Kai Blaschke 431a9c00a5
Fixed a huge amount of Clang warnings
On Linux and macOS, using Clang to compile OpenStarbound produces about 400 MB worth of warnings during the build, making the compiler output unreadable and slowing the build down considerably.

99% of the warnings were unqualified uses of std::move and std::forward, which are now all properly qualified.

Fixed a few other minor warnings about non-virtual destructors and some uses of std::move preventing copy elision on temporary objects.

Most remaining warnings are now unused parameters.
2024-02-19 16:55:19 +01:00

532 lines
17 KiB

#include "StarTextPainter.hpp"
#include "StarJsonExtra.hpp"
#include "StarText.hpp"
#include <regex>
namespace Star {
TextPositioning::TextPositioning() {
pos = Vec2F();
hAnchor = HorizontalAnchor::LeftAnchor;
vAnchor = VerticalAnchor::BottomAnchor;
TextPositioning::TextPositioning(Vec2F pos, HorizontalAnchor hAnchor, VerticalAnchor vAnchor,
Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth, Maybe<unsigned> charLimit)
: pos(pos), hAnchor(hAnchor), vAnchor(vAnchor), wrapWidth(wrapWidth), charLimit(charLimit) {}
TextPositioning::TextPositioning(Json const& v) {
pos = v.opt("position").apply(jsonToVec2F).value();
hAnchor = HorizontalAnchorNames.getLeft(v.getString("horizontalAnchor", "left"));
vAnchor = VerticalAnchorNames.getLeft(v.getString("verticalAnchor", "top"));
wrapWidth = v.optUInt("wrapWidth");
charLimit = v.optUInt("charLimit");
Json TextPositioning::toJson() const {
return JsonObject{
{"position", jsonFromVec2F(pos)},
{"horizontalAnchor", HorizontalAnchorNames.getRight(hAnchor)},
{"verticalAnchor", VerticalAnchorNames.getRight(vAnchor)},
{"wrapWidth", jsonFromMaybe(wrapWidth)}
TextPositioning TextPositioning::translated(Vec2F translation) const {
return {pos + translation, hAnchor, vAnchor, wrapWidth, charLimit};
TextPainter::TextPainter(RendererPtr renderer, TextureGroupPtr textureGroup)
: m_renderer(renderer),
m_renderSettings({FontMode::Normal, Vec4B::filled(255), "hobo", ""}) {
m_reloadTracker = make_shared<TrackerListener>();
RectF TextPainter::renderText(StringView s, TextPositioning const& position) {
if (position.charLimit) {
unsigned charLimit = *position.charLimit;
return doRenderText(s, position, true, &charLimit);
} else {
return doRenderText(s, position, true, nullptr);
RectF TextPainter::renderLine(StringView s, TextPositioning const& position) {
if (position.charLimit) {
unsigned charLimit = *position.charLimit;
return doRenderLine(s, position, true, &charLimit);
} else {
return doRenderLine(s, position, true, nullptr);
RectF TextPainter::renderGlyph(String::Char c, TextPositioning const& position) {
return doRenderGlyph(c, position, true);
RectF TextPainter::determineTextSize(StringView s, TextPositioning const& position) {
return doRenderText(s, position, false, nullptr);
RectF TextPainter::determineLineSize(StringView s, TextPositioning const& position) {
return doRenderLine(s, position, false, nullptr);
RectF TextPainter::determineGlyphSize(String::Char c, TextPositioning const& position) {
return doRenderGlyph(c, position, false);
int TextPainter::glyphWidth(String::Char c) {
return m_fontTextureGroup.glyphWidth(c, m_fontSize);
int TextPainter::stringWidth(StringView s) {
if (s.empty())
return 0;
String font = m_renderSettings.font, setFont = font;
int width = 0;
Text::CommandsCallback commandsCallback = [&](StringView commands) {
commands.forEachSplitView(",", [&](StringView command, size_t, size_t) {
if (command == "reset")
m_fontTextureGroup.switchFont(font = setFont);
else if (command == "set")
setFont = font;
else if (command.beginsWith("font="))
m_fontTextureGroup.switchFont(font = command.substr(5));
return true;
Text::TextCallback textCallback = [&](StringView text) {
for (String::Char c : text)
width += glyphWidth(c);
return true;
Text::processText(s, textCallback, commandsCallback);
return width;
bool TextPainter::processWrapText(StringView text, unsigned* wrapWidth, WrapTextCallback textFunc) {
String font = m_renderSettings.font, setFont = font;
int lines = 0;
size_t i = 0;
auto it = text.begin();
auto end = text.end();
unsigned lineStart = 0; // Where does this line start ?
unsigned linePixelWidth = 0; // How wide is this line so far
unsigned lineCharSize = 0; // how many characters in this line ?
auto escIt = end;
unsigned splitPos = 0; // Where did we last see a place to split the string ?
unsigned splitWidth = 0; // How wide was the string there ?
auto lineStartIt = it; // Where does this line start ?
auto splitIt = end;
auto slice = [](StringView::const_iterator a, StringView::const_iterator b) -> StringView {
const char* aPtr = &*a.base();
return StringView(aPtr, &*b.base() - aPtr);
while (it != end) {
auto character = *it;
if (Text::isEscapeCode(character))
escIt = it;
if (escIt != end) {
if (character == Text::EndEsc) {
StringView inner = slice(escIt, it);
inner.forEachSplitView(",", [&](StringView command, size_t, size_t) {
if (command == "reset")
m_fontTextureGroup.switchFont(font = setFont);
else if (command == "set")
setFont = font;
else if (command.beginsWith("font="))
m_fontTextureGroup.switchFont(font = command.substr(5));
escIt = end;
} else {
lineCharSize++; // assume at least one character if we get here.
// is this a linefeed / cr / whatever that forces a line split ?
if (character == '\n' || character == '\v') {
// knock one off the end because we don't render the CR
if (!textFunc(slice(lineStartIt, it), lines++))
return false;
lineStart += lineCharSize;
lineStartIt = it;
lineCharSize = linePixelWidth = splitPos = 0; // ...with no characters in it and no known splits.
} else {
int charWidth = glyphWidth(character);
// is it a place where we might want to split the line ?
if (character == ' ' || character == '\t') {
splitPos = lineStart + lineCharSize; // this is the character after the space.
splitWidth = linePixelWidth + charWidth; // the width of the string at
splitIt = it;
// the split point, i.e. after the space.
// would the line be too long if we render this next character ?
if (wrapWidth && (linePixelWidth + charWidth) > *wrapWidth) {
// did we find somewhere to split the line ?
if (splitPos) {
if (!textFunc(slice(lineStartIt, splitIt), lines++))
return false;
unsigned stringEnd = lineStart + lineCharSize;
lineCharSize = stringEnd - splitPos; // next line has the characters after the space.
unsigned stringWidth = (linePixelWidth - splitWidth);
linePixelWidth = stringWidth + charWidth; // and is as wide as the bit after the space.
lineStart = splitPos;
lineStartIt = splitIt;
splitPos = 0;
} else {
if (!textFunc(slice(lineStartIt, it), lines++))
return false;
lineStart += lineCharSize - 1;
lineStartIt = it; // include that character on the next line.
lineCharSize = 1; // next line has that character in
linePixelWidth = charWidth; // and is as wide as that character
} else {
linePixelWidth += charWidth;
// if we hit the end of the string before hitting the end of the line.
if (lineCharSize > 0)
return textFunc(slice(lineStartIt, end), lines);
return true;
List<StringView> TextPainter::wrapTextViews(StringView s, Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth) {
List<StringView> views = {};
bool active = false;
StringView current;
int lastLine = 0;
auto addText = [&active, &current](StringView text) {
// Merge views if they are adjacent
if (active && current.utf8Ptr() + current.utf8Size() == text.utf8Ptr())
current = StringView(current.utf8Ptr(), current.utf8Size() + text.utf8Size());
current = text;
active = true;
TextPainter::WrapTextCallback textCallback = [&](StringView text, int line) {
if (lastLine != line) {
lastLine = line;
active = false;
return true;
processWrapText(s, wrapWidth.ptr(), textCallback);
if (active)
return views;
StringList TextPainter::wrapText(StringView s, Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth) {
StringList result;
String current;
int lastLine = 0;
TextPainter::WrapTextCallback textCallback = [&](StringView text, int line) {
if (lastLine != line) {
lastLine = line;
current += text;
return true;
processWrapText(s, wrapWidth.ptr(), textCallback);
if (!current.empty())
return result;
unsigned TextPainter::fontSize() const {
return m_fontSize;
void TextPainter::setFontSize(unsigned size) {
m_fontSize = size;
void TextPainter::setLineSpacing(float lineSpacing) {
m_lineSpacing = lineSpacing;
void TextPainter::setMode(FontMode mode) {
m_renderSettings.mode = mode;
void TextPainter::setFontColor(Vec4B color) {
m_renderSettings.color = std::move(color);
void TextPainter::setProcessingDirectives(StringView directives) {
m_renderSettings.directives = String(directives);
if (m_renderSettings.directives) {
for (auto& entry : m_renderSettings.directives.shared->entries) {
if (auto border = entry.operation.ptr<BorderImageOperation>())
border->includeTransparent = true;
void TextPainter::setFont(String const& font) {
m_renderSettings.font = font;
void TextPainter::addFont(FontPtr const& font, String const& name) {
m_fontTextureGroup.addFont(font, name);
void TextPainter::reloadFonts() {
auto assets = Root::singleton().assets();
String defaultName = "hobo";
auto defaultFont = loadFont("/hobo.ttf", defaultName);
for (auto& fontPath : assets->scanExtension("ttf")) {
auto font = assets->font(fontPath);
if (font == defaultFont)
auto name = AssetPath::filename(fontPath);
name = name.substr(0, name.findLast("."));
addFont(loadFont(fontPath, name), name);
m_fontTextureGroup.addFont(defaultFont, defaultName, true);
void TextPainter::cleanup(int64_t timeout) {
void TextPainter::applyCommands(StringView unsplitCommands) {
unsplitCommands.forEachSplitView(",", [&](StringView command, size_t, size_t) {
try {
if (command == "reset") {
m_renderSettings = m_savedRenderSettings;
} else if (command == "set") {
m_savedRenderSettings = m_renderSettings;
} else if (command == "shadow") {
m_renderSettings.mode = (FontMode)((int)m_renderSettings.mode | (int)FontMode::Shadow);
} else if (command == "noshadow") {
m_renderSettings.mode = (FontMode)((int)m_renderSettings.mode & (-1 ^ (int)FontMode::Shadow));
} else if (command.beginsWith("font=")) {
m_renderSettings.font = command.substr(5);
} else if (command.beginsWith("directives=")) {
// Honestly this is really stupid but I just couldn't help myself
// Should probably limit in the future
} else {
// expects both #... sequences and plain old color names.
Color c = Color(command);
c.setAlphaF(c.alphaF() * ((float)m_savedRenderSettings.color[3]) / 255);
m_renderSettings.color = c.toRgba();
} catch (JsonException&) {
} catch (ColorException&) {
RectF TextPainter::doRenderText(StringView s, TextPositioning const& position, bool reallyRender, unsigned* charLimit) {
Vec2F pos = position.pos;
if (s.empty())
return RectF(pos, pos);
List<StringView> lines = wrapTextViews(s, position.wrapWidth);
int height = (lines.size() - 1) * m_lineSpacing * m_fontSize + m_fontSize;
RenderSettings backupRenderSettings = m_renderSettings;
m_savedRenderSettings = m_renderSettings;
if (position.vAnchor == VerticalAnchor::BottomAnchor)
pos[1] += (height - m_fontSize);
else if (position.vAnchor == VerticalAnchor::VMidAnchor)
pos[1] += (height - m_fontSize) / 2;
RectF bounds = RectF::withSize(pos, Vec2F());
for (auto& i : lines) {
bounds.combine(doRenderLine(i, { pos, position.hAnchor, position.vAnchor }, reallyRender, charLimit));
pos[1] -= m_fontSize * m_lineSpacing;
if (charLimit && *charLimit == 0)
m_renderSettings = std::move(backupRenderSettings);
return bounds;
RectF TextPainter::doRenderLine(StringView text, TextPositioning const& position, bool reallyRender, unsigned* charLimit) {
if (m_reloadTracker->pullTriggered())
TextPositioning pos = position;
if (pos.hAnchor == HorizontalAnchor::RightAnchor) {
StringView trimmedString = charLimit ? text.substr(0, *charLimit) : text;
pos.pos[0] -= stringWidth(trimmedString);
pos.hAnchor = HorizontalAnchor::LeftAnchor;
} else if (pos.hAnchor == HorizontalAnchor::HMidAnchor) {
StringView trimmedString = charLimit ? text.substr(0, *charLimit) : text;
pos.pos[0] -= floor((float)stringWidth(trimmedString) / 2);
pos.hAnchor = HorizontalAnchor::LeftAnchor;
bool escape = false;
String escapeCode;
RectF bounds = RectF::withSize(pos.pos, Vec2F());
Text::TextCallback textCallback = [&](StringView text) {
for (String::Char c : text) {
if (charLimit) {
if (*charLimit == 0)
return false;
--* charLimit;
RectF glyphBounds = doRenderGlyph(c, pos, reallyRender);
pos.pos[0] += glyphBounds.width();
return true;
Text::CommandsCallback commandsCallback = [&](StringView commands) {
return true;
Text::processText(text, textCallback, commandsCallback);
return bounds;
RectF TextPainter::doRenderGlyph(String::Char c, TextPositioning const& position, bool reallyRender) {
if (c == '\n' || c == '\v' || c == '\r')
return RectF();
int width = glyphWidth(c);
// Offset left by width if right anchored.
float hOffset = 0;
if (position.hAnchor == HorizontalAnchor::RightAnchor)
hOffset = -width;
else if (position.hAnchor == HorizontalAnchor::HMidAnchor)
hOffset = -floor((float)width / 2);
float vOffset = 0;
if (position.vAnchor == VerticalAnchor::VMidAnchor)
vOffset = -floor((float)m_fontSize / 2);
else if (position.vAnchor == VerticalAnchor::TopAnchor)
vOffset = -(float)m_fontSize;
Directives* directives = m_renderSettings.directives ? &m_renderSettings.directives : nullptr;
if (reallyRender) {
if ((int)m_renderSettings.mode & (int)FontMode::Shadow) {
Color shadow = Color::Black;
uint8_t alphaU = m_renderSettings.color[3];
if (alphaU != 255) {
float alpha = byteToFloat(alphaU);
shadow.setAlpha(floatToByte(alpha * (1.5f - 0.5f * alpha)));
//Kae: Draw only one shadow glyph instead of stacking two, alpha modified to appear perceptually the same as vanilla
renderGlyph(c, position.pos + Vec2F(hOffset, vOffset - 2), m_fontSize, 1, shadow.toRgba(), directives);
renderGlyph(c, position.pos + Vec2F(hOffset, vOffset), m_fontSize, 1, m_renderSettings.color, directives);
return RectF::withSize(position.pos + Vec2F(hOffset, vOffset), {(float)width, (int)m_fontSize});
void TextPainter::renderGlyph(String::Char c, Vec2F const& screenPos, unsigned fontSize,
float scale, Vec4B const& color, Directives const* processingDirectives) {
if (!fontSize)
const FontTextureGroup::GlyphTexture& glyphTexture = m_fontTextureGroup.glyphTexture(c, fontSize, processingDirectives);
Vec2F offset = glyphTexture.offset * scale;
m_renderer->immediatePrimitives().emplace_back(std::in_place_type_t<RenderQuad>(), glyphTexture.texture, Vec2F::round(screenPos + offset), scale, color, 0.0f);
FontPtr TextPainter::loadFont(String const& fontPath, Maybe<String> fontName) {
if (!fontName) {
auto name = AssetPath::filename(fontPath);
fontName.emplace(name.substr(0, name.findLast(".")));
auto assets = Root::singleton().assets();
auto font = assets->font(fontPath)->clone();
if (auto fontConfig = assets->json("/interface.config:font").opt(*fontName)) {
font->setAlphaThreshold(fontConfig->getUInt("alphaThreshold", 0));
return font;