#ifndef STAR_JSON_COMMENTS_HPP #define STAR_JSON_COMMENTS_HPP #include #include "StarJson.hpp" namespace Star { STAR_CLASS(FormattedJson); struct ObjectElement; struct ObjectKeyElement; struct ValueElement; struct WhitespaceElement; struct ColonElement; struct CommaElement; typedef Variant JsonElement; struct ValueElement { ValueElement(FormattedJson const& json); FormattedJsonPtr value; bool operator==(ValueElement const& v) const; }; struct ObjectKeyElement { String key; bool operator==(ObjectKeyElement const& v) const; }; struct WhitespaceElement { String whitespace; bool operator==(WhitespaceElement const& v) const; }; struct ColonElement { bool operator==(ColonElement const&) const; }; struct CommaElement { bool operator==(CommaElement const&) const; }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, JsonElement const& elem); // Class representing formatted JSON data. Preserves whitespace and comments. class FormattedJson { public: typedef List ElementList; typedef size_t ElementLocation; static FormattedJson parse(String const& string); static FormattedJson parseJson(String const& string); static FormattedJson ofType(Json::Type type); FormattedJson(); FormattedJson(Json const&); Json const& toJson() const; FormattedJson get(String const& key) const; FormattedJson get(size_t index) const; // Returns a new FormattedJson with the given values added or erased. // Prepend, insert and append update the value in-place if the key already // exists. FormattedJson prepend(String const& key, FormattedJson const& value) const; FormattedJson insertBefore(String const& key, FormattedJson const& value, String const& beforeKey) const; FormattedJson insertAfter(String const& key, FormattedJson const& value, String const& afterKey) const; FormattedJson append(String const& key, FormattedJson const& value) const; FormattedJson set(String const& key, FormattedJson const& value) const; FormattedJson eraseKey(String const& key) const; FormattedJson insert(size_t index, FormattedJson const& value) const; FormattedJson append(FormattedJson const& value) const; FormattedJson set(size_t index, FormattedJson const& value) const; FormattedJson eraseIndex(size_t index) const; // Returns the number of elements in a Json array, or entries in an object. size_t size() const; bool contains(String const& key) const; Json::Type type() const; bool isType(Json::Type type) const; String typeName() const; String toFormattedDouble() const; String toFormattedInt() const; String repr() const; String printJson() const; ElementList const& elements() const; // Equality ignores whitespace and formatting. It just compares the Json // values. bool operator==(FormattedJson const& v) const; bool operator!=(FormattedJson const& v) const; private: friend class FormattedJsonBuilderStream; static FormattedJson object(ElementList const& elements); static FormattedJson array(ElementList const& elements); FormattedJson objectInsert(String const& key, FormattedJson const& value, ElementLocation loc) const; void appendElement(JsonElement const& elem); FormattedJson const& getFormattedJson(ElementLocation loc) const; FormattedJson formattedAs(String const& formatting) const; Json m_jsonValue; ElementList m_elements; // Used to preserve the formatting of numbers, i.e. -0 vs 0, 1.0 vs 1: Maybe m_formatting; Maybe m_lastKey, m_lastValue; Map> m_objectEntryLocations; List m_arrayElementLocations; }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, FormattedJson const& json); } #endif