661 lines
20 KiB
661 lines
20 KiB
#pragma once
#include "StarUuid.hpp"
#include "StarNetElementSystem.hpp"
#include "StarItemDescriptor.hpp"
#include "StarHumanoid.hpp"
#include "StarToolUserEntity.hpp"
#include "StarLoungingEntities.hpp"
#include "StarChattyEntity.hpp"
#include "StarEmoteEntity.hpp"
#include "StarDamageBarEntity.hpp"
#include "StarNametagEntity.hpp"
#include "StarPortraitEntity.hpp"
#include "StarInspectableEntity.hpp"
#include "StarInventoryTypes.hpp"
#include "StarActorMovementController.hpp"
#include "StarNetworkedAnimator.hpp"
#include "StarAiTypes.hpp"
#include "StarItemBag.hpp"
#include "StarArmorWearer.hpp"
#include "StarEntityRendering.hpp"
#include "StarToolUser.hpp"
#include "StarPlayerTypes.hpp"
#include "StarRadioMessageDatabase.hpp"
#include "StarLuaComponents.hpp"
#include "StarLuaActorMovementComponent.hpp"
namespace Star {
class Player :
public virtual ToolUserEntity,
public virtual LoungingEntity,
public virtual ChattyEntity,
public virtual InspectableEntity,
public virtual DamageBarEntity,
public virtual PortraitEntity,
public virtual NametagEntity,
public virtual PhysicsEntity,
public virtual EmoteEntity {
enum class State {
static EnumMap<State> const StateNames;
Player(PlayerConfigPtr config, Uuid uuid = Uuid());
Player(PlayerConfigPtr config, ByteArray const& netStore, NetCompatibilityRules rules = {});
Player(PlayerConfigPtr config, Json const& diskStore);
void diskLoad(Json const& diskStore);
ClientContextPtr clientContext() const;
void setClientContext(ClientContextPtr clientContext);
StatisticsPtr statistics() const;
void setStatistics(StatisticsPtr statistics);
void setUniverseClient(UniverseClient* universeClient);
UniverseClient* universeClient() const;
QuestManagerPtr questManager() const;
Json diskStore();
ByteArray netStore(NetCompatibilityRules rules = {});
EntityType entityType() const override;
ClientEntityMode clientEntityMode() const override;
void init(World* world, EntityId entityId, EntityMode mode) override;
void uninit() override;
Vec2F position() const override;
Vec2F velocity() const override;
Vec2F mouthPosition() const override;
Vec2F mouthPosition(bool ignoreAdjustments) const override;
Vec2F mouthOffset(bool ignoreAdjustments = true) const;
Vec2F feetOffset() const;
Vec2F headArmorOffset() const;
Vec2F chestArmorOffset() const;
Vec2F legsArmorOffset() const;
Vec2F backArmorOffset() const;
// relative to current position
RectF metaBoundBox() const override;
// relative to current position
RectF collisionArea() const override;
pair<ByteArray, uint64_t> writeNetState(uint64_t fromVersion = 0, NetCompatibilityRules rules = {}) override;
void readNetState(ByteArray data, float interpolationStep = 0.0f, NetCompatibilityRules rules = {}) override;
void enableInterpolation(float extrapolationHint = 0.0f) override;
void disableInterpolation() override;
virtual Maybe<HitType> queryHit(DamageSource const& source) const override;
Maybe<PolyF> hitPoly() const override;
List<DamageNotification> applyDamage(DamageRequest const& damage) override;
List<DamageNotification> selfDamageNotifications() override;
void hitOther(EntityId targetEntityId, DamageRequest const& damageRequest) override;
void damagedOther(DamageNotification const& damage) override;
List<DamageSource> damageSources() const override;
bool shouldDestroy() const override;
void destroy(RenderCallback* renderCallback) override;
Maybe<EntityAnchorState> loungingIn() const override;
bool lounge(EntityId loungeableEntityId, size_t anchorIndex);
void stopLounging();
void revive(Vec2F const& footPosition);
List<Drawable> portrait(PortraitMode mode) const override;
bool underwater() const;
void setShifting(bool shifting);
void special(int specialKey);
void setMoveVector(Vec2F const& vec);
void moveLeft();
void moveRight();
void moveUp();
void moveDown();
void jump();
void dropItem();
float toolRadius() const;
float interactRadius() const override;
void setInteractRadius(float interactRadius);
List<InteractAction> pullInteractActions();
uint64_t currency(String const& currencyType) const;
float health() const override;
float maxHealth() const override;
DamageBarType damageBar() const override;
float healthPercentage() const;
float energy() const override;
float maxEnergy() const;
float energyPercentage() const;
float energyRegenBlockPercent() const;
bool energyLocked() const override;
bool fullEnergy() const override;
bool consumeEnergy(float energy) override;
float foodPercentage() const;
float breath() const;
float maxBreath() const;
float protection() const;
bool forceNude() const;
String description() const override;
void setDescription(String const& description);
List<LightSource> lightSources() const override;
Direction walkingDirection() const override;
Direction facingDirection() const override;
Maybe<Json> receiveMessage(ConnectionId sendingConnection, String const& message, JsonArray const& args = {}) override;
void update(float dt, uint64_t currentStep) override;
void render(RenderCallback* renderCallback) override;
void renderLightSources(RenderCallback* renderCallback) override;
Json getGenericProperty(String const& name, Json const& defaultValue = Json()) const;
void setGenericProperty(String const& name, Json const& value);
PlayerInventoryPtr inventory() const;
// Returns the number of items from this stack that could be
// picked up from the world, using inventory tab filtering
uint64_t itemsCanHold(ItemPtr const& items) const;
// Adds items to the inventory, returning the overflow.
// The items parameter is invalid after use.
ItemPtr pickupItems(ItemPtr const& items, bool silent = false);
// Pick up all of the given items as possible, dropping the overflow.
// The item parameter is invalid after use.
void giveItem(ItemPtr const& item);
void triggerPickupEvents(ItemPtr const& item);
bool hasItem(ItemDescriptor const& descriptor, bool exactMatch = false) const;
uint64_t hasCountOfItem(ItemDescriptor const& descriptor, bool exactMatch = false) const;
// altough multiple entries may match, they might have different
// serializations
ItemDescriptor takeItem(ItemDescriptor const& descriptor, bool consumePartial = false, bool exactMatch = false);
void giveItem(ItemDescriptor const& descriptor);
// Clear the item swap slot.
void clearSwap();
void refreshArmor();
void refreshItems();
// Refresh worn equipment from the inventory
void refreshEquipment();
PlayerBlueprintsPtr blueprints() const;
bool addBlueprint(ItemDescriptor const& descriptor, bool showFailure = false);
bool blueprintKnown(ItemDescriptor const& descriptor) const;
bool addCollectable(String const& collectionName, String const& collectableName);
PlayerUniverseMapPtr universeMap() const;
PlayerCodexesPtr codexes() const;
PlayerTechPtr techs() const;
void overrideTech(Maybe<StringList> const& techModules);
bool techOverridden() const;
PlayerCompanionsPtr companions() const;
PlayerLogPtr log() const;
InteractiveEntityPtr bestInteractionEntity(bool includeNearby);
void interactWithEntity(InteractiveEntityPtr entity);
// Aim this player's target at the given world position.
void aim(Vec2F const& position);
Vec2F aimPosition() const override;
Vec2F armPosition(ToolHand hand, Direction facingDirection, float armAngle, Vec2F offset = {}) const override;
Vec2F handOffset(ToolHand hand, Direction facingDirection) const override;
Vec2F handPosition(ToolHand hand, Vec2F const& handOffset = {}) const override;
ItemPtr handItem(ToolHand hand) const override;
Vec2F armAdjustment() const override;
void setCameraFocusEntity(Maybe<EntityId> const& cameraFocusEntity) override;
void playEmote(HumanoidEmote emote) override;
bool canUseTool() const;
// "Fires" whatever is in the primary (left) item slot, or the primary fire
// of the 2H item, at whatever the current aim position is. Will auto-repeat
// depending on the item auto repeat setting.
void beginPrimaryFire();
// "Fires" whatever is in the alternate (right) item slot, or the alt fire of
// the 2H item, at whatever the current aim position is. Will auto-repeat
// depending on the item auto repeat setting.
void beginAltFire();
void endPrimaryFire();
void endAltFire();
// Triggered whenever the use key is pressed
void beginTrigger();
void endTrigger();
ItemPtr primaryHandItem() const;
ItemPtr altHandItem() const;
Uuid uuid() const;
PlayerMode modeType() const;
void setModeType(PlayerMode mode);
PlayerModeConfig modeConfig() const;
ShipUpgrades shipUpgrades();
void setShipUpgrades(ShipUpgrades shipUpgrades);
void applyShipUpgrades(Json const& upgrades);
String name() const override;
void setName(String const& name);
Maybe<String> statusText() const override;
bool displayNametag() const override;
Vec3B nametagColor() const override;
Vec2F nametagOrigin() const override;
void updateIdentity();
void setBodyDirectives(String const& directives);
void setEmoteDirectives(String const& directives);
void setHairGroup(String const& group);
void setHairType(String const& type);
void setHairDirectives(String const& directives);
void setFacialHairGroup(String const& group);
void setFacialHairType(String const& type);
void setFacialHairDirectives(String const& directives);
void setFacialMaskGroup(String const& group);
void setFacialMaskType(String const& type);
void setFacialMaskDirectives(String const& directives);
void setHair (String const& group, String const& type, String const& directives);
void setFacialHair(String const& group, String const& type, String const& directives);
void setFacialMask(String const& group, String const& type, String const& directives);
String species() const override;
void setSpecies(String const& species);
Gender gender() const;
void setGender(Gender const& gender);
void setPersonality(Personality const& personality);
void setImagePath(Maybe<String> const& imagePath);
HumanoidPtr humanoid();
HumanoidIdentity const& identity() const;
void setIdentity(HumanoidIdentity identity);
void setAdmin(bool isAdmin);
bool isAdmin() const override;
bool inToolRange() const override;
bool inToolRange(Vec2F const& aimPos) const override;
bool inInteractionRange() const;
bool inInteractionRange(Vec2F aimPos) const;
void addParticles(List<Particle> const& particles) override;
void addSound(String const& sound, float volume = 1.0f, float pitch = 1.0f) override;
bool wireToolInUse() const;
void setWireConnector(WireConnector* wireConnector) const;
void addEphemeralStatusEffects(List<EphemeralStatusEffect> const& statusEffects) override;
ActiveUniqueStatusEffectSummary activeUniqueStatusEffectSummary() const override;
float powerMultiplier() const override;
bool isDead() const;
void kill();
void setFavoriteColor(Color color);
Color favoriteColor() const override;
// Starts the teleport animation sequence, locking player movement and
// preventing some update code
void teleportOut(String const& animationType = "default", bool deploy = false);
void teleportIn();
void teleportAbort();
bool isTeleporting() const;
bool isTeleportingOut() const;
bool canDeploy();
void deployAbort(String const& animationType = "default");
bool isDeploying() const;
bool isDeployed() const;
void setBusyState(PlayerBusyState busyState);
// A hard move to a specified location
void moveTo(Vec2F const& footPosition);
List<String> pullQueuedMessages();
List<ItemPtr> pullQueuedItemDrops();
void queueUIMessage(String const& message) override;
void queueItemPickupMessage(ItemPtr const& item);
void addChatMessage(String const& message, Json const& config = {});
void addEmote(HumanoidEmote const& emote, Maybe<float> emoteCooldown = {});
pair<HumanoidEmote, float> currentEmote() const;
State currentState() const;
List<ChatAction> pullPendingChatActions() override;
Maybe<String> inspectionLogName() const override;
Maybe<String> inspectionDescription(String const& species) const override;
float beamGunRadius() const override;
bool instrumentPlaying() override;
void instrumentEquipped(String const& instrumentKind) override;
void interact(InteractAction const& action) override;
void addEffectEmitters(StringSet const& emitters) override;
void requestEmote(String const& emote) override;
ActorMovementController* movementController() override;
StatusController* statusController() override;
List<PhysicsForceRegion> forceRegions() const override;
StatusControllerPtr statusControllerPtr();
ActorMovementControllerPtr movementControllerPtr();
PlayerConfigPtr config();
SongbookPtr songbook() const;
void finalizeCreation();
float timeSinceLastGaveDamage() const;
EntityId lastDamagedTarget() const;
bool invisible() const;
void animatePortrait(float dt);
bool isOutside();
void dropSelectedItems(function<bool(ItemPtr)> filter);
void dropEverything();
bool isPermaDead() const;
bool interruptRadioMessage();
Maybe<RadioMessage> pullPendingRadioMessage();
void queueRadioMessage(Json const& messageConfig, float delay = 0);
void queueRadioMessage(RadioMessage message);
// If a cinematic should play, returns it and clears it. May stop cinematics
// by returning a null Json.
Maybe<Json> pullPendingCinematic();
void setPendingCinematic(Json const& cinematic, bool unique = false);
void setInCinematic(bool inCinematic);
Maybe<pair<Maybe<StringList>, float>> pullPendingAltMusic();
Maybe<PlayerWarpRequest> pullPendingWarp();
void setPendingWarp(String const& action, Maybe<String> const& animation = {}, bool deploy = false);
Maybe<pair<Json, RpcPromiseKeeper<Json>>> pullPendingConfirmation();
void queueConfirmation(Json const& dialogConfig, RpcPromiseKeeper<Json> const& resultPromise);
AiState const& aiState() const;
AiState& aiState();
// In inspection mode, scannable, scanned, and interesting objects will be
// rendered with special highlighting.
bool inspecting() const;
// Will return the highlight effect to give an inspectable entity when inspecting
EntityHighlightEffect inspectionHighlight(InspectableEntityPtr const& inspectableEntity) const;
Vec2F cameraPosition();
using Entity::setTeam;
NetworkedAnimatorPtr effectsAnimator();
// We need to store ephemeral/large/always-changing networked properties that other clients can read. Candidates:
// genericProperties:
// Non-starter, is not networked.
// statusProperties:
// Nope! Changes to the status properties aren't networked efficiently - one change resends the whole map.
// We can't fix that because it would break compatibility with vanilla servers.
// effectsAnimator's globalTags:
// Cursed, but viable.
// Efficient networking due to using a NetElementMapWrapper.
// Unfortunately values are Strings, so to work with Json we need to serialize/deserialize. Whatever.
// Additionally, this is compatible with vanilla networking.
// I call this a 'secret property'.
// If the secret property exists as a serialized Json string, returns a view to it without deserializing.
Maybe<StringView> getSecretPropertyView(String const& name) const;
// Gets a secret Json property. It will be de-serialized.
Json getSecretProperty(String const& name, Json defaultValue = Json()) const;
// Sets a secret Json property. It will be serialized.
void setSecretProperty(String const& name, Json const& value);
typedef LuaMessageHandlingComponent<LuaStorableComponent<LuaActorMovementComponent<LuaUpdatableComponent<LuaWorldComponent<LuaBaseComponent>>>>> GenericScriptComponent;
typedef shared_ptr<GenericScriptComponent> GenericScriptComponentPtr;
typedef std::function<void(ItemPtr)> ItemSetFunc;
// handle input and other events (master only) that happen BEFORE movement/tech controller updates
void processControls();
// state changes and effect animations (master and slave) that happen AFTER movement/tech controller updates
void processStateChanges(float dt);
void getNetStates(bool initial);
void setNetStates();
List<Drawable> drawables() const;
List<OverheadBar> bars() const;
List<Particle> particles();
String getFootstepSound(Vec2I const& sensor) const;
void tickShared(float dt);
HumanoidEmote detectEmotes(String const& chatter);
PlayerConfigPtr m_config;
NetElementTopGroup m_netGroup;
ClientContextPtr m_clientContext;
StatisticsPtr m_statistics;
QuestManagerPtr m_questManager;
HumanoidPtr m_humanoid;
PlayerInventoryPtr m_inventory;
PlayerBlueprintsPtr m_blueprints;
PlayerUniverseMapPtr m_universeMap;
PlayerCodexesPtr m_codexes;
PlayerTechPtr m_techs;
PlayerCompanionsPtr m_companions;
PlayerDeploymentPtr m_deployment;
PlayerLogPtr m_log;
UniverseClient* m_client; // required for celestial callbacks in scripts
StringMap<GenericScriptComponentPtr> m_genericScriptContexts;
JsonObject m_genericProperties;
State m_state;
HumanoidEmote m_emoteState;
float m_footstepTimer;
float m_teleportTimer;
float m_emoteCooldownTimer;
float m_blinkCooldownTimer;
float m_lastDamagedOtherTimer;
EntityId m_lastDamagedTarget;
GameTimer m_ageItemsTimer;
float m_footstepVolumeVariance;
float m_landingVolume;
bool m_landingNoisePending;
bool m_footstepPending;
String m_teleportAnimationType;
NetworkedAnimatorPtr m_effectsAnimator;
NetworkedAnimator::DynamicTarget m_effectsAnimatorDynamicTarget;
float m_emoteCooldown;
Vec2F m_blinkInterval;
HashSet<MoveControlType> m_pendingMoves;
Vec2F m_moveVector;
bool m_shifting;
ActorMovementParameters m_zeroGMovementParameters;
List<DamageSource> m_damageSources;
String m_description;
PlayerMode m_modeType;
PlayerModeConfig m_modeConfig;
ShipUpgrades m_shipUpgrades;
ToolUserPtr m_tools;
ArmorWearerPtr m_armor;
bool m_useDown;
bool m_edgeTriggeredUse;
Vec2F m_aimPosition;
Maybe<EntityId> m_cameraFocusEntity;
ActorMovementControllerPtr m_movementController;
TechControllerPtr m_techController;
StatusControllerPtr m_statusController;
float m_foodLowThreshold;
List<PersistentStatusEffect> m_foodLowStatusEffects;
List<PersistentStatusEffect> m_foodEmptyStatusEffects;
List<PersistentStatusEffect> m_inCinematicStatusEffects;
HumanoidIdentity m_identity;
bool m_identityUpdated;
bool m_isAdmin;
float m_interactRadius; // hand interact radius
Vec2F m_walkIntoInteractBias; // offset on position to find an interactable
// when not pointing at
// an interactable with the mouse
List<RpcPromise<InteractAction>> m_pendingInteractActions;
List<Particle> m_callbackParticles;
List<tuple<String, float, float>> m_callbackSounds;
List<String> m_queuedMessages;
List<ItemPtr> m_queuedItemPickups;
List<ChatAction> m_pendingChatActions;
StringSet m_missionRadioMessages;
bool m_interruptRadioMessage;
List<pair<GameTimer, RadioMessage>> m_delayedRadioMessages;
Deque<RadioMessage> m_pendingRadioMessages;
Maybe<Json> m_pendingCinematic;
Maybe<pair<Maybe<StringList>, float>> m_pendingAltMusic;
Maybe<PlayerWarpRequest> m_pendingWarp;
Deque<pair<Json, RpcPromiseKeeper<Json>>> m_pendingConfirmations;
AiState m_aiState;
String m_chatMessage;
bool m_chatMessageChanged;
bool m_chatMessageUpdated;
EffectEmitterPtr m_effectEmitter;
SongbookPtr m_songbook;
int m_hitDamageNotificationLimiter;
int m_hitDamageNotificationLimit;
StringSet m_interestingObjects;
NetElementUInt m_stateNetState;
NetElementBool m_shiftingNetState;
NetElementFloat m_xAimPositionNetState;
NetElementFloat m_yAimPositionNetState;
NetElementData<HumanoidIdentity> m_identityNetState;
NetElementData<EntityDamageTeam> m_teamNetState;
NetElementEvent m_landedNetState;
NetElementString m_chatMessageNetState;
NetElementEvent m_newChatMessageNetState;
NetElementString m_emoteNetState;