302 lines
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302 lines
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#include "StarJson.hpp"
#include "StarMaybe.hpp"
#include "StarNetElementSystem.hpp"
#include "StarWorld.hpp"
#include "StarPhysicsEntity.hpp"
namespace Star {
STAR_EXCEPTION(MovementControllerException, StarException);
// List of all movement parameters that define a specific sort of movable
// object. Each parameter is optional so that this structure can be used to
// selectively merge a specific set of parameters on top of another.
struct MovementParameters {
// Load sensible defaults from a config file.
static MovementParameters sensibleDefaults();
// Construct parameters from config with only those specified in the config
// set, if any.
MovementParameters(Json const& config = Json());
// Merge the given set of movement parameters on top of this one, with any
// set parameters in rhs overwriting the ones in this set.
MovementParameters merge(MovementParameters const& rhs) const;
Json toJson() const;
Maybe<float> mass;
Maybe<float> gravityMultiplier;
Maybe<float> liquidBuoyancy;
Maybe<float> airBuoyancy;
Maybe<float> bounceFactor;
// If set to true, during an update that has more than one internal movement
// step, the movement will stop on the first bounce.
Maybe<bool> stopOnFirstBounce;
// Cheat when sliding on the ground, by trying to correct upwards before
// other directions (within a set limit). Allows smooth sliding along
// horizontal ground without losing horizontal speed.
Maybe<bool> enableSurfaceSlopeCorrection;
Maybe<float> slopeSlidingFactor;
Maybe<float> maxMovementPerStep;
Maybe<float> maximumCorrection;
Maybe<float> speedLimit;
Maybe<float> discontinuityThreshold;
Maybe<PolyF> collisionPoly;
Maybe<bool> stickyCollision;
Maybe<float> stickyForce;
Maybe<float> airFriction;
Maybe<float> liquidFriction;
Maybe<float> groundFriction;
Maybe<bool> collisionEnabled;
Maybe<bool> frictionEnabled;
Maybe<bool> gravityEnabled;
Maybe<bool> ignorePlatformCollision;
Maybe<float> maximumPlatformCorrection;
Maybe<float> maximumPlatformCorrectionVelocityFactor;
Maybe<StringSet> physicsEffectCategories;
Maybe<int> restDuration;
DataStream& operator>>(DataStream& ds, MovementParameters& movementParameters);
DataStream& operator<<(DataStream& ds, MovementParameters const& movementParameters);
class MovementController : public NetElementGroup {
// Constructs a MovementController with parameters loaded from sensible
// defaults, and the given parameters (if any) applied on top of them.
explicit MovementController(MovementParameters const& parameters = MovementParameters());
MovementParameters const& parameters() const;
// Apply any set parameters from the given set on top of the current set.
void applyParameters(MovementParameters const& parameters);
// Reset the parameters from the sensible defaults, and apply the given
// parameters (if any) on top of them.
void resetParameters(MovementParameters const& parameters = MovementParameters());
// Stores and loads position, velocity, and rotation.
Json storeState() const;
void loadState(Json const& state);
// Currently active mass parameter
float mass() const;
// Currently active collisionPoly parameter
PolyF const& collisionPoly() const;
Vec2F position() const;
float xPosition() const;
float yPosition() const;
Vec2F velocity() const;
float xVelocity() const;
float yVelocity() const;
float rotation() const;
// CollisionPoly rotated and translated by position
PolyF collisionBody() const;
// Gets the bounding box of the collisionPoly() rotated by current rotation,
// but not translated into world space
RectF localBoundBox() const;
// Shorthand for getting the bound box of the current collisionBody()
RectF collisionBoundBox() const;
// Is the collision body colliding with any collision geometry.
bool isColliding() const;
// Is the collision body colliding with special "Null" collision blocks.
bool isNullColliding() const;
// Is the body currently stuck in an un-solvable collision.
bool isCollisionStuck() const;
// If this body is sticking, this is the angle toward the surface it's stuck to
Maybe<float> stickingDirection() const;
// From 0.0 to 1.0, the amount of the collision body (or if the collision
// body is null, just the center position) that is in liquid.
float liquidPercentage() const;
// Returns the liquid that the body is most in, if any
LiquidId liquidId() const;
bool onGround() const;
bool zeroG() const;
bool atWorldLimit(bool bottomOnly = false) const;
void setPosition(Vec2F position);
void setXPosition(float xPosition);
void setYPosition(float yPosition);
void translate(Vec2F const& direction);
void setVelocity(Vec2F velocity);
void setXVelocity(float xVelocity);
void setYVelocity(float yVelocity);
void addMomentum(Vec2F const& momentum);
void setRotation(float angle);
// Apply one timestep of rotation.
void rotate(float rotationRate);
// Apply one timestep of acceleration.
void accelerate(Vec2F const& acceleration);
// Apply one timestep of force.
void force(Vec2F const& force);
// Apply up to the maxControlForce of force to approach the given velocity.
void approachVelocity(Vec2F const& targetVelocity, float maxControlForce);
// Approach a velocity in the given angle, ignoring the component of velocity
// normal to that angle. If positiveOnly is true, then only approaches the
// velocity by applying force in the direction of the given angle, never
// opposite it, so avoids slowing down.
void approachVelocityAlongAngle(float angle, float targetVelocity, float maxControlForce, bool positiveOnly = false);
// Shorthand for approachVelocityAlongAngle with 0 and pi/2.
void approachXVelocity(float targetXVelocity, float maxControlForce);
void approachYVelocity(float targetYVelocity, float maxControlForce);
void init(World* world);
void uninit();
// Stores dt value for Lua calls.
void setTimestep(float dt);
// Integrates the ActorMovementController one WorldTimestep and applies all
// forces.
void tickMaster(float dt);
// Does not integrate, only tracks master state and updates non-networked
// fields based on local data
void tickSlave(float dt);
void setIgnorePhysicsEntities(Set<EntityId> ignorePhysicsEntities);
// iterate over all physics entity collision polys in the region, iteration stops if the callback returns false
void forEachMovingCollision(RectF const& region, function<bool(MovingCollisionId, PhysicsMovingCollision, PolyF, RectF)> callback);
// forces the movement controller onGround status, used when manually controlling movement outside the movement controller
void updateForceRegions(float dt);
void updateLiquidPercentage();
void setOnGround(bool onGround);
// whether force regions were applied in the last update
bool appliedForceRegion() const;
// The collision correction applied during the most recent update, if any.
Vec2F collisionCorrection() const;
// Horizontal slope of the ground the collision body has collided with, if
// any.
Vec2F surfaceSlope() const;
// Velocity of the surface that the body is resting on, if any
Vec2F surfaceVelocity() const;
World* world();
struct CollisionResult {
Vec2F movement;
Vec2F correction;
Maybe<MovingCollisionId> surfaceMovingCollisionId;
bool isStuck;
bool onGround;
Vec2F groundSlope;
CollisionKind collisionKind;
struct CollisionSeparation {
Vec2F correction;
bool solutionFound;
Maybe<MovingCollisionId> movingCollisionId;
CollisionKind collisionKind;
struct CollisionPoly {
PolyF poly;
RectF polyBounds;
Vec2F sortPosition;
Maybe<MovingCollisionId> movingCollisionId;
CollisionKind collisionKind;
float sortDistance;
static CollisionKind maxOrNullCollision(CollisionKind a, CollisionKind b);
static CollisionResult collisionMove(List<CollisionPoly>& collisionPolys, PolyF const& body, Vec2F const& movement,
bool ignorePlatforms, bool enableSurfaceSlopeCorrection, float maximumCorrection, float maximumPlatformCorrection, Vec2F sortCenter, float dt);
static CollisionSeparation collisionSeparate(List<CollisionPoly>& collisionPolys, PolyF const& poly,
bool ignorePlatforms, float maximumPlatformCorrection, Vec2F const& sortCenter, bool upward, float separationTolerance);
void updateParameters(MovementParameters parameters);
void updatePositionInterpolators();
void queryCollisions(RectF const& region);
float gravity();
MovementParameters m_parameters;
World* m_world;
Set<EntityId> m_ignorePhysicsEntities;
NetElementData<PolyF> m_collisionPoly;
NetElementFloat m_mass;
NetElementFloat m_xPosition;
NetElementFloat m_yPosition;
NetElementFloat m_xVelocity;
NetElementFloat m_yVelocity;
NetElementFloat m_rotation;
NetElementBool m_colliding;
NetElementBool m_collisionStuck;
NetElementBool m_nullColliding;
NetElementData<Maybe<float>> m_stickingDirection;
NetElementBool m_onGround;
NetElementBool m_zeroG;
float m_liquidPercentage;
LiquidId m_liquidId;
NetElementData<Maybe<MovingCollisionId>> m_surfaceMovingCollision;
NetElementFloat m_xRelativeSurfaceMovingCollisionPosition;
NetElementFloat m_yRelativeSurfaceMovingCollisionPosition;
bool m_appliedForceRegion;
Vec2F m_collisionCorrection;
Vec2F m_surfaceSlope;
Vec2F m_surfaceMovingCollisionPosition;
Vec2F m_surfaceVelocity;
Vec2F m_environmentVelocity;
bool m_resting;
int m_restTicks;
float m_timeStep;
List<CollisionPoly> m_workingCollisions;
List<PolyF> m_collisionBuffers;