Kai Blaschke 431a9c00a5
Fixed a huge amount of Clang warnings
On Linux and macOS, using Clang to compile OpenStarbound produces about 400 MB worth of warnings during the build, making the compiler output unreadable and slowing the build down considerably.

99% of the warnings were unqualified uses of std::move and std::forward, which are now all properly qualified.

Fixed a few other minor warnings about non-virtual destructors and some uses of std::move preventing copy elision on temporary objects.

Most remaining warnings are now unused parameters.
2024-02-19 16:55:19 +01:00

223 lines
6.2 KiB

#include "StarThread.hpp"
namespace Star {
STAR_EXCEPTION(WorkerPoolException, StarException);
// Shareable handle for a WorkerPool computation that does not produce any
// value.
class WorkerPoolHandle {
// Returns true if the work is completed (either due to error or actual
// completion, will not re-throw)
bool done() const;
// Waits up to given millis for the computation to finish. Returns true if
// the computation finished within the allotted time, false otherwise. If
// the computation is finished but it threw an exception, it will be
// re-thrown here.
bool wait(unsigned millis) const;
// synonym for wait(0)
bool poll() const;
// Wait until the computation finishes completely. If the computation threw
// an exception it will be re-thrown by this method.
void finish() const;
friend WorkerPool;
struct Impl {
Mutex mutex;
ConditionVariable condition;
atomic<bool> done;
std::exception_ptr exception;
WorkerPoolHandle(shared_ptr<Impl> impl);
shared_ptr<Impl> m_impl;
// Shareable handle for a WorkerPool computation that produces a value.
template <typename ResultType>
class WorkerPoolPromise {
// Returns true if the work is completed (either due to error or actual
// completion, will not re-throw)
bool done() const;
// Waits for the given amount of time for the work to be completed. If the
// work is completed, returns true. If the producer function throws for any
// reason, this method will re-throw the exception. If millis is zero, does
// not wait at all simply polls to see if the computation is finished.
bool wait(unsigned millis) const;
// synonym for wait(0)
bool poll() const;
// Blocks until the work is done, and returns the result. May be called
// multiple times to access the result. If the computation threw
// an exception it will be re-thrown by this method.
ResultType& get();
ResultType const& get() const;
friend WorkerPool;
struct Impl {
Mutex mutex;
ConditionVariable condition;
Maybe<ResultType> result;
std::exception_ptr exception;
WorkerPoolPromise(shared_ptr<Impl> impl);
shared_ptr<Impl> m_impl;
class WorkerPool {
// Creates a stopped pool
WorkerPool(String name);
// Creates a started pool
WorkerPool(String name, unsigned threadCount);
WorkerPool& operator=(WorkerPool&&);
// Start the thread pool with the given thread count range, or if it is
// already started, reconfigure the thread counts.
void start(unsigned threadCount);
// Stop the thread pool, not necessarily finishing any pending jobs (may
// leave pending jobs on the queue).
void stop();
// Try to finish any remaining jobs, then stop the thread pool. This method
// must not be called if the worker pool will continuously receive new work,
// as it may not ever complete if that is the case. The work queue must
// eventually become empty for this to properly return.
void finish();
// Add the given work to the pool and return a handle for the work. It not
// required that the caller of this method hold on to the worker handle, the
// work will be managed and completed regardless of the WorkerPoolHandle
// lifetime.
WorkerPoolHandle addWork(function<void()> work);
// Like addWork, but the worker is expected to produce some result. The
// returned promise can be used to get this return value once the producer is
// complete.
template <typename ResultType>
WorkerPoolPromise<ResultType> addProducer(function<ResultType()> producer);
class WorkerThread : public Thread {
// Starts automatically
WorkerThread(WorkerPool* parent);
void run() override;
WorkerPool* parent;
atomic<bool> shouldStop;
atomic<bool> waiting;
void queueWork(function<void()> work);
String m_name;
Mutex m_threadMutex;
List<unique_ptr<WorkerThread>> m_workerThreads;
Mutex m_workMutex;
ConditionVariable m_workCondition;
Deque<function<void()>> m_pendingWork;
template <typename ResultType>
bool WorkerPoolPromise<ResultType>::done() const {
MutexLocker locker(m_impl->mutex);
return m_impl->result || m_impl->exception;
template <typename ResultType>
bool WorkerPoolPromise<ResultType>::wait(unsigned millis) const {
MutexLocker locker(m_impl->mutex);
if (!m_impl->result && !m_impl->exception && millis != 0)
m_impl->condition.wait(m_impl->mutex, millis);
if (m_impl->exception)
if (m_impl->result)
return true;
return false;
template <typename ResultType>
bool WorkerPoolPromise<ResultType>::poll() const {
return wait(0);
template <typename ResultType>
ResultType& WorkerPoolPromise<ResultType>::get() {
MutexLocker locker(m_impl->mutex);
if (!m_impl->result && !m_impl->exception)
if (m_impl->exception)
return *m_impl->result;
template <typename ResultType>
ResultType const& WorkerPoolPromise<ResultType>::get() const {
return const_cast<WorkerPoolPromise*>(this)->get();
template <typename ResultType>
WorkerPoolPromise<ResultType>::WorkerPoolPromise(shared_ptr<Impl> impl)
: m_impl(std::move(impl)) {}
template <typename ResultType>
WorkerPoolPromise<ResultType> WorkerPool::addProducer(function<ResultType()> producer) {
// Construct a worker pool promise and wrap the producer to signal the
// promise when finished.
auto workerPoolPromiseImpl = make_shared<typename WorkerPoolPromise<ResultType>::Impl>();
queueWork([workerPoolPromiseImpl, producer]() {
try {
auto result = producer();
MutexLocker promiseLocker(workerPoolPromiseImpl->mutex);
workerPoolPromiseImpl->result = std::move(result);
} catch (...) {
MutexLocker promiseLocker(workerPoolPromiseImpl->mutex);
workerPoolPromiseImpl->exception = std::current_exception();
return workerPoolPromiseImpl;