Kai Blaschke 431a9c00a5
Fixed a huge amount of Clang warnings
On Linux and macOS, using Clang to compile OpenStarbound produces about 400 MB worth of warnings during the build, making the compiler output unreadable and slowing the build down considerably.

99% of the warnings were unqualified uses of std::move and std::forward, which are now all properly qualified.

Fixed a few other minor warnings about non-virtual destructors and some uses of std::move preventing copy elision on temporary objects.

Most remaining warnings are now unused parameters.
2024-02-19 16:55:19 +01:00

563 lines
17 KiB

// Fixes unused variable warning
#include "vorbis/codec.h"
#include "vorbis/vorbisfile.h"
#include "StarAudio.hpp"
#include "StarBuffer.hpp"
#include "StarFile.hpp"
#include "StarFormat.hpp"
#include "StarLogging.hpp"
#include "StarDataStreamDevices.hpp"
namespace Star {
namespace {
struct WaveData {
ByteArrayPtr byteArray;
unsigned channels;
unsigned sampleRate;
template <typename T>
T readLEType(IODevicePtr const& device) {
T t;
device->readFull((char*)&t, sizeof(t));
fromByteOrder(ByteOrder::LittleEndian, (char*)&t, sizeof(t));
return t;
bool isUncompressed(IODevicePtr device) {
const size_t sigLength = 4;
unique_ptr<char[]> riffSig(new char[sigLength + 1]()); // RIFF\0
unique_ptr<char[]> waveSig(new char[sigLength + 1]()); // WAVE\0
StreamOffset previousOffset = device->pos();
device->readFull(riffSig.get(), sigLength);
device->seek(4, IOSeek::Relative);
device->readFull(waveSig.get(), sigLength);
if (strcmp(riffSig.get(), "RIFF") == 0 && strcmp(waveSig.get(), "WAVE") == 0) { // bytes are magic
return true;
return false;
WaveData parseWav(IODevicePtr device) {
const size_t sigLength = 4;
unique_ptr<char[]> riffSig(new char[sigLength + 1]()); // RIFF\0
unique_ptr<char[]> waveSig(new char[sigLength + 1]()); // WAVE\0
unique_ptr<char[]> fmtSig(new char[sigLength + 1]()); // fmt \0
unique_ptr<char[]> dataSig(new char[sigLength + 1]()); // data\0
// RIFF Chunk Descriptor
device->readFull(riffSig.get(), sigLength);
uint32_t fileSize = readLEType<uint32_t>(device);
fileSize += sigLength + sizeof(fileSize);
if (fileSize != device->size())
throw AudioException(strf("Wav file is wrong size, reports {} is actually {}", fileSize, device->size()));
device->readFull(waveSig.get(), sigLength);
if ((strcmp(riffSig.get(), "RIFF") != 0) || (strcmp(waveSig.get(), "WAVE") != 0)) { // bytes are not magic
auto p = [](char a) { return isprint(a) ? a : '?'; };
throw AudioException(strf("Wav file has wrong magic bytes, got `{:c}{:c}{:c}{:c}' and `{:c}{:c}{:c}{:c}' but expected `RIFF' and `WAVE'",
p(riffSig[0]), p(riffSig[1]), p(riffSig[2]), p(riffSig[3]), p(waveSig[0]), p(waveSig[1]), p(waveSig[2]), p(waveSig[3])));
// fmt subchunk
device->readFull(fmtSig.get(), sigLength);
if (strcmp(fmtSig.get(), "fmt ") != 0) { // friendship is magic
auto p = [](char a) { return isprint(a) ? a : '?'; };
throw AudioException(strf("Wav file fmt subchunk has wrong magic bytes, got `{:c}{:c}{:c}{:c}' but expected `fmt '",
uint32_t fmtSubchunkSize = readLEType<uint32_t>(device);
fmtSubchunkSize += sigLength;
if (fmtSubchunkSize < 20)
throw AudioException(strf("fmt subchunk is sized wrong, expected 20 got {}. Is this wav file not PCM?", fmtSubchunkSize));
uint16_t audioFormat = readLEType<uint16_t>(device);
if (audioFormat != 1)
throw AudioException("audioFormat data indicates that wav file is something other than PCM format. Unsupported.");
uint16_t wavChannels = readLEType<uint16_t>(device);
uint32_t wavSampleRate = readLEType<uint32_t>(device);
uint32_t wavByteRate = readLEType<uint32_t>(device);
uint16_t wavBlockAlign = readLEType<uint16_t>(device);
uint16_t wavBitsPerSample = readLEType<uint16_t>(device);
if (wavBitsPerSample != 16)
throw AudioException("Only 16-bit PCM wavs are supported.");
if (wavByteRate * 8 != wavSampleRate * wavChannels * wavBitsPerSample)
throw AudioException("Sanity check failed, ByteRate is wrong");
if (wavBlockAlign * 8 != wavChannels * wavBitsPerSample)
throw AudioException("Sanity check failed, BlockAlign is wrong");
device->seek(fmtSubchunkSize - 20, IOSeek::Relative);
// data subchunk
device->readFull(dataSig.get(), sigLength);
if (strcmp(dataSig.get(), "data") != 0) { // magic or more magic?
auto p = [](char a) { return isprint(a) ? a : '?'; };
throw AudioException(strf("Wav file data subchunk has wrong magic bytes, got `{:c}{:c}{:c}{:c}' but expected `data'",
p(dataSig[0]), p(dataSig[1]), p(dataSig[2]), p(dataSig[3])));
uint32_t wavDataSize = readLEType<uint32_t>(device);
size_t wavDataOffset = (size_t)device->pos();
if (wavDataSize + wavDataOffset > (size_t)device->size()) {
throw AudioException(strf("Wav file data size reported is inconsistent with file size, got {} but expected {}",
device->size(), wavDataSize + wavDataOffset));
ByteArrayPtr pcmData = make_shared<ByteArray>();
// Copy across data and perform and endianess conversion if needed
device->readFull(pcmData->ptr(), pcmData->size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < pcmData->size() / 2; ++i)
fromByteOrder(ByteOrder::LittleEndian, pcmData->ptr() + i * 2, 2);
return WaveData{std::move(pcmData), wavChannels, wavSampleRate};
class CompressedAudioImpl {
static size_t readFunc(void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void* datasource) {
return static_cast<ExternalBuffer*>(datasource)->read((char*)ptr, size * nmemb) / size;
static int seekFunc(void* datasource, ogg_int64_t offset, int whence) {
static_cast<ExternalBuffer*>(datasource)->seek(offset, (IOSeek)whence);
return 0;
static long int tellFunc(void* datasource) {
return (long int)static_cast<ExternalBuffer*>(datasource)->pos();
CompressedAudioImpl(CompressedAudioImpl const& impl) {
m_audioData = impl.m_audioData;
m_memoryFile.reset(m_audioData->ptr(), m_audioData->size());
m_vorbisInfo = nullptr;
CompressedAudioImpl(IODevicePtr audioData) {
m_audioData = make_shared<ByteArray>(audioData->readBytes((size_t)audioData->size()));
m_memoryFile.reset(m_audioData->ptr(), m_audioData->size());
m_vorbisInfo = nullptr;
~CompressedAudioImpl() {
bool open() {
m_callbacks.read_func = readFunc;
m_callbacks.seek_func = seekFunc;
m_callbacks.tell_func = tellFunc;
m_callbacks.close_func = NULL;
if (ov_open_callbacks(&m_memoryFile, &m_vorbisFile, NULL, 0, m_callbacks) < 0)
return false;
m_vorbisInfo = ov_info(&m_vorbisFile, -1);
return true;
unsigned channels() {
return m_vorbisInfo->channels;
unsigned sampleRate() {
return m_vorbisInfo->rate;
double totalTime() {
return ov_time_total(&m_vorbisFile, -1);
uint64_t totalSamples() {
return ov_pcm_total(&m_vorbisFile, -1);
void seekTime(double time) {
int ret = ov_time_seek(&m_vorbisFile, time);
if (ret != 0)
throw StarException("Cannot seek ogg stream Audio::seekTime");
void seekSample(uint64_t pos) {
int ret = ov_pcm_seek(&m_vorbisFile, pos);
if (ret != 0)
throw StarException("Cannot seek ogg stream in Audio::seekSample");
double currentTime() {
return ov_time_tell(&m_vorbisFile);
uint64_t currentSample() {
return ov_pcm_tell(&m_vorbisFile);
size_t readPartial(int16_t* buffer, size_t bufferSize) {
int bitstream;
int read;
// ov_read takes int parameter, so do some magic here to make sure we don't
// overflow
bufferSize *= 2;
read = ov_read(&m_vorbisFile, (char*)buffer, bufferSize, 0, 2, 1, &bitstream);
read = ov_read(&m_vorbisFile, (char*)buffer, bufferSize, 1, 2, 1, &bitstream);
if (read < 0)
throw AudioException("Error in Audio::read");
// read in bytes, returning number of int16_t samples.
return read / 2;
ByteArrayConstPtr m_audioData;
ExternalBuffer m_memoryFile;
ov_callbacks m_callbacks;
OggVorbis_File m_vorbisFile;
vorbis_info* m_vorbisInfo;
class UncompressedAudioImpl {
UncompressedAudioImpl(UncompressedAudioImpl const& impl) {
m_channels = impl.m_channels;
m_sampleRate = impl.m_sampleRate;
m_audioData = impl.m_audioData;
m_memoryFile.reset(m_audioData->ptr(), m_audioData->size());
UncompressedAudioImpl(CompressedAudioImpl& impl) {
m_channels = impl.channels();
m_sampleRate = impl.sampleRate();
int16_t buffer[1024];
Buffer uncompressBuffer;
while (true) {
size_t ramt = impl.readPartial(buffer, 1024);
if (ramt == 0) {
// End of stream reached
} else {
uncompressBuffer.writeFull((char*)buffer, ramt * 2);
m_audioData = make_shared<ByteArray>(uncompressBuffer.takeData());
m_memoryFile.reset(m_audioData->ptr(), m_audioData->size());
UncompressedAudioImpl(ByteArrayConstPtr data, unsigned channels, unsigned sampleRate) {
m_channels = channels;
m_sampleRate = sampleRate;
m_audioData = std::move(data);
m_memoryFile.reset(m_audioData->ptr(), m_audioData->size());
bool open() {
return true;
unsigned channels() {
return m_channels;
unsigned sampleRate() {
return m_sampleRate;
double totalTime() {
return (double)totalSamples() / m_sampleRate;
uint64_t totalSamples() {
return m_memoryFile.dataSize() / 2 / m_channels;
void seekTime(double time) {
seekSample((uint64_t)(time * m_sampleRate));
void seekSample(uint64_t pos) {
m_memoryFile.seek(pos * 2 * m_channels);
double currentTime() {
return (double)currentSample() / m_sampleRate;
uint64_t currentSample() {
return m_memoryFile.pos() / 2 / m_channels;
size_t readPartial(int16_t* buffer, size_t bufferSize) {
if (bufferSize != NPos)
bufferSize = bufferSize * 2;
return m_memoryFile.read((char*)buffer, bufferSize) / 2;
unsigned m_channels;
unsigned m_sampleRate;
ByteArrayConstPtr m_audioData;
ExternalBuffer m_memoryFile;
Audio::Audio(IODevicePtr device) {
if (!device->isOpen())
if (isUncompressed(device)) {
WaveData data = parseWav(device);
m_uncompressed = make_shared<UncompressedAudioImpl>(std::move(data.byteArray), data.channels, data.sampleRate);
} else {
m_compressed = make_shared<CompressedAudioImpl>(device);
if (!m_compressed->open())
throw AudioException("File does not appear to be a valid ogg bitstream");
Audio::Audio(Audio const& audio) {
*this = audio;
Audio::Audio(Audio&& audio) {
Audio& Audio::operator=(Audio const& audio) {
if (audio.m_uncompressed) {
m_uncompressed = make_shared<UncompressedAudioImpl>(*audio.m_uncompressed);
} else {
m_compressed = make_shared<CompressedAudioImpl>(*audio.m_compressed);
return *this;
Audio& Audio::operator=(Audio&& audio) {
m_compressed = std::move(audio.m_compressed);
m_uncompressed = std::move(audio.m_uncompressed);
return *this;
unsigned Audio::channels() const {
if (m_uncompressed)
return m_uncompressed->channels();
return m_compressed->channels();
unsigned Audio::sampleRate() const {
if (m_uncompressed)
return m_uncompressed->sampleRate();
return m_compressed->sampleRate();
double Audio::totalTime() const {
if (m_uncompressed)
return m_uncompressed->totalTime();
return m_compressed->totalTime();
uint64_t Audio::totalSamples() const {
if (m_uncompressed)
return m_uncompressed->totalSamples();
return m_compressed->totalSamples();
bool Audio::compressed() const {
return (bool)m_compressed;
void Audio::uncompress() {
if (m_compressed) {
m_uncompressed = make_shared<UncompressedAudioImpl>(*m_compressed);
void Audio::seekTime(double time) {
if (m_uncompressed)
void Audio::seekSample(uint64_t pos) {
if (m_uncompressed)
double Audio::currentTime() const {
if (m_uncompressed)
return m_uncompressed->currentTime();
return m_compressed->currentTime();
uint64_t Audio::currentSample() const {
if (m_uncompressed)
return m_uncompressed->currentSample();
return m_compressed->currentSample();
size_t Audio::readPartial(int16_t* buffer, size_t bufferSize) {
if (bufferSize == 0)
return 0;
if (m_uncompressed)
return m_uncompressed->readPartial(buffer, bufferSize);
return m_compressed->readPartial(buffer, bufferSize);
size_t Audio::read(int16_t* buffer, size_t bufferSize) {
if (bufferSize == 0)
return 0;
size_t readTotal = 0;
while (readTotal < bufferSize) {
size_t toGo = bufferSize - readTotal;
size_t ramt = readPartial(buffer + readTotal, toGo);
readTotal += ramt;
// End of stream reached
if (ramt == 0)
return readTotal;
size_t Audio::resample(unsigned destinationChannels, unsigned destinationSampleRate, int16_t* destinationBuffer, size_t destinationBufferSize, double velocity) {
unsigned destinationSamples = destinationBufferSize / destinationChannels;
if (destinationSamples == 0)
return 0;
unsigned sourceChannels = channels();
unsigned sourceSampleRate = sampleRate();
if (velocity != 1.0)
sourceSampleRate = (unsigned)(sourceSampleRate * velocity);
if (destinationChannels == sourceChannels && destinationSampleRate == sourceSampleRate) {
// If the destination and source channel count and sample rate are the
// same, this is the same as a read.
return read(destinationBuffer, destinationBufferSize);
} else if (destinationSampleRate == sourceSampleRate) {
// If the destination and source sample rate are the same, then we can skip
// the super-sampling math.
unsigned sourceBufferSize = destinationSamples * sourceChannels;
m_workingBuffer.resize(sourceBufferSize * sizeof(int16_t));
int16_t* sourceBuffer = (int16_t*)m_workingBuffer.ptr();
unsigned readSamples = read(sourceBuffer, sourceBufferSize) / sourceChannels;
for (unsigned sample = 0; sample < readSamples; ++sample) {
unsigned sourceBufferIndex = sample * sourceChannels;
unsigned destinationBufferIndex = sample * destinationChannels;
for (unsigned destinationChannel = 0; destinationChannel < destinationChannels; ++destinationChannel) {
// If the destination channel count is greater than the source
// channels, simply copy the last channel
unsigned sourceChannel = min(destinationChannel, sourceChannels - 1);
destinationBuffer[destinationBufferIndex + destinationChannel] =
sourceBuffer[sourceBufferIndex + sourceChannel];
return readSamples * destinationChannels;
} else {
// Otherwise, we have to do a full resample.
unsigned sourceSamples = ((uint64_t)sourceSampleRate * destinationSamples + destinationSampleRate - 1) / destinationSampleRate;
unsigned sourceBufferSize = sourceSamples * sourceChannels;
m_workingBuffer.resize(sourceBufferSize * sizeof(int16_t));
int16_t* sourceBuffer = (int16_t*)m_workingBuffer.ptr();
unsigned readSamples = read(sourceBuffer, sourceBufferSize) / sourceChannels;
if (readSamples == 0)
return 0;
unsigned writtenSamples = 0;
for (unsigned destinationSample = 0; destinationSample < destinationSamples; ++destinationSample) {
unsigned destinationBufferIndex = destinationSample * destinationChannels;
for (unsigned destinationChannel = 0; destinationChannel < destinationChannels; ++destinationChannel) {
static int const SuperSampleFactor = 8;
// If the destination channel count is greater than the source
// channels, simply copy the last channel
unsigned sourceChannel = min(destinationChannel, sourceChannels - 1);
int sample = 0;
int sampleCount = 0;
for (int superSample = 0; superSample < SuperSampleFactor; ++superSample) {
unsigned sourceSample = (unsigned)((destinationSample * SuperSampleFactor + superSample) * sourceSamples / destinationSamples) / SuperSampleFactor;
if (sourceSample < readSamples) {
unsigned sourceBufferIndex = sourceSample * sourceChannels;
starAssert(sourceBufferIndex + sourceChannel < sourceBufferSize);
sample += sourceBuffer[sourceBufferIndex + sourceChannel];
// If sampleCount is zero, then we are past the end of our read data
// completely, and can stop
if (sampleCount == 0)
return writtenSamples * destinationChannels;
sample /= sampleCount;
destinationBuffer[destinationBufferIndex + destinationChannel] = (int16_t)sample;
writtenSamples = destinationSample + 1;
return writtenSamples * destinationChannels;