Kai Blaschke 431a9c00a5
Fixed a huge amount of Clang warnings
On Linux and macOS, using Clang to compile OpenStarbound produces about 400 MB worth of warnings during the build, making the compiler output unreadable and slowing the build down considerably.

99% of the warnings were unqualified uses of std::move and std::forward, which are now all properly qualified.

Fixed a few other minor warnings about non-virtual destructors and some uses of std::move preventing copy elision on temporary objects.

Most remaining warnings are now unused parameters.
2024-02-19 16:55:19 +01:00

365 lines
13 KiB

#include "StarWeather.hpp"
#include "StarIterator.hpp"
#include "StarDataStreamExtra.hpp"
#include "StarRoot.hpp"
#include "StarTime.hpp"
#include "StarAssets.hpp"
#include "StarProjectileDatabase.hpp"
#include "StarProjectile.hpp"
#include "StarBiomeDatabase.hpp"
namespace Star {
ServerWeather::ServerWeather() {
m_undergroundLevel = 0.0f;
m_currentWeatherIndex = NPos;
m_currentWeatherIntensity = 0.0f;
m_currentWind = 0.0f;
m_currentTime = 0.0;
m_lastWeatherChangeTime = 0.0;
m_nextWeatherChangeTime = 0.0;
void ServerWeather::setup(WeatherPool weatherPool, float undergroundLevel, WorldGeometry worldGeometry,
WeatherEffectsActiveQuery weatherEffectsActiveQuery) {
m_weatherPool = weatherPool;
m_undergroundLevel = undergroundLevel;
m_worldGeometry = worldGeometry;
m_weatherEffectsActiveQuery = weatherEffectsActiveQuery;
m_currentWeatherIndex = NPos;
m_currentWeatherType = {};
m_currentTime = 0.0;
m_lastWeatherChangeTime = 0.0;
m_nextWeatherChangeTime = 0.0;
void ServerWeather::setReferenceClock(ClockConstPtr referenceClock) {
m_referenceClock = std::move(referenceClock);
if (m_referenceClock)
m_clockTrackingTime = m_referenceClock->time();
m_clockTrackingTime = {};
void ServerWeather::setClientVisibleRegions(List<RectI> regions) {
m_clientVisibleRegions = std::move(regions);
pair<ByteArray, uint64_t> ServerWeather::writeUpdate(uint64_t fromVersion) {
return m_netGroup.writeNetState(fromVersion);
void ServerWeather::update(double dt) {
if (m_referenceClock) {
double clockTime = m_referenceClock->time();
if (!m_clockTrackingTime) {
m_clockTrackingTime = clockTime;
} else {
// If our reference clock is set, and we have a valid tracking time, then
// the dt should be driven by the reference clock.
dt = clockTime - *m_clockTrackingTime;
m_clockTrackingTime = clockTime;
m_currentTime += dt;
if (!m_weatherPool.empty()) {
auto assets = Root::singleton().assets();
double weatherCooldownTime = assets->json("/weather.config:weatherCooldownTime").toDouble();
double weatherWarmupTime = assets->json("/weather.config:weatherWarmupTime").toDouble();
if (m_currentTime >= m_nextWeatherChangeTime) {
m_currentWeatherIndex = m_weatherPool.selectIndex();
if (m_currentWeatherIndex == NPos)
m_currentWeatherType = {};
m_currentWeatherType = Root::singleton().biomeDatabase()->weatherType(m_weatherPool.item(m_currentWeatherIndex));
m_lastWeatherChangeTime = m_nextWeatherChangeTime;
m_nextWeatherChangeTime = m_currentTime + Random::randd(m_currentWeatherType->duration[0], m_currentWeatherType->duration[1]);
// TODO: For now just set the wind at maximum either left or right, nothing exciting.
m_currentWind = m_currentWeatherType->maximumWind * (Random::randb() ? 1 : -1);
m_currentWeatherIntensity = min(clamp((m_currentTime - m_lastWeatherChangeTime) / weatherWarmupTime, 0.0, 1.0),
clamp((m_nextWeatherChangeTime - m_currentTime) / weatherCooldownTime, 0.0, 1.0));
} else {
m_currentWeatherIndex = NPos;
m_currentWeatherType = {};
float ServerWeather::wind() const {
return m_currentWind * m_currentWeatherIntensity;
float ServerWeather::weatherIntensity() const {
return m_currentWeatherIntensity;
StringList ServerWeather::statusEffects() const {
if (m_currentWeatherType && m_currentWeatherIntensity == 1.0)
return m_currentWeatherType->statusEffects;
return {};
List<ProjectilePtr> ServerWeather::pullNewProjectiles() {
return take(m_newProjectiles);
void ServerWeather::setNetStates() {
void ServerWeather::spawnWeatherProjectiles(float dt) {
if (!m_currentWeatherType || m_clientVisibleRegions.empty())
auto projectileDatabase = Root::singleton().projectileDatabase();
// TODO: The complexity of this method is TERRIBLE, if this becomes a problem
// for any reason there are large numbers of ways to make this much better,
// but this was the lazy, simple-ish, and clear (hah) way.
for (auto const& projectileConfig : m_currentWeatherType->projectiles) {
// Gather all the tops of the client regions together with the proper
// padding, splitting at the world wrap boundary.
List<pair<Vec2I, int>> baseSpawnRegions;
for (auto const& clientRegion : m_clientVisibleRegions) {
Vec2I baseRegion = {clientRegion.xMin() - projectileConfig.spawnHorizontalPad, clientRegion.xMax() + projectileConfig.spawnHorizontalPad};
int height = clientRegion.yMax();
for (auto const& region : m_worldGeometry.splitXRegion(baseRegion))
baseSpawnRegions.append({region, height});
// We are going to have to eliminate vertically redundant sections of
// spawning regions, so gather up every left and right edge of a spawn
// region is a "split point"
List<int> splitPoints;
for (auto const& baseSpawnRegion : baseSpawnRegions) {
// Split every spawn region on every split point.
List<pair<Vec2I, int>> splitSpawnRegions;
for (auto const& baseSpawnRegion : baseSpawnRegions) {
List<Vec2I> regions = {baseSpawnRegion.first};
for (auto splitPoint : splitPoints) {
auto prevRegions = take(regions);
for (auto const& region : prevRegions) {
if (splitPoint > region[0] && splitPoint < region[1]) {
regions.append({region[0], splitPoint});
regions.append({splitPoint, region[1]});
} else {
for (auto const& region : regions)
splitSpawnRegions.append({region, baseSpawnRegion.second});
// Sort the split spawn regions by leftmost point then height, preparing to
// remove the lower overlapping sections.
[](pair<Vec2I, int> const& lhs, pair<Vec2I, int> rhs) {
return tie(lhs.first[0], lhs.second) < tie(rhs.first[0], rhs.second);
// For each region, at this point, if the region to the right shares the
// same starting X, because we've split up each region on each possible
// overlapping point, then they totally overlap. The lower region (which
// should come before in the list) is totally redundant and should be
// removed.
auto sit = makeSMutableIterator(splitSpawnRegions);
while (sit.hasNext()) {
auto const& leftRegion = sit.next();
if (sit.hasNext()) {
auto const& rightRegion = sit.peekNext();
if (leftRegion.first[0] == rightRegion.first[0])
for (auto const& spawnRegion : splitSpawnRegions) {
RectF spawnRect = RectF(spawnRegion.first[0],
spawnRegion.second + projectileConfig.spawnAboveRegion);
// Figure out a good target value based on the rate per x tile, making
// sure to handle very low count values appropriately on average.
float count = projectileConfig.ratePerX * spawnRect.width() * dt * m_currentWeatherIntensity;
if (Random::randf() > fpart(count))
count = floor(count);
count = ceil(count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
Vec2F position = {Random::randf() * spawnRect.width() + spawnRect.xMin(), Random::randf() * spawnRect.height() + spawnRect.yMin()};
if (position[1] > m_undergroundLevel && (!m_weatherEffectsActiveQuery || m_weatherEffectsActiveQuery(Vec2I::floor(position)))) {
// Make sure not to spawn projectiles if they intersect any client
// visible region.
bool intersectsVisibleRegion = false;
for (auto const& visibleRegion : m_clientVisibleRegions) {
if (RectF(visibleRegion).contains(position)) {
intersectsVisibleRegion = true;
if (!intersectsVisibleRegion) {
auto newProjectile = projectileDatabase->createProjectile(projectileConfig.projectile, projectileConfig.parameters);
newProjectile->setInitialVelocity(projectileConfig.velocity + Vec2F(projectileConfig.windAffectAmount * wind(), 0));
ClientWeather::ClientWeather() {
m_undergroundLevel = 0.0f;
m_currentWeatherIndex = NPos;
m_currentWeatherIntensity = 0.0f;
m_currentWind = 0.0f;
m_currentTime = 0.0;
void ClientWeather::setup(WorldGeometry worldGeometry, WeatherEffectsActiveQuery weatherEffectsActiveQuery) {
m_worldGeometry = worldGeometry;
m_weatherEffectsActiveQuery = weatherEffectsActiveQuery;
m_currentTime = 0.0;
void ClientWeather::readUpdate(ByteArray data) {
if (!data.empty()) {
void ClientWeather::setVisibleRegion(RectI visibleRegion) {
m_visibleRegion = visibleRegion;
void ClientWeather::update(double dt) {
m_currentTime += dt;
if (m_currentWeatherIndex == NPos) {
m_currentWeatherType = {};
} else {
if (m_visibleRegion.yMax() > m_undergroundLevel)
m_currentWeatherType = Root::singleton().biomeDatabase()->weatherType(m_weatherPool.item(m_currentWeatherIndex));
m_currentWeatherType = {};
if (m_currentWeatherType)
spawnWeatherParticles(RectF(m_visibleRegion), dt);
float ClientWeather::wind() const {
return m_currentWind * m_currentWeatherIntensity;
float ClientWeather::weatherIntensity() const {
return m_currentWeatherIntensity;
StringList ClientWeather::statusEffects() const {
if (m_currentWeatherIntensity == 1.0 && m_currentWeatherType)
return m_currentWeatherType->statusEffects;
return {};
List<Particle> ClientWeather::pullNewParticles() {
return take(m_particles);
StringList ClientWeather::weatherTrackOptions() const {
if (m_currentWeatherType)
return m_currentWeatherType->weatherNoises;
return {};
void ClientWeather::getNetStates() {
if (m_weatherPoolNetState.pullUpdated())
m_weatherPool = WeatherPool(DataStreamBuffer::deserializeContainer<WeatherPool::ItemsList>(m_weatherPoolNetState.get()));
m_undergroundLevel = m_undergroundLevelNetState.get();
m_currentWeatherIndex = m_currentWeatherIndexNetState.get();
m_currentWeatherIntensity = m_currentWeatherIntensityNetState.get();
m_currentWind = m_currentWindNetState.get();
void ClientWeather::spawnWeatherParticles(RectF newClientRegion, float dt) {
if (!m_currentWeatherType)
for (auto const& particleConfig : m_currentWeatherType->particles) {
// Move client region to same wrap region as newClientRegion
RectF visibleRegion(m_worldGeometry.nearestTo(newClientRegion.min(), m_lastParticleVisibleRegion.min()),
m_worldGeometry.nearestTo(newClientRegion.min(), m_lastParticleVisibleRegion.max()));
Vec2F targetVelocity = particleConfig.particle.velocity + Vec2F(wind(), 0);
float angleChange = Vec2F::angleBetween2(Vec2F(0, 1), targetVelocity);
visibleRegion.translate(targetVelocity * dt);
for (auto const& renderZone : newClientRegion.subtract(visibleRegion)) {
float count = particleConfig.density * renderZone.width() * renderZone.height() * m_currentWeatherIntensity;
if (Random::randf() > fpart(count))
count = std::floor(count);
count = std::ceil(count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
auto newParticle = particleConfig.particle;
float x = Random::randf() * renderZone.width() + renderZone.xMin();
float y = Random::randf() * renderZone.height() + renderZone.yMin();
newParticle.position += m_worldGeometry.xwrap(Vec2F(x, y));
newParticle.velocity = targetVelocity;
if (y > m_undergroundLevel && (!m_weatherEffectsActiveQuery || m_weatherEffectsActiveQuery(Vec2I::floor(newParticle.position)))) {
if (particleConfig.autoRotate)
newParticle.rotation += angleChange;
m_lastParticleVisibleRegion = newClientRegion;