Kai Blaschke 431a9c00a5
Fixed a huge amount of Clang warnings
On Linux and macOS, using Clang to compile OpenStarbound produces about 400 MB worth of warnings during the build, making the compiler output unreadable and slowing the build down considerably.

99% of the warnings were unqualified uses of std::move and std::forward, which are now all properly qualified.

Fixed a few other minor warnings about non-virtual destructors and some uses of std::move preventing copy elision on temporary objects.

Most remaining warnings are now unused parameters.
2024-02-19 16:55:19 +01:00

2229 lines
71 KiB

#ifndef STAR_LUA_HPP
#define STAR_LUA_HPP
#include <typeindex>
#include <type_traits>
#include <lua.hpp>
#include "StarLexicalCast.hpp"
#include "StarString.hpp"
#include "StarJson.hpp"
#include "StarRefPtr.hpp"
#include "StarDirectives.hpp"
namespace Star {
class LuaEngine;
typedef RefPtr<LuaEngine> LuaEnginePtr;
// Basic unspecified lua exception
STAR_EXCEPTION(LuaException, StarException);
// Thrown when trying to parse an incomplete statement, useful for implementing
// REPL loops, uses the incomplete statement marker '<eof>' as the standard lua
// repl does.
STAR_EXCEPTION(LuaIncompleteStatementException, LuaException);
// Thrown when the instruction limit is reached, if the instruction limit is
// set.
STAR_EXCEPTION(LuaInstructionLimitReached, LuaException);
// Thrown when the engine recursion limit is reached, if the recursion limit is
// set.
STAR_EXCEPTION(LuaRecursionLimitReached, LuaException);
// Thrown when an incorrect lua type is passed to something in C++ expecting a
// different type.
STAR_EXCEPTION(LuaConversionException, LuaException);
typedef Empty LuaNilType;
typedef bool LuaBoolean;
typedef lua_Integer LuaInt;
typedef lua_Number LuaFloat;
class LuaString;
class LuaTable;
class LuaFunction;
class LuaThread;
class LuaUserData;
typedef Variant<LuaNilType, LuaBoolean, LuaInt, LuaFloat, LuaString, LuaTable, LuaFunction, LuaThread, LuaUserData> LuaValue;
// Used to wrap multiple return values from calling a lua function or to pass
// multiple values as arguments to a lua function from a container. If this is
// used as an argument to a lua callback function, it must be the final
// argument of the function!
template <typename T>
class LuaVariadic : public List<T> {
using List<T>::List;
// Unpack a container and apply each of the arguments separately to a lua
// function, similar to lua's unpack.
template <typename Container>
LuaVariadic<typename std::decay<Container>::type::value_type> luaUnpack(Container&& c);
// Similar to LuaVariadic, but a tuple type so automatic per-entry type
// conversion is done. This can only be used as the return value of a wrapped
// c++ function, or as a type for the return value of calling a lua function.
template <typename... Types>
class LuaTupleReturn : public tuple<Types...> {
typedef tuple<Types...> Base;
explicit LuaTupleReturn(Types const&... args);
template <typename... UTypes>
explicit LuaTupleReturn(UTypes&&... args);
template <typename... UTypes>
explicit LuaTupleReturn(UTypes const&... args);
LuaTupleReturn(LuaTupleReturn const& rhs);
LuaTupleReturn(LuaTupleReturn&& rhs);
template <typename... UTypes>
LuaTupleReturn(LuaTupleReturn<UTypes...> const& rhs);
template <typename... UTypes>
LuaTupleReturn(LuaTupleReturn<UTypes...>&& rhs);
LuaTupleReturn& operator=(LuaTupleReturn const& rhs);
LuaTupleReturn& operator=(LuaTupleReturn&& rhs);
template <typename... UTypes>
LuaTupleReturn& operator=(LuaTupleReturn<UTypes...> const& rhs);
template <typename... UTypes>
LuaTupleReturn& operator=(LuaTupleReturn<UTypes...>&& rhs);
// std::tie for LuaTupleReturn
template <typename... Types>
LuaTupleReturn<Types&...> luaTie(Types&... args);
// Constructs a LuaTupleReturn from the given arguments similar to make_tuple
template <typename... Types>
LuaTupleReturn<typename std::decay<Types>::type...> luaTupleReturn(Types&&... args);
namespace LuaDetail {
struct LuaHandle {
LuaHandle(LuaEnginePtr engine, int handleIndex);
LuaHandle(LuaHandle const& other);
LuaHandle(LuaHandle&& other);
LuaHandle& operator=(LuaHandle const& other);
LuaHandle& operator=(LuaHandle&& other);
LuaEnginePtr engine;
int handleIndex = 0;
// Not meant to be used directly, exposes a raw interface for wrapped C++
// functions to be wrapped with the least amount of overhead. Arguments are
// passed non-const so that they can be moved into wrapped functions that
// take values without copying.
typedef Variant<LuaValue, LuaVariadic<LuaValue>> LuaFunctionReturn;
typedef function<LuaFunctionReturn(LuaEngine&, size_t argc, LuaValue* argv)> LuaWrappedFunction;
// Prints the lua value similar to lua's print function, except it makes an
// attempt at printing tables.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, LuaValue const& value);
// Holds a reference to a LuaEngine and a value held internally inside the
// registry of that engine. The lifetime of the LuaEngine will be extended
// until all LuaReferences referencing it are destroyed.
class LuaReference {
LuaReference(LuaDetail::LuaHandle handle);
LuaReference(LuaReference&&) = default;
LuaReference& operator=(LuaReference&&) = default;
LuaReference(LuaReference const&) = default;
LuaReference& operator=(LuaReference const&) = default;
bool operator==(LuaReference const& rhs) const;
bool operator!=(LuaReference const& rhs) const;
LuaEngine& engine() const;
int handleIndex() const;
LuaDetail::LuaHandle m_handle;
class LuaString : public LuaReference {
using LuaReference::LuaReference;
char const* ptr() const;
size_t length() const;
String toString() const;
StringView view() const;
bool operator==(LuaString const& s1, LuaString const& s2);
bool operator==(LuaString const& s1, char const* s2);
bool operator==(LuaString const& s1, std::string const& s2);
bool operator==(LuaString const& s1, String const& s2);
bool operator==(char const* s1, LuaString const& s2);
bool operator==(std::string const& s1, LuaString const& s2);
bool operator==(String const& s1, LuaString const& s2);
bool operator!=(LuaString const& s1, LuaString const& s2);
bool operator!=(LuaString const& s1, char const* s2);
bool operator!=(LuaString const& s1, std::string const& s2);
bool operator!=(LuaString const& s1, String const& s2);
bool operator!=(char const* s1, LuaString const& s2);
bool operator!=(std::string const& s1, LuaString const& s2);
bool operator!=(String const& s1, LuaString const& s2);
class LuaTable : public LuaReference {
using LuaReference::LuaReference;
template <typename T = LuaValue, typename K>
T get(K key) const;
template <typename T = LuaValue>
T get(char const* key) const;
template <typename T, typename K>
void set(K key, T t) const;
template <typename T>
void set(char const* key, T t) const;
// Shorthand for get(path) != LuaNil
template <typename K>
bool contains(K key) const;
bool contains(char const* key) const;
// Shorthand for setting to LuaNil
template <typename K>
void remove(K key) const;
void remove(char const* key) const;
// Result of lua # operator
LuaInt length() const;
// If iteration function returns bool, returning false signals stopping.
template <typename Function>
void iterate(Function&& iterator) const;
template <typename Return, typename... Args, typename Function>
void iterateWithSignature(Function&& func) const;
Maybe<LuaTable> getMetatable() const;
void setMetatable(LuaTable const& table) const;
template <typename T = LuaValue, typename K>
T rawGet(K key) const;
template <typename T = LuaValue>
T rawGet(char const* key) const;
template <typename T, typename K>
void rawSet(K key, T t) const;
template <typename T>
void rawSet(char const* key, T t) const;
LuaInt rawLength() const;
class LuaFunction : public LuaReference {
using LuaReference::LuaReference;
template <typename Ret = LuaValue, typename... Args>
Ret invoke(Args const&... args) const;
class LuaThread : public LuaReference {
using LuaReference::LuaReference;
enum class Status {
// Will return a value if the thread has yielded a value, and nothing if the
// thread has finished execution
template <typename Ret = LuaValue, typename... Args>
Maybe<Ret> resume(Args const&... args) const;
void pushFunction(LuaFunction const& func) const;
Status status() const;
// Keeping LuaReferences in LuaUserData will lead to circular references to
// LuaEngine, in addition to circular references in Lua which the Lua
// garbage collector can't collect. Don't put LuaReferences in LuaUserData.
class LuaUserData : public LuaReference {
using LuaReference::LuaReference;
template <typename T>
bool is() const;
template <typename T>
T& get() const;
LuaValue const LuaNil = LuaValue();
class LuaCallbacks {
template <typename Function>
void registerCallback(String name, Function&& func);
template <typename Return, typename... Args, typename Function>
void registerCallbackWithSignature(String name, Function&& func);
LuaCallbacks& merge(LuaCallbacks const& callbacks);
StringMap<LuaDetail::LuaWrappedFunction> const& callbacks() const;
StringMap<LuaDetail::LuaWrappedFunction> m_callbacks;
template <typename T>
class LuaMethods {
template <typename Function>
void registerMethod(String name, Function&& func);
template <typename Return, typename... Args, typename Function>
void registerMethodWithSignature(String name, Function&& func);
StringMap<LuaDetail::LuaWrappedFunction> const& methods() const;
StringMap<LuaDetail::LuaWrappedFunction> m_methods;
// A single execution context from a LuaEngine that manages a (mostly) distinct
// lua environment. Each LuaContext's global environment is separate and one
// LuaContext can (mostly) not affect any other.
class LuaContext : protected LuaTable {
typedef function<void(LuaContext&, LuaString const&)> RequireFunction;
using LuaTable::LuaTable;
using LuaTable::get;
using LuaTable::set;
using LuaTable::contains;
using LuaTable::remove;
using LuaTable::engine;
using LuaTable::handleIndex;
// Splits the path by '.' character, so can get / set values in tables inside
// other tables. If any table in the path is not a table but is accessed as
// one, instead returns LuaNil.
template <typename T = LuaValue>
T getPath(String path) const;
// Shorthand for getPath != LuaNil
bool containsPath(String path) const;
// Will create new tables if the key contains paths that are nil
template <typename T>
void setPath(String path, T value);
// Load the given code (either source or bytecode) into this context as a new
// chunk. It is not necessary to provide the name again if given bytecode.
void load(char const* contents, size_t size, char const* name = nullptr);
void load(String const& contents, String const& name = String());
void load(ByteArray const& contents, String const& name = String());
// Evaluate a piece of lua code in this context, similar to the lua repl.
// Can evaluate both expressions and statements.
template <typename T = LuaValue>
T eval(String const& lua);
// Override the built-in require function with the given function that takes
// this LuaContext and the module name to load.
void setRequireFunction(RequireFunction requireFunction);
void setCallbacks(String const& tableName, LuaCallbacks const& callbacks) const;
// For convenience, invokePath methods are equivalent to calling getPath(key)
// to get a function, and then invoking it.
template <typename Ret = LuaValue, typename... Args>
Ret invokePath(String const& key, Args const&... args) const;
// For convenience, calls to LuaEngine conversion / create functions are
// duplicated here.
template <typename T>
LuaValue luaFrom(T&& t);
template <typename T>
LuaValue luaFrom(T const& t);
template <typename T>
Maybe<T> luaMaybeTo(LuaValue&& v);
template <typename T>
Maybe<T> luaMaybeTo(LuaValue const& v);
template <typename T>
T luaTo(LuaValue const& v);
template <typename T>
T luaTo(LuaValue&& v);
LuaString createString(String const& str);
LuaString createString(char const* str);
LuaTable createTable();
template <typename Container>
LuaTable createTable(Container const& map);
template <typename Container>
LuaTable createArrayTable(Container const& array);
template <typename Function>
LuaFunction createFunction(Function&& func);
template <typename Return, typename... Args, typename Function>
LuaFunction createFunctionWithSignature(Function&& func);
template <typename T>
LuaUserData createUserData(T t);
template <typename T>
struct LuaNullTermWrapper : T {
LuaNullTermWrapper() : T() {}
LuaNullTermWrapper(LuaNullTermWrapper const& nt) : T(nt) {}
LuaNullTermWrapper(LuaNullTermWrapper&& nt) : T(std::move(nt)) {}
LuaNullTermWrapper(T const& bt) : T(bt) {}
LuaNullTermWrapper(T&& bt) : T(std::move(bt)) {}
using T::T;
LuaNullTermWrapper& operator=(LuaNullTermWrapper const& rhs) {
return *this;
LuaNullTermWrapper& operator=(LuaNullTermWrapper&& rhs) {
return *this;
LuaNullTermWrapper& operator=(T&& other) {
return *this;
class LuaNullEnforcer {
LuaNullEnforcer(LuaEngine& engine);
LuaEngine* m_engine;
// Types that want to participate in automatic lua conversion should specialize
// this template and provide static to and from methods on it. The method
// signatures will be called like:
// LuaValue from(LuaEngine& engine, T t);
// Maybe<T> to(LuaEngine& engine, LuaValue v);
// The methods can also take 'T const&' or 'LuaValue const&' as parameters, and
// the 'to' method can also return a bare T if conversion cannot fail.
template <typename T>
struct LuaConverter;
// UserData types that want to expose methods to lua should specialize this
// template.
template <typename T>
struct LuaUserDataMethods {
static LuaMethods<T> make();
// Convenience converter that simply converts to/from LuaUserData, can be
// derived from by a declared converter.
template <typename T>
struct LuaUserDataConverter {
static LuaValue from(LuaEngine& engine, T t);
static Maybe<T> to(LuaEngine& engine, LuaValue const& v);
struct LuaProfileEntry {
// Source name of the chunk the function was defined in
String source;
// Line number in the chunk of the beginning of the function definition
unsigned sourceLine;
// Name of the function, if it can be determined
Maybe<String> name;
// Scope of the function, if it can be determined
Maybe<String> nameScope;
// Time taken within this function itself
int64_t selfTime;
// Total time taken within this function or sub functions
int64_t totalTime;
// Calls from this function
HashMap<tuple<String, unsigned>, shared_ptr<LuaProfileEntry>> calls;
// This class represents one execution engine in lua, holding a single
// lua_State. Multiple contexts can be created, and they will have separate
// global environments and cannot affect each other. Individual LuaEngines /
// LuaContexts are not thread safe, use one LuaEngine per thread.
class LuaEngine : public RefCounter {
// If 'safe' is true, then creates a lua engine with all builtin lua
// functions that can affect the real world disabled.
static LuaEnginePtr create(bool safe = true);
LuaEngine(LuaEngine const&) = delete;
LuaEngine(LuaEngine&&) = default;
LuaEngine& operator=(LuaEngine const&) = delete;
LuaEngine& operator=(LuaEngine&&) = default;
// Set the instruction limit for computation sequences in the engine. During
// any function invocation, thread resume, or code evaluation, an instruction
// counter will be started. In the event that the instruction counter
// becomes greater than the given limit, a LuaException will be thrown. The
// count is only reset when the initial entry into LuaEngine is returned,
// recursive entries into LuaEngine accumulate the same instruction counter.
// 0 disables the instruction limit.
void setInstructionLimit(uint64_t instructionLimit = 0);
uint64_t instructionLimit() const;
// If profiling is enabled, then every 'measureInterval' instructions, the
// function call stack will be recorded, and a summary of function timing can
// be printed using profileReport
void setProfilingEnabled(bool profilingEnabled);
bool profilingEnabled() const;
// Print a summary of the profiling data gathered since profiling was last
// enabled.
List<LuaProfileEntry> getProfile();
// If an instruction limit is set or profiling is neabled, this field
// describes the resolution of instruction count measurement, and affects the
// accuracy of profiling and the instruction count limit. Defaults to 1000
void setInstructionMeasureInterval(unsigned measureInterval = 1000);
unsigned instructionMeasureInterval() const;
// Sets the LuaEngine recursion limit, limiting the number of times a
// LuaEngine call may directly or inderectly trigger a call back into the
// LuaEngine, preventing a C++ stack overflow. 0 disables the limit.
void setRecursionLimit(unsigned recursionLimit = 0);
unsigned recursionLimit() const;
// Compile a given script into bytecode. If name is given, then it will be
// used as the internal name for the resulting chunk and will provide better
// error messages.
// Unfortunately the only way to completely ensure that a single script will
// execute in two separate contexts and truly be isolated is to compile the
// script to bytecode and load once in each context as a separate chunk.
ByteArray compile(char const* contents, size_t size, char const* name = nullptr);
ByteArray compile(String const& contents, String const& name = String());
ByteArray compile(ByteArray const& contents, String const& name = String());
// Generic from/to lua conversion, calls template specialization of
// LuaConverter for actual conversion.
template <typename T>
LuaValue luaFrom(T&& t);
template <typename T>
LuaValue luaFrom(T const& t);
template <typename T>
Maybe<T> luaMaybeTo(LuaValue&& v);
template <typename T>
Maybe<T> luaMaybeTo(LuaValue const& v);
// Wraps luaMaybeTo, throws an exception if conversion fails.
template <typename T>
T luaTo(LuaValue const& v);
template <typename T>
T luaTo(LuaValue&& v);
LuaString createString(String const& str);
LuaString createString(char const* str);
LuaTable createTable(int narr = 0, int nrec = 0);
template <typename Container>
LuaTable createTable(Container const& map);
template <typename Container>
LuaTable createArrayTable(Container const& array);
// Creates a function and deduces the signature of the function using
// FunctionTraits. As a convenience, the given function may optionally take
// a LuaEngine& parameter as the first parameter, and if it does, when called
// the function will get a reference to the calling LuaEngine.
template <typename Function>
LuaFunction createFunction(Function&& func);
// If the function signature is not deducible using FunctionTraits, you can
// specify the return and argument types manually using this createFunction
// version.
template <typename Return, typename... Args, typename Function>
LuaFunction createFunctionWithSignature(Function&& func);
LuaFunction createWrappedFunction(LuaDetail::LuaWrappedFunction function);
LuaFunction createRawFunction(lua_CFunction func);
LuaFunction createFunctionFromSource(int handleIndex, char const* contents, size_t size, char const* name);
LuaThread createThread();
template <typename T>
LuaUserData createUserData(T t);
LuaContext createContext();
// Global environment changes only affect newly created contexts
template <typename T = LuaValue, typename K>
T getGlobal(K key);
template <typename T = LuaValue>
T getGlobal(char const* key);
template <typename T, typename K>
void setGlobal(K key, T value);
template <typename T>
void setGlobal(char const* key, T value);
// Perform either a full or incremental garbage collection.
void collectGarbage(Maybe<unsigned> steps = {});
// Stop / start automatic garbage collection
void setAutoGarbageCollection(bool autoGarbageColleciton);
// Tune the pause and step values of the lua garbage collector
void tuneAutoGarbageCollection(float pause, float stepMultiplier);
// Bytes in use by lua
size_t memoryUsage() const;
// Enforce null-terminated string conversion as long as the returned enforcer object is in scope.
LuaNullEnforcer nullTerminate();
// Disables null-termination enforcement
void setNullTerminated(bool nullTerminated);
friend struct LuaDetail::LuaHandle;
friend class LuaReference;
friend class LuaString;
friend class LuaTable;
friend class LuaFunction;
friend class LuaThread;
friend class LuaUserData;
friend class LuaContext;
friend class LuaNullEnforcer;
LuaEngine() = default;
// Get the LuaEngine* out of the lua registry magic entry. Uses 1 stack
// space, and does not call lua_checkstack.
static LuaEngine* luaEnginePtr(lua_State* state);
// Counts instructions when instruction limiting is enabled.
static void countHook(lua_State* state, lua_Debug* ar);
static void* allocate(void* userdata, void* ptr, size_t oldSize, size_t newSize);
// Pops lua error from stack and throws LuaException
void handleError(lua_State* state, int res);
// lua_pcall with a better message handler that includes a traceback.
int pcallWithTraceback(lua_State* state, int nargs, int nresults);
// override for lua coroutine resume with traceback
static int coresumeWithTraceback(lua_State* state);
// propagates errors from one state to another, i.e. past thread boundaries
// pops error off the top of the from stack and pushes onto the to stack
static void propagateErrorWithTraceback(lua_State* from, lua_State* to);
char const* stringPtr(int handleIndex);
size_t stringLength(int handleIndex);
String string(int handleIndex);
StringView stringView(int handleIndex);
LuaValue tableGet(bool raw, int handleIndex, LuaValue const& key);
LuaValue tableGet(bool raw, int handleIndex, char const* key);
void tableSet(bool raw, int handleIndex, LuaValue const& key, LuaValue const& value);
void tableSet(bool raw, int handleIndex, char const* key, LuaValue const& value);
LuaInt tableLength(bool raw, int handleIndex);
void tableIterate(int handleIndex, function<bool(LuaValue, LuaValue)> iterator);
Maybe<LuaTable> tableGetMetatable(int handleIndex);
void tableSetMetatable(int handleIndex, LuaTable const& table);
template <typename... Args>
LuaDetail::LuaFunctionReturn callFunction(int handleIndex, Args const&... args);
template <typename... Args>
Maybe<LuaDetail::LuaFunctionReturn> resumeThread(int handleIndex, Args const&... args);
void threadPushFunction(int threadIndex, int functionIndex);
LuaThread::Status threadStatus(int handleIndex);
template <typename T>
void registerUserDataType();
template <typename T>
bool userDataIsType(int handleIndex);
template <typename T>
T* getUserData(int handleIndex);
void setContextRequire(int handleIndex, LuaContext::RequireFunction requireFunction);
void contextLoad(int handleIndex, char const* contents, size_t size, char const* name);
LuaDetail::LuaFunctionReturn contextEval(int handleIndex, String const& lua);
LuaValue contextGetPath(int handleIndex, String path);
void contextSetPath(int handleIndex, String path, LuaValue const& value);
int popHandle(lua_State* state);
void pushHandle(lua_State* state, int handleIndex);
int copyHandle(int handleIndex);
void destroyHandle(int handleIndex);
int placeHandle();
void pushLuaValue(lua_State* state, LuaValue const& luaValue);
LuaValue popLuaValue(lua_State* state);
template <typename T>
size_t pushArgument(lua_State* state, T const& arg);
template <typename T>
size_t pushArgument(lua_State* state, LuaVariadic<T> const& args);
size_t doPushArguments(lua_State*);
template <typename First, typename... Rest>
size_t doPushArguments(lua_State* state, First const& first, Rest const&... rest);
template <typename... Args>
size_t pushArguments(lua_State* state, Args const&... args);
void incrementRecursionLevel();
void decrementRecursionLevel();
void updateCountHook();
// The following fields exist to use their addresses as unique lightuserdata,
// as is recommended by the lua docs.
static int s_luaInstructionLimitExceptionKey;
static int s_luaRecursionLimitExceptionKey;
lua_State* m_state;
int m_pcallTracebackMessageHandlerRegistryId;
int m_scriptDefaultEnvRegistryId;
int m_wrappedFunctionMetatableRegistryId;
int m_requireFunctionMetatableRegistryId;
HashMap<std::type_index, int> m_registeredUserDataTypes;
lua_State* m_handleThread;
int m_handleStackSize;
int m_handleStackMax;
List<int> m_handleFree;
uint64_t m_instructionLimit;
bool m_profilingEnabled;
unsigned m_instructionMeasureInterval;
uint64_t m_instructionCount;
unsigned m_recursionLevel;
unsigned m_recursionLimit;
int m_nullTerminated;
HashMap<tuple<String, unsigned>, shared_ptr<LuaProfileEntry>> m_profileEntries;
// Built in conversions
template <>
struct LuaConverter<bool> {
static LuaValue from(LuaEngine&, bool v) {
return v;
static Maybe<bool> to(LuaEngine&, LuaValue const& v) {
if (auto b = v.ptr<LuaBoolean>())
return *b;
if (v == LuaNil)
return false;
return true;
template <typename T>
struct LuaIntConverter {
static LuaValue from(LuaEngine&, T v) {
return LuaInt(v);
static Maybe<T> to(LuaEngine&, LuaValue const& v) {
if (auto n = v.ptr<LuaInt>())
return *n;
if (auto n = v.ptr<LuaFloat>())
return *n;
if (auto s = v.ptr<LuaString>()) {
if (auto n = maybeLexicalCast<LuaInt>(s->ptr()))
return *n;
if (auto n = maybeLexicalCast<LuaFloat>(s->ptr()))
return *n;
return {};
template <>
struct LuaConverter<char> : LuaIntConverter<char> {};
template <>
struct LuaConverter<unsigned char> : LuaIntConverter<unsigned char> {};
template <>
struct LuaConverter<short> : LuaIntConverter<short> {};
template <>
struct LuaConverter<unsigned short> : LuaIntConverter<unsigned short> {};
template <>
struct LuaConverter<long> : LuaIntConverter<long> {};
template <>
struct LuaConverter<unsigned long> : LuaIntConverter<unsigned long> {};
template <>
struct LuaConverter<int> : LuaIntConverter<int> {};
template <>
struct LuaConverter<unsigned int> : LuaIntConverter<unsigned int> {};
template <>
struct LuaConverter<long long> : LuaIntConverter<long long> {};
template <>
struct LuaConverter<unsigned long long> : LuaIntConverter<unsigned long long> {};
template <typename T>
struct LuaFloatConverter {
static LuaValue from(LuaEngine&, T v) {
return LuaFloat(v);
static Maybe<T> to(LuaEngine&, LuaValue const& v) {
if (auto n = v.ptr<LuaFloat>())
return *n;
if (auto n = v.ptr<LuaInt>())
return *n;
if (auto s = v.ptr<LuaString>()) {
if (auto n = maybeLexicalCast<LuaFloat>(s->ptr()))
return *n;
if (auto n = maybeLexicalCast<LuaInt>(s->ptr()))
return *n;
return {};
template <>
struct LuaConverter<float> : LuaFloatConverter<float> {};
template <>
struct LuaConverter<double> : LuaFloatConverter<double> {};
template <>
struct LuaConverter<String> {
static LuaValue from(LuaEngine& engine, String const& v) {
return engine.createString(v);
static Maybe<String> to(LuaEngine&, LuaValue const& v) {
if (v.is<LuaString>())
return v.get<LuaString>().toString();
if (v.is<LuaInt>())
return String(toString(v.get<LuaInt>()));
if (v.is<LuaFloat>())
return String(toString(v.get<LuaFloat>()));
return {};
template <>
struct LuaConverter<std::string> {
static LuaValue from(LuaEngine& engine, std::string const& v) {
return engine.createString(v.c_str());
static Maybe<std::string> to(LuaEngine& engine, LuaValue v) {
return engine.luaTo<String>(std::move(v)).takeUtf8();
template <>
struct LuaConverter<char const*> {
static LuaValue from(LuaEngine& engine, char const* v) {
return engine.createString(v);
template <size_t s>
struct LuaConverter<char[s]> {
static LuaValue from(LuaEngine& engine, char const v[s]) {
return engine.createString(v);
template <>
struct LuaConverter<Directives> {
static LuaValue from(LuaEngine& engine, Directives const& v) {
if (String const* ptr = v.stringPtr())
return engine.createString(*ptr);
return engine.createString("");
template <>
struct LuaConverter<LuaString> {
static LuaValue from(LuaEngine&, LuaString v) {
return LuaValue(std::move(v));
static Maybe<LuaString> to(LuaEngine& engine, LuaValue v) {
if (v.is<LuaString>())
return LuaString(std::move(v.get<LuaString>()));
if (v.is<LuaInt>())
return engine.createString(toString(v.get<LuaInt>()));
if (v.is<LuaFloat>())
return engine.createString(toString(v.get<LuaFloat>()));
return {};
template <typename T>
struct LuaValueConverter {
static LuaValue from(LuaEngine&, T v) {
return v;
static Maybe<T> to(LuaEngine&, LuaValue v) {
if (auto p = v.ptr<T>()) {
return std::move(*p);
return {};
template <>
struct LuaConverter<LuaTable> : LuaValueConverter<LuaTable> {};
template <>
struct LuaConverter<LuaFunction> : LuaValueConverter<LuaFunction> {};
template <>
struct LuaConverter<LuaThread> : LuaValueConverter<LuaThread> {};
template <>
struct LuaConverter<LuaUserData> : LuaValueConverter<LuaUserData> {};
template <>
struct LuaConverter<LuaValue> {
static LuaValue from(LuaEngine&, LuaValue v) {
return v;
static LuaValue to(LuaEngine&, LuaValue v) {
return v;
template <typename T>
struct LuaConverter<Maybe<T>> {
static LuaValue from(LuaEngine& engine, Maybe<T> const& v) {
if (v)
return engine.luaFrom<T>(*v);
return LuaNil;
static LuaValue from(LuaEngine& engine, Maybe<T>&& v) {
if (v)
return engine.luaFrom<T>(v.take());
return LuaNil;
static Maybe<Maybe<T>> to(LuaEngine& engine, LuaValue const& v) {
if (v != LuaNil) {
if (auto conv = engine.luaMaybeTo<T>(v))
return conv;
return {};
} else {
return Maybe<T>();
static Maybe<Maybe<T>> to(LuaEngine& engine, LuaValue&& v) {
if (v != LuaNil) {
if (auto conv = engine.luaMaybeTo<T>(std::move(v)))
return conv;
return {};
} else {
return Maybe<T>();
template <typename T>
struct LuaMapConverter {
static LuaValue from(LuaEngine& engine, T const& v) {
return engine.createTable(v);
static Maybe<T> to(LuaEngine& engine, LuaValue const& v) {
auto table = v.ptr<LuaTable>();
if (!table)
return {};
T result;
bool failed = false;
table->iterate([&result, &failed, &engine](LuaValue key, LuaValue value) {
auto contKey = engine.luaMaybeTo<typename T::key_type>(std::move(key));
auto contValue = engine.luaMaybeTo<typename T::mapped_type>(std::move(value));
if (!contKey || !contValue) {
failed = true;
return false;
result[contKey.take()] = contValue.take();
return true;
if (failed)
return {};
return result;
template <typename T>
struct LuaContainerConverter {
static LuaValue from(LuaEngine& engine, T const& v) {
return engine.createArrayTable(v);
static Maybe<T> to(LuaEngine& engine, LuaValue const& v) {
auto table = v.ptr<LuaTable>();
if (!table)
return {};
T result;
bool failed = false;
table->iterate([&result, &failed, &engine](LuaValue key, LuaValue value) {
if (!key.is<LuaInt>()) {
failed = true;
return false;
auto contVal = engine.luaMaybeTo<typename T::value_type>(std::move(value));
if (!contVal) {
failed = true;
return false;
result.insert(result.end(), contVal.take());
return true;
if (failed)
return {};
return result;
template <typename T, typename Allocator>
struct LuaConverter<List<T, Allocator>> : LuaContainerConverter<List<T, Allocator>> {};
template <typename T, size_t MaxSize>
struct LuaConverter<StaticList<T, MaxSize>> : LuaContainerConverter<StaticList<T, MaxSize>> {};
template <typename T, size_t MaxStackSize>
struct LuaConverter<SmallList<T, MaxStackSize>> : LuaContainerConverter<SmallList<T, MaxStackSize>> {};
template <>
struct LuaConverter<StringList> : LuaContainerConverter<StringList> {};
template <typename T, typename BaseSet>
struct LuaConverter<Set<T, BaseSet>> : LuaContainerConverter<Set<T, BaseSet>> {};
template <typename T, typename BaseSet>
struct LuaConverter<HashSet<T, BaseSet>> : LuaContainerConverter<HashSet<T, BaseSet>> {};
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Compare, typename Allocator>
struct LuaConverter<Map<Key, Value, Compare, Allocator>> : LuaMapConverter<Map<Key, Value, Compare, Allocator>> {};
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Hash, typename Equals, typename Allocator>
struct LuaConverter<HashMap<Key, Value, Hash, Equals, Allocator>> : LuaMapConverter<HashMap<Key, Value, Hash, Equals, Allocator>> {};
template <>
struct LuaConverter<Json> {
static LuaValue from(LuaEngine& engine, Json const& v);
static Maybe<Json> to(LuaEngine& engine, LuaValue const& v);
template <>
struct LuaConverter<JsonObject> {
static LuaValue from(LuaEngine& engine, JsonObject v);
static Maybe<JsonObject> to(LuaEngine& engine, LuaValue v);
template <>
struct LuaConverter<JsonArray> {
static LuaValue from(LuaEngine& engine, JsonArray v);
static Maybe<JsonArray> to(LuaEngine& engine, LuaValue v);
namespace LuaDetail {
inline LuaHandle::LuaHandle(LuaEnginePtr engine, int handleIndex)
: engine(std::move(engine)), handleIndex(handleIndex) {}
inline LuaHandle::~LuaHandle() {
if (engine)
inline LuaHandle::LuaHandle(LuaHandle const& other) {
engine = other.engine;
if (engine)
handleIndex = engine->copyHandle(other.handleIndex);
inline LuaHandle::LuaHandle(LuaHandle&& other) {
engine = take(other.engine);
handleIndex = take(other.handleIndex);
inline LuaHandle& LuaHandle::operator=(LuaHandle const& other) {
if (engine)
engine = other.engine;
if (engine)
handleIndex = engine->copyHandle(other.handleIndex);
return *this;
inline LuaHandle& LuaHandle::operator=(LuaHandle&& other) {
if (engine)
engine = take(other.engine);
handleIndex = take(other.handleIndex);
return *this;
template <typename T>
struct FromFunctionReturn {
static T convert(LuaEngine& engine, LuaFunctionReturn const& ret) {
if (auto l = ret.ptr<LuaValue>()) {
return engine.luaTo<T>(*l);
} else if (auto vec = ret.ptr<LuaVariadic<LuaValue>>()) {
return engine.luaTo<T>(vec->at(0));
} else {
return engine.luaTo<T>(LuaNil);
template <typename T>
struct FromFunctionReturn<LuaVariadic<T>> {
static LuaVariadic<T> convert(LuaEngine& engine, LuaFunctionReturn const& ret) {
if (auto l = ret.ptr<LuaValue>()) {
return {engine.luaTo<T>(*l)};
} else if (auto vec = ret.ptr<LuaVariadic<LuaValue>>()) {
LuaVariadic<T> ret(vec->size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < vec->size(); ++i)
ret[i] = engine.luaTo<T>((*vec)[i]);
return ret;
} else {
return {};
template <typename ArgFirst, typename... ArgRest>
struct FromFunctionReturn<LuaTupleReturn<ArgFirst, ArgRest...>> {
static LuaTupleReturn<ArgFirst, ArgRest...> convert(LuaEngine& engine, LuaFunctionReturn const& ret) {
if (auto l = ret.ptr<LuaValue>()) {
return doConvertSingle(engine, *l, typename GenIndexSequence<0, sizeof...(ArgRest)>::type());
} else if (auto vec = ret.ptr<LuaVariadic<LuaValue>>()) {
return doConvertMulti(engine, *vec, typename GenIndexSequence<0, sizeof...(ArgRest)>::type());
} else {
return doConvertNone(engine, typename GenIndexSequence<0, sizeof...(ArgRest)>::type());
template <size_t... Indexes>
static LuaTupleReturn<ArgFirst, ArgRest...> doConvertSingle(
LuaEngine& engine, LuaValue const& single, IndexSequence<Indexes...> const&) {
return LuaTupleReturn<ArgFirst, ArgRest...>(engine.luaTo<ArgFirst>(single), engine.luaTo<ArgRest>(LuaNil)...);
template <size_t... Indexes>
static LuaTupleReturn<ArgFirst, ArgRest...> doConvertMulti(
LuaEngine& engine, LuaVariadic<LuaValue> const& multi, IndexSequence<Indexes...> const&) {
return LuaTupleReturn<ArgFirst, ArgRest...>(
engine.luaTo<ArgFirst>(multi.at(0)), engine.luaTo<ArgRest>(multi.get(Indexes + 1))...);
template <size_t... Indexes>
static LuaTupleReturn<ArgFirst, ArgRest...> doConvertNone(LuaEngine& engine, IndexSequence<Indexes...> const&) {
return LuaTupleReturn<ArgFirst, ArgRest...>(engine.luaTo<ArgFirst>(LuaNil), engine.luaTo<ArgRest>(LuaNil)...);
template <typename... Args, size_t... Indexes>
LuaVariadic<LuaValue> toVariadicReturn(
LuaEngine& engine, LuaTupleReturn<Args...> const& vals, IndexSequence<Indexes...> const&) {
return LuaVariadic<LuaValue>{engine.luaFrom(get<Indexes>(vals))...};
template <typename... Args>
LuaVariadic<LuaValue> toWrappedReturn(LuaEngine& engine, LuaTupleReturn<Args...> const& vals) {
return toVariadicReturn(engine, vals, typename GenIndexSequence<0, sizeof...(Args)>::type());
template <typename T>
LuaVariadic<LuaValue> toWrappedReturn(LuaEngine& engine, LuaVariadic<T> const& vals) {
LuaVariadic<LuaValue> ret(vals.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < vals.size(); ++i)
ret[i] = engine.luaFrom(vals[i]);
return ret;
template <typename T>
LuaValue toWrappedReturn(LuaEngine& engine, T const& t) {
return engine.luaFrom(t);
template <typename T>
struct ArgGet {
static T get(LuaEngine& engine, size_t argc, LuaValue* argv, size_t index) {
if (index < argc)
return engine.luaTo<T>(std::move(argv[index]));
return engine.luaTo<T>(LuaNil);
template <typename T>
struct ArgGet<LuaVariadic<T>> {
static LuaVariadic<T> get(LuaEngine& engine, size_t argc, LuaValue* argv, size_t index) {
if (index >= argc)
return {};
LuaVariadic<T> subargs(argc - index);
for (size_t i = index; i < argc; ++i)
subargs[i - index] = engine.luaTo<T>(std::move(argv[i]));
return subargs;
template <typename Return, typename... Args>
struct FunctionWrapper {
template <typename Function, size_t... Indexes>
static LuaWrappedFunction wrapIndexes(Function func, IndexSequence<Indexes...> const&) {
return [func = std::move(func)](LuaEngine& engine, size_t argc, LuaValue* argv) {
return toWrappedReturn(engine, (Return const&)func(ArgGet<Args>::get(engine, argc, argv, Indexes)...));
template <typename Function>
static LuaWrappedFunction wrap(Function func) {
return wrapIndexes(std::forward<Function>(func), typename GenIndexSequence<0, sizeof...(Args)>::type());
template <typename... Args>
struct FunctionWrapper<void, Args...> {
template <typename Function, size_t... Indexes>
static LuaWrappedFunction wrapIndexes(Function func, IndexSequence<Indexes...> const&) {
return [func = std::move(func)](LuaEngine& engine, size_t argc, LuaValue* argv) {
func(ArgGet<Args>::get(engine, argc, argv, Indexes)...);
return LuaFunctionReturn();
template <typename Function>
static LuaWrappedFunction wrap(Function func) {
return wrapIndexes(std::forward<Function>(func), typename GenIndexSequence<0, sizeof...(Args)>::type());
template <typename Return, typename... Args>
struct FunctionWrapper<Return, LuaEngine, Args...> {
template <typename Function, size_t... Indexes>
static LuaWrappedFunction wrapIndexes(Function func, IndexSequence<Indexes...> const&) {
return [func = std::move(func)](LuaEngine& engine, size_t argc, LuaValue* argv) {
return toWrappedReturn(engine, (Return const&)func(engine, ArgGet<Args>::get(engine, argc, argv, Indexes)...));
template <typename Function>
static LuaWrappedFunction wrap(Function func) {
return wrapIndexes(std::forward<Function>(func), typename GenIndexSequence<0, sizeof...(Args)>::type());
template <typename... Args>
struct FunctionWrapper<void, LuaEngine, Args...> {
template <typename Function, size_t... Indexes>
static LuaWrappedFunction wrapIndexes(Function func, IndexSequence<Indexes...> const&) {
return [func = std::move(func)](LuaEngine& engine, size_t argc, LuaValue* argv) {
func(engine, ArgGet<Args>::get(engine, argc, argv, Indexes)...);
return LuaFunctionReturn();
template <typename Function>
static LuaWrappedFunction wrap(Function func) {
return wrapIndexes(std::forward<Function>(func), typename GenIndexSequence<0, sizeof...(Args)>::type());
template <typename Return, typename... Args, typename Function>
LuaWrappedFunction wrapFunctionWithSignature(Function&& func) {
return FunctionWrapper<Return, typename std::decay<Args>::type...>::wrap(std::forward<Function>(func));
template <typename Return, typename Function, typename... Args>
LuaWrappedFunction wrapFunctionArgs(Function&& func, VariadicTypedef<Args...> const&) {
return wrapFunctionWithSignature<Return, Args...>(std::forward<Function>(func));
template <typename Function>
LuaWrappedFunction wrapFunction(Function&& func) {
return wrapFunctionArgs<typename FunctionTraits<Function>::Return>(
std::forward<Function>(func), typename FunctionTraits<Function>::Args());
template <typename Return, typename T, typename... Args>
struct MethodWrapper {
template <typename Function, size_t... Indexes>
static LuaWrappedFunction wrapIndexes(Function func, IndexSequence<Indexes...> const&) {
return [func = std::move(func)](LuaEngine& engine, size_t argc, LuaValue* argv) mutable {
if (argc == 0)
throw LuaException("No object argument passed to wrapped method");
return toWrappedReturn(engine,
(Return const&)func(argv[0].get<LuaUserData>().get<T>(), ArgGet<Args>::get(engine, argc - 1, argv + 1, Indexes)...));
template <typename Function>
static LuaWrappedFunction wrap(Function&& func) {
return wrapIndexes(std::forward<Function>(func), typename GenIndexSequence<0, sizeof...(Args)>::type());
template <typename T, typename... Args>
struct MethodWrapper<void, T, Args...> {
template <typename Function, size_t... Indexes>
static LuaWrappedFunction wrapIndexes(Function func, IndexSequence<Indexes...> const&) {
return [func = std::move(func)](LuaEngine& engine, size_t argc, LuaValue* argv) {
if (argc == 0)
throw LuaException("No object argument passed to wrapped method");
func(argv[0].get<LuaUserData>().get<T>(), ArgGet<Args>::get(engine, argc - 1, argv + 1, Indexes)...);
return LuaFunctionReturn();
template <typename Function>
static LuaWrappedFunction wrap(Function func) {
return wrapIndexes(std::forward<Function>(func), typename GenIndexSequence<0, sizeof...(Args)>::type());
template <typename Return, typename T, typename... Args>
struct MethodWrapper<Return, T, LuaEngine, Args...> {
template <typename Function, size_t... Indexes>
static LuaWrappedFunction wrapIndexes(Function func, IndexSequence<Indexes...> const&) {
return [func = std::move(func)](LuaEngine& engine, size_t argc, LuaValue* argv) {
if (argc == 0)
throw LuaException("No object argument passed to wrapped method");
return toWrappedReturn(
(Return const&)func(argv[0].get<LuaUserData>().get<T>(), engine, ArgGet<Args>::get(engine, argc - 1, argv + 1, Indexes)...));
template <typename Function>
static LuaWrappedFunction wrap(Function func) {
return wrapIndexes(std::forward<Function>(func), typename GenIndexSequence<0, sizeof...(Args)>::type());
template <typename T, typename... Args>
struct MethodWrapper<void, T, LuaEngine, Args...> {
template <typename Function, size_t... Indexes>
static LuaWrappedFunction wrapIndexes(Function func, IndexSequence<Indexes...> const&) {
return [func = std::move(func)](LuaEngine& engine, size_t argc, LuaValue* argv) {
if (argc == 0)
throw LuaException("No object argument passed to wrapped method");
func(argv[0].get<LuaUserData>().get<T>(), engine, ArgGet<Args>::get(engine, argc - 1, argv + 1, Indexes)...);
return LuaValue();
template <typename Function>
static LuaWrappedFunction wrap(Function func) {
return wrapIndexes(std::forward<Function>(func), typename GenIndexSequence<0, sizeof...(Args)>::type());
template <typename Return, typename... Args, typename Function>
LuaWrappedFunction wrapMethodWithSignature(Function&& func) {
return MethodWrapper<Return, typename std::decay<Args>::type...>::wrap(std::forward<Function>(func));
template <typename Return, typename Function, typename... Args>
LuaWrappedFunction wrapMethodArgs(Function&& func, VariadicTypedef<Args...> const&) {
return wrapMethodWithSignature<Return, Args...>(std::forward<Function>(func));
template <typename Function>
LuaWrappedFunction wrapMethod(Function&& func) {
return wrapMethodArgs<typename FunctionTraits<Function>::Return>(
std::forward<Function>(func), typename FunctionTraits<Function>::Args());
template <typename Ret, typename... Args>
struct TableIteratorWrapper;
template <typename Key, typename Value>
struct TableIteratorWrapper<bool, LuaEngine&, Key, Value> {
template <typename Function>
static function<bool(LuaValue, LuaValue)> wrap(LuaEngine& engine, Function&& func) {
return [&engine, func = std::move(func)](LuaValue key, LuaValue value) -> bool {
return func(engine, engine.luaTo<Key>(std::move(key)), engine.luaTo<Value>(std::move(value)));
template <typename Key, typename Value>
struct TableIteratorWrapper<void, LuaEngine&, Key, Value> {
template <typename Function>
static function<bool(LuaValue, LuaValue)> wrap(LuaEngine& engine, Function&& func) {
return [&engine, func = std::move(func)](LuaValue key, LuaValue value) -> bool {
func(engine, engine.luaTo<Key>(std::move(key)), engine.luaTo<Value>(std::move(value)));
return true;
template <typename Key, typename Value>
struct TableIteratorWrapper<bool, Key, Value> {
template <typename Function>
static function<bool(LuaValue, LuaValue)> wrap(LuaEngine& engine, Function&& func) {
return [&engine, func = std::move(func)](LuaValue key, LuaValue value) -> bool {
return func(engine.luaTo<Key>(std::move(key)), engine.luaTo<Value>(std::move(value)));
template <typename Key, typename Value>
struct TableIteratorWrapper<void, Key, Value> {
template <typename Function>
static function<bool(LuaValue, LuaValue)> wrap(LuaEngine& engine, Function&& func) {
return [&engine, func = std::move(func)](LuaValue key, LuaValue value) -> bool {
func(engine.luaTo<Key>(std::move(key)), engine.luaTo<Value>(std::move(value)));
return true;
template <typename Return, typename... Args, typename Function>
function<bool(LuaValue, LuaValue)> wrapTableIteratorWithSignature(LuaEngine& engine, Function&& func) {
return TableIteratorWrapper<Return, typename std::decay<Args>::type...>::wrap(engine, std::forward<Function>(func));
template <typename Return, typename Function, typename... Args>
function<bool(LuaValue, LuaValue)> wrapTableIteratorArgs(
LuaEngine& engine, Function&& func, VariadicTypedef<Args...> const&) {
return wrapTableIteratorWithSignature<Return, Args...>(engine, std::forward<Function>(func));
template <typename Function>
function<bool(LuaValue, LuaValue)> wrapTableIterator(LuaEngine& engine, Function&& func) {
return wrapTableIteratorArgs<typename FunctionTraits<Function>::Return>(
engine, std::forward<Function>(func), typename FunctionTraits<Function>::Args());
// Like lua_setfield / lua_getfield but raw.
void rawSetField(lua_State* state, int index, char const* key);
void rawGetField(lua_State* state, int index, char const* key);
// Shallow copies a lua table at the given index into the table at the target
// index.
void shallowCopy(lua_State* state, int sourceIndex, int targetIndex);
// Creates a custom lua table from a JsonArray or JsonObject that has
// slightly different behavior than a standard lua table. The table
// remembers nil entries, as well as whether it was initially constructed
// from a JsonArray or JsonObject as a hint on how to convert it back into a
// Json. The custom containers are meant to act nearly identical to standard
// lua tables, so iterating over the table with pairs or ipairs works exactly
// like a standard lua table, so will skip over nil entries and in the case
// of ipairs, stop at the first nil entry.
LuaTable jsonContainerToTable(LuaEngine& engine, Json const& container);
// popJsonContainer must be called with a lua table on the top of the stack.
// Uses the table contents, as well as any hint entries if the table was
// created originally from a Json, to determine whether a JsonArray or
// JsonObject is more appropriate.
Maybe<Json> tableToJsonContainer(LuaTable const& t);
// Special lua functions to operate on our custom jarray / jobject container
// types. Should always do some "sensible" action if given a regular lua
// table instead of a custom json container one.
// Create a JsonList container table
Json jarrayCreate();
// Create a JsonMap container table
Json jobjectCreate();
// *Really* remove an entry from a JsonList or JsonMap container table,
// including removing it from the __nils table. If the given table is not a
// special container table, is equivalent to setting the key entry to nil.
void jcontRemove(LuaTable const& t, LuaValue const& key);
// Returns the element count of the lua table argument, or, in the case of a
// special JsonList container table, returns the "true" element count
// including any nil entries.
size_t jcontSize(LuaTable const& t);
// Resize the given lua table by removing any indexed entries greater than the
// target size, and in the case of a special JsonList container table, pads
// to the end of the new size with nil entries.
void jcontResize(LuaTable const& t, size_t size);
// Coerces a values (strings, floats, ints) into an integer, but fails if the
// number looks fractional (does not parse as int, float is not an exact
// integer)
Maybe<LuaInt> asInteger(LuaValue const& v);
template <typename Container>
LuaVariadic<typename std::decay<Container>::type::value_type> luaUnpack(Container&& c) {
LuaVariadic<typename std::decay<Container>::type::value_type> ret;
if (std::is_rvalue_reference<Container&&>::value) {
for (auto& e : c)
} else {
for (auto const& e : c)
return ret;
template <typename... Types>
LuaTupleReturn<Types...>::LuaTupleReturn(Types const&... args)
: Base(args...) {}
template <typename... Types>
template <typename... UTypes>
LuaTupleReturn<Types...>::LuaTupleReturn(UTypes&&... args)
: Base(std::move(args)...) {}
template <typename... Types>
template <typename... UTypes>
LuaTupleReturn<Types...>::LuaTupleReturn(UTypes const&... args)
: Base(args...) {}
template <typename... Types>
LuaTupleReturn<Types...>::LuaTupleReturn(LuaTupleReturn const& rhs)
: Base(rhs) {}
template <typename... Types>
LuaTupleReturn<Types...>::LuaTupleReturn(LuaTupleReturn&& rhs)
: Base(std::move(rhs)) {}
template <typename... Types>
template <typename... UTypes>
LuaTupleReturn<Types...>::LuaTupleReturn(LuaTupleReturn<UTypes...> const& rhs)
: Base(rhs) {}
template <typename... Types>
template <typename... UTypes>
LuaTupleReturn<Types...>::LuaTupleReturn(LuaTupleReturn<UTypes...>&& rhs)
: Base(std::move(rhs)) {}
template <typename... Types>
LuaTupleReturn<Types...>& LuaTupleReturn<Types...>::operator=(LuaTupleReturn const& rhs) {
return *this;
template <typename... Types>
LuaTupleReturn<Types...>& LuaTupleReturn<Types...>::operator=(LuaTupleReturn&& rhs) {
return *this;
template <typename... Types>
template <typename... UTypes>
LuaTupleReturn<Types...>& LuaTupleReturn<Types...>::operator=(LuaTupleReturn<UTypes...> const& rhs) {
Base::operator=((tuple<UTypes...> const&)rhs);
return *this;
template <typename... Types>
template <typename... UTypes>
LuaTupleReturn<Types...>& LuaTupleReturn<Types...>::operator=(LuaTupleReturn<UTypes...>&& rhs) {
Base::operator=((tuple<UTypes...> && )std::move(rhs));
return *this;
template <typename... Types>
LuaTupleReturn<Types&...> luaTie(Types&... args) {
return LuaTupleReturn<Types&...>(args...);
template <typename... Types>
LuaTupleReturn<typename std::decay<Types>::type...> luaTupleReturn(Types&&... args) {
return LuaTupleReturn<typename std::decay<Types>::type...>(std::forward<Types>(args)...);
inline LuaReference::LuaReference(LuaDetail::LuaHandle handle) : m_handle(std::move(handle)) {}
inline bool LuaReference::operator==(LuaReference const& rhs) const {
return tie(m_handle.engine, m_handle.handleIndex) == tie(rhs.m_handle.engine, rhs.m_handle.handleIndex);
inline bool LuaReference::operator!=(LuaReference const& rhs) const {
return tie(m_handle.engine, m_handle.handleIndex) != tie(rhs.m_handle.engine, rhs.m_handle.handleIndex);
inline LuaEngine& LuaReference::engine() const {
return *m_handle.engine;
inline int LuaReference::handleIndex() const {
return m_handle.handleIndex;
inline char const* LuaString::ptr() const {
return engine().stringPtr(handleIndex());
inline size_t LuaString::length() const {
return engine().stringLength(handleIndex());
inline String LuaString::toString() const {
return engine().string(handleIndex());
inline StringView LuaString::view() const {
return engine().stringView(handleIndex());
inline bool operator==(LuaString const& s1, LuaString const& s2) {
return s1.view() == s2.view();
inline bool operator==(LuaString const& s1, char const* s2) {
return s1.view() == s2;
inline bool operator==(LuaString const& s1, std::string const& s2) {
return s1.view() == s2;
inline bool operator==(LuaString const& s1, String const& s2) {
return s1.view() == s2;
inline bool operator==(char const* s1, LuaString const& s2) {
return s2.view() == s1;
inline bool operator==(std::string const& s1, LuaString const& s2) {
return s2.view() == s1;
inline bool operator==(String const& s1, LuaString const& s2) {
return s2.view() == s1;
inline bool operator!=(LuaString const& s1, LuaString const& s2) {
return !(s1 == s2);
inline bool operator!=(LuaString const& s1, char const* s2) {
return !(s1 == s2);
inline bool operator!=(LuaString const& s1, std::string const& s2) {
return !(s1 == s2);
inline bool operator!=(LuaString const& s1, String const& s2) {
return !(s1 == s2);
inline bool operator!=(char const* s1, LuaString const& s2) {
return !(s1 == s2);
inline bool operator!=(std::string const& s1, LuaString const& s2) {
return !(s1 == s2);
inline bool operator!=(String const& s1, LuaString const& s2) {
return !(s1 == s2);
template <typename T, typename K>
T LuaTable::get(K key) const {
return engine().luaTo<T>(engine().tableGet(false, handleIndex(), engine().luaFrom(std::move(key))));
template <typename T>
T LuaTable::get(char const* key) const {
return engine().luaTo<T>(engine().tableGet(false, handleIndex(), key));
template <typename T, typename K>
void LuaTable::set(K key, T value) const {
engine().tableSet(false, handleIndex(), engine().luaFrom(std::move(key)), engine().luaFrom(std::move(value)));
template <typename T>
void LuaTable::set(char const* key, T value) const {
engine().tableSet(false, handleIndex(), key, engine().luaFrom(std::move(value)));
template <typename K>
bool LuaTable::contains(K key) const {
return engine().tableGet(false, handleIndex(), engine().luaFrom(std::move(key))) != LuaNil;
template <typename K>
void LuaTable::remove(K key) const {
engine().tableSet(false, handleIndex(), engine().luaFrom(key), LuaValue());
template <typename Function>
void LuaTable::iterate(Function&& function) const {
return engine().tableIterate(handleIndex(), LuaDetail::wrapTableIterator(engine(), std::forward<Function>(function)));
template <typename Return, typename... Args, typename Function>
void LuaTable::iterateWithSignature(Function&& func) const {
return engine().tableIterate(handleIndex(), LuaDetail::wrapTableIteratorWithSignature<Return, Args...>(engine(), std::forward<Function>(func)));
template <typename T, typename K>
T LuaTable::rawGet(K key) const {
return engine().luaTo<T>(engine().tableGet(true, handleIndex(), engine().luaFrom(key)));
template <typename T>
T LuaTable::rawGet(char const* key) const {
return engine().luaTo<T>(engine().tableGet(true, handleIndex(), key));
template <typename T, typename K>
void LuaTable::rawSet(K key, T value) const {
engine().tableSet(true, handleIndex(), engine().luaFrom(key), engine().luaFrom(value));
template <typename T>
void LuaTable::rawSet(char const* key, T value) const {
engine().tableSet(true, handleIndex(), engine().luaFrom(key), engine().luaFrom(value));
template <typename Ret, typename... Args>
Ret LuaFunction::invoke(Args const&... args) const {
return LuaDetail::FromFunctionReturn<Ret>::convert(engine(), engine().callFunction(handleIndex(), args...));
template <typename Ret, typename... Args>
Maybe<Ret> LuaThread::resume(Args const&... args) const {
auto res = engine().resumeThread(handleIndex(), args...);
if (!res)
return {};
return LuaDetail::FromFunctionReturn<Ret>::convert(engine(), res.take());
inline void LuaThread::pushFunction(LuaFunction const& func) const {
engine().threadPushFunction(handleIndex(), func.handleIndex());
inline LuaThread::Status LuaThread::status() const {
return engine().threadStatus(handleIndex());
template <typename T>
bool LuaUserData::is() const {
return engine().userDataIsType<T>(handleIndex());
template <typename T>
T& LuaUserData::get() const {
return *engine().getUserData<T>(handleIndex());
template <typename Function>
void LuaCallbacks::registerCallback(String name, Function&& func) {
if (!m_callbacks.insert(name, LuaDetail::wrapFunction(std::forward<Function>(func))).second)
throw LuaException::format("Lua callback '{}' was registered twice", name);
template <typename Return, typename... Args, typename Function>
void LuaCallbacks::registerCallbackWithSignature(String name, Function&& func) {
if (!m_callbacks.insert(name, LuaDetail::wrapFunctionWithSignature<Return, Args...>(std::forward<Function>(func))).second)
throw LuaException::format("Lua callback '{}' was registered twice", name);
template <typename T>
template <typename Function>
void LuaMethods<T>::registerMethod(String name, Function&& func) {
if (!m_methods.insert(name, LuaDetail::wrapMethod(std::forward<Function>(std::move(func)))).second)
throw LuaException::format("Lua method '{}' was registered twice", name);
template <typename T>
template <typename Return, typename... Args, typename Function>
void LuaMethods<T>::registerMethodWithSignature(String name, Function&& func) {
if (!m_methods.insert(name, LuaDetail::wrapMethodWithSignature<Return, Args...>(std::forward<Function>(std::move(func))))
throw LuaException::format("Lua method '{}' was registered twice", name);
template <typename T>
StringMap<LuaDetail::LuaWrappedFunction> const& LuaMethods<T>::methods() const {
return m_methods;
template <typename T>
T LuaContext::getPath(String path) const {
return engine().luaTo<T>(engine().contextGetPath(handleIndex(), std::move(path)));
template <typename T>
void LuaContext::setPath(String key, T value) {
engine().contextSetPath(handleIndex(), std::move(key), engine().luaFrom<T>(std::move(value)));
template <typename Ret>
Ret LuaContext::eval(String const& lua) {
return LuaDetail::FromFunctionReturn<Ret>::convert(engine(), engine().contextEval(handleIndex(), lua));
template <typename Ret, typename... Args>
Ret LuaContext::invokePath(String const& key, Args const&... args) const {
auto p = getPath(key);
if (auto f = p.ptr<LuaFunction>())
return f->invoke<Ret>(args...);
throw LuaException::format("invokePath called on path '{}' which is not function type", key);
template <typename T>
LuaValue LuaContext::luaFrom(T&& t) {
return engine().luaFrom(std::forward<T>(t));
template <typename T>
LuaValue LuaContext::luaFrom(T const& t) {
return engine().luaFrom(t);
template <typename T>
Maybe<T> LuaContext::luaMaybeTo(LuaValue&& v) {
return engine().luaFrom(std::move(v));
template <typename T>
Maybe<T> LuaContext::luaMaybeTo(LuaValue const& v) {
return engine().luaFrom(v);
template <typename T>
T LuaContext::luaTo(LuaValue&& v) {
return engine().luaTo<T>(std::move(v));
template <typename T>
T LuaContext::luaTo(LuaValue const& v) {
return engine().luaTo<T>(v);
template <typename Container>
LuaTable LuaContext::createTable(Container const& map) {
return engine().createTable(map);
template <typename Container>
LuaTable LuaContext::createArrayTable(Container const& array) {
return engine().createArrayTable(array);
template <typename Function>
LuaFunction LuaContext::createFunction(Function&& func) {
return engine().createFunction(std::forward<Function>(func));
template <typename Return, typename... Args, typename Function>
LuaFunction LuaContext::createFunctionWithSignature(Function&& func) {
return engine().createFunctionWithSignature<Return, Args...>(std::forward<Function>(func));
template <typename T>
LuaUserData LuaContext::createUserData(T t) {
return engine().createUserData(std::move(t));
template <typename T>
LuaMethods<T> LuaUserDataMethods<T>::make() {
return LuaMethods<T>();
template <typename T>
LuaValue LuaUserDataConverter<T>::from(LuaEngine& engine, T t) {
return engine.createUserData(std::move(t));
template <typename T>
Maybe<T> LuaUserDataConverter<T>::to(LuaEngine&, LuaValue const& v) {
if (auto ud = v.ptr<LuaUserData>()) {
if (ud->is<T>())
return ud->get<T>();
return {};
template <typename T>
LuaValue LuaEngine::luaFrom(T&& t) {
return LuaConverter<typename std::decay<T>::type>::from(*this, std::forward<T>(t));
template <typename T>
LuaValue LuaEngine::luaFrom(T const& t) {
return LuaConverter<T>::from(*this, t);
template <typename T>
Maybe<T> LuaEngine::luaMaybeTo(LuaValue&& v) {
return LuaConverter<T>::to(*this, std::move(v));
template <typename T>
Maybe<T> LuaEngine::luaMaybeTo(LuaValue const& v) {
return LuaConverter<T>::to(*this, v);
template <typename T>
T LuaEngine::luaTo(LuaValue&& v) {
if (auto res = luaMaybeTo<T>(std::move(v)))
return res.take();
throw LuaConversionException::format("Error converting LuaValue to type '{}'", typeid(T).name());
template <typename T>
T LuaEngine::luaTo(LuaValue const& v) {
if (auto res = luaMaybeTo<T>(v))
return res.take();
throw LuaConversionException::format("Error converting LuaValue to type '{}'", typeid(T).name());
template <typename Container>
LuaTable LuaEngine::createTable(Container const& map) {
auto table = createTable(0, map.size());
for (auto const& p : map)
table.set(p.first, p.second);
return table;
template <typename Container>
LuaTable LuaEngine::createArrayTable(Container const& array) {
auto table = createTable(array.size(), 0);
int i = 1;
for (auto const& elem : array) {
table.set(LuaInt(i), elem);
return table;
template <typename Function>
LuaFunction LuaEngine::createFunction(Function&& func) {
return createWrappedFunction(LuaDetail::wrapFunction(std::forward<Function>(func)));
template <typename Return, typename... Args, typename Function>
LuaFunction LuaEngine::createFunctionWithSignature(Function&& func) {
return createWrappedFunction(LuaDetail::wrapFunctionWithSignature<Return, Args...>(std::forward<Function>(func)));
template <typename... Args>
LuaDetail::LuaFunctionReturn LuaEngine::callFunction(int handleIndex, Args const&... args) {
lua_checkstack(m_state, 1);
int stackSize = lua_gettop(m_state);
pushHandle(m_state, handleIndex);
size_t argSize = pushArguments(m_state, args...);
int res = pcallWithTraceback(m_state, argSize, LUA_MULTRET);
handleError(m_state, res);
int returnValues = lua_gettop(m_state) - stackSize;
if (returnValues == 0) {
return LuaDetail::LuaFunctionReturn();
} else if (returnValues == 1) {
return popLuaValue(m_state);
} else {
LuaVariadic<LuaValue> ret(returnValues);
for (int i = returnValues - 1; i >= 0; --i)
ret[i] = popLuaValue(m_state);
return ret;
template <typename... Args>
Maybe<LuaDetail::LuaFunctionReturn> LuaEngine::resumeThread(int handleIndex, Args const&... args) {
lua_checkstack(m_state, 1);
pushHandle(m_state, handleIndex);
lua_State* threadState = lua_tothread(m_state, -1);
lua_pop(m_state, 1);
if (lua_status(threadState) != LUA_YIELD && lua_gettop(threadState) == 0) {
throw LuaException("cannot resume a dead or errored thread");
size_t argSize = pushArguments(threadState, args...);
int res = lua_resume(threadState, nullptr, argSize);
if (res != LUA_OK && res != LUA_YIELD) {
propagateErrorWithTraceback(threadState, m_state);
handleError(m_state, res);
int returnValues = lua_gettop(threadState);
if (returnValues == 0) {
return LuaDetail::LuaFunctionReturn();
} else if (returnValues == 1) {
return LuaDetail::LuaFunctionReturn(popLuaValue(threadState));
} else {
LuaVariadic<LuaValue> ret(returnValues);
for (int i = returnValues - 1; i >= 0; --i)
ret[i] = popLuaValue(threadState);
return LuaDetail::LuaFunctionReturn(std::move(ret));
template <typename T>
void LuaEngine::registerUserDataType() {
if (m_registeredUserDataTypes.contains(typeid(T)))
lua_checkstack(m_state, 2);
// Set the __index on the metatable to itself
lua_pushvalue(m_state, -1);
LuaDetail::rawSetField(m_state, -2, "__index");
lua_pushboolean(m_state, 0);
LuaDetail::rawSetField(m_state, -2, "__metatable"); // protect metatable
// Set the __gc function to the userdata destructor
auto gcFunction = [](lua_State* state) {
T& t = *(T*)(lua_touserdata(state, 1));
return 0;
lua_pushcfunction(m_state, gcFunction);
LuaDetail::rawSetField(m_state, -2, "__gc");
auto methods = LuaUserDataMethods<T>::make();
for (auto& p : methods.methods()) {
pushLuaValue(m_state, createWrappedFunction(p.second));
LuaDetail::rawSetField(m_state, -2, p.first.utf8Ptr());
m_registeredUserDataTypes.add(typeid(T), luaL_ref(m_state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX));
template <typename T>
LuaUserData LuaEngine::createUserData(T t) {
int typeMetatable = m_registeredUserDataTypes.get(typeid(T));
lua_checkstack(m_state, 2);
new (lua_newuserdata(m_state, sizeof(T))) T(std::move(t));
lua_rawgeti(m_state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, typeMetatable);
lua_setmetatable(m_state, -2);
return LuaUserData(LuaDetail::LuaHandle(RefPtr<LuaEngine>(this), popHandle(m_state)));
template <typename T, typename K>
T LuaEngine::getGlobal(K key) {
lua_checkstack(m_state, 1);
lua_rawgeti(m_state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, m_scriptDefaultEnvRegistryId);
pushLuaValue(m_state, luaFrom(std::move(key)));
lua_rawget(m_state, -2);
LuaValue v = popLuaValue(m_state);
lua_pop(m_state, 1);
return luaTo<T>(v);
template <typename T>
T LuaEngine::getGlobal(char const* key) {
lua_checkstack(m_state, 1);
lua_rawgeti(m_state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, m_scriptDefaultEnvRegistryId);
lua_getfield(m_state, -1, key);
LuaValue v = popLuaValue(m_state);
lua_pop(m_state, 1);
return luaTo<T>(v);
template <typename T, typename K>
void LuaEngine::setGlobal(K key, T value) {
lua_checkstack(m_state, 1);
lua_rawgeti(m_state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, m_scriptDefaultEnvRegistryId);
pushLuaValue(m_state, luaFrom(std::move(key)));
pushLuaValue(m_state, luaFrom(std::move(value)));
lua_rawset(m_state, -3);
lua_pop(m_state, 1);
template <typename T>
void LuaEngine::setGlobal(char const* key, T value) {
lua_checkstack(m_state, 1);
lua_rawgeti(m_state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, m_scriptDefaultEnvRegistryId);
pushLuaValue(m_state, value);
lua_setfield(m_state, -2, key);
lua_pop(m_state, 1);
template <typename T>
bool LuaEngine::userDataIsType(int handleIndex) {
int typeRef = m_registeredUserDataTypes.value(typeid(T), LUA_NOREF);
if (typeRef == LUA_NOREF)
return false;
lua_checkstack(m_state, 3);
pushHandle(m_state, handleIndex);
if (lua_getmetatable(m_state, -1) == 0) {
lua_pop(m_state, 1);
throw LuaException("Userdata missing metatable in userDataIsType");
lua_rawgeti(m_state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, typeRef);
bool typesEqual = lua_rawequal(m_state, -1, -2);
lua_pop(m_state, 3);
return typesEqual;
template <typename T>
T* LuaEngine::getUserData(int handleIndex) {
int typeRef = m_registeredUserDataTypes.value(typeid(T), LUA_NOREF);
if (typeRef == LUA_NOREF)
throw LuaException::format("Cannot convert userdata type of {}, not registered", typeid(T).name());
lua_checkstack(m_state, 3);
pushHandle(m_state, handleIndex);
T* userdata = (T*)lua_touserdata(m_state, -1);
if (lua_getmetatable(m_state, -1) == 0) {
lua_pop(m_state, 1);
throw LuaException("Cannot get userdata from lua type, no metatable found");
lua_rawgeti(m_state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, typeRef);
if (!lua_rawequal(m_state, -1, -2)) {
lua_pop(m_state, 3);
throw LuaException::format("Improper conversion from userdata to type {}", typeid(T).name());
lua_pop(m_state, 3);
return userdata;
inline void LuaEngine::destroyHandle(int handleIndex) {
// We don't bother setting the entry in the handle stack to nil, we just wait
// for it to be reused and overwritten. We could provide a way to
// periodically ensure that the entire free list is niled out if this becomes
// a memory issue?
template <typename T>
size_t LuaEngine::pushArgument(lua_State* state, T const& arg) {
pushLuaValue(state, luaFrom(arg));
return 1;
template <typename T>
size_t LuaEngine::pushArgument(lua_State* state, LuaVariadic<T> const& args) {
// If the argument list was empty then we've checked one extra space on the
// stack, oh well.
if (args.empty())
return 0;
// top-level pushArguments does a stack check of the total size of the
// argument list, for variadic arguments, it could be more than one
// argument so check the stack for the arguments in the variadic list minus
// one.
lua_checkstack(state, args.size() - 1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i)
pushLuaValue(state, luaFrom(args[i]));
return args.size();
inline size_t LuaEngine::doPushArguments(lua_State*) {
return 0;
template <typename First, typename... Rest>
size_t LuaEngine::doPushArguments(lua_State* state, First const& first, Rest const&... rest) {
size_t s = pushArgument(state, first);
return s + doPushArguments(state, rest...);
template <typename... Args>
size_t LuaEngine::pushArguments(lua_State* state, Args const&... args) {
lua_checkstack(state, sizeof...(args));
return doPushArguments(state, args...);
template <> struct fmt::formatter<Star::LuaValue> : ostream_formatter {};