97 lines
2.5 KiB
97 lines
2.5 KiB
#pragma once
#include "StarChatAction.hpp"
#include "StarTextPainter.hpp"
#include "StarWorldCamera.hpp"
#include "StarChatBubbleSeparation.hpp"
#include "StarStoredFunctions.hpp"
namespace Star {
class ChatBubbleManager {
void setCamera(WorldCamera const& camera);
void addChatActions(List<ChatAction> chatActions, bool silent = false);
void update(float dt, WorldClientPtr world);
void render();
typedef tuple<String, Vec2F> BubbleImage;
typedef tuple<String, TextStyle, bool, Vec2F> BubbleText;
struct Bubble {
EntityId entity;
String text;
Json config;
float age;
List<BubbleImage> backgroundImages;
List<BubbleText> bubbleText;
bool onscreen;
struct PortraitBubble {
EntityId entity;
String portrait;
String text;
Vec2F position;
Json config;
float age;
List<BubbleImage> backgroundImages;
List<BubbleText> bubbleText;
bool onscreen;
// Calculate the alpha for a speech bubble based on distance from player to
// edge of screen
uint8_t calcDistanceFadeAlpha(Vec2F bubbleScreenPosition, StoredFunctionPtr fadeFunction) const;
RectF bubbleImageRect(Vec2F screenPos, BubbleImage const& bubbleImage, int pixelRatio);
void drawBubbleImage(Vec2F screenPos, BubbleImage const& bubbleImage, int pixelRatio, int alpha);
void drawBubbleText(Vec2F screenPos, BubbleText const& bubbleText, int pixelRatio, int alpha, bool isPortrait);
GuiContext* m_guiContext;
WorldCamera m_camera;
TextPositioning m_textTemplate;
TextPositioning m_portraitTextTemplate;
TextStyle m_textStyle;
Vec2F m_textPadding;
BubbleSeparator<Bubble> m_bubbles;
int m_zoom;
Vec2F m_bubbleOffset;
float m_maxAge;
float m_portraitMaxAge;
float m_interBubbleMargin;
int m_maxMessagePerEntity;
Deque<PortraitBubble> m_portraitBubbles;
String m_portraitBackgroundImage;
String m_portraitMoreImage;
Vec2I m_portraitMorePosition;
Vec2I m_portraitBackgroundSize;
Vec2I m_portraitPosition;
Vec2I m_portraitSize;
Vec2I m_portraitTextPosition;
unsigned m_portraitTextWidth;
float m_portraitChatterFramerate;
float m_portraitChatterDuration;
float m_furthestVisibleTextDistance; // 0.0 is directly over the player, 1.0
// is the edge of the window
StoredFunctionPtr m_textFadeFunction;
StoredFunctionPtr m_bubbleFadeFunction;