Kae 662f12da96 improvements to universe.sendPacket and world.sendPacket
adds necessary clientsMutex lock, and returns false if sending failed
2024-04-02 13:39:34 +11:00

184 lines
13 KiB

#pragma once
#include "StarBiMap.hpp"
#include "StarRect.hpp"
#include "StarPoly.hpp"
#include "StarColor.hpp"
#include "StarDrawable.hpp"
#include "StarGameTypes.hpp"
#include "StarCollisionBlock.hpp"
#include "StarLua.hpp"
#include "StarPlatformerAStar.hpp"
namespace Star {
namespace LuaBindings {
typedef function<Json(ScriptedEntityPtr const& entity, String const& functionName, JsonArray const& args)> CallEntityScriptFunction;
LuaCallbacks makeWorldCallbacks(World* world);
void addWorldDebugCallbacks(LuaCallbacks& callbacks);
void addWorldEntityCallbacks(LuaCallbacks& callbacks, World* world);
void addWorldEnvironmentCallbacks(LuaCallbacks& callbacks, World* world);
namespace WorldCallbacks {
float magnitude(World* world, Vec2F pos1, Maybe<Vec2F> pos2);
Vec2F distance(World* world, Vec2F const& arg1, Vec2F const& arg2);
bool polyContains(World* world, PolyF const& poly, Vec2F const& pos);
LuaValue xwrap(World* world, LuaEngine& engine, LuaValue const& positionOrX);
LuaValue nearestTo(World* world, LuaEngine& engine, Variant<Vec2F, float> const& sourcePositionOrX, Variant<Vec2F, float> const& targetPositionOrX);
bool rectCollision(World* world, RectF const& arg1, Maybe<CollisionSet> const& arg2);
bool pointTileCollision(World* world, Vec2F const& arg1, Maybe<CollisionSet> const& arg2);
bool lineTileCollision(World* world, Vec2F const& arg1, Vec2F const& arg2, Maybe<CollisionSet> const& arg3);
Maybe<pair<Vec2F, Vec2I>> lineTileCollisionPoint(World* world, Vec2F const& start, Vec2F const& end, Maybe<CollisionSet> const& maybeCollisionSet);
bool rectTileCollision(World* world, RectF const& arg1, Maybe<CollisionSet> const& arg2);
bool pointCollision(World* world, Vec2F const& point, Maybe<CollisionSet> const& collisionSet);
LuaTupleReturn<Maybe<Vec2F>, Maybe<Vec2F>> lineCollision(World* world, Vec2F const& start, Vec2F const& end, Maybe<CollisionSet> const& maybeCollisionSet);
bool polyCollision(World* world, PolyF const& arg1, Maybe<Vec2F> const& arg2, Maybe<CollisionSet> const& arg3);
List<Vec2I> collisionBlocksAlongLine(World* world, Vec2F const& arg1, Vec2F const& arg2, Maybe<CollisionSet> const& arg3, Maybe<int> const& arg4);
List<pair<Vec2I, LiquidLevel>> liquidAlongLine(World* world, Vec2F const& start, Vec2F const& end);
Maybe<Vec2F> resolvePolyCollision(World* world, PolyF poly, Vec2F const& position, float maximumCorrection, Maybe<CollisionSet> const& collisionSet);
bool tileIsOccupied(World* world, Vec2I const& arg1, Maybe<bool> const& arg2, Maybe<bool> const& arg3);
bool placeObject(World* world, String const& arg1, Vec2I const& arg2, Maybe<int> const& arg3, Json const& arg4);
Maybe<EntityId> spawnItem(World* world, Json const& itemType, Vec2F const& worldPosition, Maybe<size_t> const& inputCount, Json const& inputParameters, Maybe<Vec2F> const& initialVelocity, Maybe<float> const& intangibleTime);
List<EntityId> spawnTreasure(World* world, Vec2F const& position, String const& pool, float level, Maybe<uint64_t> seed);
Maybe<EntityId> spawnMonster(World* world, String const& arg1, Vec2F const& arg2, Maybe<JsonObject> const& arg3);
Maybe<EntityId> spawnNpc(World* world, Vec2F const& arg1, String const& arg2, String const& arg3, float arg4, Maybe<uint64_t> arg5, Json const& arg6);
Maybe<EntityId> spawnStagehand(World* world, Vec2F const& spawnPosition, String const& typeName, Json const& overrides);
Maybe<EntityId> spawnProjectile(World* world, String const& arg1, Vec2F const& arg2, Maybe<EntityId> const& arg3, Maybe<Vec2F> const& arg4, bool arg5, Json const& arg6);
Maybe<EntityId> spawnVehicle(World* world, String const& vehicleName, Vec2F const& pos, Json const& extraConfig);
double time(World* world);
uint64_t day(World* world);
double timeOfDay(World* world);
float dayLength(World* world);
Json getProperty(World* world, String const& arg1, Json const& arg2);
void setProperty(World* world, String const& arg1, Json const& arg2);
Maybe<LiquidLevel> liquidAt(World* world, Variant<RectF, Vec2I> boundBoxOrPoint);
float gravity(World* world, Vec2F const& arg1);
bool spawnLiquid(World* world, Vec2F const& arg1, LiquidId arg2, float arg3);
Maybe<LiquidLevel> destroyLiquid(World* world, Vec2F const& position);
bool isTileProtected(World* world, Vec2F const& position);
Maybe<PlatformerAStar::Path> findPlatformerPath(World* world, Vec2F const& start, Vec2F const& end, ActorMovementParameters actorMovementParameters, PlatformerAStar::Parameters searchParameters);
PlatformerAStar::PathFinder platformerPathStart(World* world, Vec2F const& start, Vec2F const& end, ActorMovementParameters actorMovementParameters, PlatformerAStar::Parameters searchParameters);
namespace ClientWorldCallbacks {
RectI clientWindow(WorldClient* world);
namespace ServerWorldCallbacks {
String id(WorldServer* world);
bool breakObject(WorldServer* world, EntityId arg1, bool arg2);
bool isVisibleToPlayer(WorldServer* world, RectF const& arg1);
bool loadRegion(WorldServer* world, RectF const& arg1);
bool regionActive(WorldServer* world, RectF const& arg1);
void setTileProtection(WorldServer* world, DungeonId arg1, bool arg2);
bool isPlayerModified(WorldServer* world, RectI const& region);
Maybe<LiquidLevel> forceDestroyLiquid(WorldServer* world, Vec2F const& position);
EntityId loadUniqueEntity(WorldServer* world, String const& uniqueId);
void setUniqueId(WorldServer* world, EntityId entityId, Maybe<String> const& uniqueId);
Json takeItemDrop(World* world, EntityId entityId, Maybe<EntityId> const& takenBy);
void setPlayerStart(World* world, Vec2F const& playerStart, Maybe<bool> respawnInWorld);
List<EntityId> players(World* world);
LuaString fidelity(World* world, LuaEngine& engine);
Maybe<LuaValue> callScriptContext(World* world, String const& contextName, String const& function, LuaVariadic<LuaValue> const& args);
bool sendPacket(WorldServer* world, ConnectionId clientId, String const& packetType, Json const& packetData);
namespace WorldDebugCallbacks {
void debugPoint(Vec2F const& arg1, Color const& arg2);
void debugLine(Vec2F const& arg1, Vec2F const& arg2, Color const& arg3);
void debugPoly(PolyF const& poly, Color const& color);
void debugText(LuaEngine& engine, LuaVariadic<LuaValue> const& args);
namespace WorldEntityCallbacks {
LuaTable entityQuery(World* world, LuaEngine& engine, Vec2F const& pos1, LuaValue const& pos2, Maybe<LuaTable> options);
LuaTable monsterQuery(World* world, LuaEngine& engine, Vec2F const& pos1, LuaValue const& pos2, Maybe<LuaTable> options);
LuaTable npcQuery(World* world, LuaEngine& engine, Vec2F const& pos1, LuaValue const& pos2, Maybe<LuaTable> options);
LuaTable objectQuery(World* world, LuaEngine& engine, Vec2F const& pos1, LuaValue const& pos2, Maybe<LuaTable> options);
LuaTable itemDropQuery(World* world, LuaEngine& engine, Vec2F const& pos1, LuaValue const& pos2, Maybe<LuaTable> options);
LuaTable playerQuery(World* world, LuaEngine& engine, Vec2F const& pos1, LuaValue const& pos2, Maybe<LuaTable> options);
LuaTable loungeableQuery(World* world, LuaEngine& engine, Vec2F const& pos1, LuaValue const& pos2, Maybe<LuaTable> options);
LuaTable entityLineQuery(World* world, LuaEngine& engine, Vec2F const& pos1, Vec2F const& pos2, Maybe<LuaTable> options);
LuaTable objectLineQuery(World* world, LuaEngine& engine, Vec2F const& pos1, Vec2F const& pos2, Maybe<LuaTable> options);
LuaTable npcLineQuery(World* world, LuaEngine& engine, Vec2F const& pos1, Vec2F const& pos2, Maybe<LuaTable> options);
bool entityExists(World* world, EntityId entityId);
bool entityCanDamage(World* world, EntityId sourceId, EntityId targetId);
Json entityDamageTeam(World* world, EntityId entityId);
bool entityAggressive(World* world, EntityId entityId);
Maybe<LuaString> entityType(World* world, LuaEngine& engine, EntityId entityId);
Maybe<Vec2F> entityPosition(World* world, EntityId entityId);
Maybe<Vec2F> entityVelocity(World* world, EntityId entityId);
Maybe<RectF> entityMetaBoundBox(World* world, EntityId entityId);
Maybe<uint64_t> entityCurrency(World* world, EntityId entityId, String const& currencyType);
Maybe<uint64_t> entityHasCountOfItem(World* world, EntityId entityId, Json descriptor, Maybe<bool> exactMatch);
Maybe<Vec2F> entityHealth(World* world, EntityId entityId);
Maybe<String> entitySpecies(World* world, EntityId entityId);
Maybe<String> entityGender(World* world, EntityId entityId);
Maybe<String> entityName(World* world, EntityId entityId);
Maybe<String> entityDescription(World* world, EntityId entityId, Maybe<String> const& species);
LuaNullTermWrapper<Maybe<List<Drawable>>> entityPortrait(World* world, EntityId entityId, String const& portraitMode);
Maybe<String> entityHandItem(World* world, EntityId entityId, String const& handName);
Json entityHandItemDescriptor(World* world, EntityId entityId, String const& handName);
LuaNullTermWrapper<Maybe<String>> entityUniqueId(World* world, EntityId entityId);
Json getObjectParameter(World* world, EntityId entityId, String const& parameterName, Maybe<Json> const& defaultValue);
Json getNpcScriptParameter(World* world, EntityId entityId, String const& parameterName, Maybe<Json> const& defaultValue);
List<Vec2I> objectSpaces(World* world, EntityId entityId);
Maybe<int> farmableStage(World* world, EntityId entityId);
Maybe<int> containerSize(World* world, EntityId entityId);
bool containerClose(World* world, EntityId entityId);
bool containerOpen(World* world, EntityId entityId);
Json containerItems(World* world, EntityId entityId);
Json containerItemAt(World* world, EntityId entityId, size_t offset);
Maybe<bool> containerConsume(World* world, EntityId entityId, Json const& items);
Maybe<bool> containerConsumeAt(World* world, EntityId entityId, size_t offset, int count);
Maybe<size_t> containerAvailable(World* world, EntityId entityId, Json const& items);
Json containerTakeAll(World* world, EntityId entityId);
Json containerTakeAt(World* world, EntityId entityId, size_t offset);
Json containerTakeNumItemsAt(World* world, EntityId entityId, size_t offset, int const& count);
Maybe<size_t> containerItemsCanFit(World* world, EntityId entityId, Json const& items);
Json containerItemsFitWhere(World* world, EntityId entityId, Json const& items);
Json containerAddItems(World* world, EntityId entityId, Json const& items);
Json containerStackItems(World* world, EntityId entityId, Json const& items);
Json containerPutItemsAt(World* world, EntityId entityId, Json const& items, size_t offset);
Json containerSwapItems(World* world, EntityId entityId, Json const& items, size_t offset);
Json containerSwapItemsNoCombine(World* world, EntityId entityId, Json const& items, size_t offset);
Json containerItemApply(World* world, EntityId entityId, Json const& items, size_t offset);
Maybe<LuaValue> callScriptedEntity(World* world, EntityId entityId, String const& function, LuaVariadic<LuaValue> const& args);
RpcPromise<Vec2F> findUniqueEntity(World* world, String const& uniqueId);
RpcPromise<Json> sendEntityMessage(World* world, LuaEngine& engine, LuaValue entityId, String const& message, LuaVariadic<Json> args);
Maybe<bool> loungeableOccupied(World* world, EntityId entityId);
bool isMonster(World* world, EntityId entityId, Maybe<bool> const& aggressive);
Maybe<String> monsterType(World* world, EntityId entityId);
Maybe<String> npcType(World* world, EntityId entityId);
Maybe<String> stagehandType(World* world, EntityId entityId);
bool isNpc(World* world, EntityId entityId, Maybe<int> const& damageTeam);
namespace WorldEnvironmentCallbacks {
float lightLevel(World* world, Vec2F const& position);
float windLevel(World* world, Vec2F const& position);
bool breathable(World* world, Vec2F const& position);
bool underground(World* world, Vec2F const& position);
LuaValue material(World* world, LuaEngine& engine, Vec2F const& position, String const& layerName);
LuaValue mod(World* world, LuaEngine& engine, Vec2F const& position, String const& layerName);
float materialHueShift(World* world, Vec2F const& position, String const& layerName);
float modHueShift(World* world, Vec2F const& position, String const& layerName);
MaterialColorVariant materialColor(World* world, Vec2F const& position, String const& layerName);
void setMaterialColor(World* world, Vec2F const& position, String const& layerName, MaterialColorVariant color);
bool damageTiles(World* world, List<Vec2I> const& arg1, String const& arg2, Vec2F const& arg3, String const& arg4, float arg5, Maybe<unsigned> const& arg6, Maybe<EntityId> sourceEntity);
bool damageTileArea(World* world, Vec2F center, float radius, String layer, Vec2F sourcePosition, String damageType, float damage, Maybe<unsigned> const& harvestLevel, Maybe<EntityId> sourceEntity);
bool placeMaterial(World* world, Vec2I const& arg1, String const& arg2, String const& arg3, Maybe<int> const& arg4, bool arg5);
bool placeMod(World* world, Vec2I const& arg1, String const& arg2, String const& arg3, Maybe<int> const& arg4, bool arg5);