On Linux and macOS, using Clang to compile OpenStarbound produces about 400 MB worth of warnings during the build, making the compiler output unreadable and slowing the build down considerably. 99% of the warnings were unqualified uses of std::move and std::forward, which are now all properly qualified. Fixed a few other minor warnings about non-virtual destructors and some uses of std::move preventing copy elision on temporary objects. Most remaining warnings are now unused parameters.
244 lines
7.7 KiB
244 lines
7.7 KiB
#include "StarWarping.hpp"
#include "StarDataStreamExtra.hpp"
#include "StarLexicalCast.hpp"
#include "StarJsonExtra.hpp"
namespace Star {
EnumMap<WarpMode> WarpModeNames {
{WarpMode::None, "None"},
{WarpMode::BeamOnly, "BeamOnly"},
{WarpMode::DeployOnly, "DeployOnly"},
{WarpMode::BeamOrDeploy, "BeamOrDeploy"}
InstanceWorldId::InstanceWorldId() {}
InstanceWorldId::InstanceWorldId(String instance, Maybe<Uuid> uuid, Maybe<float> level)
: instance(std::move(instance)), uuid(std::move(uuid)), level(std::move(level)) {}
bool InstanceWorldId::operator==(InstanceWorldId const& rhs) const {
return tie(instance, uuid, level) == tie(rhs.instance, rhs.uuid, rhs.level);
bool InstanceWorldId::operator<(InstanceWorldId const& rhs) const {
return tie(instance, uuid, rhs.level) < tie(rhs.instance, rhs.uuid, rhs.level);
size_t hash<InstanceWorldId>::operator()(InstanceWorldId const& id) const {
return hashOf(id.instance, id.uuid, id.level);
DataStream& operator>>(DataStream& ds, InstanceWorldId& instanceWorldId) {
ds >> instanceWorldId.instance;
ds >> instanceWorldId.uuid;
ds >> instanceWorldId.level;
return ds;
DataStream& operator<<(DataStream& ds, InstanceWorldId const& instanceWorldId) {
ds << instanceWorldId.instance;
ds << instanceWorldId.uuid;
ds << instanceWorldId.level;
return ds;
String printWorldId(WorldId const& worldId) {
if (auto instanceWorldId = worldId.ptr<InstanceWorldId>()) {
if (instanceWorldId->level && *instanceWorldId->level < 0.0f)
throw StarException::format("InstanceWorldId level component cannot be negative");
String uuidPart = instanceWorldId->uuid ? instanceWorldId->uuid->hex() : "-";
String levelPart = instanceWorldId->level ? toString(*instanceWorldId->level) : "-";
return strf("InstanceWorld:{}:{}:{}", instanceWorldId->instance, uuidPart, levelPart);
} else if (auto celestialWorldId = worldId.ptr<CelestialWorldId>()) {
return strf("CelestialWorld:{}", *celestialWorldId);
} else if (auto clientShipWorldId = worldId.ptr<ClientShipWorldId>()) {
return strf("ClientShipWorld:{}", clientShipWorldId->hex());
} else {
return "Nowhere";
WorldId parseWorldId(String const& printedId) {
if (printedId.empty())
return WorldId();
auto parts = printedId.split(':', 1);
String const& type = parts.at(0);
if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("InstanceWorld")) {
auto rest = parts.at(1).split(":", 2);
if (rest.size() == 0 || rest.size() > 3)
throw StarException::format("Wrong number of parts in InstanceWorldId");
auto getOptPart = [](String part) -> Maybe<String> {
if (part.empty() || part == "-")
return {};
return part;
InstanceWorldId instanceWorldId{rest.at(0)};
if (rest.size() > 1) {
if (auto uuid = getOptPart(rest.at(1)))
instanceWorldId.uuid = Uuid(*uuid);
if (rest.size() > 2) {
if (auto level = getOptPart(rest.at(2))) {
instanceWorldId.level = lexicalCast<float>(*level);
if (*instanceWorldId.level < 0)
throw StarException::format("InstanceWorldId level component cannot be negative");
return instanceWorldId;
} else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("CelestialWorld")) {
return CelestialWorldId(CelestialCoordinate(parts.at(1)));
} else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("ClientShipWorld")) {
return ClientShipWorldId(Uuid(parts.at(1)));
} else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("Nowhere")) {
return {};
} else {
throw StarException::format("Improper WorldId type '{}'", type);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, CelestialWorldId const& worldId) {
os << (CelestialCoordinate)worldId;
return os;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, ClientShipWorldId const& worldId) {
os << ((Uuid)worldId).hex();
return os;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, InstanceWorldId const& worldId) {
os << printWorldId(worldId);
return os;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, WorldId const& worldId) {
os << printWorldId(worldId);
return os;
Json spawnTargetToJson(SpawnTarget spawnTarget) {
if (spawnTarget.is<SpawnTargetUniqueEntity>())
return spawnTarget.get<SpawnTargetUniqueEntity>();
else if (spawnTarget.is<SpawnTargetPosition>())
return jsonFromVec2F(spawnTarget.get<SpawnTargetPosition>());
else if (spawnTarget.is<SpawnTargetX>())
return Json(spawnTarget.get<SpawnTargetX>());
return Json();
SpawnTarget spawnTargetFromJson(Json v) {
if (v.isNull())
return {};
else if (v.isType(Json::Type::String))
return SpawnTargetUniqueEntity(v.toString());
else if (v.isType(Json::Type::Float))
return SpawnTargetX(v.toFloat());
return SpawnTargetPosition(jsonToVec2F(v));
String printSpawnTarget(SpawnTarget spawnTarget) {
if (auto str = spawnTarget.ptr<SpawnTargetUniqueEntity>())
return *str;
else if (auto pos = spawnTarget.ptr<SpawnTargetPosition>())
return strf("{}.{}", (*pos)[0], (*pos)[1]);
else if (auto x = spawnTarget.ptr<SpawnTargetX>())
return toString(x->t);
return "";
WarpToWorld::WarpToWorld() {}
WarpToWorld::WarpToWorld(WorldId world, SpawnTarget target) : world(std::move(world)), target(std::move(target)) {}
WarpToWorld::WarpToWorld(Json v) {
if (v) {
world = parseWorldId(v.getString("world"));
target = spawnTargetFromJson(v.get("target"));
bool WarpToWorld::operator==(WarpToWorld const& rhs) const {
return tie(world, target) == tie(rhs.world, rhs.target);
WarpToWorld::operator bool() const {
return (bool)world;
Json WarpToWorld::toJson() const {
return JsonObject{{"world", printWorldId(world)}, {"target", spawnTargetToJson(target)}};
WarpAction parseWarpAction(String const& warpString) {
if (warpString.equalsIgnoreCase("Return")) {
return WarpAlias::Return;
} else if (warpString.equalsIgnoreCase("OrbitedWorld")) {
return WarpAlias::OrbitedWorld;
} else if (warpString.equalsIgnoreCase("OwnShip")) {
return WarpAlias::OwnShip;
} else if (warpString.beginsWith("Player:", String::CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive)) {
auto parts = warpString.split(':', 1);
return WarpToPlayer(Uuid(parts.at(1)));
} else {
auto parts = warpString.split('=', 1);
auto world = parseWorldId(parts.at(0));
SpawnTarget target;
if (parts.size() == 2) {
auto const& targetPart = parts.at(1);
if (targetPart.regexMatch("\\d+.\\d+")) {
auto pos = targetPart.split(".", 1);
target = SpawnTargetPosition(Vec2F(lexicalCast<int>(pos.at(0)), lexicalCast<int>(pos.at(1))));
} else if (targetPart.regexMatch("\\d+")) {
target = SpawnTargetX(lexicalCast<int>(targetPart));
} else {
target = SpawnTargetUniqueEntity(targetPart);
return WarpToWorld(world, target);
String printWarpAction(WarpAction const& warpAction) {
if (auto warpAlias = warpAction.ptr<WarpAlias>()) {
if (*warpAlias == WarpAlias::Return)
return "Return";
else if (*warpAlias == WarpAlias::OrbitedWorld)
return "OrbitedWorld";
else if (*warpAlias == WarpAlias::OwnShip)
return "OwnShip";
} else if (auto warpToPlayer = warpAction.ptr<WarpToPlayer>()) {
return strf("Player:{}", warpToPlayer->hex());
} else if (auto warpToWorld = warpAction.ptr<WarpToWorld>()) {
auto toWorldString = printWorldId(warpToWorld->world);
if (auto spawnTarget = warpToWorld->target)
toWorldString = strf("{}={}", toWorldString, printSpawnTarget(spawnTarget));
return toWorldString;
return "UnknownWarpAction";
DataStream& operator>>(DataStream& ds, WarpToWorld& warpToWorld) {
ds >> warpToWorld.world;
ds >> warpToWorld.target;
return ds;
DataStream& operator<<(DataStream& ds, WarpToWorld const& warpToWorld) {
ds << warpToWorld.world;
ds << warpToWorld.target;
return ds;