150 lines
4.5 KiB
150 lines
4.5 KiB
#include "StarHumanoid.hpp"
#include "StarNetElementSystem.hpp"
#include "StarItemDescriptor.hpp"
#include "StarStatusTypes.hpp"
#include "StarLightSource.hpp"
#include "StarDamage.hpp"
#include "StarEffectEmitter.hpp"
#include "StarEntityRenderingTypes.hpp"
#include "StarPhysicsEntity.hpp"
namespace Star {
class ToolUser : public NetElementSyncGroup {
Json diskStore() const;
void diskLoad(Json const& diskStore);
void init(ToolUserEntity* user);
void uninit();
ItemPtr primaryHandItem() const;
ItemPtr altHandItem() const;
ItemDescriptor primaryHandItemDescriptor() const;
ItemDescriptor altHandItemDescriptor() const;
List<LightSource> lightSources() const;
void effects(EffectEmitter& emitter) const;
List<PersistentStatusEffect> statusEffects() const;
Maybe<float> toolRadius() const;
// FIXME: There is a render method in ToolUser, why can't this be rendered
// with the rest of everything else, there are TILE previews and OBJECT
// previews, but of course one has to go through the render method and the
// other has to be rendered separately.
List<Drawable> renderObjectPreviews(Vec2F aimPosition, Direction walkingDirection, bool inToolRange, Vec4B favoriteColor) const;
// Returns the facing override direciton if there is one
Maybe<Direction> setupHumanoidHandItems(Humanoid& humanoid, Vec2F position, Vec2F aimPosition) const;
void setupHumanoidHandItemDrawables(Humanoid& humanoid) const;
Vec2F armPosition(Humanoid const& humanoid, ToolHand hand, Direction facingDirection, float armAngle, Vec2F offset) const;
Vec2F handOffset(Humanoid const& humanoid, ToolHand hand, Direction facingDirection) const;
Vec2F handPosition(ToolHand hand, Humanoid const& humanoid, Vec2F const& handOffset) const;
bool queryShieldHit(DamageSource const& source) const;
void tick(float dt, bool shifting, HashSet<MoveControlType> const& moves);
void beginPrimaryFire();
void beginAltFire();
void endPrimaryFire();
void endAltFire();
bool firingPrimary() const;
bool firingAlt() const;
List<DamageSource> damageSources() const;
List<PhysicsForceRegion> forceRegions() const;
void render(RenderCallback* renderCallback, bool inToolRange, bool shifting, EntityRenderLayer renderLayer);
void setItems(ItemPtr primaryHandItem, ItemPtr altHandItem);
void suppressItems(bool suppress);
Maybe<Json> receiveMessage(String const& message, bool localMessage, JsonArray const& args = {});
float beamGunRadius() const;
class NetItem : public NetElement {
void initNetVersion(NetElementVersion const* version = nullptr) override;
void netStore(DataStream& ds) const override;
void netLoad(DataStream& ds) override;
void enableNetInterpolation(float extrapolationHint = 0.0f) override;
void disableNetInterpolation() override;
void tickNetInterpolation(float dt) override;
bool writeNetDelta(DataStream& ds, uint64_t fromVersion) const override;
void readNetDelta(DataStream& ds, float interpolationTime = 0.0) override;
void blankNetDelta(float interpolationTime) override;
ItemPtr const& get() const;
void set(ItemPtr item);
bool pullNewItem();
void updateItemDescriptor();
NetElementData<ItemDescriptor> m_itemDescriptor;
ItemPtr m_item;
NetElementVersion const* m_netVersion = nullptr;
bool m_netInterpolationEnabled = false;
float m_netExtrapolationHint = 0;
bool m_newItem = false;
mutable DataStreamBuffer m_buffer;
void initPrimaryHandItem();
void initAltHandItem();
void uninitItem(ItemPtr const& item);
void netElementsNeedLoad(bool full) override;
void netElementsNeedStore() override;
float m_beamGunRadius;
unsigned m_beamGunGlowBorder;
float m_objectPreviewInnerAlpha;
float m_objectPreviewOuterAlpha;
ToolUserEntity* m_user;
NetItem m_primaryHandItem;
NetItem m_altHandItem;
bool m_fireMain;
bool m_fireAlt;
bool m_edgeTriggeredMain;
bool m_edgeTriggeredAlt;
bool m_edgeSuppressedMain;
bool m_edgeSuppressedAlt;
NetElementBool m_suppress;
NetElementFloat m_primaryFireTimerNetState;
NetElementFloat m_altFireTimerNetState;
NetElementFloat m_primaryTimeFiringNetState;
NetElementFloat m_altTimeFiringNetState;
NetElementBool m_primaryItemActiveNetState;
NetElementBool m_altItemActiveNetState;