#include "StarGuiReader.hpp" #include "StarPane.hpp" #include "StarJsonExtra.hpp" namespace Star { GuiReader::GuiReader() { m_constructors["background"] = [=]( String const& name, Json const& config) { return backgroundHandler(name, config); }; m_constructors["button"] = [=](String const& name, Json const& config) { return buttonHandler(name, config); }; m_constructors["itemslot"] = [=](String const& name, Json const& config) { return itemSlotHandler(name, config); }; m_constructors["itemgrid"] = [=](String const& name, Json const& config) { return itemGridHandler(name, config); }; m_constructors["list"] = [=](String const& name, Json const& config) { return listHandler(name, config); }; m_constructors["panefeature"] = [=]( String const& name, Json const& config) { return paneFeatureHandler(name, config); }; m_constructors["radioGroup"] = [=]( String const& name, Json const& config) { return radioGroupHandler(name, config); }; m_constructors["spinner"] = [=](String const& name, Json const& config) { return spinnerHandler(name, config); }; m_constructors["slider"] = [=](String const& name, Json const& config) { return sliderHandler(name, config); }; m_constructors["textbox"] = [=](String const& name, Json const& config) { return textboxHandler(name, config); }; m_constructors["title"] = [=](String const& name, Json const& config) { return titleHandler(name, config); }; m_constructors["stack"] = [=](String const& name, Json const& config) { return stackHandler(name, config); }; m_constructors["tabSet"] = [=](String const& name, Json const& config) { return tabSetHandler(name, config); }; m_constructors["scrollArea"] = [=]( String const& name, Json const& config) { return scrollAreaHandler(name, config); }; } WidgetConstructResult GuiReader::titleHandler(String const&, Json const& config) { if (m_pane) { String title = config.getString("title", ""); String subtitle = config.getString("subtitle", ""); Json iconConfig = config.get("icon", Json()); if (iconConfig.isNull()) { m_pane->setTitleString(title, subtitle); } else { try { String type = iconConfig.getString("type"); auto icon = m_constructors.get(type)("icon", iconConfig); if (!icon.obj) throw WidgetParserException(strf("Title specified incompatible icon type: {}", type)); m_pane->setTitle(icon.obj, title, subtitle); } catch (JsonException const& e) { throw WidgetParserException(strf("Malformed icon configuration data in title. {}", outputException(e, false))); } } } else { throw StarException("Only Pane controls support the 'title' command"); } return {}; } WidgetConstructResult GuiReader::paneFeatureHandler(String const&, Json const& config) { if (m_pane) { m_pane->setAnchor(PaneAnchorNames.getLeft(config.getString("anchor", "None"))); if (config.contains("offset")) m_pane->setAnchorOffset(jsonToVec2I(config.get("offset"))); if (config.getBool("positionLocked", false)) m_pane->lockPosition(); } else { throw StarException("Only Pane controls support the 'panefeature' command"); } return {}; } WidgetConstructResult GuiReader::backgroundHandler(String const&, Json const& config) { if (m_pane) { String header, body, footer; try { header = config.getString("fileHeader", ""); body = config.getString("fileBody", ""); footer = config.getString("fileFooter", ""); } catch (MapException const& e) { throw WidgetParserException( strf("Malformed gui json, missing a required value in the map. {}", outputException(e, false))); } m_pane->setBG(header, body, footer); } else { throw StarException("Only Pane controls support the 'background' command"); } return {}; } }