) const override; LiquidLevel liquidLevel(Vec2I const& pos) const override; LiquidLevel liquidLevel(RectF const& region) const override; TileModificationList validTileModifications(TileModificationList const& modificationList, bool allowEntityOverlap) const override; TileModificationList applyTileModifications(TileModificationList const& modificationList, bool allowEntityOverlap) override; EntityPtr entity(EntityId entityId) const override; void addEntity(EntityPtr const& entity, EntityId entityId = NullEntityId) override; EntityPtr closestEntity(Vec2F const& center, float radius, EntityFilter selector = EntityFilter()) const override; void forAllEntities(EntityCallback entityCallback) const override; void forEachEntity(RectF const& boundBox, EntityCallback callback) const override; void forEachEntityLine(Vec2F const& begin, Vec2F const& end, EntityCallback callback) const override; void forEachEntityAtTile(Vec2I const& pos, EntityCallbackOf entityCallback) const override; EntityPtr findEntity(RectF const& boundBox, EntityFilter entityFilter) const override; EntityPtr findEntityLine(Vec2F const& begin, Vec2F const& end, EntityFilter entityFilter) const override; EntityPtr findEntityAtTile(Vec2I const& pos, EntityFilterOf entityFilter) const override; bool tileIsOccupied(Vec2I const& pos, TileLayer layer, bool includeEphemeral = false, bool checkCollision = false) const override; CollisionKind tileCollisionKind(Vec2I const& pos) const override; void forEachCollisionBlock(RectI const& region, function const& iterator) const override; bool isTileConnectable(Vec2I const& pos, TileLayer layer, bool tilesOnly = false) const override; bool pointTileCollision(Vec2F const& point, CollisionSet const& collisionSet = DefaultCollisionSet) const override; bool lineTileCollision(Vec2F const& begin, Vec2F const& end, CollisionSet const& collisionSet = DefaultCollisionSet) const override; Maybe> lineTileCollisionPoint(Vec2F const& begin, Vec2F const& end, CollisionSet const& collisionSet = DefaultCollisionSet) const override; List collidingTilesAlongLine(Vec2F const& begin, Vec2F const& end, CollisionSet const& collisionSet = DefaultCollisionSet, int maxSize = -1, bool includeEdges = true) const override; bool rectTileCollision(RectI const& region, CollisionSet const& collisionSet = DefaultCollisionSet) const override; TileDamageResult damageTiles(List const& pos, TileLayer layer, Vec2F const& sourcePosition, TileDamage const& tileDamage, Maybe sourceEntity = {}) override; InteractiveEntityPtr getInteractiveInRange(Vec2F const& targetPosition, Vec2F const& sourcePosition, float maxRange) const override; bool canReachEntity(Vec2F const& position, float radius, EntityId targetEntity, bool preferInteractive = true) const override; RpcPromise interact(InteractRequest const& request) override; float gravity(Vec2F const& pos) const override; float windLevel(Vec2F const& pos) const override; float lightLevel(Vec2F const& pos) const override; bool breathable(Vec2F const& pos) const override; float threatLevel() const override; StringList environmentStatusEffects(Vec2F const& pos) const override; StringList weatherStatusEffects(Vec2F const& pos) const override; bool exposedToWeather(Vec2F const& pos) const override; bool isUnderground(Vec2F const& pos) const override; bool disableDeathDrops() const override; List forceRegions() const override; Json getProperty(String const& propertyName, Json const& def = Json()) const override; void setProperty(String const& propertyName, Json const& property) override; void timer(float delay, WorldAction worldAction) override; double epochTime() const override; uint32_t day() const override; float dayLength() const override; float timeOfDay() const override; LuaRootPtr luaRoot() override; RpcPromise findUniqueEntity(String const& uniqueId) override; RpcPromise sendEntityMessage(Variant const& entity, String const& message, JsonArray const& args = {}) override; bool isTileProtected(Vec2I const& pos) const override; // Is this WorldClient properly initialized in a world bool inWorld() const; bool inSpace() const; bool flying() const; bool mainPlayerDead() const; void reviveMainPlayer(); bool respawnInWorld() const; void setRespawnInWorld(bool respawnInWorld); void removeEntity(EntityId entityId, bool andDie); WorldTemplateConstPtr currentTemplate() const; SkyConstPtr currentSky() const; void dimWorld(); bool interactiveHighlightMode() const; void setInteractiveHighlightMode(bool enabled); void setParallax(ParallaxPtr newParallax); void overrideGravity(float gravity); void resetGravity(); // Disable normal client-side lighting algorithm, everything full brightness. bool fullBright() const; void setFullBright(bool fullBright); // Disable asynchronous client-side lighting algorithm, run on main thread. bool asyncLighting() const; void setAsyncLighting(bool asyncLighting); // Spatial log generated collision geometry. bool collisionDebug() const; void setCollisionDebug(bool collisionDebug); void handleIncomingPackets(List const& packets); List getOutgoingPackets(); // Set the rendering window for this client. void setClientWindow(RectI window); // Sets the client window around the position of the main player. void centerClientWindowOnPlayer(Vec2U const& windowSize); void centerClientWindowOnPlayer(); RectI clientWindow() const; WorldClientState& clientState(); void update(float dt); // borderTiles here should extend the client window for border tile // calculations. It is not necessary on the light array. void render(WorldRenderData& renderData, unsigned borderTiles); List pullPendingAudio(); List pullPendingMusic(); bool playerCanReachEntity(EntityId entityId, bool preferInteractive = true) const; void disconnectAllWires(Vec2I wireEntityPosition, WireNode const& node); void connectWire(WireConnection const& output, WireConnection const& input); // Functions for sending broadcast messages to other players that can receive them, // on completely vanilla servers by smuggling it through a DamageNotification. // It's cursed as fuck, but it works. bool sendSecretBroadcast(StringView broadcast, bool raw = false, bool compress = true); bool handleSecretBroadcast(PlayerPtr player, StringView broadcast); List pullPendingChatActions(); WorldStructure const& centralStructure() const; DungeonId dungeonId(Vec2I const& pos) const; void collectLiquid(List const& tilePositions, LiquidId liquidId); bool waitForLighting(WorldRenderData* renderData = nullptr); typedef std::function BroadcastCallback; BroadcastCallback& broadcastCallback(); private: static const float DropDist; struct ClientRenderCallback : RenderCallback { void addDrawable(Drawable drawable, EntityRenderLayer renderLayer) override; void addLightSource(LightSource lightSource) override; void addParticle(Particle particle) override; void addAudio(AudioInstancePtr audio) override; void addTilePreview(PreviewTile preview) override; void addOverheadBar(OverheadBar bar) override; Map> drawables; List lightSources; List particles; List audios; List previewTiles; List overheadBars; }; struct DamageNumber { float amount; Vec2F position; double timestamp; }; struct DamageNumberKey { String damageNumberParticleKind; EntityId sourceEntityId; EntityId targetEntityId; bool operator<(DamageNumberKey const& other) const; }; typedef function ClientTileGetter; void lightingTileGather(); void lightingCalc(); void lightingMain(); void initWorld(WorldStartPacket const& packet); void clearWorld(); void tryGiveMainPlayerItem(ItemPtr item, bool silent = false); void notifyEntityCreate(EntityPtr const& entity); // Queues pending (step based) updates to server, void queueUpdatePackets(bool sendEntityUpdates); void handleDamageNotifications(); void sparkDamagedBlocks(); Vec2I environmentBiomeTrackPosition() const; AmbientNoisesDescriptionPtr currentAmbientNoises() const; WeatherNoisesDescriptionPtr currentWeatherNoises() const; AmbientNoisesDescriptionPtr currentMusicTrack() const; AmbientNoisesDescriptionPtr currentAltMusicTrack() const; void playAltMusic(StringList const& newTracks, float fadeTime); void stopAltMusic(float fadeTime); BiomeConstPtr mainEnvironmentBiome() const; // Populates foregroundTransparent / backgroundTransparent flag on ClientTile // based on transparency rules. bool readNetTile(Vec2I const& pos, NetTile const& netTile, bool updateCollision = true); void dirtyCollision(RectI const& region); void freshenCollision(RectI const& region); void renderCollisionDebug(); void informTilePrediction(Vec2I const& pos, TileModification const& modification); void setTileProtection(DungeonId dungeonId, bool isProtected); void setupForceRegions(); Json m_clientConfig; WorldTemplatePtr m_worldTemplate; WorldStructure m_centralStructure; Vec2F m_playerStart; bool m_respawnInWorld; JsonObject m_worldProperties; EntityMapPtr m_entityMap; ClientTileSectorArrayPtr m_tileArray; ClientTileGetter m_tileGetterFunction; DamageManagerPtr m_damageManager; LuaRootPtr m_luaRoot; WorldGeometry m_geometry; uint64_t m_currentStep; double m_currentTime; bool m_fullBright; bool m_asyncLighting; CellularLightingCalculator m_lightingCalculator; mutable CellularLightIntensityCalculator m_lightIntensityCalculator; ThreadFunction m_lightingThread; Mutex m_lightingMutex; ConditionVariable m_lightingCond; atomic m_stopLightingThread; Mutex m_lightMapPrepMutex; Mutex m_lightMapMutex; Lightmap m_pendingLightMap; Lightmap m_lightMap; List m_pendingLights; List> m_pendingParticleLights; RectI m_pendingLightRange; Vec2I m_lightMinPosition; List m_previewTiles; SkyPtr m_sky; CollisionGenerator m_collisionGenerator; WorldClientState m_clientState; Maybe m_clientId; PlayerPtr m_mainPlayer; bool m_collisionDebug; // Client side entity updates are not done until m_inWorld is true, which is // set to true after we have entered a world *and* the first batch of updates // are received. bool m_inWorld; GameTimer m_worldDimTimer; float m_worldDimLevel; Vec3B m_worldDimColor; bool m_interactiveHighlightMode; GameTimer m_parallaxFadeTimer; ParallaxPtr m_currentParallax; ParallaxPtr m_nextParallax; Maybe m_overrideGravity; ClientWeather m_weather; ParticleManagerPtr m_particles; List m_samples; List m_music; HashMap m_masterEntitiesNetVersion; InterpolationTracker m_interpolationTracker; GameTimer m_entityUpdateTimer; List m_outgoingPackets; Maybe m_pingTime; int64_t m_latency; Set m_requestedDrops; Particle m_blockDamageParticle; Particle m_blockDamageParticleVariance; float m_blockDamageParticleProbability; Particle m_blockDingParticle; Particle m_blockDingParticleVariance; float m_blockDingParticleProbability; HashSet m_damagedBlocks; AmbientManager m_ambientSounds; AmbientManager m_musicTrack; AmbientManager m_altMusicTrack; List> m_timers; Map m_damageNumbers; float m_damageNotificationBatchDuration; AudioInstancePtr m_spaceSound; String m_activeSpaceSound; AmbientNoisesDescriptionPtr m_altMusicTrackDescription; bool m_altMusicActive; int m_modifiedTilePredictionTimeout; HashMap m_predictedTiles; HashSet m_startupHiddenEntities; HashMap m_dungeonIdGravity; HashMap m_dungeonIdBreathable; StableHashSet m_protectedDungeonIds; HashMap>> m_findUniqueEntityResponses; HashMap> m_entityMessageResponses; HashMap> m_entityInteractionResponses; List m_forceRegions; BroadcastCallback m_broadcastCallback; }; }