Kai Blaschke 431a9c00a5
Fixed a huge amount of Clang warnings
On Linux and macOS, using Clang to compile OpenStarbound produces about 400 MB worth of warnings during the build, making the compiler output unreadable and slowing the build down considerably.

99% of the warnings were unqualified uses of std::move and std::forward, which are now all properly qualified.

Fixed a few other minor warnings about non-virtual destructors and some uses of std::move preventing copy elision on temporary objects.

Most remaining warnings are now unused parameters.
2024-02-19 16:55:19 +01:00

273 lines
7.5 KiB

#include "StarSocket.hpp"
#include "StarLogging.hpp"
#include "StarNetImpl.hpp"
namespace Star {
Maybe<SocketPollResult> Socket::poll(SocketPollQuery const& query, unsigned timeout) {
if (query.empty())
return {};
// Prevent close from being called on any socket during this call.
LinkedList<ReadLocker> readLockers;
for (auto const& p : query)
// If any sockets are already closed, then this is an "event" according to
// this api but we cannot call poll on a closed socket, so just poll the rest
// of the sockets with no wait.
SocketPollResult result;
for (auto const& p : query) {
if (!p.first->isOpen()) {
result[p.first].exception = true;
timeout = 0;
fd_set readfs;
fd_set writefs;
fd_set exceptfs;
int ret;
for (auto const& p : query) {
if (p.first->isOpen()) {
if (p.second.readable)
FD_SET(p.first->m_impl->socketDesc, &readfs);
if (p.second.writable)
FD_SET(p.first->m_impl->socketDesc, &writefs);
FD_SET(p.first->m_impl->socketDesc, &exceptfs);
timeval time;
time.tv_usec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000;
time.tv_sec = timeout - timeout % 1000;
ret = ::select(0, &readfs, &writefs, &exceptfs, &time);
if (ret < 0)
throw NetworkException::format("Error during call to select, '{}'", netErrorString());
if (ret == 0)
return {};
for (auto const& p : query) {
if (p.first->isOpen()) {
auto& r = result[p.first];
r.readable = FD_ISSET(p.first->m_impl->socketDesc, &readfs);
r.writable = FD_ISSET(p.first->m_impl->socketDesc, &writefs);
r.exception = FD_ISSET(p.first->m_impl->socketDesc, &exceptfs);
if (r.exception)
unique_ptr<pollfd[]> pollfds(new pollfd[query.size()]);
int ret = 0;
for (auto p : enumerateIterator(query)) {
if (p.first.first->isOpen()) {
auto& pfd = pollfds[p.second];
pfd.fd = p.first.first->m_impl->socketDesc;
pfd.events = 0;
if (p.first.second.readable)
pfd.events |= POLLIN;
if (p.first.second.writable)
pfd.events |= POLLOUT;
ret = ::poll(pollfds.get(), query.size(), timeout);
if (ret < 0)
throw NetworkException::format("Error during call to poll, '{}'", netErrorString());
if (ret == 0)
return {};
for (auto p : enumerateIterator(query)) {
if (p.first.first->isOpen()) {
auto& pfd = pollfds[p.second];
SocketPollResultEntry pr;
pr.readable = pfd.revents & POLLIN;
pr.writable = pfd.revents & POLLOUT;
pr.exception = pfd.revents & POLLHUP || pfd.revents & POLLNVAL || pfd.revents & POLLERR;
if (pfd.revents & POLLHUP)
result.add(p.first.first, std::move(pr));
return result;
Socket::~Socket() {
void Socket::bind(HostAddressWithPort const& addressWithPort) {
WriteLocker locker(m_mutex);
struct sockaddr_storage sockAddr;
socklen_t sockAddrLen;
if (addressWithPort.address().mode() != m_networkMode)
throw NetworkException("Bind address does not match socket mode");
// Ensure quick restarts don't prevent us binding
int set = 1;
m_impl->setSockOpt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (void*)&set, sizeof(int));
m_localAddress = addressWithPort;
setNativeFromAddress(m_localAddress, &sockAddr, &sockAddrLen);
if (::bind(m_impl->socketDesc, (struct sockaddr*)&sockAddr, sockAddrLen) < 0)
throw NetworkException(strf("Cannot bind socket to {}: {}", m_localAddress, netErrorString()));
m_socketMode = SocketMode::Bound;
Logger::debug("bind {} ({})", addressWithPort, m_impl->socketDesc);
void Socket::listen(int backlog) {
WriteLocker locker(m_mutex);
if (::listen(m_impl->socketDesc, backlog) != 0)
throw NetworkException(strf("Could not listen on socket: '{}'", netErrorString()));
void Socket::setTimeout(unsigned timeout) {
ReadLocker locker(m_mutex);
void* val;
socklen_t size;
val = &timeout;
size = sizeof(timeout);
struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = timeout - timeout % 1000;
tv.tv_usec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000;
val = &tv;
size = sizeof(tv);
m_impl->setSockOpt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, val, size);
m_impl->setSockOpt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, val, size);
void Socket::setNonBlocking(bool nonBlocking) {
ReadLocker locker(m_mutex);
#ifdef WIN32
unsigned long mode = nonBlocking ? 1 : 0;
if (ioctlsocket(m_impl->socketDesc, FIONBIO, &mode) != 0)
throw NetworkException::format("Cannot set socket non-blocking mode: {}", netErrorString());
int flags = fcntl(m_impl->socketDesc, F_GETFL, 0);
if (flags < 0)
throw NetworkException::format("fcntl failure getting socket flags: {}", netErrorString());
flags = nonBlocking ? (flags | O_NONBLOCK) : (flags & ~O_NONBLOCK);
if (fcntl(m_impl->socketDesc, F_SETFL, flags) != 0)
throw NetworkException::format("fcntl failure setting non-blocking mode: {}", netErrorString());
NetworkMode Socket::networkMode() const {
ReadLocker locker(m_mutex);
return m_networkMode;
SocketMode Socket::socketMode() const {
ReadLocker locker(m_mutex);
return m_socketMode;
bool Socket::isActive() const {
return m_socketMode > SocketMode::Shutdown;
bool Socket::isOpen() const {
return m_socketMode != SocketMode::Closed;
void Socket::shutdown() {
ReadLocker locker(m_mutex);
void Socket::close() {
WriteLocker locker(m_mutex);
Socket::Socket(SocketType type, NetworkMode networkMode)
: m_networkMode(networkMode), m_impl(make_shared<SocketImpl>()), m_socketMode(SocketMode::Closed) {
if (m_networkMode == NetworkMode::IPv4)
m_impl->socketDesc = ::socket(AF_INET, type == SocketType::Tcp ? SOCK_STREAM : SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
m_impl->socketDesc = ::socket(AF_INET6, type == SocketType::Tcp ? SOCK_STREAM : SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
if (invalidSocketDescriptor(m_impl->socketDesc))
throw NetworkException(strf("cannot create socket: {}", netErrorString()));
m_socketMode = SocketMode::Shutdown;
Socket::Socket(NetworkMode networkMode, SocketImplPtr impl, SocketMode socketMode)
: m_networkMode(networkMode), m_impl(impl), m_socketMode(socketMode) {
void Socket::checkOpen(char const* methodName) const {
if (m_socketMode == SocketMode::Closed)
throw SocketClosedException::format("Socket not open in {}", methodName);
void Socket::doShutdown() {
if (m_socketMode <= SocketMode::Shutdown)
// Set socket mode first so that if this causes an exception the exception
// handlers know the socket is being shut down.
m_socketMode = SocketMode::Shutdown;
if (m_impl->socketDesc > 0) {
::shutdown(m_impl->socketDesc, SD_BOTH);
::shutdown(m_impl->socketDesc, SHUT_RDWR);
void Socket::doClose() {
if (m_socketMode == SocketMode::Closed)
// Set socket mode first so that if this causes an exception the exception
// handlers know the socket is being closed.
m_socketMode = SocketMode::Closed;
if (m_impl->socketDesc > 0) {
m_impl->socketDesc = 0;