The activeItemAnimation table contains bindings available to client-side animation scripts for active items. --- #### `Vec2F` activeItemAnimation.ownerPosition() Returns the current entity position of the item's owner. --- #### `Vec2F` activeItemAnimation.ownerAimPosition() Returns the current world aim position of the item's owner. --- #### `float` activeItemAnimation.ownerArmAngle() Returns the current angle of the arm holding the item. --- #### `int` activeItemAnimation.ownerFacingDirection() Returns the current facing direction of the item's owner. Will return 1 for right or -1 for left. --- #### `Vec2F` activeItemAnimation.handPosition([`Vec2F` offset]) Takes an input position (defaults to [0, 0]) relative to the item and returns a position relative to the owner entity. --- #### `Vec2F` activeItemAnimation.partPoint(`String` partName, `String` propertyName) Returns a transformation of the specified `Vec2F` parameter configured on the specified animation part, relative to the owner's position. --- #### `PolyF` activeItemAnimation.partPoly(`String` partName, `String` propertyName) Returns a transformation of the specified `PolyF` parameter configured on the specified animation part, relative to the owner's position.