#pragma once #include "StarOrderedMap.hpp" #include "StarJson.hpp" namespace Star { STAR_EXCEPTION(AnimatedPartSetException, StarException); // Defines a "animated" data set constructed in such a way that it is very // useful for doing generic animations with lots of additional animation data. // It is made up of two concepts, "states" and "parts". // // States: // // There are N "state types" defined, which each defines a set of mutually // exclusive states that each "state type" can be in. For example, one state // type might be "movement", and the "movement" states might be "idle", "walk", // and "run. Another state type might be "attack" which could have as its // states "idle", and "melee". Each state type will have exactly one currently // active state, so this class may, for example, be in the total state of // "movement:idle" and "attack:melee". Each state within each state type is // animated, so that over time the state frame increases and may loop around, // or transition into another state so that that state type without interaction // may go from "melee" to "idle" when the "melee" state animation is finished. // This is defined by the individual state config in the configuration passed // into the constructor. // // Parts: // // Each instance of this class also can have N "Parts" defined, which are // groups of properties that "listen" to active states. Each part can "listen" // to one or more state types, and the first matching state x state type pair // (in order of state type priority which is specified in the config) is // chosen, and the properties from that state type and state are merged into // the part to produce the final active part information. Rather than having a // single image or image set for each part, since this class is intended to be // as generic as possible, all of this data is assumed to be queried from the // part properties, so that things such as image data as well as other things // like damage or collision polys can be stored along with the animation // frames, the part state, the base part, whichever is most applicable. class AnimatedPartSet { public: struct ActiveStateInformation { String stateTypeName; String stateName; float timer; unsigned frame; JsonObject properties; }; struct ActivePartInformation { String partName; // If a state match is found, this will be set. Maybe activeState; JsonObject properties; }; AnimatedPartSet(); AnimatedPartSet(Json config); // Returns the available state types. StringList stateTypes() const; // If a state type is disabled, no parts will match against it even // if they have entries for that state type. void setStateTypeEnabled(String const& stateTypeName, bool enabled); void setEnabledStateTypes(StringList const& stateTypeNames); bool stateTypeEnabled(String const& stateTypeName) const; // Returns the available states for the given state type. StringList states(String const& stateTypeName) const; StringList parts() const; // Sets the active state for this state type. If the state is different than // the previously set state, will start the new states animation off at the // beginning. If alwaysStart is true, then starts the state animation off at // the beginning even if no state change has occurred. Returns true if a // state animation reset was done. bool setActiveState(String const& stateTypeName, String const& stateName, bool alwaysStart = false); // Restart this given state type's timer off at the beginning. void restartState(String const& stateTypeName); ActiveStateInformation const& activeState(String const& stateTypeName) const; ActivePartInformation const& activePart(String const& partName) const; // Function will be given the name of each state type, and the // ActiveStateInformation for the active state for that state type. void forEachActiveState(function callback) const; // Function will be given the name of each part, and the // ActivePartInformation for the active part. void forEachActivePart(function callback) const; // Useful for serializing state changes. Since each set of states for a // state type is ordered, it is possible to simply serialize and deserialize // the state index for that state type. size_t activeStateIndex(String const& stateTypeName) const; bool setActiveStateIndex(String const& stateTypeName, size_t stateIndex, bool alwaysStart = false); // Animate each state type forward 'dt' time, and either change state frames // or transition to new states, depending on the config. void update(float dt); // Pushes all the animations into their final state void finishAnimations(); private: enum AnimationMode { End, Loop, Transition }; struct State { unsigned frames; float cycle; AnimationMode animationMode; String transitionState; JsonObject stateProperties; JsonObject stateFrameProperties; }; struct StateType { float priority; bool enabled; String defaultState; JsonObject stateTypeProperties; OrderedHashMap> states; ActiveStateInformation activeState; State const* activeStatePointer; bool activeStateDirty; }; struct PartState { JsonObject partStateProperties; JsonObject partStateFrameProperties; }; struct Part { JsonObject partProperties; StringMap> partStates; ActivePartInformation activePart; bool activePartDirty; }; static AnimationMode stringToAnimationMode(String const& string); void freshenActiveState(StateType& stateType); void freshenActivePart(Part& part); OrderedHashMap m_stateTypes; StringMap m_parts; }; }