Kai Blaschke 431a9c00a5
Fixed a huge amount of Clang warnings
On Linux and macOS, using Clang to compile OpenStarbound produces about 400 MB worth of warnings during the build, making the compiler output unreadable and slowing the build down considerably.

99% of the warnings were unqualified uses of std::move and std::forward, which are now all properly qualified.

Fixed a few other minor warnings about non-virtual destructors and some uses of std::move preventing copy elision on temporary objects.

Most remaining warnings are now unused parameters.
2024-02-19 16:55:19 +01:00

194 lines
7.2 KiB

#include "StarSpatialHash2D.hpp"
#include "StarEntity.hpp"
namespace Star {
STAR_EXCEPTION(EntityMapException, StarException);
// Class used by WorldServer and WorldClient to store entites organized in a
// spatial hash. Provides convenient ways of querying entities based on
// different selection criteria.
// Several of the methods in EntityMap take callbacks or filters that will be
// called while iterating over internal structures. They are all designed so
// that adding new entities is safe to do from the callback, but removing
// entities is never safe to do from any callback function.
class EntityMap {
static float const SpatialHashSectorSize;
static int const MaximumEntityBoundBox;
// beginIdSpace and endIdSpace is the *inclusive* range for new enittyIds.
EntityMap(Vec2U const& worldSize, EntityId beginIdSpace, EntityId endIdSpace);
// Get the next free id in the entity id space.
EntityId reserveEntityId();
// Or a specific one, can fail.
Maybe<EntityId> maybeReserveEntityId(EntityId entityId);
// If it doesn't matter that we don't get the one want
EntityId reserveEntityId(EntityId entityId);
// Add an entity to this EntityMap. The entity must already be initialized
// and have a unique EntityId returned by reserveEntityId.
void addEntity(EntityPtr entity);
EntityPtr removeEntity(EntityId entityId);
size_t size() const;
List<EntityId> entityIds() const;
// Iterates through the entity map optionally in the given order, updating
// the spatial information for each entity along the way.
void updateAllEntities(EntityCallback const& callback = {}, function<bool(EntityPtr const&, EntityPtr const&)> sortOrder = {});
// If the given unique entity is in this map, then return its entity id
EntityId uniqueEntityId(String const& uniqueId) const;
EntityPtr entity(EntityId entityId) const;
EntityPtr uniqueEntity(String const& uniqueId) const;
// Queries entities based on metaBoundBox
List<EntityPtr> entityQuery(RectF const& boundBox, EntityFilter const& filter = {}) const;
// A fuzzy query of the entities at this position, sorted by closeness.
List<EntityPtr> entitiesAt(Vec2F const& pos, EntityFilter const& filter = {}) const;
List<TileEntityPtr> entitiesAtTile(Vec2I const& pos, EntityFilterOf<TileEntity> const& filter = {}) const;
// Sort of a fuzzy line intersection test. Tests if a given line intersects
// the bounding box of any entities, and returns them.
List<EntityPtr> entityLineQuery(Vec2F const& begin, Vec2F const& end, EntityFilter const& filter = {}) const;
// Callback versions of query functions.
void forEachEntity(RectF const& boundBox, EntityCallback const& callback) const;
void forEachEntityLine(Vec2F const& begin, Vec2F const& end, EntityCallback const& callback) const;
// Returns tile-based entities that occupy the given tile position.
void forEachEntityAtTile(Vec2I const& pos, EntityCallbackOf<TileEntity> const& callback) const;
// Iterate through all the entities, optionally in the given sort order.
void forAllEntities(EntityCallback const& callback, function<bool(EntityPtr const&, EntityPtr const&)> sortOrder = {}) const;
// Stops searching when filter returns true, and returns the entity which
// caused it.
EntityPtr findEntity(RectF const& boundBox, EntityFilter const& filter) const;
EntityPtr findEntityLine(Vec2F const& begin, Vec2F const& end, EntityFilter const& filter) const;
EntityPtr findEntityAtTile(Vec2I const& pos, EntityFilterOf<TileEntity> const& filter) const;
// Closest entity that satisfies the given selector, if given.
EntityPtr closestEntity(Vec2F const& center, float radius, EntityFilter const& filter = {}) const;
// Returns interactive entity that is near the given world position
InteractiveEntityPtr interactiveEntityNear(Vec2F const& pos, float maxRadius = 1.5f) const;
// Whether or not any tile entity occupies this tile
bool tileIsOccupied(Vec2I const& pos, bool includeEphemeral = false) const;
// Intersects any entity's collision area
bool spaceIsOccupied(RectF const& rect, bool includeEphemeral = false) const;
// Convenience template methods that filter based on dynamic cast and deal
// with pointers to a derived entity type.
template <typename EntityT>
shared_ptr<EntityT> get(EntityId entityId) const;
template <typename EntityT>
shared_ptr<EntityT> getUnique(String const& uniqueId) const;
template <typename EntityT>
List<shared_ptr<EntityT>> query(RectF const& boundBox, EntityFilterOf<EntityT> const& filter = {}) const;
template <typename EntityT>
List<shared_ptr<EntityT>> all(EntityFilterOf<EntityT> const& filter = {}) const;
template <typename EntityT>
List<shared_ptr<EntityT>> lineQuery(Vec2F const& begin, Vec2F const& end, EntityFilterOf<EntityT> const& filter = {}) const;
template <typename EntityT>
shared_ptr<EntityT> closest(Vec2F const& center, float radius, EntityFilterOf<EntityT> const& filter = {}) const;
template <typename EntityT>
List<shared_ptr<EntityT>> atTile(Vec2I const& pos) const;
typedef SpatialHash2D<EntityId, float, EntityPtr> SpatialMap;
WorldGeometry m_geometry;
SpatialMap m_spatialMap;
BiHashMap<String, EntityId> m_uniqueMap;
EntityId m_nextId;
EntityId m_beginIdSpace;
EntityId m_endIdSpace;
List<SpatialMap::Entry const*> m_entrySortBuffer;
template <typename EntityT>
shared_ptr<EntityT> EntityMap::get(EntityId entityId) const {
return as<EntityT>(entity(entityId));
template <typename EntityT>
shared_ptr<EntityT> EntityMap::getUnique(String const& uniqueId) const {
return as<EntityT>(uniqueEntity(uniqueId));
template <typename EntityT>
List<shared_ptr<EntityT>> EntityMap::query(RectF const& boundBox, EntityFilterOf<EntityT> const& filter) const {
List<shared_ptr<EntityT>> entities;
for (auto const& entity : entityQuery(boundBox, entityTypeFilter(filter)))
return entities;
template <typename EntityT>
List<shared_ptr<EntityT>> EntityMap::all(EntityFilterOf<EntityT> const& filter) const {
List<shared_ptr<EntityT>> entities;
forAllEntities([&](EntityPtr const& entity) {
if (auto e = as<EntityT>(entity)) {
if (!filter || filter(e))
return entities;
template <typename EntityT>
List<shared_ptr<EntityT>> EntityMap::lineQuery(Vec2F const& begin, Vec2F const& end, EntityFilterOf<EntityT> const& filter) const {
List<shared_ptr<EntityT>> entities;
for (auto const& entity : entityLineQuery(begin, end, entityTypeFilter(filter)))
return entities;
template <typename EntityT>
shared_ptr<EntityT> EntityMap::closest(Vec2F const& center, float radius, EntityFilterOf<EntityT> const& filter) const {
return as<EntityT>(closestEntity(center, radius, entityTypeFilter(filter)));
template <typename EntityT>
List<shared_ptr<EntityT>> EntityMap::atTile(Vec2I const& pos) const {
List<shared_ptr<EntityT>> list;
forEachEntityAtTile(pos, [&](TileEntityPtr const& entity) {
if (auto e = as<EntityT>(entity))
return false;
return list;