334 lines
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334 lines
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#pragma once
#include "StarPeriodicFunction.hpp"
#include "StarAnimatedPartSet.hpp"
#include "StarNetElementSystem.hpp"
#include "StarDrawable.hpp"
#include "StarParticle.hpp"
#include "StarLightSource.hpp"
#include "StarMixer.hpp"
namespace Star {
STAR_EXCEPTION(NetworkedAnimatorException, StarException);
// Wraps an AnimatedPartSet with a set of optional light sources and particle
// emitters to produce a network capable animation system.
class NetworkedAnimator : public NetElementSyncGroup {
// Target for dynamic render data such as sounds and particles that are not
// persistent and are instead produced during a call to update, and may need
// to be tracked over time.
class DynamicTarget {
// Calls stopAudio()
List<AudioInstancePtr> pullNewAudios();
List<Particle> pullNewParticles();
// Stops all looping audio immediately and lets non-looping audio finish
// normally
void stopAudio();
// Updates the base position of all un-pulled particles and all active
// audio. Not necessary to call, but if not called all pulled data will be
// relative to (0, 0).
void updatePosition(Vec2F const& position);
friend class NetworkedAnimator;
void clearFinishedAudio();
struct PersistentSound {
Json sound;
AudioInstancePtr audio;
float stopRampTime;
struct ImmediateSound {
Json sound;
AudioInstancePtr audio;
Vec2F position;
List<AudioInstancePtr> pendingAudios;
List<Particle> pendingParticles;
StringMap<PersistentSound> statePersistentSounds;
StringMap<ImmediateSound> stateImmediateSounds;
StringMap<List<AudioInstancePtr>> independentSounds;
HashMap<AudioInstancePtr, Vec2F> currentAudioBasePositions;
// If passed a string as config, NetworkedAnimator will interpret this as a
// config path, otherwise it is interpreted as the literal config.
NetworkedAnimator(Json config, String relativePath = String());
NetworkedAnimator(NetworkedAnimator&& animator);
NetworkedAnimator(NetworkedAnimator const& animator);
NetworkedAnimator& operator=(NetworkedAnimator&& animator);
NetworkedAnimator& operator=(NetworkedAnimator const& animator);
StringList stateTypes() const;
StringList states(String const& stateType) const;
// Returns whether a state change occurred. If startNew is true, always
// forces a state change and starts the state off at the beginning even if
// this state is already the current state.
bool setState(String const& stateType, String const& state, bool startNew = false);
String state(String const& stateType) const;
StringMap<AnimatedPartSet::Part> const& constParts() const;
StringMap<AnimatedPartSet::Part>& parts();
StringList partNames() const;
// Queries, if it exists, a property value from the underlying
// AnimatedPartSet for the given state or part. If the property does not
// exist, returns null.
Json stateProperty(String const& stateType, String const& propertyName) const;
Json partProperty(String const& partName, String const& propertyName) const;
// Returns the transformation from flipping and zooming that is applied to
// all parts in the NetworkedAnimator.
Mat3F globalTransformation() const;
// The transformation applied from the given set of transformation groups
Mat3F groupTransformation(StringList const& transformationGroups) const;
// The transformation that is applied to the given part NOT including the
// global transformation
Mat3F partTransformation(String const& partName) const;
// Returns the total transformation for the given part, which includes the
// globalTransformation, as well as the part rotation, scaling, and
// translation.
Mat3F finalPartTransformation(String const& partName) const;
// partPoint / partPoly takes a propertyName and looks up the associated part
// property and interprets is a Vec2F or a PolyF, then applies the final part
// transformation and returns it.
Maybe<Vec2F> partPoint(String const& partName, String const& propertyName) const;
Maybe<PolyF> partPoly(String const& partName, String const& propertyName) const;
// Every part image can have one or more <tag> directives in it, which if set
// here will be replaced by the tag value when constructing Drawables. All
// Drawables can also have a <frame> tag which will be set to whatever the
// current state frame is (1 indexed, so the first frame is 1).
void setGlobalTag(String tagName, String tagValue);
void removeGlobalTag(String const& tagName);
String const* globalTagPtr(String const& tagName) const;
void setPartTag(String const& partType, String tagName, String tagValue);
void setProcessingDirectives(Directives const& directives);
void setZoom(float zoom);
bool flipped() const;
float flippedRelativeCenterLine() const;
void setFlipped(bool flipped, float relativeCenterLine = 0.0f);
// Animation rate defaults to 1.0, which means normal animation speed. This
// can be used to globally speed up or slow down all components of
// NetworkedAnimator together.
void setAnimationRate(float rate);
// Given angle is an absolute angle. Will rotate over time at the configured
// angular velocity unless the immediate flag is set.
bool hasRotationGroup(String const& rotationGroup) const;
void rotateGroup(String const& rotationGroup, float targetAngle, bool immediate = false);
float currentRotationAngle(String const& rotationGroup) const;
// Transformation groups can be used for arbitrary part transforamtions.
// They apply immediately, and are optionally interpolated on slaves.
bool hasTransformationGroup(String const& transformationGroup) const;
void translateTransformationGroup(String const& transformationGroup, Vec2F const& translation);
void rotateTransformationGroup(String const& transformationGroup, float rotation, Vec2F const& rotationCenter = Vec2F());
void scaleTransformationGroup(String const& transformationGroup, float scale, Vec2F const& scaleCenter = Vec2F());
void scaleTransformationGroup(String const& transformationGroup, Vec2F const& scale, Vec2F const& scaleCenter = Vec2F());
void transformTransformationGroup(String const& transformationGroup, float a, float b, float c, float d, float tx, float ty);
void resetTransformationGroup(String const& transformationGroup);
bool hasParticleEmitter(String const& emitterName) const;
// Active particle emitters emit over time based on emission rate/variance.
void setParticleEmitterActive(String const& emitterName, bool active);
// Set the emission rate in particles / sec for a given emitter
void setParticleEmitterEmissionRate(String const& emitterName, float emissionRate);
// Set the optional particle emitter offset region, which particles will be
// spread around randomly before being spawned
void setParticleEmitterOffsetRegion(String const& emitterName, RectF const& offsetRegion);
// Number of times to cycle when emitting a burst of particles.
void setParticleEmitterBurstCount(String const& emitterName, unsigned burstCount);
// Cause one time burst of all types of particles in an emitter looping around
// burstCount times
void burstParticleEmitter(String const& emitterName);
bool hasLight(String const& lightName) const;
void setLightActive(String const& lightName, bool active);
void setLightPosition(String const& lightName, Vec2F position);
void setLightColor(String const& lightName, Color color);
void setLightPointAngle(String const& lightName, float angle);
bool hasSound(String const& soundName) const;
void setSoundPool(String const& soundName, StringList soundPool);
// Plays a sound from the given independent sound pool. Multiple sounds may
// be played as part of this group, and playing a new one will not interrupt
// an older one.
void playSound(String const& soundName, int loops = 0);
// Setting the sound position, volume, and speed will affect future sounds in
// this group, as well as any still active sounds from this group.
void setSoundPosition(String const& soundName, Vec2F const& position);
void setSoundVolume(String const& soundName, float volume, float rampTime = 0.0f);
void setSoundPitchMultiplier(String const& soundName, float pitchMultiplier, float rampTime = 0.0f);
// Stop all sounds played from this sound group
void stopAllSounds(String const& soundName, float rampTime = 0.0f);
void setEffectEnabled(String const& effect, bool enabled);
List<Drawable> drawables(Vec2F const& translate = Vec2F()) const;
List<pair<Drawable, float>> drawablesWithZLevel(Vec2F const& translate = Vec2F()) const;
List<LightSource> lightSources(Vec2F const& translate = Vec2F()) const;
// Dynamic target is optional, if not given, generated particles and sounds
// will be discarded
void update(float dt, DynamicTarget* dynamicTarget);
// Run through the current animations until the final frame, including any
// transition animations.
void finishAnimations();
struct RotationGroup {
float angularVelocity;
Vec2F rotationCenter;
NetElementFloat targetAngle;
float currentAngle;
NetElementEvent netImmediateEvent;
struct TransformationGroup {
Mat3F affineTransform() const;
void setAffineTransform(Mat3F const& matrix);
bool interpolated;
NetElementFloat xTranslation;
NetElementFloat yTranslation;
NetElementFloat xScale;
NetElementFloat yScale;
NetElementFloat xShear;
NetElementFloat yShear;
struct ParticleEmitter {
struct ParticleConfig {
ParticleVariantCreator creator;
unsigned count;
Vec2F offset;
bool flip;
NetElementFloat emissionRate;
float emissionRateVariance;
NetElementData<RectF> offsetRegion;
Maybe<String> anchorPart;
StringList transformationGroups;
Maybe<String> rotationGroup;
Maybe<Vec2F> rotationCenter;
List<ParticleConfig> particleList;
NetElementBool active;
NetElementUInt burstCount;
NetElementUInt randomSelectCount;
NetElementEvent burstEvent;
float timer;
struct Light {
NetElementBool active;
NetElementFloat xPosition;
NetElementFloat yPosition;
NetElementData<Color> color;
NetElementFloat pointAngle;
Maybe<String> anchorPart;
StringList transformationGroups;
Maybe<String> rotationGroup;
Maybe<Vec2F> rotationCenter;
Maybe<PeriodicFunction<float>> flicker;
bool pointLight;
float pointBeam;
float beamAmbience;
enum class SoundSignal {
struct Sound {
float rangeMultiplier;
NetElementData<StringList> soundPool;
NetElementFloat xPosition;
NetElementFloat yPosition;
NetElementFloat volumeTarget;
NetElementFloat volumeRampTime;
NetElementFloat pitchMultiplierTarget;
NetElementFloat pitchMultiplierRampTime;
NetElementInt loops;
NetElementSignal<SoundSignal> signals;
struct Effect {
String type;
float time;
Directives directives;
NetElementBool enabled;
float timer;
struct StateInfo {
NetElementSize stateIndex;
NetElementEvent startedEvent;
void setupNetStates();
void netElementsNeedLoad(bool full) override;
void netElementsNeedStore() override;
String m_relativePath;
AnimatedPartSet m_animatedParts;
OrderedHashMap<String, StateInfo> m_stateInfo;
OrderedHashMap<String, RotationGroup> m_rotationGroups;
OrderedHashMap<String, TransformationGroup> m_transformationGroups;
OrderedHashMap<String, ParticleEmitter> m_particleEmitters;
OrderedHashMap<String, Light> m_lights;
OrderedHashMap<String, Sound> m_sounds;
OrderedHashMap<String, Effect> m_effects;
NetElementData<Directives> m_processingDirectives;
NetElementFloat m_zoom;
NetElementBool m_flipped;
NetElementFloat m_flippedRelativeCenterLine;
NetElementFloat m_animationRate;
NetElementHashMap<String, String> m_globalTags;
StableStringMap<NetElementHashMap<String, String>> m_partTags;
mutable StringMap<std::pair<size_t, Drawable>> m_cachedPartDrawables;