Kai Blaschke 431a9c00a5
Fixed a huge amount of Clang warnings
On Linux and macOS, using Clang to compile OpenStarbound produces about 400 MB worth of warnings during the build, making the compiler output unreadable and slowing the build down considerably.

99% of the warnings were unqualified uses of std::move and std::forward, which are now all properly qualified.

Fixed a few other minor warnings about non-virtual destructors and some uses of std::move preventing copy elision on temporary objects.

Most remaining warnings are now unused parameters.
2024-02-19 16:55:19 +01:00

455 lines
12 KiB

#include "StarMathCommon.hpp"
#include "StarArray.hpp"
#include "StarAlgorithm.hpp"
namespace Star {
enum class BoundMode {
enum class InterpolationMode {
template <typename T1, typename T2>
T2 angleLerp(T1 const& offset, T2 const& f0, T2 const& f1) {
return f0 + angleDiff(f0, f1) * offset;
template <typename T1, typename T2>
T2 sinEase(T1 const& offset, T2 const& f0, T2 const& f1) {
T1 w = (sin(offset * Constants::pi - Constants::pi / 2) + 1) / 2;
return f0 * (1 - w) + f1 * w;
template <typename T1, typename T2>
T2 lerp(T1 const& offset, T2 const& f0, T2 const& f1) {
return f0 * (1 - offset) + f1 * (offset);
template <typename T1, typename T2>
T2 lerpWithLimit(Maybe<T2> const& limit, T1 const& offset, T2 const& f0, T2 const& f1) {
if (limit && abs(f1 - f0) > *limit)
return f1;
return lerp(offset, f0, f1);
template <typename T1, typename T2>
T2 step(T1 threshold, T1 x, T2 a, T2 b) {
if (x < threshold)
return a;
return b;
template <typename T1, typename T2>
T2 halfStep(T1 x, T2 a, T2 b) {
if (x < 0.5)
return a;
return b;
template <typename T1, typename T2>
T2 cubic4(T1 const& x, T2 const& f0, T2 const& f1, T2 const& f2, T2 const& f3) {
// (-1/2 * f0 + 3/2 * f1 + -3/2 * f2 + 1/2 * f3) * x * x * x +
// ( 1 * f0 + -5/2 * f1 + 2 * f2 + -1/2 * f3) * x * x +
// (-1/2 * f0 + 0 * f1 + 1/2 * f2 + 0 * f3) * x +
// ( 0 * f0 + 1 * f1 + 0 * f2 + 0 * f3) * 1.0
return f1 + (f2 - f0 + (f0 * 2.0 - f1 * 5.0 + f2 * 4.0 - f3 + ((f1 - f2) * 3.0 + f3 - f0) * x) * x) * x * 0.5;
template <typename T1, typename T2>
T2 catmulRom4(T1 const& x, T2 const& f0, T2 const& f1, T2 const& f2, T2 const& f3) {
return ((f1 * 2) + (-f0 + f2) * x + (f0 * 2 - f1 * 5 + f2 * 4 - f3) * x * x
+ (-f0 + f1 * 3 - f2 * 3 + f3) * x * x * x)
* 0.5;
template <typename T1, typename T2>
T2 hermite2(T1 const& x, T2 const& a, T2 const& b) {
return a + (b - a) * x * x * (3 - 2 * x);
template <typename T1, typename T2>
T2 quintic2(T1 const& x, T2 const& a, T2 const& b) {
return a + (b - a) * x * x * x * (x * (x * 6 - 15) + 10);
template <typename WeightT>
struct LinearWeightOperator {
typedef WeightT Weight;
typedef Array<Weight, 2> WeightVec;
WeightVec operator()(Weight x) const {
return {1 - x, x};
template <typename WeightT>
struct StepWeightOperator {
typedef WeightT Weight;
typedef Array<Weight, 2> WeightVec;
StepWeightOperator(Weight threshold = 0.5) : threshold(threshold) {}
WeightVec operator()(Weight x) const {
if (x < threshold)
return {1, 0};
return {0, 1};
Weight threshold;
template <typename WeightT>
struct SinWeightOperator {
typedef WeightT Weight;
typedef Array<Weight, 2> WeightVec;
WeightVec operator()(Weight x) const {
Weight w = (sin(x * Constants::pi - Constants::pi / 2) + 1) / 2;
return {1 - w, w};
template <typename WeightT>
struct Hermite2WeightOperator {
typedef WeightT Weight;
typedef Array<Weight, 2> WeightVec;
WeightVec operator()(Weight x) const {
Weight w = x * x * (3 - 2 * x);
return {1 - w, w};
template <typename WeightT>
struct Quintic2WeightOperator {
typedef WeightT Weight;
typedef Array<Weight, 2> WeightVec;
WeightVec operator()(Weight x) const {
Weight w = x * x * x * (x * (x * 6 - 15) + 10);
return {1 - w, w};
// Setting 'LinearExtrapolate' flag to true changes the weights to be linear
// when x is outside of the range [0.0, 1.0]
template <typename WeightT>
struct Cubic4WeightOperator {
typedef WeightT Weight;
typedef Array<Weight, 4> WeightVec;
Cubic4WeightOperator(bool le = false) : linearExtrapolate(le) {}
WeightVec operator()(Weight x) const {
if (linearExtrapolate && x > 1) {
return {0, 0, 2 - x, x - 1};
} else if (linearExtrapolate && x < 0) {
return {-x, 1 + x, 0, 0};
} else {
// (-1/2 * f0 + 3/2 * f1 + -3/2 * f2 + 1/2 * f3) * x*x*x +
// ( 1 * f0 + -5/2 * f1 + 2 * f2 + -1/2 * f3) * x*x +
// (-1/2 * f0 + 0 * f1 + 1/2 * f2 + 0 * f3) * x +
// ( 0 * f0 + 1 * f1 + 0 * f2 + 0 * f3) * 1.0
Weight x2 = x * x;
Weight x3 = x2 * x;
return WeightVec(-0.5 * x3 + 1 * x2 - 0.5 * x,
1.5 * x3 + -2.5 * x2 + 1.0,
-1.5 * x3 + 2.0 * x2 + 0.5 * x,
0.5 * x3 - 0.5 * x2);
bool linearExtrapolate;
// Setting 'LinearExtrapolate' flag to true changes the weights to be linear
// when x is outside of the range [0.0, 1.0]
template <typename WeightT>
struct Catmul4WeightOperator {
typedef WeightT Weight;
typedef Array<Weight, 4> WeightVec;
Catmul4WeightOperator(bool le = false) : linearExtrapolate(le) {}
WeightVec operator()(Weight x) const {
if (linearExtrapolate && x > 1) {
return {0, 0, 2 - x, x - 1};
} else if (linearExtrapolate && x < 0) {
return {-x, 1 + x, 0, 0};
} else {
Weight x2 = x * x;
Weight x3 = x * x * x;
return {(-x3 + x2 * 2 - x) / 2, (x3 * 3 - x2 * 5 + 2) / 2, (-x3 * 3 + x2 * 4 + x) / 2, (x3 - x2) / 2};
bool linearExtrapolate;
template <typename Loctype, typename IndexType>
struct Bound2 {
IndexType i0;
IndexType i1;
Loctype offset;
// loc should be in "index space", meaning that 0 points exactly to the first
// element and extent - 1
// points exactly to the last element.
template <typename LocType, typename IndexType>
Bound2<LocType, IndexType> getBound2(LocType loc, IndexType extent, BoundMode bmode) {
Bound2<LocType, IndexType> bound;
if (extent <= 1) {
bound.i0 = bound.i1 = bound.offset = 0;
return bound;
bound.offset = 0;
if (bmode == BoundMode::Wrap) {
loc = pfmod<LocType>(loc, extent);
} else {
LocType newLoc = clamp<LocType>(loc, 0, extent - 1);
if (bmode == BoundMode::Extrapolate)
bound.offset += loc - newLoc;
loc = newLoc;
bound.i0 = IndexType(loc);
if (bound.i0 == extent - 1) {
if (bmode == BoundMode::Wrap) {
bound.i1 = 0;
} else {
bound.i1 = bound.i0;
bound.i0 -= 1;
} else {
bound.i1 = bound.i0 + 1;
bound.offset += loc - bound.i0;
return bound;
template <typename Loctype, typename IndexType>
struct Bound4 {
Bound4() {}
IndexType i0;
IndexType i1;
IndexType i2;
IndexType i3;
Loctype offset;
// loc should be in "index space", meaning that 0 points exactly to the first
// element and extent - 1
// points exactly to the last element.
template <typename LocType, typename IndexType>
Bound4<LocType, IndexType> getBound4(LocType loc, IndexType extent, BoundMode bmode) {
Bound4<LocType, IndexType> bound;
if (extent <= 1) {
bound.i0 = bound.i1 = bound.i2 = bound.i3 = bound.offset = 0;
return bound;
bound.offset = 0;
if (bmode == BoundMode::Wrap) {
loc = pfmod<LocType>(loc, extent);
} else {
LocType newLoc = clamp<LocType>(loc, 0, extent - 1);
if (bmode == BoundMode::Extrapolate)
bound.offset += loc - newLoc;
loc = newLoc;
bound.i1 = IndexType(loc);
if (bound.i1 == extent - 1) {
if (bmode == BoundMode::Wrap) {
bound.i0 = bound.i1 - 1;
bound.i2 = 0;
bound.i3 = 1;
} else {
bound.i1 = bound.i1 - 2;
bound.i0 = bound.i1 - 1;
bound.i2 = bound.i1 + 1;
bound.i3 = bound.i2 + 1;
} else if (bound.i1 == extent - 2) {
if (bmode == BoundMode::Wrap) {
bound.i0 = bound.i1 - 1;
bound.i2 = bound.i1 + 1;
bound.i3 = 0;
} else {
bound.i1 = bound.i1 - 1;
bound.i0 = bound.i1 - 1;
bound.i2 = bound.i1 + 1;
bound.i3 = bound.i2 + 1;
} else if (bound.i1 == 0) {
if (bmode == BoundMode::Wrap) {
bound.i0 = extent - 1;
bound.i2 = bound.i1 + 1;
bound.i3 = bound.i2 + 1;
} else {
bound.i1 = bound.i1 + 1;
bound.i0 = bound.i1 - 1;
bound.i2 = bound.i1 + 1;
bound.i3 = bound.i2 + 1;
} else {
bound.i0 = bound.i1 - 1;
bound.i2 = bound.i1 + 1;
bound.i3 = bound.i1 + 2;
bound.offset += loc - bound.i1;
return bound;
template <typename Container, typename Pos, typename WeightOp>
typename Container::value_type listInterpolate2(
Container const& cont, Pos x, WeightOp weightOp, BoundMode bmode = BoundMode::Clamp) {
if (cont.size() == 0) {
return typename Container::value_type();
} else if (cont.size() == 1) {
return cont[0];
} else {
auto bound = getBound2(x, cont.size(), bmode);
auto weights = weightOp(bound.offset);
return cont[bound.i0] * weights[0] + cont[bound.i1] * weights[1];
template <typename Container, typename Pos, typename WeightOp>
typename Container::value_type listInterpolate4(
Container const& cont, Pos x, WeightOp weightOp, BoundMode bmode = BoundMode::Clamp) {
if (cont.size() == 0) {
return typename Container::value_type();
} else if (cont.size() == 1) {
return cont[0];
} else {
auto bound = getBound4(x, cont.size(), bmode);
auto weights = weightOp(bound.offset);
return cont[bound.i0] * weights[0] + cont[bound.i1] * weights[1] + cont[bound.i2] * weights[2]
+ cont[bound.i3] * weights[3];
// Returns an index value (not integer) that represents the value that, if
// passed in as an index to a simple linear interpolation of the given
// container, would yield the given value. (In other words, this goes from
// function space to index space on a list of points). Useful for doing
// interpolation on functions that are unevenly spaced. Given container must
// be sorted. If there is an ambiguity on points due to repeat points, will
// choose the lower-most of the points.
template <typename Iterator, typename Pos, typename Comp, typename PosGetter>
Pos inverseLinearInterpolateLower(Iterator begin, Iterator end, Pos t, Comp&& comp, PosGetter&& posGetter) {
// Container must be at least size 2 for this to make sense.
if (begin == end || std::next(begin) == end)
return Pos();
Iterator i = std::lower_bound(std::next(begin), std::prev(end), t, std::forward<Comp>(comp));
Pos min = posGetter(*i);
Pos max = posGetter(*(++i));
Pos ipos = Pos(std::distance(begin, --i));
Pos dist = max - min;
if (dist == 0)
return ipos;
return ipos + (t - min) / dist;
template <typename Iterator, typename Pos>
Pos inverseLinearInterpolateLower(Iterator begin, Iterator end, Pos t) {
return inverseLinearInterpolateLower(begin, end, t, std::less<Pos>(), identity());
// Same as inverseLinearInterpolateLower, except chooses the upper most of the
// points in the ambiguous case.
template <typename Iterator, typename Pos, typename Comp, typename PosGetter>
Pos inverseLinearInterpolateUpper(Iterator begin, Iterator end, Pos t, Comp&& comp, PosGetter&& posGetter) {
// Container must be at least size 2 for this to make sense.
if (begin == end || std::next(begin) == end)
return Pos();
Iterator i = std::upper_bound(std::next(begin), std::prev(end), t, std::forward<Comp>(comp));
Pos min = posGetter(*i);
Pos max = posGetter(*(++i));
Pos ipos = Pos(std::distance(begin, --i));
Pos dist = max - min;
if (dist == 0)
return ipos + 1;
return ipos + (t - min) / dist;
template <typename Iterator, typename Pos>
Pos inverseLinearInterpolateUpper(Iterator begin, Iterator end, Pos t) {
return inverseLinearInterpolateUpper(begin, end, t, std::less<Pos>(), identity());
template <typename XContainer, typename YContainer, typename PositionType, typename WeightOp>
typename YContainer::value_type parametricInterpolate2(XContainer const& xvals,
YContainer const& yvals,
PositionType const& position,
WeightOp weightOp,
BoundMode bmode) {
starAssert(xvals.size() != 0);
starAssert(xvals.size() == yvals.size());
if (yvals.size() == 1)
return yvals[0];
PositionType ipos = inverseLinearInterpolateLower(xvals.begin(), xvals.end(), position);
return listInterpolate2(yvals, ipos, weightOp, bmode);
template <typename XContainer, typename YContainer, typename PositionType, typename WeightOp>
typename YContainer::value_type parametricInterpolate4(XContainer const& xvals,
YContainer const& yvals,
PositionType const& position,
WeightOp weightOp,
BoundMode bmode) {
starAssert(xvals.size() != 0);
starAssert(xvals.size() == yvals.size());
if (yvals.size() == 1)
return yvals[0];
PositionType ipos = inverseLinearInterpolateLower(xvals.begin(), xvals.end(), position);
return listInterpolate4(yvals, ipos, weightOp, bmode);