343 lines
11 KiB
343 lines
11 KiB
#pragma once
#include "StarSet.hpp"
#include "StarBTree.hpp"
#include "StarLruCache.hpp"
#include "StarDataStreamDevices.hpp"
#include "StarThread.hpp"
namespace Star {
STAR_EXCEPTION(DBException, IOException);
class BTreeDatabase {
uint32_t const ContentIdentifierStringSize = 16;
BTreeDatabase(String const& contentIdentifier, size_t keySize);
// The underlying device will be allocated in "blocks" of this size.
// The larger the block size, the larger that index and leaf nodes can be
// before they need to be split, but it also means that more space is wasted
// for index or leaf nodes that are not completely full. Cannot be changed
// once the database is opened. Defaults to 2048.
uint32_t blockSize() const;
void setBlockSize(uint32_t blockSize);
// Constant size of the database keys. Should be much smaller than the block
// size, cannot be changed once a database is opened. Defaults zero, which
// is invalid, so must be set if opening a new database.
uint32_t keySize() const;
void setKeySize(uint32_t keySize);
// Must be no greater than ContentIdentifierStringSize large. May not be
// called when the database is opened.
String contentIdentifier() const;
void setContentIdentifier(String contentIdentifier);
// Cache size for index nodes, defaults to 64
uint32_t indexCacheSize() const;
void setIndexCacheSize(uint32_t indexCacheSize);
// If true, very write operation will immediately result in a commit.
// Defaults to true.
bool autoCommit() const;
void setAutoCommit(bool autoCommit);
IODevicePtr ioDevice() const;
void setIODevice(IODevicePtr device);
// If an existing database is opened, this will update the key size, block
// size, and content identifier with those from the opened database.
// Otherwise, it will use the currently set values. Returns true if a new
// database was created, false if an existing database was found and opened.
bool open();
bool isOpen() const;
bool contains(ByteArray const& k);
Maybe<ByteArray> find(ByteArray const& k);
List<pair<ByteArray, ByteArray>> find(ByteArray const& lower, ByteArray const& upper);
void forEach(ByteArray const& lower, ByteArray const& upper, function<void(ByteArray, ByteArray)> v);
void forAll(function<void(ByteArray, ByteArray)> v);
void recoverAll(function<void(ByteArray, ByteArray)> v, function<void(String const&, std::exception const&)> e);
// Returns true if a value was overwritten
bool insert(ByteArray const& k, ByteArray const& data);
// Returns true if the element was found and removed
bool remove(ByteArray const& k);
// Remove all elements in the given range, returns keys removed.
List<ByteArray> remove(ByteArray const& lower, ByteArray const& upper);
uint64_t recordCount();
// The depth of the index nodes in this database
uint8_t indexLevels();
uint32_t totalBlockCount();
uint32_t freeBlockCount();
uint32_t indexBlockCount();
uint32_t leafBlockCount();
void commit();
void rollback();
void close(bool closeDevice = false);
typedef uint32_t BlockIndex;
static BlockIndex const InvalidBlockIndex = (BlockIndex)(-1);
static uint32_t const HeaderSize = 512;
// 8 byte magic file identifier
static char const* const VersionMagic;
static uint32_t const VersionMagicSize = 8;
// 2 byte leaf and index start markers.
static char const* const FreeIndexMagic;
static char const* const IndexMagic;
static char const* const LeafMagic;
// static uint32_t const BlockMagicSize = 2;
static size_t const BTreeRootSelectorBit = 32;
static size_t const BTreeRootInfoStart = 33;
static size_t const BTreeRootInfoSize = 17;
struct FreeIndexBlock {
BlockIndex nextFreeBlock;
List<BlockIndex> freeBlocks;
struct IndexNode {
size_t pointerCount() const;
BlockIndex pointer(size_t i) const;
void updatePointer(size_t i, BlockIndex p);
ByteArray const& keyBefore(size_t i) const;
void updateKeyBefore(size_t i, ByteArray k);
void removeBefore(size_t i);
void insertAfter(size_t i, ByteArray k, BlockIndex p);
uint8_t indexLevel() const;
void setIndexLevel(uint8_t indexLevel);
// count is number of elements to shift left *including* right's beginPointer
void shiftLeft(ByteArray const& mid, IndexNode& right, size_t count);
// count is number of elements to shift right
void shiftRight(ByteArray const& mid, IndexNode& left, size_t count);
// i should be index of pointer that will be the new beginPointer of right
// node (cannot be 0).
ByteArray split(IndexNode& right, size_t i);
struct Element {
ByteArray key;
BlockIndex pointer;
typedef List<Element> ElementList;
BlockIndex self;
uint8_t level;
Maybe<BlockIndex> beginPointer;
ElementList pointers;
struct LeafNode {
size_t count() const;
ByteArray const& key(size_t i) const;
ByteArray const& data(size_t i) const;
void insert(size_t i, ByteArray k, ByteArray d);
void remove(size_t i);
// count is number of elements to shift left
void shiftLeft(LeafNode& right, size_t count);
// count is number of elements to shift right
void shiftRight(LeafNode& left, size_t count);
// i should be index of element that will be the new start of right node.
// Returns right index node.
void split(LeafNode& right, size_t i);
struct Element {
ByteArray key;
ByteArray data;
typedef List<Element> ElementList;
BlockIndex self;
ElementList elements;
struct BTreeImpl {
typedef ByteArray Key;
typedef ByteArray Data;
typedef BlockIndex Pointer;
typedef shared_ptr<IndexNode> Index;
typedef shared_ptr<LeafNode> Leaf;
Pointer rootPointer();
bool rootIsLeaf();
void setNewRoot(Pointer pointer, bool isLeaf);
Index createIndex(Pointer beginPointer);
Index loadIndex(Pointer pointer);
bool indexNeedsShift(Index const& index);
bool indexShift(Index const& left, Key const& mid, Index const& right);
Maybe<pair<Key, Index>> indexSplit(Index const& index);
Pointer storeIndex(Index index);
void deleteIndex(Index index);
Leaf createLeaf();
Leaf loadLeaf(Pointer pointer);
bool leafNeedsShift(Leaf const& l);
bool leafShift(Leaf& left, Leaf& right);
Maybe<Leaf> leafSplit(Leaf& leaf);
Pointer storeLeaf(Leaf leaf);
void deleteLeaf(Leaf leaf);
size_t indexPointerCount(Index const& index);
Pointer indexPointer(Index const& index, size_t i);
void indexUpdatePointer(Index& index, size_t i, Pointer p);
Key indexKeyBefore(Index const& index, size_t i);
void indexUpdateKeyBefore(Index& index, size_t i, Key k);
void indexRemoveBefore(Index& index, size_t i);
void indexInsertAfter(Index& index, size_t i, Key k, Pointer p);
size_t indexLevel(Index const& index);
void setIndexLevel(Index& index, size_t indexLevel);
size_t leafElementCount(Leaf const& leaf);
Key leafKey(Leaf const& leaf, size_t i);
Data leafData(Leaf const& leaf, size_t i);
void leafInsert(Leaf& leaf, size_t i, Key k, Data d);
void leafRemove(Leaf& leaf, size_t i);
Maybe<Pointer> nextLeaf(Leaf const& leaf);
void setNextLeaf(Leaf& leaf, Maybe<Pointer> n);
BTreeDatabase* parent;
void readBlock(BlockIndex blockIndex, size_t blockOffset, char* block, size_t size) const;
ByteArray readBlock(BlockIndex blockIndex) const;
void updateBlock(BlockIndex blockIndex, ByteArray const& block);
void rawReadBlock(BlockIndex blockIndex, size_t blockOffset, char* block, size_t size) const;
void rawWriteBlock(BlockIndex blockIndex, size_t blockOffset, char const* block, size_t size) const;
void updateHeadFreeIndexBlock(BlockIndex newHead);
FreeIndexBlock readFreeIndexBlock(BlockIndex blockIndex);
void writeFreeIndexBlock(BlockIndex blockIndex, FreeIndexBlock indexBlock);
uint32_t leafSize(shared_ptr<LeafNode> const& leaf) const;
uint32_t maxIndexPointers() const;
uint32_t dataSize(ByteArray const& d) const;
List<BlockIndex> leafTailBlocks(BlockIndex leafPointer);
void freeBlock(BlockIndex b);
BlockIndex reserveBlock();
BlockIndex makeEndBlock();
void dirty();
void writeRoot();
void readRoot();
void doCommit();
void checkIfOpen(char const* methodName, bool shouldBeOpen) const;
void checkBlockIndex(size_t blockIndex) const;
void checkKeySize(ByteArray const& k) const;
uint32_t maxFreeIndexLength() const;
mutable ReadersWriterMutex m_lock;
BTreeMixin<BTreeImpl> m_impl;
IODevicePtr m_device;
bool m_open;
uint32_t m_blockSize;
String m_contentIdentifier;
uint32_t m_keySize;
bool m_autoCommit;
// Reading values can mutate the index cache, so the index cache is kept
// using a different lock. It is only necessary to acquire this lock when
// NOT holding the main writer lock, because if the main writer lock is held
// then no other method would be loading an index anyway.
mutable SpinLock m_indexCacheSpinLock;
LruCache<BlockIndex, shared_ptr<IndexNode>> m_indexCache;
BlockIndex m_headFreeIndexBlock;
StreamOffset m_deviceSize;
BlockIndex m_root;
bool m_rootIsLeaf;
bool m_usingAltRoot;
bool m_dirty;
// Blocks that can be freely allocated and written to without violating
// atomic consistency
Set<BlockIndex> m_availableBlocks;
// Blocks to be freed on next commit.
Deque<BlockIndex> m_pendingFree;
// Blocks that have been written in uncommitted portions of the tree.
Set<BlockIndex> m_uncommitted;
// Version of BTreeDatabase that hashes keys with SHA-256 to produce a unique
// constant size key.
class BTreeSha256Database : private BTreeDatabase {
BTreeSha256Database(String const& contentIdentifier);
// Keys can be arbitrary size, actual key is the SHA-256 checksum of the key.
bool contains(ByteArray const& key);
Maybe<ByteArray> find(ByteArray const& key);
bool insert(ByteArray const& key, ByteArray const& value);
bool remove(ByteArray const& key);
// Convenience string versions of access methods. Equivalent to the utf8
// bytes of the string minus the null terminator.
bool contains(String const& key);
Maybe<ByteArray> find(String const& key);
bool insert(String const& key, ByteArray const& value);
bool remove(String const& key);
using BTreeDatabase::ContentIdentifierStringSize;
using BTreeDatabase::blockSize;
using BTreeDatabase::setBlockSize;
using BTreeDatabase::contentIdentifier;
using BTreeDatabase::setContentIdentifier;
using BTreeDatabase::indexCacheSize;
using BTreeDatabase::setIndexCacheSize;
using BTreeDatabase::autoCommit;
using BTreeDatabase::setAutoCommit;
using BTreeDatabase::ioDevice;
using BTreeDatabase::setIODevice;
using BTreeDatabase::open;
using BTreeDatabase::isOpen;
using BTreeDatabase::recordCount;
using BTreeDatabase::indexLevels;
using BTreeDatabase::totalBlockCount;
using BTreeDatabase::freeBlockCount;
using BTreeDatabase::indexBlockCount;
using BTreeDatabase::leafBlockCount;
using BTreeDatabase::commit;
using BTreeDatabase::rollback;
using BTreeDatabase::close;