Kai Blaschke 431a9c00a5
Fixed a huge amount of Clang warnings
On Linux and macOS, using Clang to compile OpenStarbound produces about 400 MB worth of warnings during the build, making the compiler output unreadable and slowing the build down considerably.

99% of the warnings were unqualified uses of std::move and std::forward, which are now all properly qualified.

Fixed a few other minor warnings about non-virtual destructors and some uses of std::move preventing copy elision on temporary objects.

Most remaining warnings are now unused parameters.
2024-02-19 16:55:19 +01:00

302 lines
9.6 KiB

#include "StarDrawable.hpp"
#include "StarColor.hpp"
#include "StarJsonExtra.hpp"
#include "StarDataStreamExtra.hpp"
#include "StarAssets.hpp"
#include "StarImageMetadataDatabase.hpp"
#include "StarGameTypes.hpp"
#include "StarRoot.hpp"
namespace Star {
Drawable::ImagePart& Drawable::ImagePart::addDirectives(Directives const& directives, bool keepImageCenterPosition) {
if (!directives)
return *this;
if (keepImageCenterPosition) {
auto imageMetadata = Root::singleton().imageMetadataDatabase();
Vec2F imageSize = Vec2F(imageMetadata->imageSize(image));
image.directives += directives;
Vec2F newImageSize = Vec2F(imageMetadata->imageSize(image));
// If we are trying to maintain the image center, PRE translate the image by
// the change in size / 2
transformation *= Mat3F::translation((imageSize - newImageSize) / 2);
} else {
image.directives += directives;
return *this;
Drawable::ImagePart& Drawable::ImagePart::addDirectivesGroup(DirectivesGroup const& directivesGroup, bool keepImageCenterPosition) {
if (directivesGroup.empty())
return *this;
if (keepImageCenterPosition) {
auto imageMetadata = Root::singleton().imageMetadataDatabase();
Vec2F imageSize = Vec2F(imageMetadata->imageSize(image));
for (Directives const& directives : directivesGroup.list())
image.directives += directives;
Vec2F newImageSize = Vec2F(imageMetadata->imageSize(image));
// If we are trying to maintain the image center, PRE translate the image by
// the change in size / 2
transformation *= Mat3F::translation((imageSize - newImageSize) / 2);
} else {
for (Directives const& directives : directivesGroup.list())
image.directives += directives;
return *this;
Drawable::ImagePart& Drawable::ImagePart::removeDirectives(bool keepImageCenterPosition) {
if (keepImageCenterPosition) {
auto imageMetadata = Root::singleton().imageMetadataDatabase();
Vec2F imageSize = Vec2F(imageMetadata->imageSize(image));
Vec2F newImageSize = Vec2F(imageMetadata->imageSize(image));
// If we are trying to maintain the image center, PRE translate the image by
// the change in size / 2
transformation *= Mat3F::translation((imageSize - newImageSize) / 2);
} else {
return *this;
Drawable Drawable::makeLine(Line2F const& line, float lineWidth, Color const& color, Vec2F const& position) {
Drawable drawable;
drawable.part = LinePart{std::move(line), lineWidth};
drawable.color = color;
drawable.position = position;
return drawable;
Drawable Drawable::makePoly(PolyF poly, Color const& color, Vec2F const& position) {
Drawable drawable;
drawable.part = PolyPart{std::move(poly)};
drawable.color = color;
drawable.position = position;
return drawable;
Drawable Drawable::makeImage(AssetPath image, float pixelSize, bool centered, Vec2F const& position, Color const& color) {
Drawable drawable;
Mat3F transformation = Mat3F::identity();
if (centered) {
auto imageMetadata = Root::singleton().imageMetadataDatabase();
Vec2F imageSize = Vec2F(imageMetadata->imageSize(image));
transformation.translate(-imageSize / 2);
if (pixelSize != 1.0f)
drawable.part = ImagePart{std::move(image), std::move(transformation)};
drawable.position = position;
drawable.color = color;
return drawable;
: color(Color::White), fullbright(false) {}
Drawable::Drawable(Json const& json) {
if (auto line = json.opt("line")) {
part = LinePart{jsonToLine2F(*line), json.getFloat("width")};
} else if (auto poly = json.opt("poly")) {
part = PolyPart{jsonToPolyF(*poly)};
} else if (auto image = json.opt("image")) {
auto imageString = image->toString();
Mat3F transformation = Mat3F::identity();
if (auto transformationConfig = json.opt("transformation")) {
transformation = jsonToMat3F(*transformationConfig);
} else {
if (json.getBool("centered", true)) {
auto imageMetadata = Root::singleton().imageMetadataDatabase();
Vec2F imageSize = Vec2F(imageMetadata->imageSize(imageString));
transformation.translate(-imageSize / 2);
if (auto rotation = json.optFloat("rotation"))
if (json.getBool("mirrored", false))
transformation.scale(Vec2F(-1, 1));
if (auto scale = json.optFloat("scale"))
part = ImagePart{std::move(imageString), std::move(transformation)};
position = json.opt("position").apply(jsonToVec2F).value();
color = json.opt("color").apply(jsonToColor).value(Color::White);
fullbright = json.getBool("fullbright", false);
Json Drawable::toJson() const {
JsonObject json;
if (auto line = part.ptr<LinePart>()) {
json.set("line", jsonFromLine2F(line->line));
json.set("width", line->width);
} else if (auto poly = part.ptr<PolyPart>()) {
json.set("poly", jsonFromPolyF(poly->poly));
} else if (auto image = part.ptr<ImagePart>()) {
json.set("image", AssetPath::join(image->image));
json.set("transformation", jsonFromMat3F(image->transformation));
json.set("position", jsonFromVec2F(position));
json.set("color", jsonFromColor(color));
json.set("fullbright", fullbright);
return json;
void Drawable::translate(Vec2F const& translation) {
position += translation;
void Drawable::rotate(float rotation, Vec2F const& rotationCenter) {
if (auto line = part.ptr<LinePart>())
else if (auto poly = part.ptr<PolyPart>())
else if (auto image = part.ptr<ImagePart>())
position = (position - rotationCenter).rotate(rotation) + rotationCenter;
void Drawable::scale(float scaling, Vec2F const& scaleCenter) {
scale(Vec2F::filled(scaling), scaleCenter);
void Drawable::scale(Vec2F const& scaling, Vec2F const& scaleCenter) {
if (auto line = part.ptr<LinePart>())
else if (auto poly = part.ptr<PolyPart>())
else if (auto image = part.ptr<ImagePart>())
position = (position - scaleCenter).piecewiseMultiply(scaling) + scaleCenter;
void Drawable::transform(Mat3F const& transformation) {
Vec2F localTranslation = transformation.transformVec2(Vec2F());
Mat3F localTransform = Mat3F::translation(-localTranslation) * transformation;
if (auto line = part.ptr<LinePart>())
else if (auto poly = part.ptr<PolyPart>())
else if (auto image = part.ptr<ImagePart>())
image->transformation = localTransform * image->transformation;
position = transformation.transformVec2(position);
void Drawable::rebase(Vec2F const& newBase) {
if (auto line = part.ptr<LinePart>())
line->line.translate(position - newBase);
else if (auto poly = part.ptr<PolyPart>())
poly->poly.translate(position - newBase);
else if (auto image = part.ptr<ImagePart>())
image->transformation.translate(position - newBase);
position = newBase;
RectF Drawable::boundBox(bool cropImages) const {
RectF boundBox = RectF::null();
if (auto line = part.ptr<LinePart>()) {
} else if (auto poly = part.ptr<PolyPart>()) {
} else if (auto image = part.ptr<ImagePart>()) {
auto imageMetadata = Root::singleton().imageMetadataDatabase();
RectF imageRegion = RectF::null();
if (cropImages) {
RectU nonEmptyRegion = imageMetadata->nonEmptyRegion(image->image);
if (!nonEmptyRegion.isNull())
imageRegion = RectF(nonEmptyRegion);
} else {
imageRegion = RectF::withSize(Vec2F(), Vec2F(imageMetadata->imageSize(image->image)));
if (!imageRegion.isNull()) {
boundBox.combine(image->transformation.transformVec2(Vec2F(imageRegion.xMin(), imageRegion.yMin())));
boundBox.combine(image->transformation.transformVec2(Vec2F(imageRegion.xMax(), imageRegion.yMin())));
boundBox.combine(image->transformation.transformVec2(Vec2F(imageRegion.xMin(), imageRegion.yMax())));
boundBox.combine(image->transformation.transformVec2(Vec2F(imageRegion.xMax(), imageRegion.yMax())));
if (!boundBox.isNull())
return boundBox;
DataStream& operator>>(DataStream& ds, Drawable::LinePart& line) {
ds >> line.line;
ds >> line.width;
return ds;
DataStream& operator<<(DataStream& ds, Drawable::LinePart const& line) {
ds << line.line;
ds << line.width;
return ds;
DataStream& operator>>(DataStream& ds, Drawable::PolyPart& poly) {
ds >> poly.poly;
return ds;
DataStream& operator<<(DataStream& ds, Drawable::PolyPart const& poly) {
ds << poly.poly;
return ds;
// I need to find out if this is for network serialization or not eventually
DataStream& operator>>(DataStream& ds, Drawable::ImagePart& image) {
ds >> image.image;
ds >> image.transformation;
return ds;
DataStream& operator<<(DataStream& ds, Drawable::ImagePart const& image) {
ds << image.image;
ds << image.transformation;
return ds;
DataStream& operator>>(DataStream& ds, Drawable& drawable) {
ds >> drawable.part;
ds >> drawable.position;
ds >> drawable.color;
ds >> drawable.fullbright;
return ds;
DataStream& operator<<(DataStream& ds, Drawable const& drawable) {
ds << drawable.part;
ds << drawable.position;
ds << drawable.color;
ds << drawable.fullbright;
return ds;