152 lines
5.7 KiB
152 lines
5.7 KiB
#pragma once
#include "StarApplicationController.hpp"
#include "StarTextPainter.hpp"
#include "StarDrawablePainter.hpp"
#include "StarAssetTextureGroup.hpp"
#include "StarInputEvent.hpp"
#include "StarDrawable.hpp"
#include "StarThread.hpp"
#include "StarGuiTypes.hpp"
#include "StarRenderer.hpp"
#include "StarKeyBindings.hpp"
#include "StarMixer.hpp"
namespace Star {
STAR_EXCEPTION(GuiContextException, StarException);
class GuiContext {
// Get pointer to the singleton root instance, if it exists. Otherwise,
// returns nullptr.
static GuiContext* singletonPtr();
// Gets reference to GuiContext singleton, throws GuiContextException if root
// is not initialized.
static GuiContext& singleton();
GuiContext(MixerPtr mixer, ApplicationControllerPtr appController);
GuiContext(GuiContext const&) = delete;
GuiContext& operator=(GuiContext const&) = delete;
void renderInit(RendererPtr renderer);
MixerPtr const& mixer() const;
ApplicationControllerPtr const& applicationController() const;
RendererPtr const& renderer() const;
AssetTextureGroupPtr const& assetTextureGroup() const;
TextPainterPtr const& textPainter() const;
unsigned windowWidth() const;
unsigned windowHeight() const;
Vec2U windowSize() const;
Vec2U windowInterfaceSize() const;
int interfaceScale() const;
void setInterfaceScale(int interfaceScale);
Maybe<Vec2I> mousePosition(InputEvent const& event, int pixelRatio) const;
Maybe<Vec2I> mousePosition(InputEvent const& event) const;
Set<InterfaceAction> actions(InputEvent const& event) const;
// used to cancel chorded inputs on KeyUp
Set<InterfaceAction> actionsForKey(Key key) const;
void refreshKeybindings();
// Drawing wrappers to internal renderers. Automatically loads textures before drawing.
void setInterfaceScissorRect(RectI const& scissor);
void resetInterfaceScissorRect();
Vec2U textureSize(AssetPath const& texName);
void drawQuad(RectF const& screenCoords, Vec4B const& color = Vec4B::filled(255));
void drawQuad(AssetPath const& texName, RectF const& screenCoords, Vec4B const& color = Vec4B::filled(255));
void drawQuad(AssetPath const& texName, Vec2F const& screenPos, float pixelRatio, Vec4B const& color = Vec4B::filled(255));
void drawQuad(AssetPath const& texName, RectF const& texCoords, RectF const& screenCoords, Vec4B const& color = Vec4B::filled(255));
void drawDrawable(Drawable drawable, Vec2F const& screenPos, float pixelRatio, Vec4B const& color = Vec4B::filled(255));
void drawLine(Vec2F const& begin, Vec2F const end, Vec4B const& color, float lineWidth = 1);
void drawPolyLines(PolyF const& poly, Vec4B const& color, float lineWidth = 1);
void drawTriangles(List<tuple<Vec2F, Vec2F, Vec2F>> const& triangles, Vec4B const& color);
void drawInterfaceDrawable(Drawable drawable, Vec2F const& screenPos, Vec4B const& color = Vec4B::filled(255));
void drawInterfaceLine(Vec2F const& begin, Vec2F const end, Vec4B const& color, float lineWidth = 1);
void drawInterfacePolyLines(PolyF poly, Vec4B const& color, float lineWidth = 1);
void drawInterfaceTriangles(List<tuple<Vec2F, Vec2F, Vec2F>> const& triangles, Vec4B const& color);
void drawInterfaceQuad(RectF const& screenCoords, Vec4B const& color = Vec4B::filled(255));
void drawInterfaceQuad(AssetPath const& texName, Vec2F const& screenPos, Vec4B const& color = Vec4B::filled(255));
void drawInterfaceQuad(AssetPath const& texName, Vec2F const& screenPos, float scale, Vec4B const& color = Vec4B::filled(255));
void drawInterfaceQuad(AssetPath const& texName, RectF const& texCoords, RectF const& screenCoords, Vec4B const& color = Vec4B::filled(255));
void drawImageStretchSet(ImageStretchSet const& imageSet, RectF const& screenPos, GuiDirection direction = GuiDirection::Horizontal, Vec4B const& color = Vec4B::filled(255));
// Returns true if the hardware cursor was successfully set to the drawable. Generally fails if the Drawable isn't an image part or the image is too big.
bool trySetCursor(Drawable const& drawable, Vec2I const& offset, int pixelRatio);
RectF renderText(String const& s, TextPositioning const& positioning);
RectF renderInterfaceText(String const& s, TextPositioning const& positioning);
RectF determineTextSize(String const& s, TextPositioning const& positioning);
RectF determineInterfaceTextSize(String const& s, TextPositioning const& positioning);
void setFontSize(unsigned size);
void setFontSize(unsigned size, int pixelRatio);
void setFontColor(Vec4B const& color);
void setFontMode(FontMode mode);
void setFontProcessingDirectives(String const& directives);
void setFont(String const& font);
void setDefaultFont();
TextStyle& setTextStyle(TextStyle const& textStyle, int pixelRatio);
TextStyle& setTextStyle(TextStyle const& textStyle);
void clearTextStyle();
void setLineSpacing(float lineSpacing);
void setDefaultLineSpacing();
int stringWidth(String const& s);
int stringInterfaceWidth(String const& s);
StringList wrapText(String const& s, Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth);
StringList wrapInterfaceText(String const& s, Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth);
void playAudio(AudioInstancePtr audioInstance);
void playAudio(String const& audioAsset, int loops = 0, float volume = 1.0f, float pitch = 1.0f);
bool shiftHeld() const;
void setShiftHeld(bool held);
String getClipboard() const;
void setClipboard(String text);
void cleanup();
static GuiContext* s_singleton;
MixerPtr m_mixer;
ApplicationControllerPtr m_applicationController;
RendererPtr m_renderer;
AssetTextureGroupPtr m_textureCollection;
TextPainterPtr m_textPainter;
DrawablePainterPtr m_drawablePainter;
KeyBindings m_keyBindings;
int m_interfaceScale;
bool m_shiftHeld;