Kai Blaschke 431a9c00a5
Fixed a huge amount of Clang warnings
On Linux and macOS, using Clang to compile OpenStarbound produces about 400 MB worth of warnings during the build, making the compiler output unreadable and slowing the build down considerably.

99% of the warnings were unqualified uses of std::move and std::forward, which are now all properly qualified.

Fixed a few other minor warnings about non-virtual destructors and some uses of std::move preventing copy elision on temporary objects.

Most remaining warnings are now unused parameters.
2024-02-19 16:55:19 +01:00

1024 lines
37 KiB

#include "StarCommandProcessor.hpp"
#include "StarLexicalCast.hpp"
#include "StarJsonExtra.hpp"
#include "StarNpc.hpp"
#include "StarWorldServer.hpp"
#include "StarUniverseServer.hpp"
#include "StarUniverseSettings.hpp"
#include "StarRoot.hpp"
#include "StarItemDatabase.hpp"
#include "StarConfiguration.hpp"
#include "StarItemDrop.hpp"
#include "StarTreasure.hpp"
#include "StarLogging.hpp"
#include "StarPlayer.hpp"
#include "StarMonster.hpp"
#include "StarStagehand.hpp"
#include "StarVehicleDatabase.hpp"
#include "StarStagehandDatabase.hpp"
#include "StarLiquidsDatabase.hpp"
#include "StarChatProcessor.hpp"
#include "StarAssets.hpp"
#include "StarWorldLuaBindings.hpp"
#include "StarUniverseServerLuaBindings.hpp"
namespace Star {
CommandProcessor::CommandProcessor(UniverseServer* universe)
: m_universe(universe) {
auto assets = Root::singleton().assets();
m_scriptComponent.addCallbacks("universe", LuaBindings::makeUniverseServerCallbacks(m_universe));
m_scriptComponent.addCallbacks("CommandProcessor", makeCommandCallbacks());
auto luaRoot = make_shared<LuaRoot>();
String CommandProcessor::adminCommand(String const& command, String const& argumentString) {
MutexLocker locker(m_mutex);
return handleCommand(ServerConnectionId, command, argumentString);
String CommandProcessor::userCommand(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& command, String const& argumentString) {
MutexLocker locker(m_mutex);
if (connectionId == ServerConnectionId)
throw StarException("CommandProcessor::userCommand called with ServerConnectionId");
return handleCommand(connectionId, command, argumentString);
String CommandProcessor::help(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) {
auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString);
auto assets = Root::singleton().assets();
auto basicCommands = assets->json("/help.config:basicCommands");
auto adminCommands = assets->json("/help.config:adminCommands");
auto debugCommands = assets->json("/help.config:debugCommands");
if (arguments.size()) {
if (arguments.size() >= 1) {
if (auto helpText = basicCommands.optString(arguments[0]).orMaybe(adminCommands.optString(arguments[0])).orMaybe(debugCommands.optString(arguments[0])))
return *helpText;
String res = "";
auto commandDescriptions = [&](Json const& commandConfig) {
StringList commandList = commandConfig.toObject().keys();
return "/" + commandList.join(", /");
String basicHelpFormat = assets->json("/help.config:basicHelpText").toString();
res = res + strf(basicHelpFormat.utf8Ptr(), commandDescriptions(basicCommands));
if (!adminCheck(connectionId, "")) {
String adminHelpFormat = assets->json("/help.config:adminHelpText").toString();
res = res + "\n" + strf(adminHelpFormat.utf8Ptr(), commandDescriptions(adminCommands));
String debugHelpFormat = assets->json("/help.config:debugHelpText").toString();
res = res + "\n" + strf(debugHelpFormat.utf8Ptr(), commandDescriptions(debugCommands));
res = res + "\n" + basicCommands.getString("help");
return res;
String CommandProcessor::admin(ConnectionId connectionId, String const&) {
auto config = Root::singleton().configuration();
if (m_universe->canBecomeAdmin(connectionId)) {
if (connectionId == ServerConnectionId)
return "Invalid client state";
if (!config->get("allowAdminCommands").toBool())
return "Admin commands disabled on this server.";
bool wasAdmin = m_universe->isAdmin(connectionId);
m_universe->setAdmin(connectionId, !wasAdmin);
if (!wasAdmin)
return strf("Admin privileges now given to player {}", m_universe->clientNick(connectionId));
return strf("Admin privileges taken away from {}", m_universe->clientNick(connectionId));
} else {
return "Insufficient privileges to make self admin.";
String CommandProcessor::pvp(ConnectionId connectionId, String const&) {
if (!m_universe->isPvp(connectionId)) {
m_universe->setPvp(connectionId, true);
if (m_universe->isPvp(connectionId))
m_universe->adminBroadcast(strf("Player {} is now PVP", m_universe->clientNick(connectionId)));
} else {
m_universe->setPvp(connectionId, false);
if (!m_universe->isPvp(connectionId))
m_universe->adminBroadcast(strf("Player {} is a big wimp and is no longer PVP", m_universe->clientNick(connectionId)));
if (m_universe->isPvp(connectionId))
return "PVP active";
return "PVP inactive";
String CommandProcessor::whoami(ConnectionId connectionId, String const&) {
return strf("Server: You are {}. You are {}an Admin",
m_universe->isAdmin(connectionId) ? "" : "not ");
String CommandProcessor::warp(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) {
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "do the space warp again"))
return *errorMsg;
try {
m_universe->clientWarpPlayer(connectionId, parseWarpAction(argumentString));
return "Lets do the space warp again";
} catch (StarException const& e) {
Logger::warn("Could not parse warp target: {}", outputException(e, false));
return strf("Could not parse the argument {} as a warp target", argumentString);
String CommandProcessor::warpRandom(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& typeName) {
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "warp to random world"))
return *errorMsg;
Vec2I size = {2, 2};
auto& celestialDatabase = m_universe->celestialDatabase();
Maybe<CelestialCoordinate> target = {};
auto validPlanet = [&celestialDatabase, &typeName](CelestialCoordinate const& p) {
if (auto celestialParams = celestialDatabase.parameters(p)) {
if (auto visitableParams = celestialParams->visitableParameters()) {
if (visitableParams->typeName == typeName)
return true;
return false;
while (target.isNothing()) {
RectI region = RectI::withSize(Vec2I(Random::randi32(), Random::randi32()), size);
while (!celestialDatabase.scanRegionFullyLoaded(region)) {
auto systems = celestialDatabase.scanSystems(region);
for (auto s : systems) {
for (auto planet : celestialDatabase.children(s)) {
if (validPlanet(planet))
target = planet;
if (target.isNothing()) {
for (auto moon : celestialDatabase.children(planet)) {
if (validPlanet(moon)) {
target = moon;
if (size.magnitude() > 1024)
return "could not find a matching world";
size *= 2;
m_universe->clientWarpPlayer(connectionId, WarpToWorld(CelestialWorldId(*target)));
return strf("warping to {}", *target);
String CommandProcessor::timewarp(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) {
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "do the time warp again"))
return *errorMsg;
try {
auto time = lexicalCast<double>(argumentString);
if (time < 0)
return "Great Scott! We can't go back in time!";
return "It's just a jump to the left...";
} catch (BadLexicalCast const&) {
return strf("Could not parse the argument {} as a time adjustment", argumentString);
String CommandProcessor::setTileProtection(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) {
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "modify world properties")) {
return *errorMsg;
auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString);
if (arguments.size() < 2)
return "Not enough arguments to /settileprotection. Use /settileprotection <dungeonId> <protected>";
try {
DungeonId dungeonId = lexicalCast<DungeonId>(arguments.at(0));
bool isProtected = lexicalCast<bool>(arguments.at(1));
bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId, [dungeonId, isProtected](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const&) {
world->setTileProtection(dungeonId, isProtected);
return done ? "" : "Failed to set block protection.";
} catch (BadLexicalCast const&) {
return strf("Could not parse /settileprotection parameters. Use /settileprotection <dungeonId> <protected>", argumentString);
String CommandProcessor::setDungeonId(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) {
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "set dungeon id")) {
return *errorMsg;
auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString);
if (arguments.size() < 1)
return "Not enough arguments to /setdungeonid. Use /setdungeonid <dungeonId>";
try {
DungeonId dungeonId = lexicalCast<DungeonId>(arguments.at(0));
bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId, [dungeonId](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const& player) {
world->setDungeonId(RectI::withSize(Vec2I(player->aimPosition()), Vec2I(1, 1)), dungeonId);
return done ? "" : "Failed to set dungeon id.";
} catch (BadLexicalCast const&) {
return strf("Could not parse /setdungeonid parameters. Use /setdungeonid <dungeonId>!", argumentString);
String CommandProcessor::setPlayerStart(ConnectionId connectionId, String const&) {
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "modify world properties"))
return *errorMsg;
m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId, [](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const& player) {
world->setPlayerStart(player->position() + player->feetOffset());
return "";
String CommandProcessor::spawnItem(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) {
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "spawn items"))
return *errorMsg;
auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString);
if (arguments.size() == 0)
return "Not enough arguments to /spawnitem";
try {
String kind = arguments.at(0);
Json parameters = JsonObject();
unsigned amount = 1;
Maybe<float> level;
Maybe<uint64_t> seed;
if (arguments.size() >= 2)
amount = lexicalCast<unsigned>(arguments.at(1));
if (arguments.size() >= 3)
parameters = Json::parse(arguments.at(2));
if (arguments.size() >= 4)
level = lexicalCast<float>(arguments.at(3));
if (arguments.size() >= 5)
seed = lexicalCast<uint64_t>(arguments.at(4));
bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId, [&](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const& player) {
auto itemDatabase = Root::singleton().itemDatabase();
world->addEntity(ItemDrop::createRandomizedDrop(itemDatabase->item(ItemDescriptor(kind, amount, parameters), level, seed), player->aimPosition()));
return done ? "" : "Invalid client state";
} catch (JsonParsingException const& exception) {
Logger::warn("Error while processing /spawnitem '{}' command. Json parse problem: {}", arguments.at(0), outputException(exception, false));
return "Could not parse item parameters";
} catch (ItemException const& exception) {
Logger::warn("Error while processing /spawnitem '{}' command. Item instantiation problem: {}", arguments.at(0), outputException(exception, false));
return strf("Could not load item '{}'", arguments.at(0));
} catch (BadLexicalCast const& exception) {
Logger::warn("Error while processing /spawnitem command. Number expected. Got something else: {}", outputException(exception, false));
return strf("Could not load item '{}'", arguments.at(0));
} catch (StarException const& exception) {
Logger::warn("Error while processing /spawnitem command '{}', exception caught: {}", argumentString, outputException(exception, false));
return strf("Could not load item '{}'", arguments.at(0));
String CommandProcessor::spawnTreasure(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) {
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "spawn items"))
return *errorMsg;
auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString);
if (arguments.size() == 0)
return "Not enough arguments to /spawntreasure";
try {
String treasurePool = arguments.at(0);
unsigned level = 1;
if (arguments.size() >= 2)
level = lexicalCast<unsigned>(arguments.at(1));
bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId, [&](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const& player) {
auto treasureDatabase = Root::singleton().treasureDatabase();
for (auto const& treasureItem : treasureDatabase->createTreasure(treasurePool, level, Random::randu64()))
world->addEntity(ItemDrop::createRandomizedDrop(treasureItem, player->aimPosition()));
return done ? "" : "Invalid client state";
} catch (JsonParsingException const& exception) {
Logger::warn("Error while processing /spawntreasure '{}' command. Json parse problem: {}", arguments.at(0), outputException(exception, false));
return "Could not parse item parameters";
} catch (ItemException const& exception) {
Logger::warn("Error while processing /spawntreasure '{}' command. Item instantiation problem: {}", arguments.at(0), outputException(exception, false));
return strf("Could not load item '{}'", arguments.at(0));
} catch (BadLexicalCast const& exception) {
Logger::warn("Error while processing /spawntreasure command. Number expected. Got something else: {}", outputException(exception, false));
return strf("Could not load item '{}'", arguments.at(0));
} catch (StarException const& exception) {
Logger::warn("Error while processing /spawntreasure command '{}', exception caught: {}", argumentString, outputException(exception, false));
return strf("Could not load item '{}'", arguments.at(0));
String CommandProcessor::spawnMonster(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) {
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "spawn monsters"))
return *errorMsg;
try {
auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString);
auto monsterDatabase = Root::singleton().monsterDatabase();
MonsterPtr monster;
float level = 1;
if (arguments.size() >= 2)
level = lexicalCast<float>(arguments.at(1));
Json parameters = JsonObject();
if (arguments.size() >= 3)
parameters = parameters.setAll(Json::parse(arguments.at(2)).toObject());
monster = monsterDatabase->createMonster(monsterDatabase->randomMonster(arguments.at(0), parameters.toObject()), level);
bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId,
[&](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const& player) {
return done ? "" : "Invalid client state";
} catch (StarException const& exception) {
Logger::warn("Could not spawn Monster of type '{}', exception caught: {}", argumentString, outputException(exception, false));
return strf("Could not spawn Monster of type '{}'", argumentString);
String CommandProcessor::spawnNpc(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) {
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "spawn NPCs"))
return *errorMsg;
auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString);
try {
auto npcDatabase = Root::singleton().npcDatabase();
float npcLevel = 1;
uint64_t seed = Random::randu64();
Json overrides;
if (arguments.size() < 2)
return "You must specify a species and NPC type to spawn.";
if (arguments.size() >= 3)
npcLevel = lexicalCast<float>(arguments.at(2));
if (arguments.size() >= 4)
seed = lexicalCast<uint64_t>(arguments.at(3));
if (arguments.size() >= 5)
overrides = Json::parse(arguments.at(4)).toObject();
auto npc = npcDatabase->createNpc(npcDatabase->generateNpcVariant(arguments.at(0), arguments.at(1), npcLevel, seed, overrides));
bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId, [&](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const& player) {
return done ? "" : "Invalid client state";
} catch (StarException const& exception) {
Logger::warn("Could not spawn NPC of species '{}', exception caught: {}", argumentString, outputException(exception, true));
return strf("Could not spawn NPC of species '{}'", argumentString);
String CommandProcessor::spawnVehicle(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) {
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "spawn vehicles"))
return *errorMsg;
try {
auto vehicleDatabase = Root::singleton().vehicleDatabase();
auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString);
VehiclePtr vehicle;
String name = arguments.at(0);
Json parameters = JsonObject();
if (arguments.size() >= 2)
parameters = Json::parse(arguments.at(1)).toObject();
vehicle = vehicleDatabase->create(name, parameters);
bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId,
[&](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const& player) {
return done ? "" : "Invalid client state";
} catch (StarException const& exception) {
Logger::warn("Could not spawn vehicle, exception caught: {}", outputException(exception, false));
return strf("Could not spawn vehicle");
String CommandProcessor::spawnStagehand(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) {
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "spawn stagehands"))
return *errorMsg;
try {
auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString);
auto stagehandDatabase = Root::singleton().stagehandDatabase();
Json parameters = JsonObject();
if (arguments.size() >= 2)
parameters = Json::parse(arguments.at(1)).toObject();
auto stagehand = stagehandDatabase->createStagehand(arguments.at(0), parameters);
bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId, [&](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr player) {
return done ? "" : "Invalid client state";
} catch (StarException const& exception) {
Logger::warn("Could not spawn Stagehand of type '{}', exception caught: {}", argumentString, outputException(exception, false));
return strf("Could not spawn Stagehand of type '{}'", argumentString);
String CommandProcessor::clearStagehand(ConnectionId connectionId, String const&) {
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "remove stagehands"))
return *errorMsg;
unsigned removed = 0;
bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId,
[&](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr player) {
auto queryRect = RectF::withCenter(player->aimPosition(), Vec2F{2, 2});
for (auto stagehand : world->query<Stagehand>(queryRect)) {
world->removeEntity(stagehand->entityId(), true);
return done ? strf("Removed {} stagehands", removed) : "Invalid client state";
String CommandProcessor::spawnLiquid(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) {
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "spawn liquid"))
return *errorMsg;
try {
auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString);
auto liquidsDatabase = Root::singleton().liquidsDatabase();
if (!liquidsDatabase->isLiquidName(arguments.at(0)))
return strf("No such liquid {}", arguments.at(0));
LiquidId liquid = liquidsDatabase->liquidId(arguments.at(0));
float quantity = 1.0f;
if (arguments.size() > 1) {
if (auto maybeQuantity = maybeLexicalCast<float>(arguments.at(1)))
quantity = *maybeQuantity;
return strf("Could not parse quantity value '{}'", arguments.at(1));
bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId, [&](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const& player) {
world->modifyTile(Vec2I(player->aimPosition().floor()), PlaceLiquid{liquid, quantity}, true);
return done ? "" : "Invalid client state";
} catch (StarException const& exception) {
"Could not spawn liquid '{}', exception caught: {}", argumentString, outputException(exception, false));
return "Could not spawn liquid.";
String CommandProcessor::kick(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) {
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "kick a user"))
return *errorMsg;
auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString);
if (arguments.size() == 0)
return "No player specified";
auto toKick = playerCidFromCommand(arguments[0], m_universe);
if (!toKick)
return strf("No user with specifier {} found.", arguments[0]);
// Like IRC, if only the nick is passed then the nick is used as the reason
if (arguments.size() == 1)
m_universe->disconnectClient(*toKick, arguments[1]);
return strf("Successfully kicked user with specifier {}. ConnectionId: {}. Reason given: {}",
String CommandProcessor::ban(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) {
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "ban a user"))
return *errorMsg;
auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString);
if (arguments.size() == 0)
return "No player specified";
auto toKick = playerCidFromCommand(arguments[0], m_universe);
if (!toKick)
return strf("No user with specifier {} found.", arguments[0]);
String reason = arguments[0];
if (arguments.size() < 2)
reason = m_universe->clientNick(*toKick);
reason = arguments[1];
pair<bool, bool> type = {true, true};
if (arguments.size() >= 3) {
if (arguments[2] == "ip") {
type = {true, false};
} else if (arguments[2] == "uuid") {
type = {false, true};
} else if (arguments[2] == "both") {
type = {true, true};
} else {
return strf("Invalid argument {} passed as ban type to /ban. Options are ip, uuid, or both.", arguments[2]);
Maybe<int> banTime;
if (arguments.size() == 4) {
try {
banTime = lexicalCast<int>(arguments[3]);
} catch (BadLexicalCast const&) {
return strf("Invalid argument {} passed as ban time to /ban.", arguments[3]);
m_universe->banUser(*toKick, reason, type, banTime);
return strf("Successfully kicked user with specifier {}. ConnectionId: {}. Reason given: {}",
arguments[0], toKick, reason);
String CommandProcessor::unbanIp(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) {
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "unban a user"))
return *errorMsg;
auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString);
if (arguments.size() == 0)
return "No IP specified";
bool success = m_universe->unbanIp(arguments[0]);
if (success)
return strf("Successfully removed IP {} from ban list", arguments[0]);
return strf("'{}' is not a valid IP or was not found in the bans list", arguments[0]);
String CommandProcessor::unbanUuid(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) {
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "unban a user"))
return *errorMsg;
auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString);
if (arguments.size() == 0)
return "No UUID specified";
bool success = m_universe->unbanUuid(arguments[0]);
if (success)
return strf("Successfully removed UUID {} from ban list", arguments[0]);
return strf("'{}' is not a valid UUID or was not found in the bans list", arguments[0]);
String CommandProcessor::list(ConnectionId connectionId, String const&) {
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "list clients"))
return *errorMsg;
StringList res;
auto assets = Root::singleton().assets();
for (auto cid : m_universe->clientIds())
res.append(strf("${} : {} : $${}", cid, m_universe->clientNick(cid), m_universe->uuidForClient(cid)->hex()));
return res.join("\n");
String CommandProcessor::clientCoordinate(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) {
ConnectionId targetClientId = connectionId;
String targetLabel = "Your";
auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString);
if (!adminCheck(connectionId, "find other players")) {
if (arguments.size() > 0) {
auto cid = playerCidFromCommand(arguments[0], m_universe);
if (!cid)
return strf("No user with specifier {} found.", arguments[0]);
targetClientId = *cid;
targetLabel = strf("Client {}'s", arguments[0]);
if (targetClientId) {
auto worldId = m_universe->clientWorld(targetClientId);
return strf("{} current location is {}", targetLabel, worldId);
} else {
return "";
String CommandProcessor::serverReload(ConnectionId connectionId, String const&) {
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "trigger root reload"))
return *errorMsg;
auto& root = Root::singleton();
return "";
String CommandProcessor::eval(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& lua) {
if (auto errorMsg = localCheck(connectionId, "execute server script"))
return *errorMsg;
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "execute server script"))
return *errorMsg;
return toString(m_scriptComponent.context()->eval(lua));
String CommandProcessor::entityEval(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& lua) {
if (auto errorMsg = localCheck(connectionId, "execute server entity script"))
return *errorMsg;
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "execute server entity script"))
return *errorMsg;
String message;
bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId,
[&lua, &message](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const& player) {
auto queryRect = RectF::withCenter(player->aimPosition(), Vec2F{2, 2});
auto entities = world->query<ScriptedEntity>(queryRect);
if (entities.empty()) {
message = "Could not find scripted entity at cursor";
ScriptedEntityPtr targetEntity;
for (auto const& entity : entities) {
if (!targetEntity
|| vmagSquared(entity->position() - player->aimPosition())
< vmagSquared(targetEntity->position() - player->aimPosition()))
targetEntity = entity;
if (auto res = targetEntity->evalScript(lua))
message = toString(*res);
message = "Error evaluating script in entity context, check log";
return done ? message : "failed to do entity eval";
String CommandProcessor::enableSpawning(ConnectionId connectionId, String const&) {
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "enable world spawning"))
return *errorMsg;
bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(
connectionId, [](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const&) { world->setSpawningEnabled(true); });
return done ? "enabled monster spawning" : "enabling monster spawning failed";
String CommandProcessor::disableSpawning(ConnectionId connectionId, String const&) {
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "disable world spawning"))
return *errorMsg;
bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(
connectionId, [](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const&) { world->setSpawningEnabled(false); });
return done ? "disabled monster spawning" : "disabling monster spawning failed";
String CommandProcessor::placeDungeon(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) {
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "place dungeons"))
return *errorMsg;
auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString);
String dungeonName = arguments.at(0);
Maybe<Vec2I> targetPosition;
if (arguments.size() > 1) {
auto pos = arguments.at(1).split(",", 1);
targetPosition = Vec2I(lexicalCast<int>(pos.at(0)), lexicalCast<int>(pos.at(1)));
bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId,
[dungeonName, targetPosition](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const& player) {
world->placeDungeon(dungeonName, targetPosition.value(Vec2I::floor(player->aimPosition())), true);
return done ? "" : "Unable to place dungeon " + dungeonName;
String CommandProcessor::setUniverseFlag(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) {
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "set universe flags"))
return *errorMsg;
auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString);
String flag = arguments.at(0);
return "set universe flag " + flag;
String CommandProcessor::resetUniverseFlags(ConnectionId connectionId, String const&) {
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "reset universe flags"))
return *errorMsg;
return "universe flags reset!";
String CommandProcessor::addBiomeRegion(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) {
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "add biome regions"))
return *errorMsg;
auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString);
String biomeName = arguments.at(0);
int width = lexicalCast<int>(arguments.at(1));
String subBlockSelector = "largeClumps";
if (arguments.size() > 2)
subBlockSelector = arguments.at(2);
bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId,
[biomeName, width, subBlockSelector](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const& player) {
world->addBiomeRegion(Vec2I::floor(player->aimPosition()), biomeName, subBlockSelector, width);
return done ? strf("added region of biome {} with width {}", biomeName, width) : "failed to add biome region";
String CommandProcessor::expandBiomeRegion(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) {
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "expand biome regions"))
return *errorMsg;
auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString);
int newWidth = lexicalCast<int>(arguments.at(0));
bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId,
[newWidth](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const& player) {
world->expandBiomeRegion(Vec2I::floor(player->aimPosition()), newWidth);
return done ? strf("expanded region to width {}", newWidth) : "failed to expand biome region";
String CommandProcessor::updatePlanetType(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& argumentString) {
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "update planet type"))
return *errorMsg;
auto arguments = m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString);
auto coordinate = CelestialCoordinate(arguments.at(0));
auto newType = arguments.at(1);
auto weatherBiome = arguments.at(2);
bool done = m_universe->updatePlanetType(coordinate, newType, weatherBiome);
return done ? strf("set planet at {} to type {} weatherBiome {}", coordinate, newType, weatherBiome) : "failed to update planet type";
String CommandProcessor::setEnvironmentBiome(ConnectionId connectionId, String const&) {
if (auto errorMsg = adminCheck(connectionId, "update layer environment biome"))
return *errorMsg;
bool done = m_universe->executeForClient(connectionId,
[](WorldServer* world, PlayerPtr const& player) {
return done ? "set environment biome for world layer" : "failed to set environment biome";
Maybe<ConnectionId> CommandProcessor::playerCidFromCommand(String const& player, UniverseServer* universe) {
char const* const UsernamePrefix = "@";
char const* const CidPrefix = "$";
char const* const UUIDPrefix = "$$";
if (player.beginsWith(UsernamePrefix)) {
return universe->findNick(player.substr(strlen(UsernamePrefix)));
} else if (player.beginsWith(UUIDPrefix)) {
try {
auto uuidString = player.substr(strlen(UUIDPrefix));
return universe->clientForUuid(Uuid(uuidString));
} catch (UuidException const&) {
// pass to base case
} else if (player.beginsWith(CidPrefix)) {
auto cidString = player.substr(strlen(CidPrefix));
auto cid = maybeLexicalCast<ConnectionId>(cidString).value(ServerConnectionId);
if (universe->isConnectedClient(cid))
return cid;
return universe->findNick(player);
String CommandProcessor::handleCommand(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& command, String const& argumentString) {
if (command == "admin") {
return admin(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "timewarp") {
return timewarp(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "settileprotection") {
return setTileProtection(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "setdungeonid") {
return setDungeonId(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "setspawnpoint") {
return setPlayerStart(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "spawnitem") {
return spawnItem(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "spawntreasure") {
return spawnTreasure(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "spawnmonster") {
return spawnMonster(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "spawnnpc") {
return spawnNpc(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "spawnstagehand") {
return spawnStagehand(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "clearstagehand") {
return clearStagehand(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "spawnvehicle") {
return spawnVehicle(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "spawnliquid") {
return spawnLiquid(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "pvp") {
return pvp(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "serverwhoami") {
return whoami(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "kick") {
return kick(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "ban") {
return ban(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "unbanip") {
return unbanIp(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "unbanuuid") {
return unbanUuid(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "list") {
return list(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "help") {
return help(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "warp") {
return warp(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "warprandom") {
return warpRandom(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "whereami") {
return clientCoordinate(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "whereis") {
return clientCoordinate(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "serverreload") {
return serverReload(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "eval") {
return eval(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "entityeval") {
return entityEval(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "enablespawning") {
return enableSpawning(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "disablespawning") {
return disableSpawning(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "placedungeon") {
return placeDungeon(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "setuniverseflag") {
return setUniverseFlag(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "resetuniverseflags") {
return resetUniverseFlags(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "addbiomeregion") {
return addBiomeRegion(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "expandbiomeregion") {
return expandBiomeRegion(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "updateplanettype") {
return updatePlanetType(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (command == "setenvironmentbiome") {
return setEnvironmentBiome(connectionId, argumentString);
} else if (auto res = m_scriptComponent.invoke("command", command, connectionId, jsonFromStringList(m_parser.tokenizeToStringList(argumentString)))) {
return toString(*res);
} else {
return strf("No such command {}", command);
Maybe<String> CommandProcessor::adminCheck(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& commandDescription) const {
if (connectionId == ServerConnectionId)
return {};
auto config = Root::singleton().configuration();
if (!config->get("allowAdminCommands").toBool())
return {"Admin commands disabled on this server."};
if (!config->get("allowAdminCommandsFromAnyone").toBool()) {
if (!m_universe->isAdmin(connectionId))
return {strf("Insufficient privileges to {}.", commandDescription)};
return {};
Maybe<String> CommandProcessor::localCheck(ConnectionId connectionId, String const& commandDescription) const {
if (connectionId == ServerConnectionId)
return {};
if (!m_universe->isLocal(connectionId))
return {strf("The {} command can only be used locally.", commandDescription)};
return {};
LuaCallbacks CommandProcessor::makeCommandCallbacks() {
LuaCallbacks callbacks;
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<Maybe<String>, ConnectionId, String>(
"adminCheck", bind(&CommandProcessor::adminCheck, this, _1, _2));
return callbacks;