Kai Blaschke 431a9c00a5
Fixed a huge amount of Clang warnings
On Linux and macOS, using Clang to compile OpenStarbound produces about 400 MB worth of warnings during the build, making the compiler output unreadable and slowing the build down considerably.

99% of the warnings were unqualified uses of std::move and std::forward, which are now all properly qualified.

Fixed a few other minor warnings about non-virtual destructors and some uses of std::move preventing copy elision on temporary objects.

Most remaining warnings are now unused parameters.
2024-02-19 16:55:19 +01:00

315 lines
11 KiB

#include "StarStoredFunctions.hpp"
#include "StarAssets.hpp"
#include "StarRoot.hpp"
namespace Star {
double const StoredFunction::DefaultSearchTolerance = 0.001;
StoredFunction::StoredFunction(ParametricFunction<double, double> data) {
if (data.empty())
throw StoredFunctionException("StoredFunction constructor called on function with no data points");
m_function = std::move(data);
// Determine whether the function is monotonically increasing, monotonically
// decreasing, totally flat (technically both monotonically increasing and
// decreasing) or neither.
m_monotonicity = Monotonicity::Flat;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_function.size() - 1; ++i) {
if (m_function.value(i) < m_function.value(i + 1)) {
if (m_monotonicity == Monotonicity::Flat)
m_monotonicity = Monotonicity::Increasing;
else if (m_monotonicity == Monotonicity::Decreasing)
m_monotonicity = Monotonicity::None;
} else if (m_function.value(i + 1) < m_function.value(i)) {
if (m_monotonicity == Monotonicity::Flat)
m_monotonicity = Monotonicity::Decreasing;
else if (m_monotonicity == Monotonicity::Increasing)
m_monotonicity = Monotonicity::None;
if (m_monotonicity == Monotonicity::None)
Monotonicity StoredFunction::monotonicity() const {
return m_monotonicity;
double StoredFunction::evaluate(double value) const {
return m_function.interpolate(value);
StoredFunction::SearchResult StoredFunction::search(double targetValue, double valueTolerance) const {
double minIndex = m_function.index(0);
double minValue = m_function.value(0);
double maxIndex = m_function.index(m_function.size() - 1);
double maxValue = m_function.value(m_function.size() - 1);
if (maxValue < minValue) {
std::swap(minIndex, maxIndex);
std::swap(minValue, maxValue);
double index;
double value;
if (targetValue < minValue) {
index = minIndex;
value = minValue;
} else if (targetValue > maxValue) {
index = maxIndex;
value = maxValue;
} else {
index = (minIndex + maxIndex) / 2;
value = m_function.interpolate(index);
int searchDepth = 0;
while ((std::fabs(targetValue - value) > valueTolerance) && (searchDepth < 64)) {
if (value < targetValue) {
minIndex = index;
minValue = value;
} else if (value > targetValue) {
maxIndex = index;
maxValue = value;
double newIndex = (minIndex + maxIndex) / 2;
double newValue = m_function.interpolate(newIndex);
// If at any point we move outside of the established upper and lower
// bound
// the function is not monotonic increasing or decreasing, and binary
// search
// can not be used so we have to bail out.
if (newValue > maxValue || newValue < minValue)
throw StarException("StoredFunction is not monotonic.");
index = newIndex;
value = newValue;
SearchResult result;
result.targetValue = targetValue;
result.searchTolerance = valueTolerance;
result.found = std::fabs(targetValue - value) <= valueTolerance;
result.solution = index;
result.value = value;
return result;
StoredFunction2::StoredFunction2(MultiTable2D table) : table(std::move(table)) {}
double StoredFunction2::evaluate(double x, double y) const {
return table.interpolate({x, y});
StoredConfigFunction::StoredConfigFunction(ParametricTable<int, Json> data) {
m_data = std::move(data);
Json StoredConfigFunction::get(double value) const {
return m_data.get(value);
FunctionDatabase::FunctionDatabase() {
auto assets = Root::singleton().assets();
auto functions = assets->scanExtension("functions");
auto sndFunctions = assets->scanExtension("2functions");
auto configFunctions = assets->scanExtension("configfunctions");
for (auto file : functions) {
for (auto const& functionPair : assets->json(file).iterateObject()) {
if (m_functions.contains(functionPair.first))
throw StarException(strf("Named Function '{}' defined twice, second time from {}", functionPair.first, file));
m_functions[functionPair.first] = make_shared<StoredFunction>(parametricFunctionFromConfig(functionPair.second));
for (auto file : sndFunctions) {
for (auto const& functionPair : assets->json(file).iterateObject()) {
if (m_functions2.contains(functionPair.first))
throw StarException(
strf("Named 2-ary Function '{}' defined twice, second time from {}", functionPair.first, file));
m_functions2[functionPair.first] = make_shared<StoredFunction2>(multiTable2DFromConfig(functionPair.second));
for (auto file : configFunctions) {
for (auto const& tablePair : assets->json(file).iterateObject()) {
if (m_configFunctions.contains(tablePair.first))
throw StarException(
strf("Named config function '{}' defined twice, second time from {}", tablePair.first, file));
m_configFunctions[tablePair.first] =
StringList FunctionDatabase::namedFunctions() const {
return m_functions.keys();
StringList FunctionDatabase::namedFunctions2() const {
return m_functions2.keys();
StringList FunctionDatabase::namedConfigFunctions() const {
return m_configFunctions.keys();
StoredFunctionPtr FunctionDatabase::function(Json const& configOrName) const {
if (configOrName.type() == Json::Type::String)
return m_functions.get(configOrName.toString());
return make_shared<StoredFunction>(parametricFunctionFromConfig(configOrName));
StoredFunction2Ptr FunctionDatabase::function2(Json const& configOrName) const {
if (configOrName.type() == Json::Type::String)
return m_functions2.get(configOrName.toString());
return make_shared<StoredFunction2>(multiTable2DFromConfig(configOrName));
StoredConfigFunctionPtr FunctionDatabase::configFunction(Json const& configOrName) const {
if (configOrName.type() == Json::Type::String)
return m_configFunctions.get(configOrName.toString());
return make_shared<StoredConfigFunction>(parametricTableFromConfig(configOrName));
ParametricFunction<double, double> FunctionDatabase::parametricFunctionFromConfig(Json descriptor) {
try {
String interpolationModeString = descriptor.getString(0);
String boundModeString = descriptor.getString(1);
List<pair<double, double>> points;
for (size_t i = 2; i < descriptor.size(); ++i) {
auto pointPair = descriptor.get(i);
if (pointPair.size() != 2)
throw StoredFunctionException("Each point must be a list of size 2");
points.append({pointPair.getDouble(0), pointPair.getDouble(1)});
InterpolationMode interpolationMode;
if (interpolationModeString.equalsIgnoreCase("HalfStep")) {
interpolationMode = InterpolationMode::HalfStep;
} else if (interpolationModeString.equalsIgnoreCase("Linear")) {
interpolationMode = InterpolationMode::Linear;
} else if (interpolationModeString.equalsIgnoreCase("Cubic")) {
interpolationMode = InterpolationMode::Cubic;
} else {
throw StoredFunctionException(strf("Unrecognized InterpolationMode '{}'", interpolationModeString));
BoundMode boundMode;
if (boundModeString.equalsIgnoreCase("Clamp")) {
boundMode = BoundMode::Clamp;
} else if (boundModeString.equalsIgnoreCase("Extrapolate")) {
boundMode = BoundMode::Extrapolate;
} else if (boundModeString.equalsIgnoreCase("Wrap")) {
boundMode = BoundMode::Wrap;
} else {
throw StoredFunctionException(strf("Unrecognized BoundMode '{}'", boundModeString));
return ParametricFunction<double, double>(points, interpolationMode, boundMode);
} catch (StarException const& e) {
throw StoredFunctionException("Error parsing StoredFunction descriptor", e);
ParametricTable<int, Json> FunctionDatabase::parametricTableFromConfig(Json descriptor) {
try {
List<pair<int, Json>> points;
for (size_t i = 0; i < descriptor.size(); ++i) {
auto pointPair = descriptor.get(i);
if (pointPair.size() != 2)
throw StoredFunctionException("Each point must be a list of size 2");
points.append({pointPair.getInt(0), pointPair.get(1)});
return ParametricTable<int, Json>(points);
} catch (StarException const& e) {
throw StoredFunctionException("Error parsing StoredConfigFunction descriptor", e);
MultiTable2D FunctionDatabase::multiTable2DFromConfig(Json descriptor) {
try {
String interpolationModeString = descriptor.getString(0);
String boundModeString = descriptor.getString(1);
List<double> xaxis;
List<double> yaxis;
MultiArray2D points;
auto grid = descriptor.getArray(2);
for (size_t y = 0; y < grid.size(); ++y) {
auto row = grid[y].toArray();
if (y == 0) {
for (size_t x = 0; x < row.size(); ++x) {
if (x > 0)
points.resize({row.size() - 1, grid.size() - 1});
} else {
auto cells = row[1].toArray();
if (cells.size() != xaxis.size())
throw StarException("Number of sample points doesn't match axis size.");
for (size_t x = 0; x < cells.size(); x++)
points.set({x, y - 1}, cells[x].toFloat());
InterpolationMode interpolationMode;
if (interpolationModeString.equalsIgnoreCase("HalfStep")) {
interpolationMode = InterpolationMode::HalfStep;
} else if (interpolationModeString.equalsIgnoreCase("Linear")) {
interpolationMode = InterpolationMode::Linear;
} else if (interpolationModeString.equalsIgnoreCase("Cubic")) {
interpolationMode = InterpolationMode::Cubic;
} else {
throw StoredFunctionException(strf("Unrecognized InterpolationMode '{}'", interpolationModeString));
BoundMode boundMode;
if (boundModeString.equalsIgnoreCase("Clamp")) {
boundMode = BoundMode::Clamp;
} else if (boundModeString.equalsIgnoreCase("Extrapolate")) {
boundMode = BoundMode::Extrapolate;
} else if (boundModeString.equalsIgnoreCase("Wrap")) {
boundMode = BoundMode::Wrap;
} else {
throw StoredFunctionException(strf("Unrecognized BoundMode '{}'", boundModeString));
MultiTable2D table;
table.setRange(0, std::vector<double>(xaxis.begin(), xaxis.end()));
table.setRange(1, std::vector<double>(yaxis.begin(), yaxis.end()));
table.array() = points;
return table;
} catch (StarException const& e) {
throw StoredFunctionException("Error parsing function2 descriptor", e);