Kai Blaschke 431a9c00a5
Fixed a huge amount of Clang warnings
On Linux and macOS, using Clang to compile OpenStarbound produces about 400 MB worth of warnings during the build, making the compiler output unreadable and slowing the build down considerably.

99% of the warnings were unqualified uses of std::move and std::forward, which are now all properly qualified.

Fixed a few other minor warnings about non-virtual destructors and some uses of std::move preventing copy elision on temporary objects.

Most remaining warnings are now unused parameters.
2024-02-19 16:55:19 +01:00

236 lines
7.7 KiB

#include "StarStatistics.hpp"
#include "StarStatisticsDatabase.hpp"
#include "StarStatisticsService.hpp"
#include "StarConfigLuaBindings.hpp"
#include "StarJsonExtra.hpp"
#include "StarLogging.hpp"
namespace Star {
Statistics::Statistics(String const& storageDirectory, StatisticsServicePtr service) {
m_service = std::move(service);
m_initialized = !m_service;
m_storageDirectory = storageDirectory;
auto assets = Root::singleton().assets();
m_luaRoot = make_shared<LuaRoot>();
void Statistics::writeStatistics() {
auto versioningDatabase = Root::singleton().versioningDatabase();
String filename = File::relativeTo(m_storageDirectory, "statistics");
Json stats = JsonObject::from(m_stats.pairs().transformed([](auto const& entry) {
return make_pair(entry.first, entry.second.toJson());
JsonObject storage = {
{ "stats", stats },
{ "achievements", jsonFromStringSet(m_achievements) }
auto versionedStorage = versioningDatabase->makeCurrentVersionedJson("Statistics", storage);
VersionedJson::writeFile(versionedStorage, filename);
Json Statistics::stat(String const& name, Json def) const {
if (m_stats.contains(name))
return m_stats.get(name).value;
return def;
Maybe<String> Statistics::statType(String const& name) const {
if (m_stats.contains(name))
return m_stats.get(name).type;
return {};
bool Statistics::achievementUnlocked(String const& name) const {
return m_achievements.contains(name);
void Statistics::recordEvent(String const& name, Json const& fields) {
m_pendingEvents.append(make_pair(name, fields));
bool Statistics::reset() {
if (m_initialized) {
if (!m_service || m_service->reset()) {
m_stats = {};
m_achievements = {};
return true;
return false;
void Statistics::update() {
if (m_service) {
if (auto error = m_service->error()) {
Logger::error("Statistics platform service error: {}", *error);
// Service failed. Continue with local stats and achievements only.
m_service = {};
m_initialized = true;
if (!m_initialized) {
if (m_service->initialized()) {
m_initialized = true;
for (auto event : m_pendingEvents) {
processEvent(event.first, event.second);
for (String const& achievement : m_pendingAchievementChecks) {
if (checkAchievement(achievement))
if (m_service && (m_pendingEvents.size() > 0 || m_pendingAchievementChecks.size() > 0))
m_pendingEvents = {};
m_pendingAchievementChecks = {};
Statistics::Stat Statistics::Stat::fromJson(Json const& json) {
return Stat {
Json Statistics::Stat::toJson() const {
return JsonObject {
{"type", type},
{"value", value}
void Statistics::processEvent(String const& name, Json const& fields) {
if (m_service)
m_service->reportEvent(name, fields);
Logger::debug("Event {} {}", name, fields);
auto statisticsDatabase = Root::singleton().statisticsDatabase();
if (auto const& event = statisticsDatabase->event(name)) {
runStatScript(event->scripts, event->config, "event", name, fields);
void Statistics::setStat(String const& name, String const& type, Json const& value) {
Logger::debug("Stat {} ({}) : {}", name, type, value);
m_stats[name] = Stat { type, value };
if (m_service)
m_service->setStat(name, type, value);
auto statisticsDatabase = Root::singleton().statisticsDatabase();
void Statistics::unlockAchievement(String const& name) {
if (achievementUnlocked(name))
if (m_service)
Logger::debug("Achievement get {}", name);
bool Statistics::checkAchievement(String const& achievementName) {
auto statisticsDatabase = Root::singleton().statisticsDatabase();
auto achievement = statisticsDatabase->achievement(achievementName);
if (achievementUnlocked(achievement->name))
return true;
Maybe<bool> result = runStatScript<bool>(achievement->scripts, achievement->config, "check", achievementName);
return result && *result;
void Statistics::readStatistics() {
auto versioningDatabase = Root::singleton().versioningDatabase();
try {
String filename = File::relativeTo(m_storageDirectory, "statistics");
if (File::exists(filename)) {
Json storage = versioningDatabase->loadVersionedJson(VersionedJson::readFile(filename), "Statistics");
m_stats = StringMap<Stat>::from(storage.getObject("stats", {}).pairs().transformed([](auto const& entry) {
return make_pair(entry.first, Stat::fromJson(entry.second));
m_achievements = jsonToStringSet(storage.get("achievements", JsonArray{}));
} catch (std::exception const& e) {
Logger::warn("Error loading local player statistics file, resetting: {}", outputException(e, false));
void Statistics::mergeServiceStatistics() {
if (!m_service || !m_service->initialized() || m_service->error()) return;
// Publish achievements we unlocked when the platform service was unavailable.
StringSet serviceAchievements = m_service->achievementsUnlocked();
for (String const& achievement : m_achievements.difference(serviceAchievements)) {
// Locally store all the achievements we unlocked in a different install:
// Publish our local statistics, in case we made progress while the service
// was unavailable.
for (auto const& stat : m_stats) {
m_service->setStat(stat.first, stat.second.type, stat.second.value);
// However, don't _pull_ stats from the service - not all stats are recorded
// so inconsistencies will creep in if we try. For example, if the service
// is recording the number of poptop kills but not the total number of kills,
// we could end up with a situation like "2 total kills, 8 poptops killed."
// The best we can do is let the client be authoritative over its stats and
// have the service validate changes it receives to make sure they only
// ever increase.
LuaCallbacks Statistics::makeStatisticsCallbacks() {
LuaCallbacks callbacks;
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<void, String, String, Json>("setStat", bind(&Statistics::setStat, this, _1, _2, _3));
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<Json, String, Json>("stat", bind(&Statistics::stat, this, _1, _2));
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<Maybe<String>, String>("statType", bind(&Statistics::statType, this, _1));
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<bool, String>("achievementUnlocked", bind(&Statistics::achievementUnlocked, this, _1));
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<bool, String>("checkAchievement", bind(&Statistics::checkAchievement, this, _1));
callbacks.registerCallbackWithSignature<void, String>("unlockAchievement", bind(&Statistics::unlockAchievement, this, _1));
return callbacks;
template <typename Result, typename... V>
Maybe<Result> Statistics::runStatScript(StringList const& scripts, Json const& config, String const& functionName, V&&... args) {
LuaBaseComponent script;
script.addCallbacks("config", LuaBindings::makeConfigCallbacks([config] (String const& name, Json const& def) {
return config.query(name, def);
script.addCallbacks("statistics", makeStatisticsCallbacks());
Maybe<Result> result = script.invoke<Result>(functionName, args...);
return result;