#include "StarWidget.hpp" #include "StarPane.hpp" #include "StarLabelWidget.hpp" #include "StarFlowLayout.hpp" namespace Star { Widget::Widget() { m_parent = nullptr; m_context = GuiContext::singletonPtr(); m_visible = true; m_focus = false; m_doScissor = true; m_container = false; m_mouseTransparent = false; } Widget::~Widget() { removeAllChildren(); } void Widget::update() { for (auto widget : m_members) widget->update(); } GuiContext* Widget::context() const { return m_context; } void Widget::render(RectI const& region) { if (!m_visible) return; if (!setupDrawRegion(region)) return; renderImpl(); drawChildren(); } void Widget::renderImpl() {} void Widget::drawChildren() { for (auto child : m_members) child->render(m_drawingArea); } Vec2I Widget::position() const { return m_position + m_drawingOffset; } Vec2I Widget::relativePosition() const { return m_position; } bool Widget::setupDrawRegion(RectI const& region) { RectI scissorRect; if (m_doScissor) { scissorRect = getScissorRect(); } else { scissorRect = noScissor(); } m_drawingArea = scissorRect.limited(region); if (m_drawingArea.isEmpty()) return false; m_context->setInterfaceScissorRect(m_drawingArea); return true; } Vec2I Widget::drawingOffset() const { return m_drawingOffset; } void Widget::setDrawingOffset(Vec2I const& offset) { m_drawingOffset = offset; } RectI Widget::getScissorRect() const { return screenBoundRect(); } RectI Widget::noScissor() const { return RectI::inf(); } void Widget::disableScissoring() { m_doScissor = false; } void Widget::enableScissoring() { m_doScissor = true; } void Widget::setPosition(Vec2I const& position) { m_position = position; } Vec2I Widget::size() const { return m_size; } void Widget::setSize(Vec2I const& size) { m_size = size; } RectI Widget::relativeBoundRect() const { return RectI::withSize(relativePosition(), size()); } RectI Widget::screenBoundRect() const { return relativeBoundRect().translated(screenPosition() - relativePosition()); } void Widget::determineSizeFromChildren() { Vec2I max; for (auto& child : m_members) { Vec2I childMax = child->position() + child->size(); max = max.piecewiseMax(childMax); } setSize(max); } void Widget::markAsContainer() { m_container = true; } KeyboardCaptureMode Widget::keyboardCaptured() const { if (active()) { for (auto const& member : m_members) { auto mode = member->keyboardCaptured(); if (mode != KeyboardCaptureMode::None) return mode; } } return KeyboardCaptureMode::None; } void Widget::setData(Json const& data) { m_data = data; } Json const& Widget::data() { return m_data; } Vec2I Widget::screenPosition() const { if (m_parent) { return m_parent->screenPosition() + position(); } else { return position(); } } bool Widget::inMember(Vec2I const& position) const { if (!m_visible) return false; if (m_mouseTransparent) return false; if (!m_drawingArea.isNull() && !m_drawingArea.contains(Vec2I::floor(position))) return false; if (m_container) { for (auto child : m_members) if (child->inMember(position)) return true; } else { return screenBoundRect().contains(position); } return false; } bool Widget::sendEvent(InputEvent const& event) { if (!m_visible) return false; for (auto child : reverseIterate(m_members)) { if (child->sendEvent(event)) return true; } return false; } void Widget::mouseOver() {} void Widget::mouseOut() {} void Widget::mouseReturnStillDown() {} void Widget::setMouseTransparent(bool transparent) { m_mouseTransparent = transparent; } bool Widget::mouseTransparent() { return m_mouseTransparent; } Widget* Widget::parent() const { return m_parent; } void Widget::setParent(Widget* parent) { m_parent = parent; } void Widget::show() { m_visible = true; } void Widget::hide() { m_visible = false; } void Widget::toggleVisibility() { m_visible = !m_visible; } void Widget::setVisibility(bool visibility) { if (visibility) show(); else hide(); } bool Widget::active() const { return m_visible; } bool Widget::interactive() const { return true; } bool Widget::hasFocus() const { return m_focus; } void Widget::focus() { m_focus = true; if (auto w = window()) w->setFocus(this); } void Widget::blur() { m_focus = false; if (window()) window()->removeFocus(this); } unsigned Widget::windowHeight() const { return context()->windowHeight(); } unsigned Widget::windowWidth() const { return context()->windowWidth(); } Vec2I Widget::windowSize() const { return Vec2I(context()->windowSize()); } Pane* Widget::window() { if (m_parent) return m_parent->window(); return nullptr; } Pane const* Widget::window() const { if (m_parent) return m_parent->window(); return nullptr; } void Widget::addChild(String const& name, WidgetPtr member) { member->setName(name); m_members.push_back(member); m_memberHash[member->name()] = member; member->setParent(this); } void Widget::addChildAt(String const& name, WidgetPtr member, size_t at) { if (at > m_members.size()) throw GuiException("Attempted to insert item after the end of the list."); m_members.insert(m_members.begin() + at, member); m_memberHash[name] = member; member->setName(name); member->setParent(this); } bool Widget::removeChild(Widget* member) { m_memberHash.erase(member->name()); for (auto child = m_members.begin(); child != m_members.end(); ++child) { if (child->get() == member) { (*child)->setParent(nullptr); m_members.erase(child); return true; } else { if ((*child)->removeChild(member)) return true; } } return false; } bool Widget::removeChild(String const& name) { m_memberHash.erase(name); for (auto child = m_members.begin(); child != m_members.end(); ++child) { auto ptr = *child; if (ptr->name() == name) { m_members.erase(child); ptr->setParent(nullptr); return true; } } return false; } bool Widget::removeChildAt(size_t at) { if (at >= m_members.size()) return false; m_memberHash.erase(m_members.at(at)->name()); m_members.at(at)->setParent(nullptr); m_members.erase(m_members.begin() + at); return true; } void Widget::removeAllChildren() { for (auto child : m_members) child->setParent(nullptr); m_members.clear(); m_memberHash.clear(); } bool Widget::containsChild(String const& name) { if (fetchChild(name)) return true; return false; } WidgetPtr Widget::fetchChild(String const& name) { WidgetPtr res; if (name.contains(".")) { StringList nameList = name.split(".", 1); if (auto child = m_memberHash.value(nameList[0], {})) return child->fetchChild(nameList[1]); } else { if (auto child = m_memberHash.value(name, {})) return child; } return {}; } WidgetPtr Widget::findChild(String const& name) { if (auto found = fetchChild(name)) return found; for (auto const& child : m_members) { if (auto found = child->findChild(name)) return found; } return {}; } WidgetPtr Widget::childPtr(Widget const* child) const { for (auto const& m : m_members) { if (m.get() == child) return m; if (auto c = m->childPtr(child)) return c; } return {}; } WidgetPtr Widget::getChildAt(Vec2I const& pos) { for (auto child : reverseIterate(m_members)) { if (child->inMember(pos)) { auto res = child->getChildAt(pos); if (res) { return res; } return child; } } return {}; } size_t Widget::numChildren() const { return m_members.size(); } WidgetPtr Widget::getChildNum(size_t num) const { return m_members.at(num); } String const& Widget::name() const { return m_name; } void Widget::setName(String const& name) { m_name = name; } String Widget::fullName() const { if (m_parent) { return m_parent->fullName() + "." + name(); } return name(); } String Widget::toStringImpl(int indentLevel) const { auto leader = String(" ") * indentLevel; String childrenString; for (auto child : m_members) { childrenString.append(child->toStringImpl(indentLevel + 4)); } String output = strf(R"OUTPUT(%s%s : { %s address : %p, %s visible : %s, %s position : %s, %s size : %s, %s children : { %s %s } %s} )OUTPUT", leader, m_name, leader, this, leader, m_visible ? "true" : "false", leader, m_position, leader, m_size, leader, childrenString, leader, leader); return output; } bool Widget::setLabel(String const& name, String const& value) { if (containsChild(name)) { auto child = fetchChild(name); if (auto label = as(child)) { label->setText(value); return true; } } return false; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Widget const& widget) { os << widget.toStringImpl(0); return os; } }