The profanity filter sucks. Male glitch have a possibility of generating with "Brass" at the start that is never allowed because "ASS"!! and human names Cassie and Cassidy also never pass because of this.
154 lines
5.1 KiB
154 lines
5.1 KiB
#include "StarNameGenerator.hpp"
#include "StarRoot.hpp"
#include "StarAssets.hpp"
#include "StarJsonExtra.hpp"
namespace Star {
PatternedNameGenerator::PatternedNameGenerator() {
auto assets = Root::singleton().assets();
auto files = assets->scanExtension("namesource");
for (auto file : files) {
try {
auto sourceConfig = assets->json(file);
if (m_markovSources.contains(sourceConfig.getString("name")))
throw NameGeneratorException::format("Duplicate name source '{}', config file '{}'", sourceConfig.getString("name"), file);
m_markovSources.insert(sourceConfig.getString("name"), makeMarkovSource(sourceConfig.getUInt("prefixSize", 1),
sourceConfig.getUInt("endSize", 1), jsonToStringList(sourceConfig.get("sourceNames"))));
} catch (std::exception const& e) {
throw NameGeneratorException(strf("Error reading name source config {}", file), e);
auto profanityFilter = assets->json("/names/profanityfilter.config").toArray();
for (auto naughtyWord : profanityFilter)
String PatternedNameGenerator::generateName(String const& rulesAsset) const {
RandomSource random;
return generateName(rulesAsset, random);
String PatternedNameGenerator::generateName(String const& rulesAsset, uint64_t seed) const {
RandomSource random = RandomSource(seed);
return generateName(rulesAsset, random);
String PatternedNameGenerator::generateName(String const& rulesAsset, RandomSource& random) const {
auto assets = Root::singleton().assets();
auto rules = assets->json(rulesAsset).toArray();
String res = "";
int tries = 100;
while ((res.empty() || isProfane(res)) && tries > 0) {
res = processRule(rules, random);
return res;
String PatternedNameGenerator::processRule(JsonArray const& rule, RandomSource& random) const {
if (rule.empty())
return "";
Json meta;
String result;
String mode = "alts";
size_t index = 0;
bool titleCase = false;
if (rule[0].type() == Json::Type::Object) {
meta = rule[0];
mode = meta.getString("mode", mode);
titleCase = meta.getBool("titleCase", false);
if (mode == "serie") {
for (; index < rule.size(); index++) {
auto entry = rule[index];
if (entry.type() == Json::Type::Array)
result += processRule(entry.toArray(), random);
result += entry.toString();
} else if (mode == "alts") {
int i = index + random.randInt(rule.size() - 1 - index);
auto entry = rule[i];
if (entry.type() == Json::Type::Array)
result += processRule(entry.toArray(), random);
result += entry.toString();
} else if (mode == "markov") {
if (!m_markovSources.contains(meta.getString("source")))
throw NameGeneratorException::format("Unknown name source '{}'", meta.getString("source"));
auto source = m_markovSources.get(meta.getString("source"));
auto lengthRange = meta.getArray("targetLength");
auto targetLength = random.randUInt(lengthRange[0].toUInt(), lengthRange[1].toUInt());
size_t tries = 0;
String piece;
do {
piece = random.randFrom(source.starts);
while (piece.length() < targetLength
|| !source.ends.contains(piece.slice(piece.length() - source.endSize, piece.length()))) {
String link = piece.slice(piece.length() - source.prefixSize, piece.length());
if (!source.chains.contains(link))
piece += random.randFrom(source.chains.get(link));
} while (piece.length() > lengthRange[1].toUInt() && tries < 10);
result += piece;
} else
throw StarException::format("Unknown mode: {}", mode);
if (titleCase)
result = result.titleCase();
return result;
bool PatternedNameGenerator::isProfane(String const& name) const {
auto matchNames = name.toLower().rot13().splitAny(" -");
for (auto& naughtyWord : m_profanityFilter) {
for (auto& matchName : matchNames) {
auto find = matchName.find(naughtyWord);
if (find != NPos && (find == 0 || naughtyWord.size() + 1 >= matchName.size()))
return true;
return false;
MarkovSource PatternedNameGenerator::makeMarkovSource(size_t prefixSize, size_t endSize, StringList sourceNames) {
MarkovSource newSource;
newSource.prefixSize = prefixSize;
newSource.endSize = endSize;
for (auto sourceName : sourceNames) {
if (sourceName.length() < prefixSize || sourceName.length() < endSize)
sourceName = sourceName.toLower();
newSource.ends.add(sourceName.slice(sourceName.length() - endSize, sourceName.length()));
for (int i = 0; i + prefixSize <= sourceName.length(); ++i) {
auto prefix = sourceName.slice(i, i + prefixSize);
if (i == 0)
if (i + prefixSize < sourceName.length()) {
if (!newSource.chains.contains(prefix))
newSource.chains.insert(prefix, StringList());
newSource.chains.get(prefix).append(sourceName.slice(i + prefixSize, i + prefixSize + 1));
return newSource;