Kai Blaschke 431a9c00a5
Fixed a huge amount of Clang warnings
On Linux and macOS, using Clang to compile OpenStarbound produces about 400 MB worth of warnings during the build, making the compiler output unreadable and slowing the build down considerably.

99% of the warnings were unqualified uses of std::move and std::forward, which are now all properly qualified.

Fixed a few other minor warnings about non-virtual destructors and some uses of std::move preventing copy elision on temporary objects.

Most remaining warnings are now unused parameters.
2024-02-19 16:55:19 +01:00

302 lines
7.9 KiB

#include "StarItem.hpp"
#include "StarRoot.hpp"
#include "StarAssets.hpp"
#include "StarJsonExtra.hpp"
#include "StarRandom.hpp"
#include "StarLogging.hpp"
#include "StarWorldLuaBindings.hpp"
namespace Star {
Item::Item(Json config, String directory, Json parameters) {
m_config = std::move(config);
m_directory = std::move(directory);
m_parameters = std::move(parameters);
m_name = m_config.getString("itemName");
m_count = 1;
m_maxStack = instanceValue("maxStack", Root::singleton().assets()->json("/items/defaultParameters.config:defaultMaxStack").toInt()).toInt();
m_shortDescription = instanceValue("shortdescription", "").toString();
m_description = instanceValue("description", "").toString();
m_rarity = RarityNames.getLeft(instanceValue("rarity").toString());
auto inventoryIcon = instanceValue("inventoryIcon", Root::singleton().assets()->json("/items/defaultParameters.config:missingIcon"));
if (inventoryIcon.type() == Json::Type::Array) {
List<Drawable> iconDrawables;
for (auto const& drawable : inventoryIcon.toArray()) {
if (auto image = drawable.optString("image")) {
auto changed = drawable.set("image", AssetPath::relativeTo(m_directory, *image));
else {
} else {
auto image = AssetPath::relativeTo(m_directory, inventoryIcon.toString());
setIconDrawables({Drawable::makeImage(image, 1.0f, true, Vec2F())});
auto assets = Root::singleton().assets();
m_twoHanded = instanceValue("twoHanded", false).toBool();
m_price = instanceValue("price", assets->json("/items/defaultParameters.config:defaultPrice")).toInt();
m_tooltipKind = instanceValue("tooltipKind", "").toString();
auto largeImage = instanceValue("largeImage");
if (!largeImage.isNull())
m_largeImage = AssetPath::relativeTo(m_directory, largeImage.toString());
m_category = instanceValue("category", "").toString();
m_pickupSounds = jsonToStringSet(m_config.get("pickupSounds", JsonArray{}));
if (!m_pickupSounds.size())
m_pickupSounds = jsonToStringSet(assets->json("/items/defaultParameters.config:pickupSounds"));
m_timeToLive = instanceValue("timeToLive", Root::singleton().assets()->json("/items/defaultParameters.config:defaultTimeToLive").toFloat()).toFloat();
for (auto b : jsonToStringList(instanceValue("learnBlueprintsOnPickup", JsonArray{})))
for (auto pair : instanceValue("collectablesOnPickup", JsonObject{}).iterateObject())
m_collectablesOnPickup[pair.first] = pair.second.toString();
Item::~Item() {}
String Item::name() const {
return m_name;
uint64_t Item::count() const {
return m_count;
uint64_t Item::setCount(uint64_t count, bool overfill) {
if (overfill)
m_count = count;
m_count = std::min(count, m_maxStack);
return count - m_count;
bool Item::stackableWith(ItemConstPtr const& item) const {
return item && name() == item->name() && parameters() == item->parameters();
uint64_t Item::maxStack() const {
return m_maxStack;
uint64_t Item::couldStack(ItemConstPtr const& item) const {
if (stackableWith(item) && m_count < m_maxStack) {
uint64_t take = m_maxStack - m_count;
return std::min(take, item->count());
} else {
return 0;
bool Item::stackWith(ItemPtr const& item) {
uint64_t take = couldStack(item);
if (take > 0 && item->consume(take)) {
m_count += take;
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool Item::matches(ItemDescriptor const& descriptor, bool exactMatch) const {
return descriptor.name() == m_name && (!exactMatch || descriptor.parameters() == m_parameters);
bool Item::matches(ItemConstPtr const& other, bool exactMatch) const {
return other->name() == m_name && (!exactMatch || other->parameters() == m_parameters);
bool Item::consume(uint64_t count) {
if (m_count >= count) {
m_count -= count;
return true;
} else {
return false;
ItemPtr Item::take(uint64_t max) {
uint64_t takeCount = std::min(m_count, max);
if (takeCount != 0) {
if (auto newItems = clone()) {
m_count -= takeCount;
return newItems;
} else {
Logger::warn(strf("Could not clone {}, not moving {} items as requested.", friendlyName(), takeCount).c_str());
return {};
bool Item::empty() const {
return m_count == 0;
ItemDescriptor Item::descriptor() const {
return ItemDescriptor(m_name, m_count, m_parameters);
String Item::description() const {
return m_description;
String Item::friendlyName() const {
return m_shortDescription;
Rarity Item::rarity() const {
return m_rarity;
List<Drawable> Item::iconDrawables() const {
return m_iconDrawables;
List<Drawable> Item::dropDrawables() const {
auto drawables = iconDrawables();
Drawable::scaleAll(drawables, 1.0f / TilePixels);
return drawables;
bool Item::twoHanded() const {
return m_twoHanded;
float Item::timeToLive() const {
return m_timeToLive;
uint64_t Item::price() const {
return m_price * count();
String Item::tooltipKind() const {
return m_tooltipKind;
String Item::largeImage() const {
return m_largeImage;
String Item::category() const {
return m_category;
String Item::pickupSound() const {
return Random::randFrom(m_pickupSounds);
void Item::setMaxStack(uint64_t maxStack) {
m_maxStack = maxStack;
void Item::setDescription(String const& description) {
m_description = description;
void Item::setRarity(Rarity rarity) {
m_rarity = rarity;
void Item::setPrice(uint64_t price) {
m_price = price;
void Item::setIconDrawables(List<Drawable> drawables) {
m_iconDrawables = std::move(drawables);
auto boundBox = Drawable::boundBoxAll(m_iconDrawables, true);
if (!boundBox.isEmpty()) {
for (auto& drawable : m_iconDrawables)
// TODO: Why 16? Is this the size of the icon container? Shouldn't this
// be configurable?
float zoom = 16.0f / std::max(boundBox.width(), boundBox.height());
if (zoom < 1) {
for (auto& drawable : m_iconDrawables)
void Item::setTwoHanded(bool twoHanded) {
m_twoHanded = twoHanded;
void Item::setTimeToLive(float timeToLive) {
m_timeToLive = timeToLive;
List<QuestArcDescriptor> Item::pickupQuestTemplates() const {
return instanceValue("pickupQuestTemplates", JsonArray{}).toArray().transformed(&QuestArcDescriptor::fromJson);
StringSet Item::itemTags() const {
return jsonToStringSet(m_config.get("itemTags", JsonArray{}));
bool Item::hasItemTag(String const& itemTag) const {
return itemTags().contains(itemTag);
Json Item::instanceValue(String const& name, Json const& def) const {
return jsonMergeQueryDef(name, def, m_config, m_parameters);
Json Item::instanceValues() const {
return m_config.setAll(m_parameters.toObject());
Json Item::config() const {
return m_config;
Json Item::parameters() const {
return m_parameters;
void Item::setInstanceValue(String const& name, Json const& value) {
if (m_parameters.get(name, {}) != value)
m_parameters = m_parameters.setAll(JsonObject{{name, value}});
String const& Item::directory() const {
return m_directory;
List<ItemDescriptor> Item::learnBlueprintsOnPickup() const {
return m_learnBlueprintsOnPickup;
StringMap<String> Item::collectablesOnPickup() const {
return m_collectablesOnPickup;
GenericItem::GenericItem(Json const& config, String const& directory, Json const& parameters)
: Item(config, directory, parameters) {}
ItemPtr GenericItem::clone() const {
return make_shared<GenericItem>(*this);
bool Item::itemsEqual(ItemConstPtr const& a, ItemConstPtr const& b) {
if (!a && !b) // Both are null
return true;
if (a && b) // Both aren't null, compare
return a->stackableWith(b);
else // One is null, so not equal
return false;