Kai Blaschke 431a9c00a5
Fixed a huge amount of Clang warnings
On Linux and macOS, using Clang to compile OpenStarbound produces about 400 MB worth of warnings during the build, making the compiler output unreadable and slowing the build down considerably.

99% of the warnings were unqualified uses of std::move and std::forward, which are now all properly qualified.

Fixed a few other minor warnings about non-virtual destructors and some uses of std::move preventing copy elision on temporary objects.

Most remaining warnings are now unused parameters.
2024-02-19 16:55:19 +01:00

289 lines
9.9 KiB

#include "StarInterpolation.hpp"
namespace Star {
// Describes a simple table from index to value, which operates on bins
// corresponding to ranges of indexes. IndexType can be any ordered type,
// ValueType can be anything.
template <typename IndexType, typename ValueType = IndexType>
class ParametricTable {
typedef IndexType Index;
typedef ValueType Value;
template <typename OtherIndexType, typename OtherValueType>
explicit ParametricTable(ParametricTable<OtherIndexType, OtherValueType> const& parametricFunction);
// Construct a ParametricTable with a list of point pairs, which does not
// have to be sorted (it will be sorted internally). Throws an exception on
// duplicate index values.
template <typename PairContainer>
explicit ParametricTable(PairContainer indexValuePairs);
// addPoint does not need to be called in order, it will insert the point in
// the correct ordered position for the given index, and return the position.
size_t addPoint(IndexType index, ValueType value);
void clearPoints();
size_t size() const;
bool empty() const;
IndexType const& index(size_t i) const;
ValueType const& value(size_t i) const;
// Returns true if the values of the table are also valid indexes (true when
// the data points are monotonic increasing)
bool isInvertible() const;
// Invert the table, switching indexes and values. Throws an exception if
// the function is not invertible. Will not generally compile unless the
// Index and Value types are the same type.
void invert() const;
// Find the value to the left of the given index. If the index is lower than
// the lowest index point, returns the first value.
ValueType const& get(IndexType index) const;
typedef std::vector<IndexType> IndexList;
typedef std::vector<ValueType> ValueList;
IndexList const& indexes() const;
ValueList const& values() const;
IndexList m_indexes;
ValueList m_values;
// Extension of ParametricTable that simplifies of all the complex
// interpolation code for interpolating an ordered list of points. Useful for
// describing a simple 2d or n-dimensional (using VectorN for value type) curve
// of one variable. IndexType should generally be float or double, and
// ValueType can be any type that can be interpolated.
template <typename IndexType, typename ValueType = IndexType>
class ParametricFunction : public ParametricTable<IndexType, ValueType> {
typedef ParametricTable<IndexType, ValueType> Base;
InterpolationMode interpolationMode = InterpolationMode::Linear, BoundMode boundMode = BoundMode::Clamp);
template <typename OtherIndexType, typename OtherValueType>
explicit ParametricFunction(ParametricFunction<OtherIndexType, OtherValueType> const& parametricFunction);
template <typename PairContainer>
explicit ParametricFunction(PairContainer indexValuePairs,
InterpolationMode interpolationMode = InterpolationMode::Linear,
BoundMode boundMode = BoundMode::Clamp);
InterpolationMode interpolationMode() const;
void setInterpolationMode(InterpolationMode interpolationType);
BoundMode boundMode() const;
void setBoundMode(BoundMode boundMode);
// Interpolates a value at the given index according to the interpolation and
// bound mode.
ValueType interpolate(IndexType index) const;
// Synonym for interpolate
ValueType operator()(IndexType index) const;
InterpolationMode m_interpolationMode;
BoundMode m_boundMode;
template <typename IndexType, typename ValueType>
ParametricTable<IndexType, ValueType>::ParametricTable() {}
template <typename IndexType, typename ValueType>
template <typename OtherIndexType, typename OtherValueType>
ParametricTable<IndexType, ValueType>::ParametricTable(
ParametricTable<OtherIndexType, OtherValueType> const& parametricTable) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < parametricTable.size(); ++i) {
template <typename IndexType, typename ValueType>
template <typename PairContainer>
ParametricTable<IndexType, ValueType>::ParametricTable(PairContainer indexValuePairs) {
if (indexValuePairs.empty())
[](typename PairContainer::value_type const& a, typename PairContainer::value_type const& b) {
return std::get<0>(a) < std::get<0>(b);
for (auto const& pair : indexValuePairs) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < size() - 1; ++i) {
if (m_indexes[i] == m_indexes[i + 1])
throw MathException("Degenerate index values given in ParametricTable constructor");
template <typename IndexType, typename ValueType>
size_t ParametricTable<IndexType, ValueType>::addPoint(IndexType index, ValueType value) {
size_t insertLocation = std::distance(m_indexes.begin(), std::upper_bound(m_indexes.begin(), m_indexes.end(), index));
m_indexes.insert(m_indexes.begin() + insertLocation, std::move(index));
m_values.insert(m_values.begin() + insertLocation, std::move(value));
return insertLocation;
template <typename IndexType, typename ValueType>
void ParametricTable<IndexType, ValueType>::clearPoints() {
template <typename IndexType, typename ValueType>
size_t ParametricTable<IndexType, ValueType>::size() const {
return m_indexes.size();
template <typename IndexType, typename ValueType>
bool ParametricTable<IndexType, ValueType>::empty() const {
return size() == 0;
template <typename IndexType, typename ValueType>
IndexType const& ParametricTable<IndexType, ValueType>::index(size_t i) const {
return m_indexes.at(i);
template <typename IndexType, typename ValueType>
ValueType const& ParametricTable<IndexType, ValueType>::value(size_t i) const {
return m_values.at(i);
template <typename IndexType, typename ValueType>
bool ParametricTable<IndexType, ValueType>::isInvertible() const {
if (empty())
return true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size() - 1; ++i) {
if (m_values[i] > m_values[i + 1])
return false;
return true;
template <typename IndexType, typename ValueType>
void ParametricTable<IndexType, ValueType>::invert() const {
if (isInvertible())
throw MathException("invert() called on non-invertible ParametricTable");
for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
std::swap(m_indexes[i], m_values[i]);
template <typename IndexType, typename ValueType>
ValueType const& ParametricTable<IndexType, ValueType>::get(IndexType index) const {
if (empty())
throw MathException("get called on empty ParametricTable");
auto i = std::lower_bound(m_indexes.begin(), m_indexes.end(), index);
if (i != m_indexes.begin())
return m_values[std::distance(m_indexes.begin(), i)];
template <typename IndexType, typename ValueType>
auto ParametricTable<IndexType, ValueType>::indexes() const -> IndexList const & {
return m_indexes;
template <typename IndexType, typename ValueType>
auto ParametricTable<IndexType, ValueType>::values() const -> ValueList const & {
return m_values;
template <typename IndexType, typename ValueType>
ParametricFunction<IndexType, ValueType>::ParametricFunction(InterpolationMode interpolationMode, BoundMode boundMode)
: m_interpolationMode(interpolationMode), m_boundMode(boundMode) {}
template <typename IndexType, typename ValueType>
template <typename OtherIndexType, typename OtherValueType>
ParametricFunction<IndexType, ValueType>::ParametricFunction(
ParametricFunction<OtherIndexType, OtherValueType> const& parametricFunction)
: Base(parametricFunction) {
m_interpolationMode = parametricFunction.interpolationMode();
m_boundMode = parametricFunction.boundMode();
template <typename IndexType, typename ValueType>
template <typename PairContainer>
ParametricFunction<IndexType, ValueType>::ParametricFunction(
PairContainer indexValuePairs, InterpolationMode interpolationMode, BoundMode boundMode)
: Base(indexValuePairs) {
m_interpolationMode = interpolationMode;
m_boundMode = boundMode;
template <typename IndexType, typename ValueType>
InterpolationMode ParametricFunction<IndexType, ValueType>::interpolationMode() const {
return m_interpolationMode;
template <typename IndexType, typename ValueType>
void ParametricFunction<IndexType, ValueType>::setInterpolationMode(InterpolationMode interpolationType) {
m_interpolationMode = interpolationType;
template <typename IndexType, typename ValueType>
BoundMode ParametricFunction<IndexType, ValueType>::boundMode() const {
return m_boundMode;
template <typename IndexType, typename ValueType>
void ParametricFunction<IndexType, ValueType>::setBoundMode(BoundMode boundMode) {
m_boundMode = boundMode;
template <typename IndexType, typename ValueType>
ValueType ParametricFunction<IndexType, ValueType>::interpolate(IndexType index) const {
if (Base::empty())
return ValueType();
if (m_interpolationMode == InterpolationMode::HalfStep) {
return parametricInterpolate2(Base::indexes(), Base::values(), index, StepWeightOperator<IndexType>(), m_boundMode);
} else if (m_interpolationMode == InterpolationMode::Linear) {
return parametricInterpolate2(
Base::indexes(), Base::values(), index, LinearWeightOperator<IndexType>(), m_boundMode);
} else if (m_interpolationMode == InterpolationMode::Cubic) {
// ParametricFunction uses CubicWeights with linear extrapolation (not
// configurable atm)
return parametricInterpolate4(
Base::indexes(), Base::values(), index, Cubic4WeightOperator<IndexType>(true), m_boundMode);
} else {
throw MathException("Unsupported interpolation type in ParametricFunction::interpolate");
template <typename IndexType, typename ValueType>
ValueType ParametricFunction<IndexType, ValueType>::operator()(IndexType index) const {
return interpolate(index);