const NodeID3 = require('node-id3'); const fs = require('fs').promises; const path = require('path'); const { setupSpotify, spotifyApi } = require(path.join(__dirname, 'bits', 'spotify')); const audPath = process.argv[2]; if (!audPath) { throw new Error('No directory specified'); } async function readTags(file) { return new Promise((resolve) => {, {noRaw: true, exclude: ['image']}, function(err, tags) { if (err) return resolve(null) if (tags.image) tags.image = null; if (tags.private) tags.private = null; resolve(tags); }); }); } async function readAudioFiles() { let fileAndMeta = []; const contents = await fs.readdir(audPath); for (const file of contents) { const fullp = path.join(audPath, file); const tags = await readTags(fullp); fileAndMeta.push({ path: fullp, tags: tags, }); } fileAndMeta = fileAndMeta.filter((item) => item.tags && item.tags.artist && item.tags.title); await fs.writeFile('file-meta-cache.json', JSON.stringify(fileAndMeta, undefined, 2)); return fileAndMeta; } async function delay(time) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time)); } let requestDelay = 100; async function searchTrack(query) { console.log('Searching for', query); let returned try { returned = await spotifyApi.searchTracks(query, { limit: 5, market: 'EE' }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); console.log('We may have hit a rate limit'); console.log('Waiting 30 seconds for the rate limit window'); requestDelay = 1000; await delay(30000); return searchTrack(query); } await delay(requestDelay); console.log('Got',, 'results'); return returned.body.tracks.items; } async function searchAllOfSpotify() { await setupSpotify(); const audioFiles = await readAudioFiles(); let tracks = []; let progress = 0; let hits = 0; for (const file of audioFiles) { console.log('=> item %d of %d', (progress++), audioFiles.length); const results = await searchTrack(`${file.tags.title} artist:${file.tags.artist}`); if (results.length) { hits++; tracks.push({ file: file.path, title: file.tags.title, artist: file.tags.artist, spotify: results, }); } } console.log('Traversed %d audio files, of which %d had potential results from Spotify', audioFiles.length, hits); await fs.writeFile('spotify.json', JSON.stringify(tracks, undefined, 2)); } searchAllOfSpotify().catch(console.error);