Kai Blaschke 431a9c00a5
Fixed a huge amount of Clang warnings
On Linux and macOS, using Clang to compile OpenStarbound produces about 400 MB worth of warnings during the build, making the compiler output unreadable and slowing the build down considerably.

99% of the warnings were unqualified uses of std::move and std::forward, which are now all properly qualified.

Fixed a few other minor warnings about non-virtual destructors and some uses of std::move preventing copy elision on temporary objects.

Most remaining warnings are now unused parameters.
2024-02-19 16:55:19 +01:00

1142 lines
33 KiB

#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <list>
#include "StarException.hpp"
#include "StarStaticVector.hpp"
#include "StarSmallVector.hpp"
#include "StarPythonic.hpp"
#include "StarMaybe.hpp"
#include "StarFormat.hpp"
namespace Star {
template <typename BaseList>
class ListMixin : public BaseList {
typedef BaseList Base;
typedef typename Base::iterator iterator;
typedef typename Base::const_iterator const_iterator;
typedef typename Base::value_type value_type;
typedef typename Base::reference reference;
typedef typename Base::const_reference const_reference;
ListMixin(Base const& list);
ListMixin(Base&& list);
ListMixin(value_type const* p, size_t count);
template <typename InputIterator>
ListMixin(InputIterator beg, InputIterator end);
explicit ListMixin(size_t len, const_reference s1 = value_type());
ListMixin(initializer_list<value_type> list);
void append(value_type e);
template <typename Container>
void appendAll(Container&& list);
template <class... Args>
reference emplaceAppend(Args&&... args);
reference first();
const_reference first() const;
reference last();
const_reference last() const;
Maybe<value_type> maybeFirst();
Maybe<value_type> maybeLast();
void removeLast();
value_type takeLast();
Maybe<value_type> maybeTakeLast();
// Limit the size of the list by removing elements from the back until the
// size is the maximumSize or less.
void limitSizeBack(size_t maximumSize);
size_t count() const;
bool contains(const_reference e) const;
// Remove all equal to element, returns number removed.
size_t remove(const_reference e);
template <typename Filter>
void filter(Filter&& filter);
template <typename Comparator>
void insertSorted(value_type e, Comparator&& comparator);
void insertSorted(value_type e);
// Returns true if this *sorted* list contains the given element.
template <typename Comparator>
bool containsSorted(value_type const& e, Comparator&& comparator);
bool containsSorted(value_type e);
template <typename Function>
void exec(Function&& function);
template <typename Function>
void exec(Function&& function) const;
template <typename Function>
void transform(Function&& function);
template <typename Function>
bool any(Function&& function) const;
bool any() const;
template <typename Function>
bool all(Function&& function) const;
bool all() const;
template <typename List>
class ListHasher {
size_t operator()(List const& l) const;
hash<typename List::value_type> elemHasher;
template <typename BaseList>
class RandomAccessListMixin : public BaseList {
typedef BaseList Base;
typedef typename Base::iterator iterator;
typedef typename Base::const_iterator const_iterator;
typedef typename Base::value_type value_type;
typedef typename Base::reference reference;
typedef typename Base::const_reference const_reference;
using Base::Base;
template <typename Comparator>
void sort(Comparator&& comparator);
void sort();
void reverse();
// Returns first index of given element, NPos if not found.
size_t indexOf(const_reference e, size_t from = 0) const;
// Returns last index of given element, NPos if not found.
size_t lastIndexOf(const_reference e, size_t til = NPos) const;
const_reference at(size_t n) const;
reference at(size_t n);
const_reference operator[](size_t n) const;
reference operator[](size_t n);
// Does not throw if n is beyond end of list, instead returns def
value_type get(size_t n, value_type def = value_type()) const;
value_type takeAt(size_t i);
// Same as at, but wraps around back to the beginning
// (throws if list is empty)
const_reference wrap(size_t n) const;
reference wrap(size_t n);
// Does not throw if list is empty
value_type wrap(size_t n, value_type def) const;
void eraseAt(size_t index);
// Erases region from begin to end, not including end.
void eraseAt(size_t begin, size_t end);
void insertAt(size_t pos, value_type e);
template <typename Container>
void insertAllAt(size_t pos, Container const& l);
// Ensures that list is large enough to hold pos elements.
void set(size_t pos, value_type e);
void swap(size_t i, size_t j);
// same as insert(to, takeAt(from))
void move(size_t from, size_t to);
template <typename BaseList>
class FrontModifyingListMixin : public BaseList {
typedef BaseList Base;
typedef typename Base::iterator iterator;
typedef typename Base::const_iterator const_iterator;
typedef typename Base::value_type value_type;
typedef typename Base::reference reference;
typedef typename Base::const_reference const_reference;
using Base::Base;
void prepend(value_type e);
template <typename Container>
void prependAll(Container&& list);
template <class... Args>
reference emplacePrepend(Args&&... args);
void removeFirst();
value_type takeFirst();
// Limit the size of the list by removing elements from the front until the
// size is the maximumSize or less.
void limitSizeFront(size_t maximumSize);
template <typename Element, typename Allocator = std::allocator<Element>>
class List : public RandomAccessListMixin<ListMixin<std::vector<Element, Allocator>>> {
typedef RandomAccessListMixin<ListMixin<std::vector<Element, Allocator>>> Base;
typedef typename Base::iterator iterator;
typedef typename Base::const_iterator const_iterator;
typedef typename Base::value_type value_type;
typedef typename Base::reference reference;
typedef typename Base::const_reference const_reference;
template <typename Container>
static List from(Container const& c);
using Base::Base;
// Pointer to contiguous storage, returns nullptr if empty
value_type* ptr();
value_type const* ptr() const;
List slice(SliceIndex a = SliceIndex(), SliceIndex b = SliceIndex(), int i = 1) const;
template <typename Filter>
List filtered(Filter&& filter) const;
template <typename Comparator>
List sorted(Comparator&& comparator) const;
List sorted() const;
template <typename Function>
auto transformed(Function&& function);
template <typename Function>
auto transformed(Function&& function) const;
template <typename Element, typename Allocator>
struct hash<List<Element, Allocator>> : public ListHasher<List<Element, Allocator>> {};
template <typename Element, size_t MaxSize>
class StaticList : public RandomAccessListMixin<ListMixin<StaticVector<Element, MaxSize>>> {
typedef RandomAccessListMixin<ListMixin<StaticVector<Element, MaxSize>>> Base;
typedef typename Base::iterator iterator;
typedef typename Base::const_iterator const_iterator;
typedef typename Base::value_type value_type;
typedef typename Base::reference reference;
typedef typename Base::const_reference const_reference;
template <typename Container>
static StaticList from(Container const& c);
using Base::Base;
StaticList slice(SliceIndex a = SliceIndex(), SliceIndex b = SliceIndex(), int i = 1) const;
template <typename Filter>
StaticList filtered(Filter&& filter) const;
template <typename Comparator>
StaticList sorted(Comparator&& comparator) const;
StaticList sorted() const;
template <typename Function>
auto transformed(Function&& function);
template <typename Function>
auto transformed(Function&& function) const;
template <typename Element, size_t MaxStackSize>
struct hash<StaticList<Element, MaxStackSize>> : public ListHasher<StaticList<Element, MaxStackSize>> {};
template <typename Element, size_t MaxStackSize>
class SmallList : public RandomAccessListMixin<ListMixin<SmallVector<Element, MaxStackSize>>> {
typedef RandomAccessListMixin<ListMixin<SmallVector<Element, MaxStackSize>>> Base;
typedef typename Base::iterator iterator;
typedef typename Base::const_iterator const_iterator;
typedef typename Base::value_type value_type;
typedef typename Base::reference reference;
typedef typename Base::const_reference const_reference;
template <typename Container>
static SmallList from(Container const& c);
using Base::Base;
SmallList slice(SliceIndex a = SliceIndex(), SliceIndex b = SliceIndex(), int i = 1) const;
template <typename Filter>
SmallList filtered(Filter&& filter) const;
template <typename Comparator>
SmallList sorted(Comparator&& comparator) const;
SmallList sorted() const;
template <typename Function>
auto transformed(Function&& function);
template <typename Function>
auto transformed(Function&& function) const;
template <typename Element, size_t MaxStackSize>
struct hash<SmallList<Element, MaxStackSize>> : public ListHasher<SmallList<Element, MaxStackSize>> {};
template <typename Element, typename Allocator = std::allocator<Element>>
class Deque : public FrontModifyingListMixin<RandomAccessListMixin<ListMixin<std::deque<Element, Allocator>>>> {
typedef FrontModifyingListMixin<RandomAccessListMixin<ListMixin<std::deque<Element, Allocator>>>> Base;
typedef typename Base::iterator iterator;
typedef typename Base::const_iterator const_iterator;
typedef typename Base::value_type value_type;
typedef typename Base::reference reference;
typedef typename Base::const_reference const_reference;
template <typename Container>
static Deque from(Container const& c);
using Base::Base;
Deque slice(SliceIndex a = SliceIndex(), SliceIndex b = SliceIndex(), int i = 1) const;
template <typename Filter>
Deque filtered(Filter&& filter) const;
template <typename Comparator>
Deque sorted(Comparator&& comparator) const;
Deque sorted() const;
template <typename Function>
auto transformed(Function&& function);
template <typename Function>
auto transformed(Function&& function) const;
template <typename Element, typename Allocator>
struct hash<Deque<Element, Allocator>> : public ListHasher<Deque<Element, Allocator>> {};
template <typename Element, typename Allocator = std::allocator<Element>>
class LinkedList : public FrontModifyingListMixin<ListMixin<std::list<Element, Allocator>>> {
typedef FrontModifyingListMixin<ListMixin<std::list<Element, Allocator>>> Base;
typedef typename Base::iterator iterator;
typedef typename Base::const_iterator const_iterator;
typedef typename Base::value_type value_type;
typedef typename Base::reference reference;
typedef typename Base::const_reference const_reference;
template <typename Container>
static LinkedList from(Container const& c);
using Base::Base;
void appendAll(LinkedList list);
void prependAll(LinkedList list);
template <typename Container>
void appendAll(Container&& list);
template <typename Container>
void prependAll(Container&& list);
template <typename Filter>
LinkedList filtered(Filter&& filter) const;
template <typename Comparator>
LinkedList sorted(Comparator&& comparator) const;
LinkedList sorted() const;
template <typename Function>
auto transformed(Function&& function);
template <typename Function>
auto transformed(Function&& function) const;
template <typename Element, typename Allocator>
struct hash<LinkedList<Element, Allocator>> : public ListHasher<LinkedList<Element, Allocator>> {};
template <typename BaseList>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, ListMixin<BaseList> const& list);
template <typename... Containers>
struct ListZipTypes {
typedef tuple<typename std::decay<Containers>::type::value_type...> Tuple;
typedef List<Tuple> Result;
template <typename... Containers>
typename ListZipTypes<Containers...>::Result zip(Containers&&... args);
template <typename Container>
struct ListEnumerateTypes {
typedef pair<typename std::decay<Container>::type::value_type, size_t> Pair;
typedef List<Pair> Result;
template <typename Container>
typename ListEnumerateTypes<Container>::Result enumerate(Container&& container);
template <typename BaseList>
: Base() {}
template <typename BaseList>
ListMixin<BaseList>::ListMixin(Base const& list)
: Base(list) {}
template <typename BaseList>
ListMixin<BaseList>::ListMixin(Base&& list)
: Base(std::move(list)) {}
template <typename BaseList>
ListMixin<BaseList>::ListMixin(size_t len, const_reference s1)
: Base(len, s1) {}
template <typename BaseList>
ListMixin<BaseList>::ListMixin(value_type const* p, size_t count)
: Base(p, p + count) {}
template <typename BaseList>
template <typename InputIterator>
ListMixin<BaseList>::ListMixin(InputIterator beg, InputIterator end)
: Base(beg, end) {}
template <typename BaseList>
ListMixin<BaseList>::ListMixin(initializer_list<value_type> list) {
// In case underlying class type doesn't support initializer_list
for (auto& e : list)
template <typename BaseList>
void ListMixin<BaseList>::append(value_type e) {
template <typename BaseList>
template <typename Container>
void ListMixin<BaseList>::appendAll(Container&& list) {
for (auto& e : list) {
if (std::is_rvalue_reference<Container&&>::value)
template <typename BaseList>
template <class... Args>
auto ListMixin<BaseList>::emplaceAppend(Args&&... args) -> reference {
return *prev(Base::end());
template <typename BaseList>
auto ListMixin<BaseList>::first() -> reference {
if (Base::empty())
throw OutOfRangeException("first() called on empty list");
return *Base::begin();
template <typename BaseList>
auto ListMixin<BaseList>::first() const -> const_reference {
if (Base::empty())
throw OutOfRangeException("first() called on empty list");
return *Base::begin();
template <typename BaseList>
auto ListMixin<BaseList>::last() -> reference {
if (Base::empty())
throw OutOfRangeException("last() called on empty list");
return *prev(Base::end());
template <typename BaseList>
auto ListMixin<BaseList>::last() const -> const_reference {
if (Base::empty())
throw OutOfRangeException("last() called on empty list");
return *prev(Base::end());
template <typename BaseList>
auto ListMixin<BaseList>::maybeFirst() -> Maybe<value_type> {
if (Base::empty())
return {};
return *Base::begin();
template <typename BaseList>
auto ListMixin<BaseList>::maybeLast() -> Maybe<value_type> {
if (Base::empty())
return {};
return *prev(Base::end());
template <typename BaseList>
void ListMixin<BaseList>::removeLast() {
if (Base::empty())
throw OutOfRangeException("removeLast() called on empty list");
template <typename BaseList>
auto ListMixin<BaseList>::takeLast() -> value_type {
value_type e = std::move(last());
return e;
template <typename BaseList>
auto ListMixin<BaseList>::maybeTakeLast() -> Maybe<value_type> {
if (Base::empty())
return {};
value_type e = std::move(last());
return e;
template <typename BaseList>
void ListMixin<BaseList>::limitSizeBack(size_t maximumSize) {
while (Base::size() > maximumSize)
template <typename BaseList>
size_t ListMixin<BaseList>::count() const {
return Base::size();
template <typename BaseList>
bool ListMixin<BaseList>::contains(const_reference e) const {
for (auto const& r : *this) {
if (r == e)
return true;
return false;
template <typename BaseList>
size_t ListMixin<BaseList>::remove(const_reference e) {
size_t removed = 0;
auto i = Base::begin();
while (i != Base::end()) {
if (*i == e) {
i = Base::erase(i);
} else {
return removed;
template <typename BaseList>
template <typename Filter>
void ListMixin<BaseList>::filter(Filter&& filter) {
Star::filter(*this, std::forward<Filter>(filter));
template <typename BaseList>
template <typename Comparator>
void ListMixin<BaseList>::insertSorted(value_type e, Comparator&& comparator) {
auto i = std::upper_bound(Base::begin(), Base::end(), e, std::forward<Comparator>(comparator));
Base::insert(i, std::move(e));
template <typename BaseList>
void ListMixin<BaseList>::insertSorted(value_type e) {
auto i = std::upper_bound(Base::begin(), Base::end(), e);
Base::insert(i, std::move(e));
template <typename BaseList>
template <typename Comparator>
bool ListMixin<BaseList>::containsSorted(value_type const& e, Comparator&& comparator) {
auto range = std::equal_range(Base::begin(), Base::end(), e, std::forward<Comparator>(comparator));
return range.first != range.second;
template <typename BaseList>
bool ListMixin<BaseList>::containsSorted(value_type e) {
auto range = std::equal_range(Base::begin(), Base::end(), e);
return range.first != range.second;
template <typename BaseList>
template <typename Function>
void ListMixin<BaseList>::exec(Function&& function) {
for (auto& e : *this)
template <typename BaseList>
template <typename Function>
void ListMixin<BaseList>::exec(Function&& function) const {
for (auto const& e : *this)
template <typename BaseList>
template <typename Function>
void ListMixin<BaseList>::transform(Function&& function) {
for (auto& e : *this)
e = function(e);
template <typename BaseList>
template <typename Function>
bool ListMixin<BaseList>::any(Function&& function) const {
return Star::any(*this, std::forward<Function>(function));
template <typename BaseList>
bool ListMixin<BaseList>::any() const {
return Star::any(*this);
template <typename BaseList>
template <typename Function>
bool ListMixin<BaseList>::all(Function&& function) const {
return Star::all(*this, std::forward<Function>(function));
template <typename BaseList>
bool ListMixin<BaseList>::all() const {
return Star::all(*this);
template <typename BaseList>
template <typename Comparator>
void RandomAccessListMixin<BaseList>::sort(Comparator&& comparator) {
Star::sort(*this, std::forward<Comparator>(comparator));
template <typename BaseList>
void RandomAccessListMixin<BaseList>::sort() {
template <typename BaseList>
void RandomAccessListMixin<BaseList>::reverse() {
template <typename BaseList>
size_t RandomAccessListMixin<BaseList>::indexOf(const_reference e, size_t from) const {
for (size_t i = from; i < Base::size(); ++i)
if (operator[](i) == e)
return i;
return NPos;
template <typename BaseList>
size_t RandomAccessListMixin<BaseList>::lastIndexOf(const_reference e, size_t til) const {
size_t index = NPos;
size_t end = std::min(Base::size(), til);
for (size_t i = 0; i < end; ++i) {
if (operator[](i) == e)
index = i;
return index;
template <typename BaseList>
auto RandomAccessListMixin<BaseList>::at(size_t n) const -> const_reference {
if (n >= Base::size())
throw OutOfRangeException(strf("out of range list::at({})", n));
return operator[](n);
template <typename BaseList>
auto RandomAccessListMixin<BaseList>::at(size_t n) -> reference {
if (n >= Base::size())
throw OutOfRangeException(strf("out of range list::at({})", n));
return operator[](n);
template <typename BaseList>
auto RandomAccessListMixin<BaseList>::operator[](size_t n) const -> const_reference {
starAssert(n < Base::size());
return Base::operator[](n);
template <typename BaseList>
auto RandomAccessListMixin<BaseList>::operator[](size_t n) -> reference {
starAssert(n < Base::size());
return Base::operator[](n);
template <typename BaseList>
auto RandomAccessListMixin<BaseList>::get(size_t n, value_type def) const -> value_type {
if (n >= BaseList::size())
return def;
return operator[](n);
template <typename BaseList>
auto RandomAccessListMixin<BaseList>::takeAt(size_t i) -> value_type {
value_type e = at(i);
Base::erase(Base::begin() + i);
return e;
template <typename BaseList>
auto RandomAccessListMixin<BaseList>::wrap(size_t n) const -> const_reference {
if (BaseList::empty())
throw OutOfRangeException();
return operator[](n % BaseList::size());
template <typename BaseList>
auto RandomAccessListMixin<BaseList>::wrap(size_t n) -> reference {
if (BaseList::empty())
throw OutOfRangeException();
return operator[](n % BaseList::size());
template <typename BaseList>
auto RandomAccessListMixin<BaseList>::wrap(size_t n, value_type def) const -> value_type {
if (BaseList::empty())
return def;
return operator[](n % BaseList::size());
template <typename BaseList>
void RandomAccessListMixin<BaseList>::eraseAt(size_t i) {
starAssert(i < Base::size());
Base::erase(Base::begin() + i);
template <typename BaseList>
void RandomAccessListMixin<BaseList>::eraseAt(size_t b, size_t e) {
starAssert(b < Base::size() && e <= Base::size());
Base::erase(Base::begin() + b, Base::begin() + e);
template <typename BaseList>
void RandomAccessListMixin<BaseList>::insertAt(size_t pos, value_type e) {
starAssert(pos <= Base::size());
Base::insert(Base::begin() + pos, std::move(e));
template <typename BaseList>
template <typename Container>
void RandomAccessListMixin<BaseList>::insertAllAt(size_t pos, Container const& l) {
starAssert(pos <= Base::size());
Base::insert(Base::begin() + pos, l.begin(), l.end());
template <typename BaseList>
void RandomAccessListMixin<BaseList>::set(size_t pos, value_type e) {
if (pos >= Base::size())
Base::resize(pos + 1);
operator[](pos) = std::move(e);
template <typename BaseList>
void RandomAccessListMixin<BaseList>::swap(size_t i, size_t j) {
std::swap(operator[](i), operator[](j));
template <typename BaseList>
void RandomAccessListMixin<BaseList>::move(size_t from, size_t to) {
Base::insert(to, takeAt(from));
template <typename BaseList>
void FrontModifyingListMixin<BaseList>::prepend(value_type e) {
template <typename BaseList>
template <typename Container>
void FrontModifyingListMixin<BaseList>::prependAll(Container&& list) {
for (auto i = std::rbegin(list); i != std::rend(list); ++i) {
if (std::is_rvalue_reference<Container&&>::value)
template <typename BaseList>
template <class... Args>
auto FrontModifyingListMixin<BaseList>::emplacePrepend(Args&&... args) -> reference {
return *Base::begin();
template <typename BaseList>
void FrontModifyingListMixin<BaseList>::removeFirst() {
if (Base::empty())
throw OutOfRangeException("removeFirst() called on empty list");
template <typename BaseList>
auto FrontModifyingListMixin<BaseList>::takeFirst() -> value_type {
value_type e = std::move(Base::first());
return e;
template <typename BaseList>
void FrontModifyingListMixin<BaseList>::limitSizeFront(size_t maximumSize) {
while (Base::size() > maximumSize)
template <typename Element, typename Allocator>
template <typename Container>
List<Element, Allocator> List<Element, Allocator>::from(Container const& c) {
return List(c.begin(), c.end());
template <typename Element, typename Allocator>
auto List<Element, Allocator>::ptr() -> value_type * {
return Base::data();
template <typename Element, typename Allocator>
auto List<Element, Allocator>::ptr() const -> value_type const * {
return Base::data();
template <typename Element, typename Allocator>
auto List<Element, Allocator>::slice(SliceIndex a, SliceIndex b, int i) const -> List {
return Star::slice(*this, a, b, i);
template <typename Element, typename Allocator>
template <typename Filter>
auto List<Element, Allocator>::filtered(Filter&& filter) const -> List {
List list(*this);
return list;
template <typename Element, typename Allocator>
template <typename Comparator>
auto List<Element, Allocator>::sorted(Comparator&& comparator) const -> List {
List list(*this);
return list;
template <typename Element, typename Allocator>
List<Element, Allocator> List<Element, Allocator>::sorted() const {
List list(*this);
return list;
template <typename Element, typename Allocator>
template <typename Function>
auto List<Element, Allocator>::transformed(Function&& function) {
List<typename std::decay<decltype(std::declval<Function>()(std::declval<reference>()))>::type> res;
transformInto(res, *this, std::forward<Function>(function));
return res;
template <typename Element, typename Allocator>
template <typename Function>
auto List<Element, Allocator>::transformed(Function&& function) const {
List<typename std::decay<decltype(std::declval<Function>()(std::declval<const_reference>()))>::type> res;
transformInto(res, *this, std::forward<Function>(function));
return res;
template <typename Element, size_t MaxSize>
template <typename Container>
StaticList<Element, MaxSize> StaticList<Element, MaxSize>::from(Container const& c) {
return StaticList(c.begin(), c.end());
template <typename Element, size_t MaxSize>
auto StaticList<Element, MaxSize>::slice(SliceIndex a, SliceIndex b, int i) const -> StaticList {
return Star::slice(*this, a, b, i);
template <typename Element, size_t MaxSize>
template <typename Filter>
auto StaticList<Element, MaxSize>::filtered(Filter&& filter) const -> StaticList {
StaticList list(*this);
return list;
template <typename Element, size_t MaxSize>
template <typename Comparator>
auto StaticList<Element, MaxSize>::sorted(Comparator&& comparator) const -> StaticList {
StaticList list(*this);
return list;
template <typename Element, size_t MaxSize>
StaticList<Element, MaxSize> StaticList<Element, MaxSize>::sorted() const {
StaticList list(*this);
return list;
template <typename Element, size_t MaxSize>
template <typename Function>
auto StaticList<Element, MaxSize>::transformed(Function&& function) {
StaticList<typename std::decay<decltype(std::declval<Function>()(std::declval<reference>()))>::type, MaxSize> res;
transformInto(res, *this, std::forward<Function>(function));
return res;
template <typename Element, size_t MaxSize>
template <typename Function>
auto StaticList<Element, MaxSize>::transformed(Function&& function) const {
StaticList<typename std::decay<decltype(std::declval<Function>()(std::declval<const_reference>()))>::type, MaxSize> res;
transformInto(res, *this, std::forward<Function>(function));
return res;
template <typename Element, size_t MaxStackSize>
template <typename Container>
SmallList<Element, MaxStackSize> SmallList<Element, MaxStackSize>::from(Container const& c) {
return SmallList(c.begin(), c.end());
template <typename Element, size_t MaxStackSize>
auto SmallList<Element, MaxStackSize>::slice(SliceIndex a, SliceIndex b, int i) const -> SmallList {
return Star::slice(*this, a, b, i);
template <typename Element, size_t MaxStackSize>
template <typename Filter>
auto SmallList<Element, MaxStackSize>::filtered(Filter&& filter) const -> SmallList {
SmallList list(*this);
return list;
template <typename Element, size_t MaxStackSize>
template <typename Comparator>
auto SmallList<Element, MaxStackSize>::sorted(Comparator&& comparator) const -> SmallList {
SmallList list(*this);
return list;
template <typename Element, size_t MaxStackSize>
SmallList<Element, MaxStackSize> SmallList<Element, MaxStackSize>::sorted() const {
SmallList list(*this);
return list;
template <typename Element, size_t MaxStackSize>
template <typename Function>
auto SmallList<Element, MaxStackSize>::transformed(Function&& function) {
SmallList<typename std::decay<decltype(std::declval<Function>()(std::declval<reference>()))>::type, MaxStackSize> res;
transformInto(res, *this, std::forward<Function>(function));
return res;
template <typename Element, size_t MaxStackSize>
template <typename Function>
auto SmallList<Element, MaxStackSize>::transformed(Function&& function) const {
SmallList<typename std::decay<decltype(std::declval<Function>()(std::declval<const_reference>()))>::type, MaxStackSize> res;
transformInto(res, *this, std::forward<Function>(function));
return res;
template <typename Element, typename Allocator>
template <typename Container>
Deque<Element, Allocator> Deque<Element, Allocator>::from(Container const& c) {
return Deque(c.begin(), c.end());
template <typename Element, typename Allocator>
Deque<Element, Allocator> Deque<Element, Allocator>::slice(SliceIndex a, SliceIndex b, int i) const {
return Star::slice(*this, a, b, i);
template <typename Element, typename Allocator>
template <typename Filter>
Deque<Element, Allocator> Deque<Element, Allocator>::filtered(Filter&& filter) const {
Deque l(*this);
return l;
template <typename Element, typename Allocator>
template <typename Comparator>
Deque<Element, Allocator> Deque<Element, Allocator>::sorted(Comparator&& comparator) const {
Deque l(*this);
return l;
template <typename Element, typename Allocator>
Deque<Element, Allocator> Deque<Element, Allocator>::sorted() const {
Deque l(*this);
return l;
template <typename Element, typename Allocator>
template <typename Function>
auto Deque<Element, Allocator>::transformed(Function&& function) {
return Star::transform<Deque<decltype(std::declval<Function>()(std::declval<reference>()))>>(*this, std::forward<Function>(function));
template <typename Element, typename Allocator>
template <typename Function>
auto Deque<Element, Allocator>::transformed(Function&& function) const {
return Star::transform<Deque<decltype(std::declval<Function>()(std::declval<const_reference>()))>>(*this, std::forward<Function>(function));
template <typename Element, typename Allocator>
template <typename Container>
LinkedList<Element, Allocator> LinkedList<Element, Allocator>::from(Container const& c) {
return LinkedList(c.begin(), c.end());
template <typename Element, typename Allocator>
void LinkedList<Element, Allocator>::appendAll(LinkedList list) {
Base::splice(Base::end(), list);
template <typename Element, typename Allocator>
void LinkedList<Element, Allocator>::prependAll(LinkedList list) {
Base::splice(Base::begin(), list);
template <typename Element, typename Allocator>
template <typename Container>
void LinkedList<Element, Allocator>::appendAll(Container&& list) {
for (auto& e : list) {
if (std::is_rvalue_reference<Container&&>::value)
template <typename Element, typename Allocator>
template <typename Container>
void LinkedList<Element, Allocator>::prependAll(Container&& list) {
for (auto i = std::rbegin(list); i != std::rend(list); ++i) {
if (std::is_rvalue_reference<Container&&>::value)
template <typename Element, typename Allocator>
template <typename Filter>
LinkedList<Element, Allocator> LinkedList<Element, Allocator>::filtered(Filter&& filter) const {
LinkedList list(*this);
return list;
template <typename Element, typename Allocator>
template <typename Comparator>
LinkedList<Element, Allocator> LinkedList<Element, Allocator>::sorted(Comparator&& comparator) const {
LinkedList l(*this);
return l;
template <typename Element, typename Allocator>
LinkedList<Element, Allocator> LinkedList<Element, Allocator>::sorted() const {
LinkedList l(*this);
return l;
template <typename Element, typename Allocator>
template <typename Function>
auto LinkedList<Element, Allocator>::transformed(Function&& function) {
return Star::transform<LinkedList<decltype(std::declval<Function>()(std::declval<reference>()))>>(*this, std::forward<Function>(function));
template <typename Element, typename Allocator>
template <typename Function>
auto LinkedList<Element, Allocator>::transformed(Function&& function) const {
return Star::transform<LinkedList<decltype(std::declval<Function>()(std::declval<const_reference>()))>>(*this, std::forward<Function>(function));
template <typename BaseList>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, ListMixin<BaseList> const& list) {
os << "(";
for (auto i = list.begin(); i != list.end(); ++i) {
if (i != list.begin())
os << ", ";
os << *i;
os << ")";
return os;
template <typename List>
size_t ListHasher<List>::operator()(List const& l) const {
size_t h = 0;
for (auto const& e : l)
hashCombine(h, elemHasher(e));
return h;
template <typename... Containers>
typename ListZipTypes<Containers...>::Result zip(Containers&&... args) {
typename ListZipTypes<Containers...>::Result res;
for (auto el : zipIterator(args...))
return res;
template <typename Container>
typename ListEnumerateTypes<Container>::Result enumerate(Container&& container) {
typename ListEnumerateTypes<Container>::Result res;
for (auto el : enumerateIterator(container))
return res;
template <typename BaseList>
struct fmt::formatter<Star::ListMixin<BaseList>> : ostream_formatter {};