107 lines
3.4 KiB
107 lines
3.4 KiB
#pragma once
#include "StarFontTextureGroup.hpp"
#include "StarAnchorTypes.hpp"
#include "StarRoot.hpp"
#include "StarStringView.hpp"
#include "StarText.hpp"
namespace Star {
// deprecated in favor of explicit shadow color
enum class FontMode : uint8_t {
inline Color const& fontModeToColor(FontMode mode) {
return mode == FontMode::Shadow ? Color::Black : Color::Clear;
struct TextPositioning {
TextPositioning(Vec2F pos,
HorizontalAnchor hAnchor = HorizontalAnchor::LeftAnchor,
VerticalAnchor vAnchor = VerticalAnchor::BottomAnchor,
Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth = {},
Maybe<unsigned> charLimit = {});
TextPositioning(Json const& v);
Json toJson() const;
TextPositioning translated(Vec2F translation) const;
Vec2F pos;
HorizontalAnchor hAnchor;
VerticalAnchor vAnchor;
Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth;
Maybe<unsigned> charLimit;
// Renders text while caching individual glyphs for fast rendering but with *no
// kerning*.
class TextPainter {
TextPainter(RendererPtr renderer, TextureGroupPtr textureGroup);
RectF renderText(StringView s, TextPositioning const& position);
RectF renderLine(StringView s, TextPositioning const& position);
RectF renderGlyph(String::Char c, TextPositioning const& position);
RectF determineTextSize(StringView s, TextPositioning const& position);
RectF determineLineSize(StringView s, TextPositioning const& position);
RectF determineGlyphSize(String::Char c, TextPositioning const& position);
int glyphWidth(String::Char c);
int stringWidth(StringView s, unsigned charLimit = 0);
typedef function<bool(StringView, unsigned)> WrapTextCallback;
bool processWrapText(StringView s, unsigned* wrapWidth, WrapTextCallback textFunc);
List<StringView> wrapTextViews(StringView s, Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth);
StringList wrapText(StringView s, Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth);
unsigned fontSize() const;
void setFontSize(unsigned size);
void setLineSpacing(float lineSpacing);
void setMode(FontMode mode);
void setFontColor(Vec4B color);
void setProcessingDirectives(StringView directives, bool back = false);
void setFont(String const& font);
TextStyle& setTextStyle(TextStyle const& textStyle);
void clearTextStyle();
void addFont(FontPtr const& font, String const& name);
void reloadFonts();
void cleanup(int64_t textureTimeout);
void applyCommands(StringView unsplitCommands);
void modifyDirectives(Directives& directives);
RectF doRenderText(StringView s, TextPositioning const& position, bool reallyRender, unsigned* charLimit);
RectF doRenderLine(StringView s, TextPositioning const& position, bool reallyRender, unsigned* charLimit);
RectF doRenderGlyph(String::Char c, TextPositioning const& position, bool reallyRender);
void renderPrimitives();
void renderGlyph(String::Char c, Vec2F const& screenPos, List<RenderPrimitive>& out, unsigned fontSize, float scale, Vec4B const& color, Directives const* processingDirectives = nullptr);
static FontPtr loadFont(String const& fontPath, Maybe<String> fontName = {});
RendererPtr m_renderer;
List<RenderPrimitive> m_shadowPrimitives;
List<RenderPrimitive> m_backPrimitives;
List<RenderPrimitive> m_frontPrimitives;
FontTextureGroup m_fontTextureGroup;
TextStyle m_defaultRenderSettings;
TextStyle m_renderSettings;
TextStyle m_savedRenderSettings;
String m_nonRenderedCharacters;
TrackerListenerPtr m_reloadTracker;